Why aren't there more people in the College Program

Gimme a break ""3 or 4 am" is insane hours? Not for someone who's ever worked a day in their life.

I'm just saying , I got the work history to back up the fact I don't just "Talk the talk", I walk the walk.

Plenty of these young college folk with no work history are all enthusiastic and tell the potential employers what they wanna hear, and then they have to deal with putting in 12 hours daily of hard labor and they have major breakdowns.

Thats why I hate teh college kids we hire where I work, they all can't handle it.

Thats why Disney SHOULD value work history and work ethic more than the most smiley, pampered college kid.

And I DID give up a full-ride scholarship to do the Disney program, lol.

Working from 3 pm to 3 am is actually a pretty insane shift - and I've been working since I was 14. I've only had to work to 3 am twice, and that was during Christmas season at a major retailer, when we needed to do floor changes before and after Christmas, and half the store didn't show up because of weather.

I applied three times before I got in, and that was with plenty of work and volunteer history, and not "BSing" on the web interview (and I passed it).

There are things they look for, and it's not the "most smiley" kid, because I was that too - I was also not sure of myself and my skills the first time I applied, and I came across as unsure to the interviewer, which is why I did not get in. Once I was more confident after realizing what I did wrong, I got in.

So they don't accept pampered kids on account of them being pampered and happy - they make it very clear you will be working a lot. Some people just don't listen to that, and realize afterwards.

Disney wants dedicated people who will do their job to the best of their ability, and not complain about it. Guests are there to have a good time, and belligerent or rude CMs are going to ruin people's vacation. You may interact with thousands of Guests a day, and be rude to one or two of them. You probably won't remember them after an hour, but things like that could make or break a vacation - I still remember all the rude CMs I dealt with on my past trip. They didn't ruin my vacation, but they were a pain to deal with, which is not what Disney wants.

ETA: Oh, and I also have a full-ride scholarship as well. However, I talked to people at my school, and they're putting it on hold for me when I come back, because they know what an amazing opportunity this is for me, since I'm already writing my thesis on Disney.
Yeah, in all honesty there Were other reasons I gave up my scholarship. The Disney Program was only one reason, but it DID help me make the decision.

I also wanted to pay for my own college education through hard work, and since im also working to support myself, couldn't do full-time school. Plus, I wanted to prove I was rebel enough to not need to suck up to authority for my education :P

I understand what you're saying about having to be confident and forth-coming in your skills to convince the interviewer you're right for the program.

I guess when it comes down to it, even though I KNOW I'm a good interviewer and excel at speaking to an audience, I fear that I could do everything right and still not get in.

Maybe I want to be in the Disney College Program too much. I guess in all honesty I'm tired of my crap job, of working hard and trying to make college work with a full time job, and sometimes I wish that I didn't want to work for the Disney company so much that I chose to take a difficult route to my future. I'm pretty smart I guess, but I always played it off and chose to give up opportunties in order to chase crazy dreams that didn't pan out. I guess I fear that this is one of those crazy dreams.

Wishing may work well in the Disney tales, but it takes a lot of courage to pursue in real life.
Yeah I'm going to be doing the fall program this year and it's my first real job. Otherwise I just had a couple of paper routes for ~4 years. I was kind of surprised I got it since I thought my interview was bad but then again I did get custodial which many people might not put down. Guess I was just nervous but it's good to know I'm not a horrible interviewer :D
I don't think it is very well known because whenever someone finds out what I'm doing this year they all ask why they didn't do anything cool like that and how I even knew about it haha. It also makes it easier to do the program for me when I don't have a major yet.
I'm older than the average CPer by a good chunk, I've been working since I was 15 and I've never had a shift go to 3AM, even working at a newspaper on the news desk.

I have tons of work experience but I don't think that counts for a whole lot on something like the CP. To go with the Disney culture, they need a certain type of person, a certain type of personality. Get the right person and you can train them to do the job. That's the basic principal of hiring in the hospitality business (I'm working on a BBA in Hospitality Management).

For the roles available to CPs, they're entry level jobs, I don't think that other than lifeguarding there are any that are largely dependant on having work experience.

