wicket2005 Pretrip Report June/July 2005


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Mar 31, 2005

Cast Members

DH, 43 – Golf Fanatic
Me, 43 – Gadget Freak
DS16 – Computer Whizz Kid
DS14 – Xbox Champ

A Year To Go

“How about going to Discovery Cove on our 20th Wedding Anniversary?” – yes DH it’s a date, I couldn’t get the words out fast enough! :love:

Now to book an extra special hotel. An eye catching pink hotel drew our eye – the Rosen Centre. Decision made. No time like the present to get it booked up, only 12 months to go.

Hotel free for our dates, yes! Booked Discovery Cove tickets too and upgraded the car to a full size one. Now what?

12 months of planning, reading, more planning, itinerary drawing and redrawing. :crazy: “Wow, we should book this every year”, say the family, “Keeps Mum out of our hair”.

22 Days To Go

Well here we are now – 22 days to go. All set to start the final holiday preparations, nothing else to buy, no more lists to compile, DS2 very impressed with my DS Cast Member status :earsgirl:, as I try not to let him see my post counts. He thinks I do nothing all day as it is.

The worries start to set in what if someone falls ill, what happens if someone breaks a limb? :worried: Nightly visits to Orlando take place. Weird and wonderful dreams with hair raising rides, dreams which are not entertaining in the least to the family, I don’t know why. It is always nice to share.

Nothing can go wrong can it? Never happened before so I am worrying about nothing – right? Wait what was that on the radio – Newcastle Airport calling a strike in the next 3 weeks. Nooooo. Dates to be announced later.

It doesn’t take a genius to work out that busy Saturdays will be the favourite days. Yep! Sure enough 16th July named as one of the strike days, with of course the obligatory statement that the strikers do not want to cause disruption. Oh yeah, right, I don’t see them picking the quietest days. Oh no, prime travelling days are chosen – hence major disruption.

To be quite fair I support the strikers… apparently they do not get the same pay as their other airport colleagues. Just wish they had picked another day. Let us hope an agreement is reached soon. First day of strike action looms for 30th June – 1st July. Sit tight and hang on, looks like I am in for a rollercoaster ride I hadn’t planned on. :eek:

17 Days To Go

Woah! Is that cloud 9 I can see? :cloud9: Talks were held today and the strike is off while the union members are balloted.

16 Days To Go

More good news, the union officials are recommending acceptance of the new pay deal – that’s an excellent sign. Postal voting will take place, which will take a little while.

9 Days To Go

Terrible Thursday, the bombs strike London and kill many. Don’t feel like starting a single digit dance. Sad day. :sad2:

8 Days To Go

Discovery Cove tickets arrive, was starting to panic a bit about them. Still they are here now, no need to panic.

Panic! Hurricane Dennis on the prowl. It could hit Florida, it’s anyone’s guess at the moment. I just want to get to Orlando.

2 Days To Go

Strike definitely off, hurrah! Hurricane Dennis gone but new tropical storm Emily coming up. Boo! What a weather system.

Bad news about a girl’s heart stopping after going on ToT, she’s now in intensive care. The poor family, I hope she recovers. News like this does make you a bit more nervous about the more adventurous rides. :scared1:

DS1 finished from college now.

1 Day To Go

Space Shuttle Launch delayed. It could be launched on Saturday, I have always wanted to see a launch. With a bit of luck we might see it in the distance or at least hear it.

DH finished from work now.

0 Days To Go:

It’s almost here! Flight at 8.15am tomorrow morning, early start at 3am. I have not got a clue how I will get to sleep tonight – way too excited. :bounce:

DS2 finished his work experience week now.

Off to do those last minute things, see you all in two weeks. Bye Bye. :wave2:

What a stressful countdown to the holiday you had! I also always get horrible dreams a few weeks before I go, I dream that WDW is really run down and looks like a travelling fair!

Have a fantastic time! :cheer2:
Thanks Jen, it does seem to have been one thing after another but it has, touch wood, all worked out in the end. Just have to hope the alarm clock wakes us up now. :rotfl:
jen_uk said:
I also always get horrible dreams a few weeks before I go, I dream that WDW is really run down and looks like a travelling fair!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
isn't it funny the stuff that plays on your mind

have a great time bev :)
Just got round to reading this...what a great way to the start your holiday.

Hope you enjoy your holiday. Looking forward to hearing all about it on your return.
I know you won't see this till you get back now....

but a great start. Looking forward to more :)
Hope you enjoy your holiday, it can be a stressful time, but hey... you are travelling to the happiest place on earth.....enjoy your holiday

The worries start to set in what if someone falls ill, what happens if someone breaks a limb? Nightly visits to Orlando take place. Weird and wonderful dreams with hair raising rides,
Glad its not just me then.....

Hopefully as I write this you're there and having a great time. Can't wait for the full report when you get back :Pinkbounc
It comes as know to surprise but yes we had a simply fantastic time. Got back at 3 am yesterday morning. My body has not adjusted to the new time zone yet so here I am at 1.25 am reading my emails. Thanks for the good wishes.

I will be writing up my trip reports as soon as I can, though I have a mountain of washing exploding out of the linen basket at the moment back to reality (not even going to think of the ironing! :) )

All the best.


What a stressful start to your holiday. i must admit, i've never stressed over a holiday quite as much as I did last year for our first trip to Orlando. But it's owrth it in the end :sunny:
Sorry it's taken me so long to get round to your trippie, but it was a great start :sunny:
At least everything worked out in the end. I hate those pretrip jitters.


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