Will I feel out of place at DisConII?


<font color=red>Queen of the Castle<br><font color
Oct 9, 2001
It sounds like everyone had a great time, but I'm afraid Dis-Con II will be a bit clique-ey. I've also seen a couple of posts wishing for separate events and /or registration for the first DisCon-ers. Makes me feel a bit left out. I would have loved to have been at the first convention, but only found this place in October!! Any thoughts??

Wendy :)
Hi Wendy:

Hope this helps. I think that all of us were a little....apprehensive about going to Dis-Con I. Apprehensive along the lines of...will people like me? Will I be accepted? That sort of thing. Those doubts for me were largely unfounded. Just because a lot of us now know each other, that certainly doesn't mean we are a clique. We're always happy to welcome new people aboard, right guys? Just start posting here, and you'll be surprised how quickly you'll feel like a part of the family.
I think the first DIS-Con attendees (and I'm one of them) should get to register first, before registration is open to everyone. That just seems fair to me.

I'm not aware of separate convention events for the first DIS-Con attendees. There are a number of "reunion" DIS meets that will take place in the next year because people want to see each other again. But those meets are open to ALL who want to attend.

There are always groups of people that are close-knit because of what they experienced together, and DIS-Con was no exception. I'm sure no one would intentionally exclude someone because they didn't attend the first convention. I think the more you post on the convention board between now and DIS-Con II, the better you will know the others, and the more you'll feel as though you fit in.
You won't feel out of place Wendy. Everyone is really friendly. I was really apprehensive the first morning but I had a great time and met lots of wonderful people. Go and have fun...you won't regret it.
I did not say there were separate events scheduled. As far as I know, there haven't been any announcements about any scheduled events. Also, I'm curious, why do you want to be able to register first? Were some events limited in space? What advantage would that afford the Dis-Con I attendees? And last of all, thanks for replying to my thread!! (PS I'm a corn-fed girl, too LOL--born and raised in Springfield!)

Steve and bashful, thanks for calming my fears :) Nice to hear I'm welcome. Steve, has there ever been a CO Dis-meet? It would be neat to meet some people face-to-face before DisCon II.

Thanks again, Dis-friends :D

Originally posted by WenNRay
It sounds like everyone had a great time, but I'm afraid Dis-Con II will be a bit clique-ey. I've also seen a couple of posts wishing for separate events and /or registration for the first DisCon-ers. Makes me feel a bit left out. I would have loved to have been at the first convention, but only found this place in October!! Any thoughts??

Wendy :)

<font face="comic sans ms"> Wendy, I think most of us were nervous before we met. I am the type of person who has never met a stranger. As Dh says, "I'll talk to anyone at any time about anything." :D I was so nervous before the first meet (never known that feeling before) that I was thinking about going back home. Of course, you need to keep in mind that I drove 22 hours by myself to get there. That's fairly nervous. :rolleyes:

When I first sat down at the table, we all became friends so fast it was incredible. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. We just jumped in without thinking about it. :D

We will have a tiny advantage since we have already met, but we will be welcoming new friends with open arms. :bounce: :D :bounce:
Wendy, the registration for Dis-Con was capped at 300 participants - which was reached very quickly when registration first opened last Feb. As it turned out, less than 200 people attended the convention, with many cancelling after Sept. 11th. However, with all the wonderful reports about Dis-Con I, lots of people have said that they plan to attend the next convention. If the registration is capped at 300 people again, it will reach the limit shortly after registration is open. It is my selfish wish ;) that those who attended the first convention get to register one day before the general DIS population, just to be assured of a spot.

You mentioned "separate events and/or registration"...and I wasn't sure what you meant.

I hope you will go to Dis-Con II...and I'm sure you will have a wonderful time. :)
Hi, WenNRay!

Welcome to the DIS CON board. My name is Ray, too.

Disneycub and NancyIL sorta sumed it up pretty good. I never met either one of them before the 2001 DIS CONvention "A Gathering of Friends". By the way, isn't that a great name for a convention! And it was very true. I consider Steve and Nancy life long friends, now.

