why did you choose your dis/vmk name???

Cause I like dragons. And I fancy myself a lord of them, plus 11 and 7 are my fav #s. Make sense?
Elloz! I'm Emily. I'm Polish. In Polish, my name is Emilka. I'm a beach bum. Emilka+beach bum+ the ever so wonderful, one and only, you truly, milkabum.
I'm moikturtle here and on my main VMK account.

It's one of the odder names, I suppose, so I'll explain its origins. :)

I'm a HUGE fan of Alice in Wonderland. One of the characters in the book (sadly not in the Disney version) is the Mock Turtle. My email address used to be mock_turtle_soup (since he laments to Alice about becoming soup in the story). I was in a chat one night and one of my friends asked for my email address. I accidentally typed moik_turtle_soup, so it became a joke. After that I decided to just use moikturtle for stuff since it was unique, connected to Alice in Wonderland, and had a funny memory attached to it.

I have a few mules...one of them is FanofAIW (Fan of Alice in Wonderland). Another is CheeseIsGouda because I LOVE cheese. And I love to say "cheese is gouda" all the time. In fact my website's address is cheeseisgouda.org . Hehe.
I Chose My Name The_Mike Because I Heard Of Super Hero Suits On VMK So I Joined And I was Like I WANT TO BE A SUPER HERO! :rotfl2: :lmao: So Its The_Mike And My Friends Ams ( Yogawe ) Made Me the-mike at disney lol She sort of copied The_Mike which is awesimo cause Their Twins! :rotfl2: :lmao:
Nibblemouse said:
Mice like cheesy cheese
Cheesy cheesy cheese cheesy cheese
Cheesy people include:Renpener and Nibblemouse

Heehee. You should include me on the list too. I <3 Cheese. Even started a cheese cult up a few years back. I was hoping to get the required amount to make it a religion, but I only managed to get about 15 people. Alas.
dis- ktbutterfly2011- my name is katie and the shortened version for typing and ect is kt, butterfly because i used to and still do like butterflies, 2011 because its the year I graduate.

VMK- Eitaka- it woulda been ktbutterfly2011 but i thought the log in and the name couldn't be the same so Eitaka is a Katie backwards.
Uh do I have to explain? My mom is stitchfans, I'm stitchfansjr. :confused3
I don't know why I chose "AllisonDude" for my VMK name. I chose Allison bc it's my name, but no clue why I chose the dude. People always call me dude, it REALLY gets me mad. :sad2:
LuNaReVe on DIS beacause- Luna is like the moon and Eve like the bibical character
KaylaBix on vmk because- Kayla,my name and bix my character i made up
Mnementh said:
Mine comes from the Pern book series by Anne McCaffrey. It's the name of one of the main dragons in there. My fiance loves that series and she came up with the name. That's also my VMK name.

Also, I have two mules. The first one I made was named Mulee, and the reason for that should be pretty obvious. The other one is called K.na, which is the name of the main character in the novel that my fiance is writing (actually, it's K'na, but the registration wouldn't take apostrophes). :thumbsup2

I love the Pern books. I'm reading Dragonsblood now. And went to some of the Weyrfest panels at DragonCon this year. My husband got to meet Todd McCaffrey at DragonCon too.
Most people think I chose "cat herder" because I have so many cats. Well, I do have some cats but that is not why.

I'm in a real life group where I've been an officer for several years. We are always trying to get more people to participate and not just set on the edges of the group and watch. The expression "it was like herding cats" means to attempt to do the impossible. So trying to get anyone in that group to do something is like "herding cats".
StitchfansJr said:
Uh do I have to explain? My mom is stitchfans, I'm stitchfansjr. :confused3
I don't know why I chose "AllisonDude" for my VMK name. I chose Allison bc it's my name, but no clue why I chose the dude. People always call me dude, it REALLY gets me mad. :sad2:
Dude. LOL
my VMK name has changed to HurricanRun(there was supposed to be an e at the end of Hurrican but i made a typo :rolleyes: ) Hurricane Run id the name of a famous racehorse it wouldnt accept Electrocutionist
hmm, i thought i posted on here...oh well....Ahockeyguy....cause i play hockey and work at an ice rink driving the Zamboni(everyones dream job) :cool1: ....and the guy part well....cause im a guy lol


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