It all boils down to the right person at the right time in the right position.
Yeah but how are they gonna know you're the right person, and not just some pampered punk that's gonna cop-out when the going gets tough.

I mean, my first job was hard on me...

All I'm saying is, how is a recruiter gonna know that this punk that's got no work experience is gonna be able to handle a tough job?

Plenty of them have a great attitude till their first couple weeks of flipping burgers eight hours a day. (Yes, I know some CP's who were shocked to be doing some elbow grease)

Theres no way to "know" for sure. But they plan on people quitting I'm sure.
Yeah but how are they gonna know you're the right person, and not just some pampered punk that's gonna cop-out when the going gets tough.

I mean, my first job was hard on me...

All I'm saying is, how is a recruiter gonna know that this punk that's got no work experience is gonna be able to handle a tough job?

Plenty of them have a great attitude till their first couple weeks of flipping burgers eight hours a day. (Yes, I know some CP's who were shocked to be doing some elbow grease)
They probably ask about other experiences, like volunteering, babysitting jobs, other internships, work ethic at school, etc.
Since when is working til 4 am something every job requires you to do? I had plenty of work experience before I got here but the places I worked closed around 9:30. Now I work at MK and am often scheduled to work 11 hours with the shifts ending at 5 am. Even if you're used to working, working at Disney is something different and a lot to get used to.
They do mass hiring and have to trust the recruiters to make decisions based on a fifteen minute conversation. It must work, or else they would change the process. They initiated the web based interview to dwindle it down a little bit more to someone they would like to hire.
Big deal. Again.

I work at 14 hour shifts all the time, or close. Its true I don't do a lot of overnight shifts, seeing as I'm in the process of relocating closer to my job, but plenty of times I get stuck early in the mornings, and don't leave till like, one A.M the next day. (lawl)

Its how minimum wage people live-They work crazy long hours and work shifts that would curl the hair of you nine-to-five lot.

You seem to be up in arms about the way Disney does things and the hours.

I've worked minimum wage jobs but never past 2 AM. I'm planning on having to become nocturnal when working at Disney.

Disney has decades of choosing people for the College Program. For some reason, I'm fairly certain that they have it down pretty pat. There will always be people who leave and are termed but that's the case at any job.
You seem to be up in arms about the way Disney does things and the hours.

I've worked minimum wage jobs but never past 2 AM. I'm planning on having to become nocturnal when working at Disney.

Disney has decades of choosing people for the College Program. For some reason, I'm fairly certain that they have it down pretty pat. There will always be people who leave and are termed but that's the case at any job.

You seem to have a lot of confidence in them, maybe cause you were selected?

Maybe they just got your name from some random lottery. Maybe?
I don't think it's a lottery. I think there is something to the interviews. I talked to a friend who is a long time CM (13 years long, and he did 4 CPs before going full time) and one of answers I gave was almost exactly what Disney policy is. I had no idea until I talked to him after the interview. I think that Disney knows exactly what they're looking for in personality and answering questions.

I don't know about you, but my questions were not typical interview questions. They were definately more personality based than any job I've ever interviewed for, and there have been quite a few. I was able to relate previous job experience plus life experience in my answers, as I'm not the typical CPer. I'm a non-traditional student, so I don't know if that played into things at all either.
Hmmmm... That sounds good.

I'm a non-trad student , too, comrade. I'm giving up on this thread. I'm just gonna say that I hope I get in no matter how much competition there is, no matter how many sheltered rich college punks apply.

not all the people that apply and those that have gotten into the program are rich college punks. i have three friends there now who are no way shape or form rich. they do however have the drive and desire to learn from one of the best companies in customer service.
I don't really understand why you'd think that. There are hundreds of people doing the college program and it doesn't seem like the majority are rich and sheltered or anything. I haven't done it yet so I can't really say but I'm pretty sure there will be many different people from all sorts of situations.
Disney is looking for soft skills. Hard skills are easy to teach, soft skills are a gift. Disney wants friendly, accommodating, hospitable, non-abrasive people working for them as that is who best fits into the organizational culture and will best serve its Guests. You would be surprised at how well recruiters can "read" people in a 15 minute interview. Of course there will be a few who are not successful, but overall, the program works well from start to finish.


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