Wishes Wedding 1/17/11-WP/CG-TR Day 6, Last Day

Great TR!

They didn't even count us coming into the Dessert Party, isn't that strange? I loved the UK location at well.

Can't wait to read about wedding day!
Wedding Day - 1/17/11

I woke up right when my alarm went off at 4:45am. I had a slight moment of wanting to go back to bed before I realized that today was our wedding day and I had to get going!!! I got up and showered (with a cap on to be sure my hair didn't get wet!) and then I straightened up the room. I told everyone to be in my room at 5:45 since Patricia would be arriving at 6. I was going to order room service, but they didn't open until 6 so I had to wait a little while before I did that.

At around 5:40 Patricia called me to let me know she was on her way and she wanted to know my room number. Yes, I was bad and I didn't tell her or my florist what room we were in, but that was because I didn't even know our room number until right before the dessert party and by then I was so stressed I didn't even think about calling anybody. So anyway, I told her that we were in the garden wing and what room we were in and she said she would be in the room by 6.

While I was getting everything together, I realized I didn't have my wedding shoes in the room! :eek: So I called my sister who was on her way to my room with the bridesmaid and I asked her to go to Eddie's car and search for my shoes. She had her husband look while she was on the way. He swore they weren't in the car, but of course they were sitting right in the back seat in the shoe box. He claims he didn't know the shoes would be in a shoe box. :laughing: Anyway, my poor sister had to run all over the place. My mom arrived with my dress at 6 and realized she left her hair photos in her room, so off my sister went again to get the pictures.

I ordered room service (fruit plate and muffin and cheese danish with coffee) at 6:05. We were just waiting around for Patricia to arrive. At 6:20 we finally heard a knock on the door. Apparently she got lost and she couldn't get into the building because the doors were locked so she was running all over trying to get it. I was confused as to why she didn't just call me again, I could've told her exactly where to go and I would've had someone meet her at the door. I was new to the Contemporary, but I have to think she's been there a few times...She gave me a lot of grief about not calling her the night before to give her the room number. I'm still confused about that...she called me at 5:40, there's no reason why she was so late if she was already on her way. I just don't get why she didn't call when she got lost. :confused3 Anyway, after apologizing for the 10th time I finally said if I could go back in time and change what I did, I would, but since I can't can we please move forward. I felt bad, but what else did she want me to say? I couldn't apologize enough to her. :sad2:

So then, she sits me down to get my hair up in curlers. For my trial I had shown her an updo that I wanted. She said my hair would do much better down, so I let her show me a style. It looked pretty, but I told her I would want the curls much tighter on my wedding day. Then she put my hair in a pony for my engagement pictures. While she's getting ready to do my hair on the wedding day, she pulls out a pic of my engagement hair and says ok this is what we're doing right? I said, no it was half back and curled. So she got to work on pinning up my hair. I wish I paid more attention to what she was doing. Every time I look at my pictures, all I see is my nasty hair. :sad1:
I didn't even look at it when she was done. She didn't curl my hair tight at all, even though it was pouring rain outside. And she put the back of my hair into some kind of "hair bow". It looks ridiculous. And, I had that little tiara, I asked her to put it in so I could see what it looked like. She placed it on my head in a strange position and said no this doesn't look good. By then, we were running very late, so I didn't care, I pulled it off my head and let it go.

She was not that great with my sister or mom either. She kept telling them to put makeup on, even though they had clearly already done it. And then she was telling my sister that she didn't do a good job on her makeup, to go back in and add more. I felt so bad and embarrassed. My sister had a picture of a bun that she wanted, Patricia said it would leave her looking bald so she did what she wanted to my sisters hair. My bridesmaid and my moms hair came out good. My makeup looked amazing.

Sorry to rant about such a popular vendor, but I think my story needed to be told. You HAVE to stick to what you want. I let everyone talk me into a down hairdo for our wedding. It rained so hard, the loose curls fell out and frizzed so badly. It looks absolutely awful in pictures. I am a big hair person, since my hair is so curly and prone to frizz I am very big on keeping it nice and controlled. On my wedding day, I didn't want to be thinking about frizz, and after all the dancing I went to the restroom and almost cried looking at my hair. Oh well, I need to move on.

