Why I THINK dogs are better than cats

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Sep 11, 2005
Why dogs are better than cats:
1. We don't poop in a box and leave traces of feces all over the house.
2. We're protective of our owners and think about something before doing so.
3. We don't hiss or scratch our families.
4. We don't sit on the couch and drool all day. We enjoy having fun and exploring new places!
5. We've been 'Man's best friend' for god knows how long.
6. We all have different appearances, while cats all have similar outlines).
7. We get along with one another once we give them a chance to get to know each other.
8. We have entire shows and contests made especially for us. Not to mention stores like www.trixieandpeanut.com
9. Kids aren't afraid of us.
10. We give kisses, eat extra scraps, and take part in activities along with you, adding to the many memories of your family.

So, have anything to add?
Think cats are better than dogs? Give me ten reasons why, because as you can see I beg to differ. :rolleyes:
milkabum said:
Why dogs are better than cats:
1. We don't poop in a box and leave traces of feces all over the house.
2. We're protective of our owners and think about something before doing so.
3. We don't hiss or scratch our families.
4. We don't sit on the couch and drool all day. We enjoy having fun and exploring new places!
5. We've been 'Man's best friend' for god knows how long.
6. We all have different appearances, while cats all have similar outlines).
7. We get along with one another once we give them a chance to get to know each other.
8. We have entire shows and contests made especially for us. Not to mention stores like www.trixieandpeanut.com
9. Kids aren't afraid of us.
10. We give kisses, eat extra scraps, and take part in activities along with you, adding to the many memories of your family.

So, have anything to add?
Think cats are better than dogs? Give me ten reasons why, because as you can see I beg to differ. :rolleyes:

1. We don't poop in a box and leave traces of feces all over the house. -- That's because they eat it, so it's in their stomachs instead of a box. Plus, they don't care where they go!

2. We're protective of our owners and think about something before doing so. -- There are plenty of breeds of cats who aren't "fraidy cats" and will bite and scratch intruders to protect their owners.

3. We don't hiss or scratch our families. -- No, they just bark annoyingly and loudly at anything that moves.

4. We don't sit on the couch and drool all day. We enjoy having fun and exploring new places! -- Um... in my experience, that's backwards. For one thing, I've never seen a cat drool, but almost every dog I've seen drools. Cats are hyper and enjoy having fun as much as dogs do.

5. We've been 'Man's best friend' for god knows how long. -- Dog's can be man's best friend, but a cat can be anyone's best friend.

6. We all have different appearances, while cats all have similar outlines). -- How is that so? There are so many varieties of cats. Take a look at a manx cat and compare it to, say, a Persian, and tell me the outlines are similar.

7. We get along with one another once we give them a chance to get to know each other. -- So do cats, all it takes is a good butt sniff and they're good, as long as one cat doesn't try to sleep in another's spot.

8. We have entire shows and contests made especially for us. Not to mention stores like www.trixieandpeanut.com -- Again, so do cats. www.cfainc.org/exhibitors/show-schedule.html

9. Kids aren't afraid of us. -- Put a kid in a room with a Domestic Shorthair cat and a Husky dog and tell me which one the kid is more afraid of.

10. We give kisses, eat extra scraps, and take part in activities along with you, adding to the many memories of your family. -- Cat's love to lick their owners, will gladly take table scraps, and enjoy playing games as much as any dog.

I don't mean any offense. This is all in fun.
I beg to differ on:
1. Dogs don't eat their poop. They do their business, their owner picks it up and throws it away. No cat feces in the house, no nasty stench.
2. Dogs only drool when they pant, which is obviously going to happen if their mouth is open. If they drool in other way, that's because they either have a deformed jaw and cannot close their mouth or
3. We don't bark annoyingly, only if there is something out the ordinary or something we need isn't given to us. Like a baby cries. At least we don't screech and meow every five seconds.
4. The child would mostly be afraid of the cat. Why? The husky looks friendlier, more playful, and softer. Why wouldn't any kid want to play with a big fluffy puppy?
5. When I said outline, I mean skinny body, pointy ears, and a small head. Dogs on the other hand can have larger snouts, short legs, a tiny figure, or even a scrunched up nose.
I have to admit, it is impossible for me to resist a cute little kitten. And I really do like cats, for any good reason that anyone else has... but give me a dog over a cat any day. They are more fun!
I agree, kittens are cute but I prefer a floofy puppy anyday!
I personally can't resist a puppy, but kittens have that cute little Meow....

