wicket2005 - Day 3 - 18/07/05


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day 3 – 18th July 2005

Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios

DH – Lover of Rollercoasters
Me – Beginning to see the attraction of rollercoasters
DS16 – Rollercoaster Addict
DS14 – Likes Most Rollercoasters

Quick replay of yesterday morning – 6 am alarm – 7 am out to Ponderosa then straight to Islands. Challenge No 2 – Dr Doom – gulp!

Unfortunately, the car has picked the wrong line, when we eventually reach the front an old dear serves us. Then we are off again, park the car and sprint to the park only stopping for security checks. These security checks are fine but they don’t stop someone carrying in something dodgy on their person – do they? As a result of one of these checks I lose my new Epcot pin, which I had stupidly attached to the straps of my bag. My very DS14 offers me his one.

We always tackle this park clockwise because we hit more rides in this direction. So first stop is Spiderman. DS14 experiences this ride in 3D for the first time, last time he hated 3D shows but this time he loves it. I enjoy it but not as much as in 2000, which surprises me.

No one wants to go on Dr Doom just yet, what a relief! An old time favourite beckons – the Bilge Boat Rapids. Somehow I escape a soaking so again it is decided to stay on the ride and as there is no line, we just stay seated to go round again.

This time we are joined by an American family who note the sons’ soaked clothes with trepidation. This time I am the one in the lucky seat. Yes! Just what the doctor ordered in this heat.

As we are now all wet we wander off to Ripsaw Falls, a friendly CM points us in the right direction. Go right when you leave the Barges. We get a bit wetter, in 2000 we were dripping wet when we got off, so we feel we have escaped lightly.

Next to the River Adventure ride, in for a penny in for a pound. Being wet is great in this heat, in February it could feel a little bit chilly at times when you got soaked.

We figured we could dry out a bit on Duelling Dragons as you whirl around quite a lot. It was DS16’s desire to sit on the front row so we duly lined up for this pleasure. I know I thought this ride was okay in 2000 but it still didn’t stop my heart racing a bit.

One tumble dry later we are walking off slightly dizzy I did feel a little bit sick after this, DS16 loved it, DH was a bit disorientated (suffers from motion sickness) and DS14 didn’t like it at all. I felt a bit disappointed sitting at the front because we didn’t see the other coaster at all for its near misses and yes I did have my eyes open!

We feel quite chuffed with ourselves because all the rides have virtually been walk ons. It certainly pays to be in the parks early. We continue to walk around the park; no one wants to stop in Seuss Land so we head straight to the Hulk.

We hit the first long line time of 45 minutes for the Hulk. As it is the only thing we want to do in the park we decide to line up. It isn’t too bad as the line keeps moving though I wish we had got some sweets from the vending machine at the entrance, my tummy was starting to rumble.

I love the way the Hulk accelerates dead fast and then you are out being swirled around. As with dragons I wasn’t so struck on this ride from a head point of view, felt a bit knocked around and it does depend on where you sit on the ride.

A stop for lunch next at the café near the Hulk – they had pizzas and me a salad. I felt totally lettuced out now after having yet another salad consisting mostly of lettuce.

We had a stroll back to Jurassic Park where I had deposited my bag in the lockers there. I had thought you couldn’t take bags on this ride but didn’t discover this wasn’t the case till later on in the holiday. Unfortunately, the payment computer would not accept credit cards only cash and guess where we had left the cash – in the locker!

A CM tried his credit card but it didn’t work so he had to phone for the team leader. 20 minutes later he arrived, we were feeling a bit peeved off by then. He informed us that the credit card slot was causing problems; hmm; why not stick a note over it then I thought. He fiddled around a bit and then we retrieved my bag. He let us off the $6 charge, which made us feel happier.

As the rides had all been done in 2 hours with the exception of the Hulk and the untried Dr Doom we decided to take it easy and try some shows.

First show was the Sinbad one which was okay. I liked the fireworks best and being able to sit down for a while. Afterwards DS14 started collecting pressed pennies. Another cheap memento, which doesn’t take up much room in a suitcase.

