wicket2005 - Day 4 - 19/7/05


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day Four – 19/7/05

Busch Gardens and Magic Kingdom

DH, Me, DS16 and DS14

Up at 6 am, out at 7 am and then straight on to the I4, heading for Busch Gardens. The drive down was straight forward though some poor soul on the East bound side had crashed into a police car which was causing tail backs on that side of the road.

We decided to skip breakfast till we had got some of the rides out the way. First priority was the new Sheikra ride which in my mind was a lot taller than it actually was. I thought it looked quite tame from the ground, no doubt it feels different when you are up there though. We had sprinted to this ride, DS14 announced he wasn’t going on so I decided to keep him company. Failing to meet my challenge no 3. DS16 and DH went on it and thought it was good. I was able to video them on the main drop which was an advantage.

Next stop was the Kumba which didn’t have a wait time which Sheikra hadn’t. DS14 didn’t want to go on this either, the IoA rollers had put him off so DS16 and DH went on it. As soon as they returned I took DS16 back on it and what a fantastic ride it was, I could have rode it several times.

Knowing that the water rides are mega popular we searched for Congo River Rapids. It was an okay ride, I much prefer the Kali and Popeye rides to this one. We did get wet but it was very jerky.

Talking about jerky don’t go on Gwazi. I felt like I had shaken head syndrome after this ride, nasty and even DS16 didn’t like this ride at all.

Another ride to do early is Rhino Rally so when we eventually found it, took some doing, we had a very enjoyable ride. DH didn’t know what to expect so found it surprising halfway through, I won’t spoil it for others here. A little girl of about 6 found it way too realistic and cried at the surprise bit, I felt so sorry for her.

After all this excitement and lack of breakfast our tummies were rumbling. We had lunch just round the corner from Gwazi. I had a nice salami Italian sandwich, DH and DS16 had chicken strips and DS14 a burger. A kind American woman informed us that it is perfectly acceptable just to ask for a cup of water which was free instead of buying a bottle. A tip we used for the rest of the holiday.

A gentle walk around the animals followed which felt nice and restful. We particularly liked the gorillas with their massive hands and feet. The chimps were funny as they played around.

We had a walk around an Egyptian tomb which was cool because of the air con. DS16 bought some Egyptian ornaments which were on his ‘to buy list’.

Next animals to see were the hippos, gators, lions, meerkats, giraffes and flamingos. Just as well all these animals like the heat because it was a scorcher of a day. I know what a snowman must feel like, I felt like I was melting away.

The kids found the antics of one of the turtles really funny. It was chasing around a larger turtle, once it caught up it fluttered its flippers over the other one’s eyes. Some bizarre courtship ritual I think. I don’t think it was having the desired affect though judging by the way the larger one sped away quickly.

We caught the chair lift back to the other side of the park and got some excellent views of Rhino Rally plus lots of animals. More importantly our feet got a rest.

Both water rides, the flume and tidal wave had massive lines which we couldn’t be bothered waiting in especially as it was so hot. Me and DS16 stood on the bridge by the tidal wave to get a welcome drenching. Dripping wet but cool we went off to seek refreshments.

We discovered Dippin Dots which are small beads of ice cream served in a tub, that don’t melt instantly in the heat. They were yummy. A lass in the line was practically collapsing in the heat, she felt better after having a drink but it hit home how important it is to keep hydrated.

We strolled through an aviary. The kids liked a little ground dwelling bird which they called the chicken bird. It was tucking in to a dead baby mouse when we saw it. I liked a long legged bird that looked funny as it strode along.

As we left the kids spotted a poor fly that had got caught in the netting. Somehow it had managed to get stuck halfway through, all its legs were going but there was no way it could get out. Sad but funny, videoed it to send to You’ve Been Framed, got to fund another Orlando holiday some how.

We had a quick look around the shops. The kids bought Sheikra bands. Poor DS14’s live strong band snapped as he took it off. All that heat and water had not done it any good. On that note we head out of the park.

