wicket2005 Day One 16/7/05


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day One – 16/7/05

Are We There Yet? Sea World

DH – Driver :moped:
ME – Navigator
DS16 – Back Seat Driver
DS14 – Passenger

Got my revenge on those pesky birds this morning, I woke them up for a change :teeth: . Not a creature was stirring as we set off to Newcastle Airport at 3.30 am.

The car was filled with my rendition of ‘We’re Going To Florida’ (sung to the tune of ‘Let’s Here It For Hollywood’). Now anyone who knows me would not encourage me to sing perhaps this is why the family are sitting there with their aeroplane ear plugs firmly in place. Who cares I am excited. :Pinkbounc

We arrive at the long stay car park and play search for the spare place, surely they cannot have all gone. We find one and carefully make a note of where we are parked, Disney training stepping in here. The cases are unloaded and the kids come in handy to pull them along, it is good having two big strapping sons.

Trundling along we decide to walk to the airport as it isn’t far, passing a group of sorry looking individuals waiting for the bus. Perhaps they are getting in training for the waiting around in lines that is part and parcel of an Orlando holiday. You can see the doubt crossing their faces as we pass by and sure enough , as soon as, we pass they decide to walk too, must be the herding instinct coming in.

First stop, after checking in, was to purchase my copy of the new Harry Potter book just like every other passenger. We pass the time spotting how many HP readers we can see. People look over shoulders to see how far that reader has got compared to themselves. :rolleyes1

I am glad my HP book isn’t part of my luggage allowance, it weighs a ton or at least feels like it does. We head off to the departure lounge but have to pass by security first. Our assortment of bags are put through the xray machine whilst we walk through the metal detector machine.

A security man and woman are frisking people so as soon as I deposit my bag I jump out in front of the woman to be frisked with my arms outstretched. She totally ignores me. My DS16 laughingly whispers you only get frisked if you beep! Oh yeah, that’s right, forgot – nice when your kids know what to do. :blush:

We grab something to eat and try to spot the ‘plane, we are not ‘plane spotters I hasten to add. It is nowhere in sight but its running on time. A couple of beer gutted men walk passed clutching pints. Time please. It is only 5.30 am. I try to figure out whether they are continuing from the night before or are just starting for the day, as they jet off to Ibiza.

Still no sign of the ‘plane, I slip away to spend a penny – on my return the family usher me to the gate. Low and behold the ‘plane is sitting there, relief all round.

There is a mad scramble :crowded: when Monarch have loaded the needy and premium passengers because everyone can board. There is a general rush to go as if the ‘plane will leave before you get on or you won’t have a seat. In 20 minutes time everyone will be wishing they could walk around instead of being cooped up in a seat for 9 hours.

I am pleasantly surprised to find I am sitting next to a couple of OAPs whom I figure will not cause me any trouble, I had not counted on their desire to go to the toilet every hour though, but still it gave me a good excuse to stretch my legs.

The journey was pretty uneventful, I spent the time reading, doing Sudoku :badpc: puzzles and Ipoding. ‘The Pacifier’ was one of the films which was a good no brainer type of film.

We touched down 10 minutes early and my OAPs start to tell me stories of their past flights that went wrong not exactly the right time and place I think to myself. Steam starts to come in through the roof, the lady OAP starts to ask what the smoke is. :worried: Smoke! I thought it was steam! Thank goodness I am not the nervous type – steam it was.

The ‘plane taxis to where ever it is supposed to be, then there is another mad scramble for bags and for people to stand there waiting for the starter’s pistol to go off but this time it is different. The Captain’s voice comes across the tannoy asking for passengers to go back to their seats because we are not where we should be.

