
<font color=red><img src=http://www.wdwinfo.com/ph
May 3, 2001
My cats turn 10 years old today!

They are Bebe (french for baby) and Moozer (my roomate at the time we got her named her that so don't laugh)

They are brother and sister from the same litter. I have been blessed having these little "Fur Babies" in my life and they are really a part of the family. Moozer does not get along with my fiance and Bebe is the talkative one. It just seems like a family thing...

I wish I knew how to post pictures so you could see them...Maybe I will figure it out soon.

I love my CATS!

Samantha aka Cat Mommy;)
Bonne Anniversaire Bebe and Moozer!

btw- my cat's name was Samantha!
Sonya...That's so cute.

Wanna hear a good one.
My fiance's first pet was a cat named Samantha. He says he must have known that he would marry a Samantha in the future because he named the cat. When he met me he said that he loved my name but it was a year later before he told me why.;)
I pampered them all day and they got extra treats. We got them some catnip and are going out to get them a better cat box. They also got some of their favorite toys....Bunched up alluminum foil balls.LOL

A friend of mine just lost her cat to a mysterious illness just 2 weeks ago so I have been really close to my cats this week.

Thanks guys :D


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