Windwalker Walking Journal

The weather is something isn't it?:scared1: It's supposed to be in the single digits to below zero this week... :(

Keep up the good work! Stay warm!:goodvibes
The weather is something isn't it?:scared1: It's supposed to be in the single digits to below zero this week... :(

Keep up the good work! Stay warm!:goodvibes

Dang snow and cold go away please, NOW!! It's 14 degrees and snow covered here in southern Ky. We don't usually get this cold for this long, I wanna go out and play.:sad2:

I made a mile and a half in the mall this morning before it was time to pick Erica up at work. It snowed last night and the roads were slick so since my Jeep goes better in the snow than her new mustang, I picked her up.

This will end and we can get down to good quality Goofy training again. Can you believe it's only 11 months now till the Race.

Walk strong.

DAve - just catching up on your journal again. Where is the website you mention for walkers? I can't find it.


Keep on walkin!
DAve - just catching up on your journal again. Where is the website you mention for walkers? I can't find it.


Keep on walkin!

I typed in the 'the walking site' and did a search and it was the first topic that came up. Click on the discussion boards. I'm "walkingthedistance" on there and Erica is WalkingGerbil.

Good morning everyone.

Ok Erica and I are clinicly insane, we are contemplating going out for a ten mile racewalk today. It's 11 degrees right now but it's supposed to get into the 20s and the sun is shinning, so maybe we can do this.

I can never get into a good grove on the treadmill and we really can't racewalk in the mall, it scares the shoppers.

Maybe if I leave milk and cookies out for the weather gods they will have some mercy, but I dought it.

Walk/run strong everyong, Wish team rocks.

We braved the chilly weather today and got in a nice 7 mile walk. Erica never warmed up. It was 25 with a breeze to make the chill factor lower. Got it in the bank though.

We treated ourselves to soup and salad at Red Lobster for lunch and then home for hot showers and a nap.

Walk strong y'all.

Good morning everyone.

I choose the treadmill again today since it was cold this morning and I was a little tired from staying up to late to watch a friend on TV last night.

3 miles on the treadmill with most at 4.5 mph and a little at 5 mph. Not great but all I felt like.

Walk strong y'all.

Hi babe!:love:

How are you Tracy!! I am trying really hard to keep Dave motivated with all this cold weather;) :lmao:

I am definately not a cold weather person!

Erica:flower3: :hug:
Back to the treadmill again. Managed 3 miles but dang I'm tired of the treadmill. I wanna go out and play. I think tomorrow I will go walk at the mall before it opens.

It's just to cold to get out, we tried that tuesday and I have to say the 7 miles with Erica was wonderful dispite the freezing weather.

I hope no one else on the WISH team is having the problem I am staying fired up about getting the miles in. I'm hoping a little spring weather will cure me.

Walk strong y'all.

Today is going to be a rest day. It's still 16 degrees and I just couldn't face the treadmill again today. I will do a good walk at the mall in the morning. Be quick spring I ned you.

Walki/run strong y'all.

Good morning

Today was a mall walk day. I'm sick of the treadmill and the cold, whine! Whine!

Had a good walk, did a 5k in 41 min. Started slow to warm up then got into a nice grove with several walk sprints mixed in. Felt wonderful, the walking is so much more natural when not on the treadmill.

Walk strong everyone:)
Just two miles for me today at the mall, before it opened. I walk on sunday mornings waiting for my nurse to get off work so we can have beakfast together.

Sunday is also a turn in early evening since monday is LSD day a little extra sleep sure helps.

Walk/run strong y'all.

Today was a mall walk day. Actually turned out to be a good workout. I did 4 miles in 51:18, that's about 12:50 pace. A good workout is moderately hard but leaves you feeling like you could have done more. This one was all that.

Walk strong y'all.

Dave and Erica,

You both are doing a wonderful job!:goodvibes I hope the weather improves for you soon.... Today, we're expecting 3-8 inches of snow and then 7-14 tonight... I sure hope the groundhog was right and this is the last of winter! ;)

Have a great day!:goodvibes
Dave and Erica,

You both are doing a wonderful job!:goodvibes I hope the weather improves for you soon.... Today, we're expecting 3-8 inches of snow and then 7-14 tonight... I sure hope the groundhog was right and this is the last of winter! ;)

Have a great day!:goodvibes

Good morning lady, thank you for the encouagement. We will catch a ground hog and fuss at him if sping doesn't hurry up. We have lots of ground hogs here.

You know the difference between a regular Zoo and a Zoo in Ky? In a Ky Zoo right under the discription of the animal is a receipe.

Any way we have 40 degrees today but also pouring rain so I decided to head for the mall again. Walked 4 miles in 48:01 with the first mile a little slower to warm-up. I was happy with the time and the effort.

Maybe soon I can go out and play, not many hills to train on in the mall.

Walk/run strong everyone.

Yesterday was a hard day so today was an easy 5K in the mall, 40:21. A good rule of thumb is any hard day should be followed by an easy day.

Happy Day Of Love everyone. Today is a good day to remember those people who make our lives better just because they are there.

Walk strong y'all.

It was 14 degrees so of to the mall again. I mean really what better place to train for the Senior Olympics than the mall right?

I got in a nice 4 miler in 47:41, that included the slower first mile for warm-up and the delightful side stitch at 3.5 miles.

Walk strong and stay warm y'all

My come on spring dance.

Today was 9 degrees so mall training again. I think I've been teleported rom Southern Ky to Canada.

I did a brisk walk workout with a twist today. Kinda like a car doing one of those courses where they weave around cones really fast. I weaved around all the slands, trash cans, plants, ect.... The almost constant direction changes are great for building the muscles and tendons of the knee, ankle and hips. I don't recommend this if you have problems in any of these areas.

I expect to be sore tomorrow from this because I haven't done it for a while. So I stretched really good, took a couple of advils and used a rolling pin on my legs. (like a cheap version of the stick).

Walk strong everyone.

I expected to be really sore today after that workout yesterday but I woke up feeling wonderful. I must have stretched out some things that needed stretching. Or maybe it was the rolling pin massage.

Today is a rest day since I had back to back hard workouts. Tomorrow will be easy and monday will be back to LSD, finally. It's snowing right now and generally messy looking but monday is scheduled to be in the 50s again, yeah!!!!

Walk strong y'all.



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