Will this be a problem with our volunteer sign-up info?


DIS Veteran
Apr 29, 2004
Before going in to edit our sign-up information for the GAD promo, I thought I'd ask here, first.

I signed up my sister and I for our volunteer opportunity. After hitting submit, I read that family members, friends, coworkers, etc. not living with you can sign up on their own.

My question is, will this be an issue? Will the voucher be denied if she didn't sign up on her own? The only way I can think that this would even be detected is if they ask for us to show our driver's licenses and our address shows as the same on the vouchers but different on our licenses? We plan to trade in for the FPs for this. If this is going to be an issue, I'll go in and take her off, then re-sign her up with her email address (I usually sign her up with things as I access the internet more often from home and have all her contact info - she gives me permission, though, so don't worry, I'm not committing fraud).

The other is that, if this is based on verifying the voucher with our license, I've moved since my last license, so even my info won't match the voucher. What do you say, people? Edit this or leave it alone? Thanks!
My personal opinion is that it won't be a problem. The address doesn't even show up on the voucher, unless it comes up when they scan it. There are so many reasons that people's addresses don't match what's on their driver's license that they are not going to care. I believe that all they are going to care about is that you were verified that you did the service. I can't see Disney pitching a fit over an address. Ours are all on the same address and I don't have the slightest concern about it :thumbsup2 As I stated in the other thread about this, people move all the time. If the address was a big deal, why would they accept just a birth certificate for kids?


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