Everyone duly sits down, the ‘plane doesn’t move but then someone spots several police cars outside. Suddenly 4 strapping policemen stride down the aisle. There is a deathly silence – who have they come for :scared: ? I bet there were quite a few worried people who should have got a visa sitting there thinking their nightmare was going to come true. You could almost see a Mexican wave :thewave: as the police officers passed row after row but at some point behind us they stopped. A man, woman and two children were marched to the cockpit where a heated discussion took place. Unfortunately, I do not know the outcome but felt desperately sorry for the kiddies if they didn’t make it to Disney.:sad2:

Again the mad scramble was on, I felt like it was a competition to see who could be first off. The Florida heat hit you as if you were walking into an oven but still we were all right, we had changed into shorts and teeshirts on the flight whilst being fastened into our seats. Zip off trousers exposed lily white legs blinding all those around us. We were ready now just to get through immigration.

This was a relatively quick process, plenty of desks were open and we were herded together in our family groups. Our officer made us laugh which wasn’t what I was expecting. :)

The luggage took longer than expected to arrive and had not been tampered with. We then had to line up for customs to get the bags xrayed again for food. Just as we lined up, the line was closed and everyone else just had their white customs form taken off them. Another flight had just landed so they were clearing the decks. Tough luck for the country if someone was carrying meat/fruit in their luggage.

We trundled along to Alamo picked up this enormous car called ‘The Gazelle’ but that is not what DH called it and we headed off.

Chief Navigator (me) managed to get us to the hotel with no detours this time, I figured we had been 3 times before so best take the most direct route for a change. :blush:

As we approached I Drive you could see ‘The Rosen Centre’ towering above. Beautiful fountains cascaded at the entrance, the hotel was massive and very impressive. It even had its own versions of the Tower of Terror with its express lifts. Press for the 22nd floor, look at the numbers 1,2, 16, 22. Wow! The only lifts I have been in that make my ears pop.

The luggage was quickly dumped, valuables stashed and we were back out. Sea World was our first port of call as it was only 5 minutes away.

We couldn’t quite believe we were back after 5 years but yes we were :cheer2: . We fed the lovable vacuum cleaners (stingrays) and viewed various other creatures. The kids’ favourites were the penguins who could be seen just about in the dimly winter light of the encounter.

As we leave the encounter it starts to rain which was a welcome relief from the sheering heat as we watched the Blue Horizons show. Been there, done that, wouldn’t buy the teeshirt. Next to face my Challenge No 1 – The Kraken (Challenge No 2 Dr Doom, Challenge No 3 Sheirka).

You know that bride in the Haunted Mansion that has her heart beating out well that was me :scared: :eek: . My heart didn’t need a work out it was getting one just waiting to go on the ride and what a meaty looking one it was. You basically just sit on a seat with nothing above/below you as you are swung around and dropped. No going back as I am securely tied in – don’t you just hate that feeling?

A few minutes later and it was all over and I loved it, in fact, we all did, one definitely to do again :love: . I have never been a fan of rollercoasters after going on the Grand Prix at Blackpool where you felt like you were going to be flung out after every bump, but in 2000 decided it was waste to go to IoA without going on the rollercoasters so I tried them again. I found them greatly improved.

I love the way the designers fling you up left, right and centre then you get off thinking its all over only to have to negotiate zig zaggy paths to the exit. I defy anyone to be able to walk straight. :crazy:

Time for a meal break after the rush of The Kraken, we head off to a café near Shamu’s Stadium and have a well earned rest. Tortillas are the order of the day and once consumed we head off to the Arctic Adventure. We opt for the walk through option as we don’t fancy seeing our tea again.

The refreshingly cool air hits us as we enter. Our favourite the walruses are doing their circuit of the pool, smiley Belugas are swimming around and the poor mad polar bear we saw last time is not to be seen. Another couple of bears are out instead. The single polar bear is out somewhere else probably head banging in private.

The sticky hot night air hits us as we head off to the Shark Encounter. It is empty so we spend quite a while viewing the fishes before going in the underwater tube through the shark tank. I am glad there is glass separating me from those teeth – that film (Jaws) has a lot to answer for.

Time to leave, a quick stop off at a supermarket for scissors so we can cut off the cable ties off the suitcases then back to the hotel.

It is 10 pm (3 am GB time) – a full 24 hours we have been up. I snuggle down to the sounds of the kids negotiating the bed space. Night! Night!