We still had a lot of fun getting ready. My mom was a mess! She was so nervous and stressed out. I was calm, joking about the end of the world with Patricia. It was right around the time that all the birds were dying and horrible storms were all around us. At 8, the flowers were to be delivered to my room and my stepdad was going to bring the mens flowers to the Grand Floridian. Amy from Blossoms Orlando called and asked where my room was. I explained to her how to get there, and she showed up right on time. I think she had her daughter with her helping her, they were so sweet. The flowers were perfect. She dropped them off and then went over to the WP to put the flowers down the aisle and then to the Contemporary to put petals on the tables. My stepdad took the mens bouts and took off for the Grand Floridian. Apparently, when he got there, he didn't see everyone taking pictures right in front of him, so he left the flowers at the front desk. :headache: We had our planner calling asking where the flowers were, it took about 5 minutes to figure it out, but after that everything was good. :)

Patricia finished up, we were all dressed, and we called down to make sure the limo was going to pick us up at the Garden wing instead of the main lobby. We were a little late, but I decided not to worry, even as the poor old limo drive did 15 mph to the Grand Floridian. :laughing: My mom can't saying "can't this go any faster??!!!!". I told her to chill and eventually we made it and met up with David & Vicki and stated our pictures.


I wish I had them leave my hair like this! :laughing:






My mom's hair-


My bridesmaid-


My sister (moh)-

Aww Jules, I'm sorry you had such an issue with her. I know it wasn't what you wanted for hair, but it did look really pretty. :goodvibes
I am really sorry to hear about your hair experience - but I can relate. I wish that I had spoken up more myself. It is not about bashing the vendor, it is about making sure you get what you want because everyone likes something different. But if it is any consolation, I think that your hair looks great! Can't wait to see more!
Jules - I am so sorry that you had these issues with Patricia. It is horrid that you didn't like your hair on your special day!!
That said, I really like your hair down, I prefer it to the updo!! I haven't yet seen photos of the later frizziness though!!
I am really enjoying your report - keep up the good work sweetie!!
Aw Jules, I'm sorry your experience with Patricia wasnt well. But its important to be honest in your reviews and I'm glad you were honest about your opinion on her. For what its worth, everyone's hair did look great. I just know it can be very upsetting when you don't get the look you want. :hug: I can't wait to hear more about the wedding day.

BTW - your flowers look BEAUTIFUL!! :thumbsup2
Aww Jules, I'm sorry you had such an issue with her. I know it wasn't what you wanted for hair, but it did look really pretty. :goodvibes

Thanks, I mean it's not like it was this huge mess, I just wish I stuck to what I wanted.

I am really sorry to hear about your hair experience - but I can relate. I wish that I had spoken up more myself. It is not about bashing the vendor, it is about making sure you get what you want because everyone likes something different. But if it is any consolation, I think that your hair looks great! Can't wait to see more!

Exactly, Patricia was fine, I just wish I wasn't so afraid of hurting peoples feelings, I should've just said "no, I want my hair like this.." Oh well, it's not like it ruined my wedding or anything! :)

Jules - I am so sorry that you had these issues with Patricia. It is horrid that you didn't like your hair on your special day!!
That said, I really like your hair down, I prefer it to the updo!! I haven't yet seen photos of the later frizziness though!!
I am really enjoying your report - keep up the good work sweetie!!

Haha, pictures of said frizziness will be posted shortly. :laughing: I know the frizz was not very obvious to everyone at the wedding, it's just something that I'm very particular about, so it's just me being overly critical probably.

Aw Jules, I'm sorry your experience with Patricia wasnt well. But its important to be honest in your reviews and I'm glad you were honest about your opinion on her. For what its worth, everyone's hair did look great. I just know it can be very upsetting when you don't get the look you want. :hug: I can't wait to hear more about the wedding day.

BTW - your flowers look BEAUTIFUL!! :thumbsup2

Thanks! I was so happy with our flowers! I really didn't care too much about who provided them, they weren't top on my priority list, so I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how well Amy did with them. :)
OK, just for comparison and so I don't feel like I was exaggerating or anything, I thought I'd post a couple of hair pics.

Here is the inspiration pic I showed to Patricia at my hair trial in November -



Here is what she did at the hair trial, she insisted that she show me what my hair looked like down, and then when I asked her to put it up so I knew what it would look like, she held all of my hair up on the top of my head, didn't style it or anything... :confused3



After consulting with my mom and sister, I said that I'd do the down style for the wedding, as long as my curls were tighter and she promised me that they would not fall out and that she had some kind of spray that would keep it from frizzing.

Now, to be fair, I don't have any really good pictures of my hair before I went out to the Grand Floridian and the Wedding Pavilion. I'm sure it was more controlled, but the curls were not tight at all.

This first pic is in the Contemporary, after the ceremony on our way to our reception. (my sister took this pic because I was nervous that my hair looked awful, so she wanted to show me what it looked like :laughing:)


Dancing -


This was right in the middle of the reception. I know it's hard to tell because my hair is so dark, but by this point it just looked like a big fluff ball lol. There was no definition to the hair at all. This is why I wish I wore it up. I know it was raining and the humidity was bad and it was SO hot in the California Grill, but if my hair was up none of that would've mattered. So again, speak up if you have something you just know you want!