I like cats because they can curl up and meow at you. When dogs bark, it just kind of scares me.
Dogs can curl up and make cute little sighs.
And would you honestly be scared of Renpeners little yorkie?
Alrighty then you choose, evil cat..

or an angry Fluffy

1. Dogs don't eat their poop. They do their business, their owner picks it up and throws it away. No cat feces in the house, no nasty stench.
And when someone new comes over and they get too excited... there goes the carpet...
2. Dogs only drool when they pant, which is obviously going to happen if their mouth is open. If they drool in other way, that's because they either have a deformed jaw and cannot close their mouth or
Even when cats pant... they don't drool.
3. We don't bark annoyingly, only if there is something out the ordinary or something we need isn't given to us. Like a baby cries. At least we don't screech and meow every five seconds.
Same goes for cats... they only meow if they are needing something.
4. The child would mostly be afraid of the cat. Why? The husky looks friendlier, more playful, and softer. Why wouldn't any kid want to play with a big fluffy puppy?

5. When I said outline, I mean skinny body, pointy ears, and a small head. Dogs on the other hand can have larger snouts, short legs, a tiny figure, or even a scrunched up nose.
This may be true of MOST (but certainly not all) domestic cats out there... but cats extend out much larger into the Wild Category than dogs. You have to remember, Lions, Tigers, Leopards, Panthers, Genets, etc. are still a part of the cat family.
We have entire shows and contests made especially for us. Not to
mention stores like www.trixieandpeanut.com --

1 of the best songs ever made (story wise as well as moral wise... IMO) was Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin (remade many many times over). Also, cats have thier own broadway musical... try to find 1 called "dogs".
That is being biased to highest form.

Dogs aren't always Mr. Playfull. My friends dog has killed ten birds, and a chicken...At least cats stay small.
milkabum said:
Alrighty then you choose, evil cat..

or an angry Fluffy

Hmm, a cat yawning, or a mad-looking dog?

I will have to go with the cat... :rolleyes:

Sorry...but I'm choosing the evil cat over the evil dog anyday of the week.
AlienNation said:
1 more thing... about the dog having stories and such... 1 of the best songs ever made (story wise as well as moral wise... IMO) was Cats in the Cradle - Harry Chapin (remade many many times over). Also, cats have thier own broadway musical... try to find 1 called "dogs".[/COLOR]

1. If your dog is properly housetrained, then s/he would not do it's business on the carpet.
2. I said 'looks' more playful. They don't need to be playful to look like it. Please don't start flaming me for my opinions.
3. Yes. One musical on cats, where as dogs get thousands of movies and merchandise. Boom shakalakalaka boom shakalakalaka boom.
AlienNation said:

Sorry...but I'm choosing the evil cat over the evil dog anyday of the week.
Makes you think: why would someone take a picture of an angry dog? :rolleyes: I can bet you that is because either someone irritated the dog, took advantage of it's owner, or was trained to do that on set of a movie or show.
milkabum said:
1. If your dog is properly housetrained, then s/he would not do it's business on the carpet.
2. I said 'looks' more playful. They don't need to be playful to look like it. Please don't start flaming me for my opinions.
3. Yes. One musical on cats, where as dogs get thousands of movies and merchandise. Boom shakalakalaka boom shakalakalaka boom.

Flaming?? Show me 1 thing that I said that was flaming. You gave your opinions... I gave my rebutal in just as nice of a manner. There is not 1 bit of flaming in my post.
AlienNation said:
Flaming?? Show me 1 thing that I said that was flaming. You gave your opinions... I gave my rebutal in just as nice of a manner. There is not 1 bit of flaming in my post.

Who said I was directly speaking to you? Just drop it.
I asked for your opinions, and in return you start saying untrue things to persuade someone onto the other side of this debate.
milkabum said:
Who said I was directly speaking to you? Just drop it.
I asked for your opinions, and in return you start saying untrue things to persuade someone onto the other side of this debate.

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