On the way back we nipped off at the Crossroads and went to Subway for some healthy, filling sandwiches. Suitably full we headed straight to the Magic Kingdom.

Magic Kingdom is Disney as far as I’m concerned. There is nothing like seeing the castle whilst on the ferry boat. The only drawback is the amount of time it takes to get to and from the park.

First ride was PotC. The actual film is a family favourite, DS14 knows all the lines off by heart and reciting them pirate fashion has us in stitches. Throughout the ride DS14 and DH have a pirate banter going on which is funny. On DS16’s ‘to buy list’ was a pirate medallion which he had no problem finding in the pirate shop.

Unfortunately Splash (our favourite ride) had too long a line so we left it till our MK day. However, there was only a 20 minute wait for the Rocky Railroad so we were soon on this. It is just a nice coaster. We bought some pins afterwards to add to the growing collection.

Next stop Haunted Mansion, I know it is an excellent ghost train ride but I always find it depressing. Death isn’t funny. Still my DS14 came up with the perfect remedy for me, and probably a slow death for others, a trip on It’s A Small World. Usually I have to by pass this ride due to it’s catchy tune not being popular with the rest of the family but this time I was in luck. Came out singing the tune, so that is me banned again for the next five years.

A truly fantastic Philamagic show followed in 3D with effects. I loved this show. DS14 jumped when one of the batons came out, I like the champagne bit the best, blew me away!

It had got quite dark as we left here and stopped off for some refreshments in Fantasyland. Next minute the fireworks were going off, beautiful they were but are really best viewed from the front of the castle.

After the fireworks we headed off to Tomorrowland to try and get on Space Mountain. The line was too long but Buzz’s wasn’t so we had a go on that. As per usual I lost but I just enjoy the ride, just as well really.

Tiredness started to kick in so we decided to leave the park at 10.30 pm. Unfortunately, everyone else seemed to have had the same idea, once we exited the park we were shocked at the lines or should I say mad scrumb for the ferry and monorail. Tip here, if you see a massive crowd just head back into the park and get something to drink because if you don’t you won’t get any where fast.

We lined up for the ferry – what a nightmare. It took an hour to get over to the car park. I felt desperately sorry for the Dads who were carrying kids during that time, my bag was bad enough. I do love the MK but it is just a nightmare getting out during peak times, one crowd for the ferry then another line for the car park shuttle.

There was chaos at the shuttle waiting area because the shuttle didn’t line up properly with the lines. Everyone just headed straight into the shuttle which meant one line had two available lines of seats and one line had no available seats. One Japanese man was determined to get on and took to the shuttle when there were no seats, almost sitting on top of some stranger’s knee, he was told to get off in no uncertain terms.

From the shuttle wait, to the car park and the journey back to the hotel took another ½ hour. We eventually got back to the hotel at midnight, had a snack before falling straight to sleep but not before we had vowed never ever to leave MK after the fireworks again.
Another great report Bev - well worth waiting for! Sheikra was not there last year when we went but not getting a chance to go this year so I may have to wait a while before completing this particualr challenge.

Did you see the Meerkats at BG? I could watch them all day.

Hurry up and post Day 5 - I need something new to read ;)
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
wilma-bride said:
Did you see the Meerkats at BG? I could watch them all day.

Hurry up and post Day 5 - I need something new to read ;)

Yes, I enjoyed the meerkats too.

Looking forward to seeing yours too. :)
Another lovely report.

Its manic trying to leave after the fireworks..we always tend to have a look round the shops and the leave.
It was a terrible way to finish the day. Even those staying onsite had problems with the lines for the resort buses. We won't be making that mistake again but there you go, had a lovely time still. :)
I can't believe how much you manage to fit in in a day. I hope you're having a rest day soon cos you all must have been exhausted. Great report again.
We don't do rest days, just collapse when we come home instead. :)


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