I just wanted to post this for anyone that is on the fence about what they want for their hair. I know it seems silly, but it's a big decision. Your pictures will last forever, and you do not want to be upset when you look at them. If your stylist says they have some kind of product that will do the impossible, check into it. Patricia didn't have the "frizz blocker" thing at my trial, so I didn't get to even try it. Not sure if she used it on my wedding day, but I think not. :laughing:
Just an FYI-----

Vicki just emailed me and said she sent our wedding pics out yesterday!!!! I should receive them today or tomorrow. I've already viewed them on their website, and oh my gosh, this review is going to be majorly pic heavy!!! :rotfl: Seriously, there's going to be no controlling it. I'm going to post everything. :lmao: We're supposed to pick 100 pics for our albums...I don't know how that will ever be possible.

So be prepared. It's going to be ridiculous. ;) :rotfl2:
Just an FYI-----

Vicki just emailed me and said she sent our wedding pics out yesterday!!!! I should receive them today or tomorrow. I've already viewed them on their website, and oh my gosh, this review is going to be majorly pic heavy!!! :rotfl: Seriously, there's going to be no controlling it. I'm going to post everything. :lmao: We're supposed to pick 100 pics for our albums...I don't know how that will ever be possible.

So be prepared. It's going to be ridiculous. ;) :rotfl2:

I'm glad they turned out so well. And, you know we all love a zillion pictures!

You could always pick the 100, and then beg and plead for a second album (or just order prints and scrapbook them). :goodvibes
Just an FYI-----

Vicki just emailed me and said she sent our wedding pics out yesterday!!!! I should receive them today or tomorrow. I've already viewed them on their website, and oh my gosh, this review is going to be majorly pic heavy!!! :rotfl: Seriously, there's going to be no controlling it. I'm going to post everything. :lmao: We're supposed to pick 100 pics for our albums...I don't know how that will ever be possible.

So be prepared. It's going to be ridiculous. ;) :rotfl2:

Woohoo! At least that's a positive! The pictures are the most important part! :banana:

I can't wait to see what they look like! :yay:
Just read through your pj. Sorry to hear about your stress with your hair. I can understand! I have baby fine straight hair that does not hold a curl (for more than an hour if I'm lucky) so I'm nervous about having my hair done and looking good for our VR next month.

You looked beautiful so far - can't wait to see more pictures!


Oh by the way - when my DH & I got married 20 years ago it rained so hard ALL DAY. Every one of my mom's friends told us we would have a happy marriage (because of the rain). I know, I know...old wives' tale...but we've been very happy the last 20 years and still very much in love. So I wish you the same!

I'm so sorry to hear about your hair problems. I know I would be upset too if it happened to me. You looked beautiful though. I can't wait to see all your pictures!:cool1: and hear more about your day!
Just an FYI-----

Vicki just emailed me and said she sent our wedding pics out yesterday!!!! I should receive them today or tomorrow. I've already viewed them on their website, and oh my gosh, this review is going to be majorly pic heavy!!! :rotfl: Seriously, there's going to be no controlling it. I'm going to post everything. :lmao: We're supposed to pick 100 pics for our albums...I don't know how that will ever be possible.

So be prepared. It's going to be ridiculous. ;) :rotfl2:

YAY!!!! I have my scrolling finger ready to go!! Bring on the pics!!!! :rotfl:
OK, so it's taking me a little longer than I had hoped to get all the pictures up on photobucket and then resized to fit here, so for today I am just going to post pictures of my husband and his groomsmen before the ceremony.

While I was getting ready at the Contemporary, he was getting ready at Pop Century with my brother (his bestman) and my sister's husband (his groomsman). They were picked up at exactly 8 am and driven to the Grand Floridian where they met up with David & Vicki. They had better weather than I did at first. For about 20 minutes the rain held off so he was able to get some outside pictures.













I told you I'd go overboard with the pictures, and these are just my husbands! :rotfl: I hope to have my pictures and experience before the ceremony posted tonight. Hopefully...if all goes well. :laughing: I never thought I'd take this long writing this thing. I've read other trip reports and I never understood why it took so long for them to be completed, but now I understand. Life gets in the way. ;)
January 17, 2011 - pre-ceremony-

Our limo was supposed to pick us up at 8:30 outside the Garden Wing at the Contemporary Resort. I think after Patricia left we were around 15 minutes late. Normally I would be freaking out because I hate being late to anything, but I decided it was my wedding day and nothing was going to upset me. Thank goodness the garden wing has a huge awning outside the entrance, because it was really raining outside when we got in the limo.

We were on our way to meet David & Vicki at the Grand Floridian. It's not too far from the Contemporary, but our limo driver was sooooooo slow. I mean I don't think he broke 12 mph at all. My mom was stressing and I was trying to calm her down and let her know that her stressing was going to rub off on me. We made it to the Grand Floridian, I would say around 9am. So in total we were 30 minutes late for our pictures. Not too bad I guess.

