Which promotion do you like best?

What promotion do you like the best...

  • Free dining

  • 25% 35% or 45% off room only

  • Gift Card up to $750.00

  • But 4 days with tickets and get 3 free

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Aug 12, 2009
Just curious as to what promotion people seem to like the best. For us it is buy 4 get 3 free. However, next year we plan on throwing in some Universal park days so a room only disount will probably work better.
I like free dining best, just because I love eating wherever and basically as much as I want for a week:rotfl: We'd never eat near the amount of food that we eat if we weren't on the dining plan, so it's fun to induldge for that week for us. I think the buy 4 get 3 would probably be the best deal for us, money-wise though.
I like the room only discount because we don't book a package, never have. Nor do we use the dining plan that WDW offers.

It is also handy, especially if you are staying at a deluxe resort because you can save $1000's with the 45% room discount. We got a 40% discount and it saved us so much money.
I like the buy 4 get 3 also. Last year we used it for our July trip. This year we had to settle for the discount, until we got the free qs dining pin, which we'll be using for our June trip.
Usually I would say free dining but since we can only go for two days after a cruise this year I am coveting that % off pin that I don't have for the end of August!:headache:
I liked the buy 4 get 3 days free promotion. This was the first time I was able to stay on property. We (4 people) used that promotion last year to stay at the CBR. We got a great deal thru Jetblue where everything, including airfaire was only about $2600. Never done a trip that cheaply before, even staying offsite.
I like the promotion that saves me the most money, and that changes based on the our situation. Last year we went for free dining, and it saved us almost $800. This year just DS and I are going so the free dining wouldn't save us as much as the other promotions. We're going with the gift card promotion.
We like the % off the best. We used the 4/3 last year but wanted to stay longer than 7 nights and while we could have stayed we wouldn't have gotten a discount. This year we are using the 40% for nine nights.

Plus at least at the deluxe level the 4/3 was pretty darn close to 40% off so the two promotions are close to equal but you can stay as many or as few nights as you want with the % off.


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