Almost every single person that has posted on this DIS CON board has at one time or another posted a question or statement, including myself, if I or we would be accepted by others.

I think that talking to each other on the boards helps me get to know the other person. Of course, this is hindsite information. I didn't really know this before I got there. I was just hoping.

We were able to see the initial, tenative, official meetings here on the board since last spring and summer. After posting here on the DIS-CON, everyone started asking when everyone was going to arrive before DIS CON started.

Some people were getting there five days early and planned unofficial mini-meets to meet for dinner at Epcot's Christmas Processional or at Mickey's Very Merry Christmas.

That is why this DIS CON board was formed. To see what was going on.

Barb for Real and PatinMn helped plan and make prioty seatings at the WDW Wilderness Lodge Whispering Cafe for a 5:00 P.M. dinner on Tuesday, November 27, one day before the official convention. I think they started posting this in July or August and we ended up with three table full of people. What fun we had. Did you see PatinMn pictures?

Then someone else suggested a Holiday Tour of christmas decorations and trees after the dinner. So another list was started for anyone to sign up.

I remember sitting in the lobby of the beautiful WDW Wilderness Lodge, waiting to see if I tell who was here for the DIS dinner. Someone would walk by in the lobby, laughing and smiling, and I would lean forward to see if they would recognize my special Dan Murphy style 2001 DIS CON hat.

After 20 minutes or so, I looked over to my left at a bunch of giggling and laughing young ladies and smiled and tried to make eye-contact with people that I have never met, then this wonderful young lady named "dvc_bwv" or "Norma" pointed at me and said " I think I spotted another one (meaning DISer) and there was my first contact. I jumped up and smiled and asked if I could give everyone a hug.

Then others shyly or boldly started showing up and it felt like we were all friends that hadn't met in years.

PatinMn started handing out lime-green 2001 DIS CON pins that we signed up to buy in August(another thread or list on this board). They were great.

We had a great dinner, laughed all night.

So, during the summer, several people started posts or lists for other mini-meets. Luvdsny for MK Fantasyland, Barry Hom for Buzz Lightyear ride, Barry Hom, Patrick IL, and WebmasterAlex for three different thrill ride groups. Disneycub and DumboOrBust and Pumbaa_ and PatinMN and others(I'm sure that I'm leaving out a lot of names...aren't you guys impressed that I remember this many names...private joke, lol) planned a MK Crystal Palace restaurant priority seating list prior to the Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party. This was great fun. The list as all the lists were open to everyone, but as with all priority seatings, there were time limits. I think that the priority seatings were made three months in advance and others were added until they told us they didn't have any more space.

We are very fortunate to have such wonderful people that can plan and organize in advance like Barb for Real, PatinMn, Disneycub, Luvdsny, Taryn, etc..

So hang around here and read and post.

I feel like that I have made life long friends. Most of us have never met before. All the people that I listed I never met before.

We were complete strangers, except for posting on these boards.

We took the first step.

We started posting here.

We started signing up for mini-events as soon as possible (so that the pririty seating wouldn't fill up or the MVMCP wouldn't sell out or the CP wouldn't sell out, etc.).

I won't be able to travel to Barb's place or Towncrier's place since I work week-end nightshift. But many of us miss each other so much that many are planning other mini-meets before DIS CON-2.

I hope to meet you at DIS CON-2.

Sincerely, RaySharpton
Boy, you guys sure can type fast. Four others posted before I finally got mine on, lol.
Wow, Ray - that's a great recap of the last year on the Dis-Con board and at the convention! :D

I had met some people before DIS-Con, but even then, I felt that I "knew" the people even before meeting them because I had "talked" to many, either here on the DIS or in chat. (I think chatting is a GREAT way to get to know people better! :)) It wasn't like meeting strangers...it was like meeting old friends! Still...there were quite a few people whose names I didn't recognize - mostly because they didn't post on the boards that I posted on. And because I was with my family, I didn't get to spend as much time with the DISers as I would've liked. I'll be solo for Dis-Con II, so I hope to spend a lot more time with the other great people.

