Who's to Judge??


Earning My Ears
Jan 19, 2003
This is in reply to a few posts I have read here. Who can judge you as a parent or a professional if it's OK to keep children out of school for vacation, if it's ok to discipline in front of others in parks and so on... As a parent and family advocate I say only you wear your shoes. ONLY you really know what is best for your child and your family. If others want to make policies or comments that make you feel "judged" let them, just DONT listen. Will it really matter 10 years from now what grade they got in elementary school..NOT
welcome to the DIS!!
i agree with you. but i homeschool my DS so i just schedule our school breaks around our vacations. too many families these days do not spend quality time together. when a parent cant take vacation during the summer the schools should more than welcome them taking some time off during the school year. and i do understand how important the class instruction is. but if a parent has their trip planned out then they should be able to instruct the child so they understand the material. JMHO
Does anyone else see the irony in judging people for being too judgemental?
As a teacher I find this a difficult issue. For British people, transatlantic flights are very expensive at the beginnings of holidays, it usually costs us more than $1000 for each adult about $750/child just for flights. So for a few days, I think pulling a child out may not be so bad... Except, it's usually alot longer than that, and it invariably is a less able child who can do without missing important work.
As someone who can't even take a single day off out of holiday periods, perhaps I'm biased!
Don't judge until you walk in someone else's shoes! Great idea.

Although, I do have to wonder what is going through a parent's head when they go totally beserk on their kids at WDW or anywhere else. ;)
Hey, if you're the parent then you should be mature enough to make the call about whether you are hurting your child by taking them out of school.

I personally tend to think that if they are in elementary and are a good student, then it shouldn't be a problem. If they are struggling with school ... then I'd think twice about it.

Once they get into Middle and High School then it is more difficult because of the course load and the way the information is given to the students (e.g. as lecture/during class time).

As far as how you discipline your child in public ... well, I don't like to see any child humiliated or beaten, whether in public or in private. A child needs some "consistent" guidelines and structure ... more than that, they need to be treated like human beings!
This post was meant to be a happy one! No energy for debate as we've had winter for almost 6 months now!!! I am happy! 37 days!!!!!!!!Dolphin for 2 days then wlv. IF WE SURVIVE the drive with our 2 boys 4& 6 (which we never hit or humiliate). My job is teaching parents kinder ways that work. (usually) NO NEED TO REPLY with NEGATIVES! life is too short and winter is too long!
Good luck on the drive to WDW. We have bought a portable DVD player and it is a wonderful thing to have. My DD watched 3 movies on the way down last year and it was very enjoyable for all. This summer we will be driving down with 3 kids with a friend of ours so the DVD will come in very, very handy on that trip. In fact we even take it on trips that are 2 hours.
Have a great trip!


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