wicket2005 Day Two 17/7/05


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Mar 31, 2005
Wicket2005 – Day Two – 17/7/05

Animal Kingdom, Epcot and Mini Golf

DH – Leader
Me – Follower
DS16 – Commentator
DS14 – Really Knows Where He Is Going – Deputy Leader

Anyone got any matchsticks and a torch? Where is that alarm clock? 6 am, everybody up, first full day in Orlando.

Ponderosa for breakfast – oats and fruit for us and DS16, DS14 has pancakes/eggs followed by jelly.

First stop Animal Kingdom. Rant why do Disney insist on a rope drop, Universal have a much better system of opening early if crowds build up, which stops crowds. The character bus leads us to the safari ride, everyone virtually is following it, was this the right decision to do the safari first we wonder. DH sprints off doing the 1 minute mile to get to the front of the line, leaving me behind with the backpack. Grrh! He will only have to wait for me once he gets to the line. Eventually I catch up, DS14 is concerned that he has lost me (role reversal) and doesn’t notice I am walking next to him in the line, till I speak to him. DS14 is visibly relieved he hasn’t lost me!

There was no wait time thankfully. The safari ride is enjoyable as ever, there are loads of animals to see as we bounce around. DS16 sees Little Red and at last agrees it is a fake elephant. He was convinced it was a real one when we were there in 2000.

Next Kali River Rapids whilst the crowds are light. Even though it is early it is still hot so a soaking would be most welcome. The kids are sitting in the lucky seats this time and get soaked. They look at my almost dry attire and decide it would be a good idea to go on again. Ha! Ha! Still almost dry!

These raft rides are so much fun, no matter where you come from, no matter what your age, as soon as someone gets wet everyone joins in with the laughter.

The sons waddle to Dinosaurland to hit the Dinosaur ride. A South American school girls’ party has hit the line with us, there is much screeching as the ride progresses. The ride photo was particularly funny because the girls could not get far enough from the last dinosaur and all had expressions of horror. In 2000, I didn’t reckon much to this ride but this time loved it, strange how your views change.

Asia’s landscape is being changed with the construction of Mount Everest. It looks like it will be a good ride when it is finished, another excuse to come back to Orlando.

DS14 becomes our tour guide and leads us down the Bengali Trail where nasty Komodo Dragons lurk. One bite from these and you are dead just from the bacteria in their mouths – never heard of oral hygiene then. Bats and Tigers quickly follow.

Followed by another go on Kali. This time much to the delight of the kids I get soaked which I am thankful for because of the heat. Dripping we wander through the Pangoli Trail. We love watching the gorillas, what powerful creatures they are.

All this walking has worked up an appetite so we stop off at the Pizzari for lunch. They have pizza and I have a Caeser salad which has enough lettuce in it to feed 20 rabbits.

After lunch we view the other animals and admire ‘The Tree of Life’. As we are playing spot the animals on the Tree, DS14 suddenly shouts out ‘there’s a snake!’. Sure enough a snake is swimming through the water, hissing at a duck as it passes it. Wildlife in Animal Kingdom cannot be bad, glad it went in the opposite direction to us though.

My favourite animal is the anteater. What a weird looking creature this is. When the kids were younger they thought it had a bottlebrush for a tail.

All the separate animals have been viewed, DS14 wants to go on the safari ride again. We sit right at the front this time, which has a double row of seats. Ideal, I can now video the kids from behind much to their annoyance. The driver is very funny especially as he is not getting much of a response from our bus.

Rafiki Conservation Station beckons us next, to reach it you have to sit (yes) in a train. That seat looks awfully inviting. The Station was okay, the kids enjoyed playing with some live animal cams.

When we return the heavens open and not before long we are drenched which is cooling though our feet are soaked which isn’t so good. This is just from walking from Africa to Dinosaurland.

As we enter Dinosaur the cold air conditioning hits us being soaking wet makes it feel very cold. After another enjoyable adventure we decide to hop.

We hop to Epcot. The main ride for us here is Soarin’ but as we find the line it is a 110 minute wait. Much too long, we give it a miss and head off to the ‘Living Seas’. It didn’t really seem up to much, we admired dolphins, stingrays and manatees but didn’t spend long there. There were some divers waving at people through the windows, what a boring job this must be.

‘Honey I Shrunk The Audience’ has no wait time so we have a go in here. We all have a chuckle, DS14 jumps quite a bit. It is late and Innovations is closed so we decide to head out but are stopped by Planet Earth which has no wait time. It is a canny little ride and one that always attracts the crowds during the day so we decide to ‘do’ it now.

As it isn’t that late, 8 ish, we go for a round of golf at the Hawaiian Rumble course at the South end of Idrive. It is surprising how long it takes to play a round so by 9.30 pm we are more than ready for a meal and a sit down.

After much deliberation we try a Denny’s at the top of Idrive South. The food though fine takes ages to come (1/2 hour) and we are all feeling tired and hungry by 10.30 pm when it eventually comes. DH and DS16 have chicken sandwiches, DS14 has mini burgers and I have another salad. Again the salad is mostly lettuce.

Tired but full the hotel is only minutes away. We all dive in to bed knowing the 6 am alarm is not far off. Night! Night!
Wow! A busy day. Shame you didn't get to ride Soarin'. I can't wait to do it in September.
We did later in the holidays. :) A lovely gentle ride for a change. I don't know what the crowds will be like in September but we found as long as you were at a park for opening you could do the rides as many times as you liked plus get the fast passes.

Soarin' is hugely popular so I would head straight there, first thing and pick up a fast pass before you go on the ride. The fast passes soon got to return times of the early afternoon and this was as soon as the park opened.
Thanks for the tips - hurry up with the next report. Can't wait to see what you did next :)
You must be excited about going again, not long at all. You will have a fantastic time for sure. :)
wow, you sure pack a lot in a day, cant wait to read the next instalment, just 8 days and I'll be there. :Pinkbounc

Sue :cool1:
What a fantastic time you are going to have. The only thing I hate is coming back and the only remedy is to book another holiday up. :)
great report!

I can see I've got some catching up to do - going on holiday breaks into my Dis routine :blush:
:teeth: Fantastic thanks (even without a dose of mouse :earseek: )

Shame the weather since we got back on Friday has just emphasised the fact that we are no longer in Cannes :sad:
Glad you have a nice time, lucky you having two holidays this year. :)
Great report:)

I cant wait to ride soarin'
Soarin' is not to be missed, just make sure you do it first thing in the morning. It is attracting huge crowds. :)
Goodness me, you certainly know how to have a full day at the parks, I'm pleased that you managed to try Soarin' - it's a great ride

Thanks Bev, I'm off to find the next installment
Yep, Soarin' is a lovely ride. I bet next year Everest attracts all the crowds though.


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