I ALMOST didn't attend the convention events. At one point, when the budget was very tight and my DH wanted me to spend all my time with my family, I cancelled my convention registration. That lasted for almost 3 weeks. I felt that I would be missing out on a lot by NOT being part of the official convention, so I begged Linda to let me re-register for the events package. She graciously said yes, and I can't tell you how much it meant for me to be part of Dis-Con!!!!! I'm not very good at expressing mushy sentiments, but I want my DIS friends to know that you all mean so much to me!

Wendy...you've GOT to go to Dis-Con II!
Wow Nancy--only 300?! I don't blame you for wanting "first crack". Hopefully the limit will be raised as I'm sure there will be many more people who want to attend this year. It sounds like you all had such fun!! I'm planning on attending solo as well, Nancy. Maybe that's contributing to my apprehension, being without the hubby and all. We will be going to WDW as a family in Feb. 2003 (my family of 6, DSIL's family of 4, along with DMIL+DFIL!) so it will be a Disney winter for me!!
Hey Ray, nice to meet you!! I've enjoyed all of your posts in the past and it looks like I'll be meeting you next December for real!!

Wendy, I think the solo attendees had the most fun of all! That's why I'll be solo next time. :D (Well...that plus the fact that my DH and kids don't want to go! ;))
Nice to meet you too! Didn't mean to leave you out of my reply! Thanks for making me feel welcome :D 22 hour drive?! Ugh! Anyhoo, I'm sure I won't be the only first-timer there~it always help to know there are others there just as nervous as me.
Jeez, Wendy, I didn't even notice you were from Colorado. Welcome!! Rumor hazzit ('cause I'm starting it now) that there will be a Rocky Mountain DIS meet come springtime.
Originally posted by disneycub
Jeez, Wendy, I didn't even notice you were from Colorado. Welcome!! Rumor hazzit ('cause I'm starting it now) that there will be a Rocky Mountain DIS meet come springtime.

<font face="comic sans ms"> Steve, I'll be there as long as I don't have anything better to do.

****My disclaimer. I love Steve, and he knows I'm just teasing. I can't imagine anything better than hanging out with you. Of course, if Ewan calls me....... :D
If Ewan calls you, my dear, you go girl!!! If Nicole calls me, I'll send ... um ... somebody else. :rolleyes:
Hey WenNRay welcome to the crazy DIS CON board. I knew a handful of DISers who were down there in person before I left, and I was still very very nervous about meeting people. A few in particular I was afraid I would be a disappointment too. We had talked so much on the boards and on IM and ICQ, that I was afraid they would not like the real thing. Well, I have to say that it was even better than the talking we do here. We all kind of clicked...that is the best way of describing it...Even the people I already knew, became even closer in my eyes. I feel like I have known a few of them all my life, and it is strange to think that I have known most only since March or so.

Do not worry about feeling left out. None of us would ever do that. As a matter of fact the more the merrier...I do not believe that anything will ever rival the first DIS CON, but that doesn't mean the second can't be awesome!!! Please come and then next year, you can answer these type of questions to the new people too...Hugs! See you around this board!!
I worried about that too. I am always leary of new things and meeting people. I have to tell you that everyone is so friendly. People came up to us everywhere we went and talked to us. That lime green laynard is hard to miss. I would not have missed it for the world. I wish we would have had more time to get to know everyone better.
Well WenNRay And shrpgrl consider me your first friend of DisConII. I will make sure you guys have a blast if need be. You can ask around I am kinda shy(yeah right) but will still make it a blast for you.

Dont worry lots of others will make sure you have fun also :) :)
Awww, Jay, that's so sweet! My very first DisConII friend! :D I'll buy ya a corona if I get the opportunity. Thanks Glo & shrpgrl, too~I'm already starting to feel better about it!!

Thanks guys :)



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