Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 10)


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Jul 13, 2005

Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 10 – Thur 16th Sep

Well, it’s day 10 and I can’t believe we have been here 10 days already. The first week seemed to go really slowly but now, time is marching on. Our ‘trip of a lifetime’ will soon be over. DH tells me to stop ‘wishing it away’ so I pull myself together and get ready for our second visit to SeaWorld.

On the way out of the hotel, we stop by the Virgin office (there is one in Lo Q) to book a hot-air balloon ride. This is something we have always wanted to do and, where better to do it than the Sunshine State. DH hands over his credit card for the £300 cost ( a bit steep but, what the hell, it’s our honeymoon!!!) And it’s booked for tomorrow. Something else to look forward to.

We arrive at SeaWorld just after 10 and stroll up towards Kraken (our mission is to ride the front 0 I am definitely not chickening out this time). We stop along the way to watch a couple having a caricature drawing done and, somehow, manage to get talked into having one done ourselves. Half an hour later, it’s done and it actually looks quite good. The artist has given me a massive pair of ****ies (my DD, 12, has since said I look a bit like Posh Spice in it – I think that was supposed to be an insult but I took it as a compliment!). The guy agrees to hold on to it for us to collect later. That done, we’re back on track for Mission Kraken – no queues, straight to the front, no messin’! WOW!!!! This is now officially my favourite coaster. The experience in the front row is amazing – on the first drop it actually feels like you are gonna go straight off the edge. Obviously, we have to ride again – this time we wait a couple of minutes for the front and then we’re off – even better this time. Next, we have to ride Atlantis again just to get our daily soaking (although we don’t actually get that wet this time).

Rides out of the way, we walk over to the Waterfront and watch the divers diving for pearls (at least that’s what we assume they are doing). We browse the shops and buy some souvenirs, including a teapot for the PILs (do you know how difficult it is to buy teapots in Florida – Floridians just don’t do tea, do they). We stop for a drink and a yummy pastry in Café de Mar and then off we go to the Seaport Theatre for Pets Ahoy! This was really entertaining – it’s amazing what you can train cats, dogs, rats and even pigs and birds to do. After the show is over, we join the small crowd waiting to make a fuss of the ‘pets’ and learn that they have been rescued from all over the place. One of the ‘trainers’ tells us some of the stories about the different animals – how lovely that they have now got a good home, food and can entertain people in such a lovely way.

After this, we go to see the Penguins and the Sharks and then head over to Wild Arctic (the ‘simulator’ ride is closed so we walk in). The polar bears here actually made me feel quite sad. I have no complaints at all about the way any of the other animals/marine life are kept except the polar bears – I just didn’t like to see them stuck inside a glass cage. They looked utterly miserable.

To cheer ourselves up, we go to watch Shamu Adventure, which was brilliant again, and then cross over to the Dolphin nursery, to see the baby dolphins – I’m all excited again now about our trip to Discovery Cove on Saturday. Then we collect our picture and exit the park to catch the I-Ride back to the hotel.

Feeling a bit peckish, we pop over the road to IHOP for pancakes and then wander round the shops further up I-Drive for a couple of hours.

Back at the hotel, we decide to try our luck again with a swim. The pool is quite crowded so we just sit for a while, soaking up the sunshine. We have a quick dip, to cool off, then head back to our room for a little lie down.

DH dozes off so I read my book for a while. When DH wakes up, he decides he wants to go to Uno Chicago again so off we go. I can’t remember what we had this time but I’m sure it was lovely. Early night tonight as we have got a 5 am start tomorrow for the balloon ride.
Enjoyed reading your report ~ Thanx for posting.
Lovely report. I loved The Kraken, it was one of my dares to do this time. We didn't try the front row but will do next time we go. The good thing about this ride was there were hardly any lines everytime we visited the park. It doesn't seem very popular with people visiting Sea World.

I have to agree about those polar bears. It is such a small area to keep them in. Even our local zoo, Flamingoland, had a bigger enclosure for its bears.

Heh. Where are the rest of your reports? This is the last 'Day' report I can see and I presume you stayed for 14 days. If you write one, I'll write one.

I bet you cannot wait to go back in September. We are just not eating any more now till we have enough money saved to go back. :rotfl:
wicket2005 said:
Lovely report. I loved The Kraken, it was one of my dares to do this time. We didn't try the front row but will do next time we go. The good thing about this ride was there were hardly any lines everytime we visited the park. It doesn't seem very popular with people visiting Sea World.

I have to agree about those polar bears. It is such a small area to keep them in. Even our local zoo, Flamingoland, had a bigger enclosure for its bears.

Heh. Where are the rest of your reports? This is the last 'Day' report I can see and I presume you stayed for 14 days. If you write one, I'll write one.

I bet you cannot wait to go back in September. We are just not eating any more now till we have enough money saved to go back. :rotfl:

You just HAVE to do the front row of Kraken -it's a completely different experience.

Out of interest, whereabouts are you - my 2 eldest DDs currently live in Eston, nr Middlesborough and used to go to Flamingo Land all the time - they absolutely rave about it. Can't wait to see what they're like if we manage to take them to WDW next year :rotfl:
wilma-bride said:
Out of interest, whereabouts are you - my 2 eldest DDs currently live in Eston, nr Middlesborough and used to go to Flamingo Land all the time - they absolutely rave about it. Can't wait to see what they're like if we manage to take them to WDW next year :rotfl:

Marton on the outskirts of Middlesbrough and not that far from Eston. Flamingoland is not a patch on anything Orlando has to offer.


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