Wilma-Bride's Trip Report - Sep 04 (Day 2)


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Jul 13, 2005
Fred and Wilma’s Honeymoon – 7-21 Sep 04


Me – Joh (31) – Slightly neurotic (DH would say very), VERY impatient and extremely over-exciteable
DH – Gary (37) – Pretty laid back, a bit of a ‘Peter Pan’, mad about Tigger!

Day 2 – Wed 8th Sep

I wake early (not that I’ve actually slept – a combination of excitement and misery). DH is still sleeping so I squelch over to the French windows (did I not mention the sodden carpets?) and creep outside for a cigarette. It’s still dark and there are no lights on anywhere so I figure it must be really early. Knowing I won’t be able to go back to sleep, I find my Brits Guide and settle myself in the bathroom for a read.

DH wakes (with a little encouragement) at 7. We shower and dress and then head off to find the Holiday Inn International, for our welcome meeting, stopping to buy 14-day passes for the I-ride trolley from the little booth in the hotel. Our first impression of the HII was the complete contrast to our hotel. There were happy, smiling people everywhere (we still hadn’t seen a soul at our hotel, apart from the staff). We quickly found the Virgin rep and explained our situation. She said she would be happy to try and arrange alternative accommodation. Feeling relieved, we settled down for the Welcome meeting. It was the usual (hard sell for trips and tickets, but general lack of everyday info about the locality – things people really want to know). We get talking to a couple who are also staying at the Ho-Jo and also very disappointed with it. Following the meeting, we collar the poor rep (who now has about 4 couples/families all wanting to move from the Ho-Jo) who tells us she has arranged for us to relocate to the Quality Inn International (also known as the Lo-Q). We happily agree, figuring it can’t be any worse.

So, we arrive back at the Ho-Jo, pack what little we’ve unpacked and leg it! We inform reception that we’re checking out and, funnily enough, the guy doesn’t seem surprised. Back at the Lo-Q, we have to wait a little while for a room to be made available for us so we settle down in the lobby for a cool drink, savouring the atmosphere – happy holidaymakers (us included)! Already we are feeling much better and, when we are shown our room, it’s great. OK, so the Lo-Q is still a budget hotel but the room is clean, large, dry (!) and the air conditioning works. By this time, most of the morning has passed us by so we decide to spend the remainder of the day at SeaWorld. We walk to the nearest I-ride trolley stop and catch the trolley down to SeaWorld. This is it – our first taste of Orlando theme parks.


Extremely pleased at managing to find SeaWorld all by ourselves (OK, so the trolley dropped us right outside), we show our flex pass at the gate and we’re in. We pick up a map at Guest Services and head off in the direction of Kraken. I had heard so much about this ride, I couldn’t wait to experience it for real. As it turned out, I did have to wait as the ride was closed due to adverse weather conditions. I point out the bright blue sky, to the bored-looking chap at the entrance to Kraken and he explains (with a sigh that suggests I’m not the first to ask) that there is a thunderstorm brewing. As I walk back to DH, I feel the first drops of rain. As the heavens open, we run for shelter, ignoring the ‘I told you so’ look from the guy on the Kraken entrance. No sooner do we reach the Penguin Encounter than the rain stops. We are not far from the Sea Lion and Otter stadium and the Seymour and Clyde show is about to start so we decide to head in that direction. The S&C show was very entertaining, the best bit being the pre-show entertainment by a mime artist (hilarious!!!) After that, as the rain seems to be holding off, we try our luck again with Kraken and get there just as it is opening up. Being the first through the gate, I ask DH if we can ride at the front – and then promptly chicken out. So we ride the back instead. Again, again!!! So we ride again, this time in the middle. After 3 rides (and still not plucking up courage to ride at the front) we decide to try Atlantis. I quite enjoyed this, although it was reasonably tame after Kraken. We then go over to the Key West Dolphin Fest for the dolphin show. This was a great show, again including a rather amusing set-up with a young girl ‘from the audience’. After this, I remark to DH that I am even more excited now about going to Discovery Cove and being up-close to the dolphins. DH just rolls his eyes, as if to say ‘You can get MORE excited’. We stroll round the park, taking in all the sights and end up at Shamu Stadium, with me bouncing along like Tigger on steroids. After all, this is what we really came here for – the Shamu show. We really, really enjoy this and decide we have to come back again as we haven’t seen everything yet and we want to see Shamu and the dolphins again. It’s kicking out time so we make our way to the exit and back to the trolley stop. It becomes apparent, at this point, that our ride back up I-drive may not be as comfortable as the one down, judging by the number of people waiting at the stop. A trolley pulls up after about 10 minutes and everybody squeezes on. The driver entertains everyone with a stream of banter, telling people to get to know the people whose laps they are sitting on a bit better! We make it back to the hotel in one piece and realise we are starving hungry. As neither of us have the energy to be adventurous, it’s back to Denny’s for dinner. This time we both have the Meat Lover’s Skillet – yummy yum yum. We forego pudding and head back to the hotel, stopping at Walgreen’s for the obligatory Oreo cookies, diet Coke and crisps (sorry, chips).

The end of our first full day and a great one it’s been. Tomorrow is IofA – time for some big thrills!!!
We really like Seaworld. Kraken has to be one of my fave rides.
I love Sea World too, especially the 'Shamu Rocks America' show. It is a nice restful type of day because you don't have to line up as much. Lovely report by the way.

Sounds like your original hotel wasn't very nice. I have not read day one yet, at least you were moved.


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