Whole Foods for Health Reasons Revisited + Elimination Diet Challenge (Comments Welco

Had a good week. Very busy. And every time I had a chance to post here, the browser would just lag and take forever to load, so I gave up. Headaches seem to be getting better. I've always drank plenty of water; I have one of those brita bottles with the filter built in the cap. Anyway, I think it's a combination of sinus pressure and hormones. Maybe some eye strain added in, as I'm on the computer alot.

I brought a greens salad, dressing and fruit salad to a superbowl party I went to last night. Good thing; there were sloppy joes, cheese, chips, the salad had bacon... I would have eaten it all a few months ago.

I'm trying almond milk now. I like it better than the soy. I had some soy milk yesterday that I had just opened the day before and realized after I had eaten it that it had gone bad already. I dumped the carton and big chunks of 'curds' came out. Really grossed me out.

Oh, and I tried quinoa this week. I like it. Really yummy and I felt really good after eating it.

I need to get back to my exercise routine, so that's what I'll be working on this week.
What a week. Both kids plus myself had the sickies. It was a bad sinus cold with coughing and headache. The beginning of this week I was up two nights with sick, coughing kids as they tag-teammed me. Then there was a case a whooping cough in my DS's school, so even though I figured he didn't have it (he's been coughing for 2 weeks), I took him to the doc. Actually, I had to since they were sending anyone home who had a cough, but I would have anyway. So, yes, sinus infection and got antibiotics. DD just started hers and will fill her prescription tonight, as she isn't getting better.

So why am I writing this. Because I lost it at lunch on Wednesday. I hadn't slept well in days, was sick myself, and lunch was late due to the doctor visit. So I picked up McDonald's cheeseburgers and fries with a Coke. (Oh, the horror! :scared1:) I will tell, though, that it just tasted soooo salty and I felt like sh*t afterwards, but whether just from being tired and stress or from the food (or a combination) I just don't know. I've had other less than perfect moments as well: a donut, some chips... But surprise, when I got on the scale this morning I got a 189. Really? I did not expect that. So I supose being good 90% of the time is still better than not trying at all. I also took my bp pill only 2 times this week and was taking sudafed like candy (which raises bp) and still hung around 120/80. So I'm inspired to keep trying (just keep swimming, just keep swimming...)

One of my goals this weekend is to get my vacay pics off my cameras. I've just been so busy and trying to do what needed to be done these last few weeks, that I haven't had any time.
For those who had an interest in Forks Over Knives...

The son of one of the doctors in the movie also has a movie/website/book with more practical info like recipes, etc. I just found it, so am starting to check it out. http://engine2diet.com/ The movie was really good; more practical.

My progress: I'm still moving forward. I'm feeling better now (cold-wise), as are the rest of the family. I still feel kind of drained, though.

I'm starting to get to the point where if I deviate from eating real food, I can really tell a difference. My stomach feels yucky and I get kind of tired and achy after eating something like a piece of pizza. I'm starting to actually look forward to eating, say, a bowl of fruit or veggie taco wrap. I'm so out of my element. I'm trying to avoid eating the same foods over and over again.
Don't know why I haven't commented on this before! My friend suggested watching Forks over Knives one night when she came to my house in October. Wow! They had seriously valid points and for me it was hard to think about going to the kitchen and frying up a piece of chicken. I always thought life HAD to be healthier without meat, and since that night we watched it I have been vegetaraian. Kind of crazy to just give up all of a sudden, but I feel a lot better about myself.

For me it's been tough sticking to vegetarian and not going straight to vegan already! Everything that they said about milk and dairy, I make vegan meals probably 5 times a week. I don't want to get into yet since I haven't been a vegetarian that long and I don't want to miss any nutrients that I don't know how to replace. However if you want to try vegan cheese I suggest Daiya cheese.

You have been doing great so far! Thanks for the link to recipes, I'll check it out. http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/ This is a blog I read constantly and have made a couple of recipes from. Yes, she is a vegan cook, but I think learning some of these recipes will help with making regular vegetarian recipes since you can just use regular cheese for most of the recipes. It was all delicious.

