Who Fartleked?: Putting the FUN back in the RUN - all the way to Goofy '09

Hi, Scott. So sorry you are not feeling well - it really stinks to be sick when you have planned workouts, because you don't want to miss them but you don't feel up to doing them. Trust me, I know that feeling.

My daughter and I have both had our wisdom teeth out. Mine were pulled, hers were surgically removed. It's not as hard as it seems - they give good drugs for that!!! The healing time is quick and then you never have to worry about the stupid things again.

Hope you are feeling better soon. Take care of yourself!

Awwww...even Chris Gaines is worried about you...:sad2:


Here...Chris will try to cheer you up....


Smiling yet??? :confused3

Maybe this will help??? The Prince pose....

:scared1: Chris Gaines!:scared1: :lmao:

Hope you're feeling better soon, Scott. Sometimes, it just feels like everything happens at once.....:hug:

Take good care of you and be sure and listen to what your body is telling you!
Thanks everyone :) (you too Chris...:scared1: )

Just catching things up here...

Thought I'd be back on track yesterday and was anxious to get out there for my 6 miler, but a mere minute into the run my shin got a little tight feeling and I hit the abort button. I'm not one to scrap a run, and there wasn't any real pain there...but something told me to not run on it, that it should not have felt that way. I may have been over cautious but I refuse to push myself into an injury state.

So I went to the FC and did the elliptical for an hour (10.3 miles). It's non-impact so everything felt fine. I was really nice to get a workout in after missing everything on Tuesday.

I'm not sure what the rest of the week will look like in terms of running. I plan on subbing out hour long elliptical sessions for each run that I miss and I'm gonna get out there for a long bike ride on Saturday. My hope is that if I stay away from pounding the pavement this week, I'll be able to long run on the trail this Sunday without incident.

I could use a boatload of cardio cross-training anyway. Need to get rid of some post-Goofy poundage.

Hope all is well with everyone out there.
Hi Scott,

Boy, I m late to the party. The whole Phoenix Rising thing threw me off. I am very happy to have found you though.

I am sorry that you have not been feeling well. You were absolutely right to switch out the low impact elliptical for the running. Way to Listen to your body.:worship: I am also impressed that you did the elliptical. I probably would have bagged the whole workout. Which is why you run marathons.:worship:

When you get your teeth out, go to an oral surgeon. They can give much better drugs. If you get an option go for the propofol.

Take care of yourself,
Hey Scott!

I think you were very smart to scrap that run. There is absolutely no need to push yourself too far resulting in injury. IMHO I think it's better to sway a bit more towards the cautious side. No McInjured around here! :goodvibes

Hope the rest of the week and weekend go well for you on the elliptical and biek and you shins are fully recovered by Sunday!

Hey Scott,

I think you made a smart decision by listening to your body. If the shin says no.... then you don't go!;) (I think our athletic trainer said that to my DH when we were in high school because my DH was running with shin splints. By the way, he was my DB (boyfriend) back then and not my DH.:lmao: )

Hope you have a good weekend!:goodvibes
Hey Scotty! :wave2:

Just checking in to see how the shins are? Are you able to run today??? I hope they are better!

Hello and thank you :goodvibes:

A quick update...

Thursday I ended up scrapping the run again and did the elliptical for an hour. Friday was an XT day so guess what? Yep...elliptical for an hour. Saturday I completed 20 miles on the bike @ a 17 mph clip.

This morning I rounded out a week away from running by opting for one more hour long bonding session with the elliptical.

Now I've got some pesky sinus thing going on. I don't feel sick or feverish or have a sore throat or headache...I just have this build up somewhere in between my throat and my nose. So, I went to CVS and got some Sudafed (WOW...seems the drug industry is booming...I had to provide 7 forms of ID and sign my life away just to get a small pack of the stuff...I'm surprised I don't have to call the ATF every time I consume a pill) and that seems to be working tonight. I MUST be rid of this stuff in a few days...I have an important weekend coming up.

So that's it from my world. Tomorrow is a rest day and oh yeah, I have done pilates all throughout last week, I just didn't journal it. I WILL get back out and run on Tuesday :) (last time I took a week off from running? hmmm...i believe it was Sept. '06 when I went to WDW and was suffering from the beginnings of shin splints...nice to have a break every once in a while I suppose)

Hope all is well with everyone!
Hi there Scotty-boy :wave:

I'm really really REALLY proud of you for stepping back this week and being SO smart about the runs. You have so much discipline to, first of all, not run when you realize that your body is sending you signals to slow down...AND to stay on that d@mn elliptical for an HOUR! Goodness gracious....that is pure insanity!!!

But truly...I'm so very proud of you for taking those steps and ensuring that you'll be out there for many more runs in the future. You inspire me to be a smarter runner buddy! :hug:

As for the sinus deal...I've been having the SAME issue! I hope you get it cleared up so you can feel 100% again!!!! :goodvibes
What Amy said! ;) I'm really proud of you for training smart! I hope those pesky shins heal quickly!!!

Would your upcoming important weekend include rum? wine? margaritas??? :lmao:

Hope you feel better!!!
Hmmm...Important weekend? Don't leave us in suspense. I have to live vicariously.

Good job taking care of yourself. Here's more pixiedust: for those shins.

Have a good week,
Thanks everyone!

The well wishes worked as I think I have rid myself of that sinus deal and the shin is finally cooperating like it should. :goodvibes:

Monday I took off as scheduled and yesterday I took the run indoors as I didn't feel like battling the 25-30mph cold winds (I know...wimpy...LOL). I got to the FC and found all of the treadmills taken (yikes!), so I had to do my warmup on an elliptical. Thankfully a treaddie came free 7 minutes into the elliptical deal so I switched over. I ended up doing 6 miles at a 9:13 pace. Everything felt fine...my shin felt good and my breathing was close to normal...looks like the buildup in my sinuses/lungs has finally dissipated.

So, it's good to be back into the running groove. The week away from it ended up being pretty beneficial as I think I was a bit burnt out. (Note to self: Next year, I'm taking at least two weeks off from running after Goofy)

Tonight I'm headed back to the FC for 45-60 minutes on the elliptical...tomorrow I'm going to run 5 miles and Friday I believe I'm going to take a spin class.

Hope everyone has a great day!
Yay! I'm so glad you are feeling better! Shins and sinus! Sounds like you had a great workout back!

Now you're spinning too!

So glad you're better!
:worship: 60 minutes on the elliptical is just insane-crazy...crazy-insane boy!

Anyway....I'm so impressed with how you handled yourself the past week. You are the only person I know who...while tending to an injury AND illness....logs 60 miles and 7 hours of exercise. Way to go buddy :hug:.

Spin class eh? I think you are going to LOVE it!!! :love: Knowing you...and how much you like to feel like you've "worked out" after a session...I think this is something you'll take to. Way to go! Love how you're mixing up the XT with the pilates, bike and now spin.

Here's your quote for the day. Saw it on the poster while I was running on the dreadmill....

There is no trying. There is only doing and not doing.

Thought you'd like that one!!! :)
Glad you're feeling better, Scott!:thumbsup2 Sounds like you got a great workout in your first day back.:thumbsup2 Keep up the good work!
Hi Scott,
So you are going to try spinning?It is awesome.I have heard many outdoor cyclists say they did not care for it but like indoor soccer to soccer you have to realize that the foundation is the same but they really are nothing alike.Good luck and have fun.The best facial in the world is spinning class!!!!!!!



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