why do straight women love gay men


Mar 24, 2006
At least I do. I used to have a couple gay guy friends in the theatre world.... the best friends I've had. No threat of being hit on, no girlie drama, and always there when I needed them. We lost contact over the years since I am straight and have a family now... but I do miss the relationship. Do gay guys feel the same about straight women??
At least I do. I used to have a couple gay guy friends in the theatre world.... the best friends I've had. No threat of being hit on, no girlie drama, and always there when I needed them. We lost contact over the years since I am straight and have a family now... but I do miss the relationship. Do gay guys feel the same about straight women??

I'm female (and straight) and one of my best friends from years ago was gay. He was awesome! Had great fashion sense, awesome dancer, etc.
Straight man here. Some of my good friends are Gal pals. I treat them as people, if you have a good outlook on life then :thumbsup2 if your attitude is bad, then we go our seperate ways.
Honestly, it all boils down to personality.

One would assume a gay man would appeal to a girl, because well, they like guys too...it's a different perspective, liking the same thing- sometimes.

My best friend of 10 years is gay and our friendship had nothing to do with him being gay (and that appealing to me)-since we met young and well before he realized he was. We were sweethearts gone wrong, lol.
Weighing in on the Gay Man side, I have always loved my straight women friends...Some of my dearest and oldest friends are straight women...not sure why, but we have a great time without ever feeling ,like we are competing, no drama, just lots of caring and love...
I jhave had the same type relationship with Lesbian women too....
I think gay men are popular with women regardless of the women's orientation because the women are so charmed by a man who doesn't treat them like their company is a waste of his time. I have met a number of lesbians who have tried to go straight and were just overwhelmed by the rush straight men are usually in. One poor soul said that it made her feel like she like she was dating the discovery channel!
We're lesbians and our two very bestest friends in the world (see the retired Trip Report A Very Merry Christmas something or other, for photos and details) are a gay male couple (we were very lucky, we've known one forever and when he FINALLY partnered up, we all four loved each other).

I think gay men are just universally appealing!!! (Ooooh, maybe that's why so many straight guys are so threatened- maybe they even find them so!)
Straight man here. Some of my good friends are Gal pals. I treat them as people, if you have a good outlook on life then :thumbsup2 if your attitude is bad, then we go our seperate ways.

RFLMAO @ "Gal Pals" :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl:
I have a few woman friends, but most of my best friends are straight males. I'm relieved that the implication that only a straight woman (or any woman) can understand a gay man is changing.


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