I'm a huge advocate for giving up soda of any kind. I just don't see how it does anything for you. I gave up all soda in 2007 but admit I do drink sprite when I have the flu because it helps for some reason. That's about 4-5 a year, otherwise it's all water and tea! The headaches may be from not getting the caffeine from sodas, when I gave it up it was bad for about 2 weeks before it finally stopped. One of the biggest benefits to me is that when I would drink too much soda I would have horrible aches in my back during the night. After I stopped drinking soda, they went away. My grandmother gave up soda for a period and said hers had gone away too. I have accidently sipped a few sodas over the years (from somebody elses cup unknowingly) and it actually felt like it was burning my mouth. Not fun at all.

It's a great feeling when you'd rather have a salad or something other than eating out or "junk food".

I will definitely be following your journal, keep up the good work!! :goodvibes
Thanks SnowWhite for your words of encouragement. I'm glad you liked the movie. I couldn't watch the pork plant part. I have this thing with pork. It started when I was cooking a pork loin in a crock pot during my pregnancy. The smell of it all day cooking just made more sick as the day went on. 15 years later and I still can barely stand it.

This week was crazy again. I think I should just stop calling weeks like this crazy and just accept it's the norm :rotfl2:

Still going strong. I'm having a visit from my friend this week, so will weigh myself when it's done. My headaches are definitely hormone driven. I've had one now for a few days that I can't shake. I can't sleep well, either. I've read about post-mirena cases that follow this pattern. The thought is that all my hormones have dumped, so it's like a withdrawl headache since I don't have the progestins from the IUD anymore.

Sounds like you're doing really well!

I saw Forks over Knives and read the Engine 2 Diet book about a month ago, and it has been life-changing for me! I'm eating a plant-based diet about 90% of the time, and feel so much better now!

Keep up the good work!:thumbsup2
Thanks, schmass. By the way, your puppy in a tutu is cute.

I've had problems this past week or so. I started craving cheese and then it went downhill from there. My weight's stayed steady, but I've felt yucky and insomnic. Although, that may have been a virus; everyone was sick. What is it about being sick in winter that makes a salad just sound gross? But I'm feeling better now and I'll try to get back on track. I think at this point (around 190 for a while now) exercise is going to be important, too.
OK, I'm coming clean. I lost it around fat Tuesday. I had donuts, Taco Bell (even though without meat and cheese), a McDonald's fish sandwich, fries and Coke (that tv ad just spoke to me). It just tasted so good. It took about four days for me to start feeling bloated and yucky. So I've been good this entire week. Salads with lots of fruits and veggies in them. Whole wheat spaghetti with veggies like zucchini, tomatoes, onions, yellow squash, garlic, herbs. Brown rice with stir fry veggies. Black bean tacos at home. Oat meal with walnuts and dried cranberries. It's taken a week but I'm starting to feel better again.

I'm still for some reason having trouble getting back into exercise. I think the weather has something to do with it, plus there's been a lot going on this week and it's easy to come up with excuses. So, again, my goal is to keep eating well and get back to my exercise routine. I'll be working a full time schedule this week to cover someone at work (I'm usually part time.), so this may be a hard week to do it. But there's always stuff going on, so I just have to make it a priority.

Wishing myself and you a good and healthy week. ~Kathy
Let's see, after cutting stuff out, what am I missing the most. I would have to say cheese. Oh, I love cheese. It's so good...
I had some major issues when they increased my Lisinopril. I was on 10 mg for YEARS off and on with never an issue. Then they incresed to 20 started getting some anxiety and dizziness just like that. My Dr and NP were working to see what could be wrong. Heart checked out but the eventually sent me to cardiologist who also said it all looked good after a echo u/s followed by a stress test and stress echo. He said good news and I was tearing up. Yeah it didn't feel like "good" news to me. I mean really it is great my heart is holding up but so scary to not know what was causing issues. Ended up with 40 mg of Lisinopril and panic attacks with lightheaded/faint feeling(never fainted though) shortness of breath and although I'd swear I was going to be having a heart attack all the time they said simply anxiety and panic attacks. I stopped my daily Claritin first and I did have a fog lifted there was no major improvements in a month so pretty much begged my Dr. to switch my BP pill. It took a good 3 months to start to feel somewhat normal. I also take 4000 mg of fish oil a day. 2 in morning and 2 in the evening.