As there is some time before Matt Hoffman’s Crazy Freakin’ Stunt Show we decide to try Dr Doom, gulp! In contrast to the rest of the park there is only a 10 minute line – great! As we line up, my heart starts beating faster and faster, I also need the restroom. I knew I should have gone before but seeing the 10 minute line seemed too good to miss. So not only do I have the nerves my tummy is hurting too. DS14 asks me to stay but as we get further and further to the top and my face must have looked totally freaked out they all started staying go. I stick it out wanting to meet my challenge no 2 but fearing I may have a no 2 and have visions of being flung out into the park which doesn’t help. Before I know it we are at the front, party of 4 this way. We stand facing steel doors for what seems like ages, then suddenly they open and there are the chairs. Everyone but me takes a step forward – ‘I’m not going on that!’ I said. Then the doors close. I catch the eye of another worried looking girl as I leave. Magically I feel 110 per cent now – don’t know why. I watch them go up, the general consensus was it was cool. DS14’s very words at the top were ‘Mum would have loved this’. I feel relieved but disappointed in myself for not meeting a challenge still we will be at IoA another day – gulp!

We have another sit down in the Matt Hoffman’s show, which we all enjoy. They do some excellent stunts and one chap spins around somehow keeping his front wheel stationary.

Again it is red hot so we head back to Bilge Barges for a soaking. The line is way too long now (60 minutes) so we decide to pick up some express passes. Unfortunately, the machine doesn’t print out the tickets, we tell the CM and he very kindly says you can go on now. Yes! We are delighted to jump straight in the Express line and had another enjoyable ride.

Suitably cooled we headed over to Universal. DS14 was not too keen to go on The Mummy after the coasters at IoA so we agreed to leave it till our Universal day.

We hit the time just right for The Terminator 3D. Though we had been on this before we were really impressed with it. Excellent effects.

Next was Animal Planet, which was okay, very similar to the one we saw in 2000. It was nice seeing the animals though and again being able to sit down. Much appreciated by the feet!

ET was close by and had no line time. In 2000 it was closed for refurbishment so we are keen to have another go on it. DS14 thinks it is ‘It’s A Small World’ with Ets. Try as we might we fail to hear our names at the end.

We head over to Jaws next. MiB has too long a line. DS16 hated Jaws when he first went on it when he was 7. He positioned himself right in the centre with his grandparents, parents, auntie and brother at either side of him, so Jaws would get us first. He is a big lad now but still remembers that fear. DH and DS14 are sitting on the hot side (left) and nearly get their hair singed off during the fire.

Another thing on the ‘to do’ list was the Fear Factor which was a good show. We all especially like the member of the audience who gets a plastic box put on their head; I won’t spoil it by saying what happens. Needless to say I won’t be volunteering for it.

Last but not least was the Shrek4D show. We are great fans of Shrek and had been looking forward to this 4D show. It lived up to its expectations and then some. Definitely one to do again.

It had been a while since we had eaten so we decide to call in at a Subway on Idrive and grab a sandwich. Tiredness starts to kick in; we take the sandwiches back to the hotel. We have been up since 6 am and go to bed at 11 pm, one long but very enjoyable day.
I hope you got up the courage to face Dr Doom on another day Bev - I will wait to find out. It is a fantastic ride and not half as scary as it looks.

Sounds like a good day was had by all - we love IofA (sorry die-hard Disney fans but it's our fave park).

Looking forward to the next report - keep 'em coming.
i have not been to universal or IOA, i think our two are a bit young for that so we are saving it for an excuse to go back when they are older !!
I don't know how old your kids are, but we took our sons when they were 7 and 5 and they loved Universal Studios. I think IoA is for older kids.

Universal Studios was our favourite park this year and I would recommend you take your kids to it on your next visit.
Loving reading your reports:) we have not done US/IOA since 2000...we are doing it this year!! can't wait.
Loving your reports :) Think Universal will be on our hit list when we visit ;)

squitty said:
Loving reading your reports:) we have not done US/IOA since 2000...we are doing it this year!! can't wait.

The same as us then, you will certainly see some differences at US, especially with MiB, The Mummy and Shrek 3D. As I have said before it was our favourite park, plus it is so easy to get in and out of, plus they opened at about 20 to 9, before the official opening time of 9 am which enabled us to do so much more.
I'm so enjoying your reports - I love IOA as Popeye & Bluto is my most fave ride in the whole wide world :cool1: You certainly cram a lot in your days :) Off to read the rest.
Thanks Anz, I love the Popeye ride too. It is such a good laugh when you either get soaked or someone else does and its ideal for a good cool down when it is hot. :)
Did you get on to try Dr Doom again ?? This year we tried The Hulk, Duelling Dragons, Dr Doom and The Mummy for the first time, we thought they were great except Dr Doom (we couldn't see what the fuss was all about). Another great report and busy day.


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