The rain was off and on for a while. When we got out of the limo, David & Vicki were right there to greet us and the picture taking extravaganza began. :laughing: It was so exciting. I can't accurately describe the feeling of walking around having your picture taken, feeling absolutely beautiful (because everyone will be complimenting you on your day, everyone, you can't help but feel gorgeous! ;)) and knowing that this is the day that you'll marry your best friend. I know it's cheesy, but really, I was filled with so much happiness that morning, it was incredible. :cloud9: I want to relive that day over and over lol.

The first thing we did as we entered the Grand Floridian was walk over to the staircase. I've never been in that resort, but it is really pretty in there. People were all around sitting in the lobby and just watching us. It was a little awkward at first, I was really embarrassed, but David kept making jokes and Vicki was really reassuring, so after a little while I relaxed.

OK, I'm not trying to be mean, but whenever I read about someone saying a little girl walked by and said "look mom, a princess!" I kind of chuckled and said to myself "yeah, right". Sorry, but I just didn't buy it for whatever reason. Well, while I was on the stairs, sure enough a little girl and her mom walked by, and what did I hear?? You guessed it! It seriously was the cutest thing I've ever heard in my life. The mom and daughter stood at the bottom of the stairs watching for a minute, and the girl said "look a real princess!" and the mom made some cute comment and yea, cue the tears. :rotfl: I got choked up! hahaha It was all just amazing, I couldn't help it.

Oh, Amy (planner) and her assistant (I think Beth? or something close to that) were in the Grand Floridian with us. Amy was only there for a minute, and then she shot off to places unknown (probably to the WP). Her assistant was really nice. I had corsages for the mothers, but my mom didn't have anywhere to pin hers, so the assistant went running off and managed to get an elastic on the flowers so my mom could wear it on her wrist. I thought that was really sweet.

So, David & Vicki took tons of pictures on the stairs. A lot with me and
then my dad (who met us at the Grand Floridian with his wife and stepkids, I don't know how he even knew to meet us there :laughing: and thinking back on it, I'm shocked he was there on time!). Everyone in the bridal party just kind of stood around, so I felt bad for that. After the stairs, we went to the piano and took group shots there. Then my dad took off to the WP and we went upstairs to Citricos to take some more pics. It's beautiful in there! We took a lot of pictures, and were about to head down to the WP, when the assistant came over, spoke in her headset, and then said take more pictures! I immediately got freaked out, because I knew we were supposed to head over to the ceremony. I thought someone was missing, or that there was a tornado :-)rotfl: it was that bad out, the trees were sideways, so I really thought there was a tornado lol). It turned out that we waited because the wind was so bad they wanted to wait for it to calm down. It didn't really calm down at all, so after about 5 minutes, we were ushered down to the limo and off to the Wedding Pavilion. This is where we met up with Amy again, and a crew of girls holding umbrellas. I wish they had something to cover the path to the Wedding Pavilion when it's raining and windy out. It's a LONG walk out in the open.

Everyone got around me with their umbrellas, and we made our slow journey to the doors of the WP. The boys were waiting to go into the ceremony, so they were watching (not Eddie) as we were coming down the walkway. They were laughing so hard, I was so embarrassed! :laughing: My brother told me we looked like we were in the "tiv" (I think that's what he called it) from the tv show storm chasers. :confused3 At least they had a good laugh! We were put into the Bride's Vestibule (with all our poofy dresses, we hardly fit! lol). My sister looked at my bridesmaid's dress (soaked all on the right side) and got into a fit. :sad2: Thank God, Amy came in and pulled out a blow dryer and we managed to dry everyone's dresses and calm everyone down. Right before we were to start the ceremony, I had to use the bathroom...:rolleyes1 I couldn't help it, I had a huge cup of coffee! So my poor sister was on dress duty, it was actually pretty funny having her help me pee. :rotfl: She was being called out, so she didn't even let me wash my hands!!!! I told Amy and she let me go back in and wash up. :lmao: It was so stressful for my mom and sister, but I just let it roll off and enjoyed the time we had there. I knew it was the one and only time that I would be experiencing all of this.

Here's some pictures from arriving at the Grand Floridian leading up to the Ceremony:











Continued in next post -
Pre-Ceremony Pics continued -
















The clock in this one says 11:05..when I went into the Brides Vestibule and saw that my face looked like this :scared1: lol I thought we were an hour late, but they never changed the clock back (I really think they should lol) so we were only 5 minutes late...not too bad! :)


Up next - Ceremony!
Jules sweetie - these are seriously beautiful pictures!!!! You must be so thrilled with them!!!
I am so glad you thought Citricos was beautiful as that is where we are having our reception meal!!!
I cannot wait to see more!!!
:cheer2: Yippie for more pictures! :cheer2:

These are absolutely amazing! I can't wait to see more.


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