Now I think my beta blocker may be increasing my triglycerides. They've gone up 30 points in 3 months since switching to the beta blocker. But my fast blood glucose has gone up too. SO I'm working on refining down to really healthy scratch meals. I don't want more pills and would like to kick these ones to the curb.
Thanks for sharing, Zoesmama03. I hope you feel better soon. I swear the stuff they give us to make us better in some ways makes us worse in others. And then it just snowballs. Here's whats been helping me.

  1. Getting the Mirena out. This made such a huge difference. I don't know if it was the hormones or having a foreign object inside me, but this instantly improved things. I'm currently using the diaphragm so I'm not putting in any fake hormones.
  2. Cutting out caffeine. Another biggy. I had a headache for at least a week while cutting it.
  3. Reducing sodium. I'm probably getting less that than 2000 mg a day.
  4. Getting more sleep. This is hard for me. It's so easy to stay up. I can instantly tell when I haven't.
  5. Eating my whole foods plant-based diet. Again, the difference is noticeable when I do this. Specifically whole grains and a big leafy salad a day.

I'm sure I could add exercise to this list, but I've been bad lately. I'm currently on 5 mg a day. I've been skipping when I get a low reading in the morning, though. SO maybe every 2 to 3 days. I started feeling dizzy at 10 mg (and so much worse when I had 20), so I feel for you. Good luck and keep in touch.
I'm still here... I'm still struggling along... I'm still about 190 pounds...

I got sick a week back which sucks! I had a terrible headache, stomach yucky, slight fever. Didn't really eat much. Then after a few days I was hungry. We went to a friends over the weekend and should have brought some of my own food. I got stranded and ate a tuscan chicken pizza with spinach and roasted red pepper. I got so sick and threw up because I couldn't digest the cheese. The only good point of the last few weeks was the weather. We had some days in the 80s. It's been awesome.

Being sick, I had time to daydream about going to DW. I'm not going for about 2 years, but I can't help myself. It helps me feel better. Anyway, I came up with some fun and crazy ideas. From trying a moderate for the first time, to the new AoA resort. Then a split stay between POP and AKL or WL. Then renting points for BCV/WLV/AKL; 3 nights each (that would be crazy.) Anyway, it's still kind of fun to dream...
Loved forks over knives!!

I also follow a whole food plant based starch centered oil free diet. I use Dr. McDougall's recipes.
Cheese was the hardest thing for me to give up.
I have been eating this way for over 2.5 years now. It does get easier as time goes by.
For eating at WDW I use the special diet request at my table service meals.
I talk to the chef. The hardest thing to get the chef to understand is the oil free meals I eat.

I soo understand the struggles you have gone through with food choices.

DrMcdougall.com has discussion boards.(recipes,newsletters and other info) I have found a great deal of help there. For support in eating this way I would highly recommend taking a look.
Loved forks over knives!!

I also follow a whole food plant based starch centered oil free diet. I use Dr. McDougall's recipes.
Cheese was the hardest thing for me to give up.
I have been eating this way for over 2.5 years now. It does get easier as time goes by.
For eating at WDW I use the special diet request at my table service meals.
I talk to the chef. The hardest thing to get the chef to understand is the oil free meals I eat.

I soo understand the struggles you have gone through with food choices.

DrMcdougall.com has discussion boards.(recipes,newsletters and other info) I have found a great deal of help there. For support in eating this way I would highly recommend taking a look.

Thanks for the link. I'll check it out!

This has been a hard month in general. It's like I never "recovered" from my period. I think I may fall into the category of polycystic. The weather has been wonky, which has made my allergies go crazy, too. 80s to 30s with all kinds of budding shrubbery and grasses ...
Hello. I know it's been a while since posting here. I've had a down time and just didn't feel like it. Spring has always been hard for me because everything feels so cold and damp and with the time change and differences in sunrise/sunset my sleep schedule usually gets off and I feel crummy. I usually make some bad food choices and this year has not been an exception. It's hard to eat salads when you're cold and tired.