Crash! I jump up and a breathless DH jumps into bed, muttering something about a glowing red man in the bathroom. He had caught sight of himself in the mirror, his image was red because of a on light socket from the hair dryer next to it. One heart attack later for DH :earseek: and one chuckling session from me :rotfl: , we snuggle down again. Night all.
Great start - can't wait for the rest!! :maleficen
Wow what a busy first day for you. A bit of excitement on the plane as well.
What a lovley start to the holiday:)

I thought it was great time to land and being able to do a park on the same day.
You certainly didn't waste any time. I would be interested to hear a bit more about the Rosen Centre (one of my possible options for next year's trip).

You gotta love SeaWorld :flower:
I can definitely recommend The Rosen Centre. If you have any questions about it pm me.

We are going back there (as soon as we have saved up again) which says a lot. :)
Wow, a park on your travel day, I have respect for your fun-loving spirit. A great report,

It's the first time we have hit a park on the travelling day. We didn't feel tired. I don't know whether it was because we landed at 1225 which was the earliest flight we have had or not but we did enjoy getting out straight away. :)
Hi wicket2005,

My question is did you manage to get to stay in one of the renovated rooms at the rosen centre.

I don't know, we didn't ask for one. The room was lovely and beds very comfortable. High speed internet access was in the room. We were on the 22nd floor facing on to IDrive, you could see IoA in the distance. Dr Doom was visible everytime I looked out of the window.

As you know it is a lovely hotel and we are desperate to get back there again. We all feel a bit spoilt now after staying there.

They do charge you for parking now $5 a day. A lot of the hotels in the area seem to be making this charge.
Great start Bev, can't believe you have the energy to do seaworld immediately on arrival :paw:
Thanks Carol. I think the flight times helped but we also had been in training for a year, losing weight and getting fit which I think helped us a lot.
Sorry I've taken soooo long to get to your trip report, but I'm gonna read them all in the next few days. What a busy and eventful start to your holiday, I can't wait to read somemore.
Thanks Mandy, it is nice to know when people enjoy reading them. :)
Hi Bev
I've just noticed you have the same countdown as us .
we will have to arrange to meet up for a natter. :grouphug:
Is it hotter/ busier in July than August?
It was really hot this August but not too crowded.
I will have to read the rest of your record between getting my own typed up but it sounds great so far.( makes me smile)
Maddie DD went out and bought HP :wizard: at midnight on the day it was released and finished it 3 days later :crazy:
I love having a countdown, I really missed it when we returned from Orlando.

I don't know what it is like in August because I have never been. We used to go in February when we could get the kids out for a week extra but they are older now so their school/college work is more important. BUT it certainly was hotter weather than in February.

Whilst we were there in July, they experienced a heatwave and there was hardly any rain (after I had been knowledgeably telling the family to expect heavy rain on a daily basis). The temperature must have been in the high 90s with the humidity making it feel a lot hotter. We enjoyed the heat but did feel like snowmen melting away.

We hit the parks before opening everyday and managed to get all the rides on the to do list done by about 11 ish. The crowds built up at around this time. Water rides had the biggest lines about 1 hour but generally the lines were no busier than what we remember from February. We did adhere to the quietest days guide from Simon Veness which helped. All in all we were surprised that we got so much done after expecting huge lines but it turned out not to be as bad as we expected. It was that good we booked up to go back more or less straightaway on our return.

Nice to know someone else going back at the same time as us. It seems an age away now but I know it will be here before we know it. The kids have a busy year ahead of them finishing GCSEs and A levels off so it will be lovely taking them back to Orlando after all their hard work.
I know what you mean about the GCSE results
we had Maddie's on the mat when we got back this Summer :crazy:

We shouldn't have worried, she is a bit of a scholar and got 5A's and 6 A*'s :cool1:
We pormised her £20 for any A*'s so we are now well out of pocket :rolleyes1
Well done to Maddie, what a star. :)

My eldest did well last year and I am just hoping my youngest does as well next. I always want them to be equal but things don't always work out that way.


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