Anyway, things seem to be balancing out and I'm ready to get back to it. I have good news. My ultrasounds both turned out good so all my past troubles are on hold. The cysts in my breast are fine (2 are the same and 1 actually got smaller) and the cyst on my ovary is gone. I'm not sure if my diet changes did that, but I'm sure they didn't hurt.

My weight's the same. My blood pressure's steady, although I had some up days when I lost it in my diet that day. I've found that my system is just really sensitive and reacts to alot of things. I'm still holding off on saying I'm sensitive to gluten. I think I'd go crazy trying to keep track of that. I do have a lot of days where I feel foggy and my stomach hurts, though. We'll see.
I know it's been a while since I posted here. Things have been really crazy for me with this website I've been working on. It's been kind of a nightmare. I've been almost done for weeks now. My family's trying to remember what I look like...

Anyway, this plan kind of lost it about a month or so ago. I got sick and the weather was really cold and the only thing that appealed was chicken noodle soup. That open a "flood gate" of food. Cheese tasted sooo good.

So I'm still at the same weight though. I went up a few pounds. Then I freaked out and have slowly been getting back to a better diet. (Why is it always harder the second time? It's like your body fights you.) SO I'm back to 191 and my blood pressure's about 120 over 80. Still taking that low dose of lisinopril though.

One cool thing that's come out of this is my kids love Boca. Boca crumbles, burgers, chicken. They ask for it. Like it better than the meat version they said. These are kids that will only eat fruits and veggies if they're bananas, apples, baby carrots or red grapes. Yeah!

Happy 4th everyone!
I'm still here. I have to get back to my plan. I haven't been following it. I still weigh the same, but I'm having headaches and fatigue issues again.

Someone I work with passed away unexpectedly. She was on vacation, came back for a few days, had trouble breathing and had it checked out. It turned out she had cancer in her liver, spine, lungs and brain. Within days she was on a respirator. She got off of it, but within weeks was gone. She was really into health and wellness, ate right, wonderful personality. She was only 48. It hit me pretty hard. For a while I was like, if she did everything right and that happened, I might as well do what I want while I'm here. I'm only 5 years out from her age. But I've worked it out and I'm ready to get back on track.
Time for an update. I'm off my blood pressure meds. WooHoo! I'm running around 117/76. That's the good news. The bad news is I threw my knee out just before Christmas. Nothing tore, but I was walking with cane and had a hc tag for my car. 2 months after, my knee was still swollen (over an inch more than the other). I've been doing physical therapy for the last few months. Things are good, if not yet 100%. All in I'm set back about $1K. I'm also up almost 10 lbs because no real cardio. Eek!

I've been taking a B complex and magnesium supplement. I was having problems with headaches and insomnia. I've tried this and it really seems to be helping.

I'm excited to start cardio again. It's too cold to walk here (windchill this morning was like 1 degree or something). But we got an elliptical and stationary bike up in the living room, so I'm ready to go!
So I'm drinking shakes with chia seeds and spinach...

...And eating salads with only olive oil and lemon...

...I'm doing an elimination diet.

I had gained weight even though I was not eating much and had periods of headache and brain fog, as well as tummy issues. Then one lunch I was eating a salad and realized my mouth was on fire. I realized this sensation had been slowly creating up when eating salads.

After some Internet research it hit me. Vinegar. I have a mold allergy. Also eggs and tomatoes. I was tested as a teenager, but have been able to mostly ignore it. Not sure if its my age or this crazy spring, but it was obvious. So I've cut out for 10 days:

Tomatoes (and other night shades for testing)
Foods with mold (include cheese, vinegar, strawberries, anything fermented or with yeast, at risk fruits and veggies)

And just to test:

There might be others

I need to go, but quickly, I feel a lot better and have lost 10 pounds in 10 days. I feel like just eating what I'm eating for while. I'm supposed to start adding potential problem foods next week. We'll see ...


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