Wk of Dec 11--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Hey guys! I had a busy week and still haven't caught up on all the posts that I missed. I did 18 miles Tuesday and my last 18 mile LR is this Tuesday. I can't wait for the last LR to be over. 4 miles in I thought this one was going to be a real stonker as I was starting to feel my toes rubbing the inside of my shoes. Luckily it was a trail that is 2 miles each way, so 4 brought me right back to my car, where I applied a bunch of A&D Ointment to my toes, and they didn't bother me again. An easy 5 miles yesterday, and I am trying to figure out how to get my 8 miles in today.

Helen- Happy Birthday! Hope it was a great celebration!

Sunny - I can't even imagine 22 miles on the TM. You poor, poor thing! 5 miles on it last week was enough to make me brave the 38 degree weather for my LR last week. I'd rather freeze than spend that much time on the TM. Of course, I don't have snow or ice to deal with. Great job!! You really are a BIG :dog2: !!

So, is anybody else dealing with blisters on their blisters? I have over 50 miles on my marathon shoes now, and am tempted to switch back to my trainers that have close to 250 miles. They weren't causing blisters. Then again, maybe the cause is the increased mileage in each run. Can I just state for the record how ugly my feet are right now? One black toenail and three blisters! I'm glad it is not sandal season!! :earseek:
Stopping in for a quick visit. I have a very busy weekend planned so I'll check in when I can.

Did 6.3 mile walk this morning (had to cut it a little short since I got a later start than i planned) Did the 6.3 in 92.48 minutes (just about 15 min./mile pace). Slower than I wanted. Funny thing is I felt good the whole time during the walk. Nothing bothered me (except my iPod battery dying 1 1/2 miles in). Maybe that's why I was slower ;) . I wasn't even stiff afterward. :Pinkbounc

Here's a little tip in case anyone has a similar problem. Even though I used Bodyglide, in my longer walks I would still have a chafing problem. That irritation was a pain in the you-know-where :blush:

I was in the store the other day and saw these panties called Moving Comfort. They claim no seams, no chafing. What did i have to lose. Of course they looked like they wouldn't even fir my teenage niece, let alone me :teeth: But they did. They were very comfy. I still used the Bodyglide, but I had no "other" problems due to the undies. So, if anyone had the same problem, you may want to check these out. Don't be scared by how small they look. They stretch and fit very well.

Good luck to everyone this weekend.

12 miles in 2:49:23 for a 14:07 pace overall. I'm thinking with adrenaline and excitement, I might actually make it in 3:00 :faint:

A question, how should I feel after this distance? I've certainly never done any distance like this and I'm trying to figure out if this is appropriate or I should never,ever plan to do a full. I'm still physically and mentally tired...kinda feelin' like my legs got run over by a truck. For y'all doing the full, is this supposed to be how it is after this distance? I think of you doing 20 miles this weekend and am wondering if I wouldn't be able to work up to that, since I feel pretty poopy after 12.

The run itself was a bit surreal. It was 55 degrees this am and had rained off and on all night. I went out in two long sleeved shirts and long pants. By mile 6, the rain found me. By mile 8, I could see my breath. By mile 9, the serious rain found me...got to a point where there wasn't even a dry spot on my undershirt to wipe the rain out of my eyes :umbrella: After about mile 10, I could feel I was really fatigued, but my mind was clear and my pace stayed good...almost like my legs were on autopilot. I guess that's the 'flow' they speak of in the Non-Runner's book?

Seems like I've been lucky so far...no blisters or black toenails and I solved my chafing problems early on. I did have a slight rashy looking thing on top of my thighs when I got back today, but it was raining, so I'm blaming that.

Looking forward to seeing everyone else's LR reports! I can't believe...after nearly a year of conditioning, then training, it's almost here :goodvibes

Today's Splits
mile 1 14:39
2 14:02
3 14:13 honey shot
4 14:03
5 14:19 2 PB crackers
6 13:44 rain started; honey shot
7 14:18 PB cracker
8 13:35
9 14:15 rain worsened; honey shot
10 13:57
11 14:11
12 14:02
MelRhoads said:
Christa - Do you still have electricity?? If so, I want to hear a report from you and Bree!
Melissa- Thank you for caring! Yes we have power...but not everyone does. The ice storm was not as bad as expected but did push the double LR to Friday and Saturday.

WE DID IT! :cool1: :banana: :cool1: :banana:
The double LRs are over!
Friday - we did 12 at a SLOW pace (mainly b/c of ice). Around 2:30 :earseek: !
Saturday was 24. I had to pick up DD at 1200 so b/c of time, Bree and I did a little over 23 at 11 MPM. That is SO cool for me. I was wet at the end from sweat! DH did 25+ miles around Freedom Park. It is .8 miles around the park so he ran this over and over and over. Six miles of this was getting to and from the park. He is crazy!

Congrats Sunny on your TM LR! Glad you could get 22 in. :cheer2:

Good luck to everyone else. I wish I had time to read other posts, but have to get ready for my production tonight...I am Mary and ride a donkey :rotfl2: - This is xtraining!

We now start the taper! Someone said we have done everything we can do to train for the marathon...this is true! Everyone stay healthy and do not get hurt! Taper..Taper...Taper!

I am officially trained for the half marathon!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 10 miler was awesome, I honestly think it was best run I've ever had. Who would have thought??? :goodvibes I did have a minor problem at 4.88 miles when I ran past a "road closed" sign and a piece of metal was sticking up, I caught my shoe on it and down I went. I busted both of my knees (again!!) and ripped my favorite Nike tights. I was so bummed. I got up and started to walk it off, trying to think when I could get my 10 miles in. I came to the conclusion that today was the only day, since I didn't want to cut into the taper and if I fell in the half marathon, of course I would get up and keep going. And that's what I did. My knee was a little stiff for a few minutes, and going up hills was a little painful, but I was okay. I finished my 10 miles in 2:02:28--I was VERY excited about that!! I think I'm going to be ready for Disney. :teeth: Stephen is doing his 20 miles tomorrow, he said he'll post tomorrow afternoon. Even though he doesn't post all the time, he does read the thread.

Sunny--You are amazing!! I can't believe you ran 22 miles on treadmill. Awesome job!! :cheer2: Did you get all of your shopping finished? I finished up on Wednesday, but I cheated, doing most of my shopping on-line. :smooth:

Liz--Hi!! Nice to see you again!!

Carrie--I know you won't get this until you get home from Atlanta, but I just wanted to tell you that Stephen and I got our shirts, they look great (and fit great too). Thanks again for undertaking that huge project.

Mel-- :cheer2: for doing 12 miles in the pouring rain. I did 8 miles in the pouring rain and that really drains you mentally. Good job for keeping at it.

:cheer2: :grouphug: :cheer2: to everyone who is doing their lr's tomorow and for all of you Goofy's. I'll check a little later to see how everyone did and is doing, right now I think I may take a little nap!!!

Krista princess:
Hi All!

Sounds like everyone is doing great. I finished my 10 miles on the treadmill in 2:51:00. That wouldn't keep me ahead of the sweepers, but I know that my outside walks are always faster than on the TM. I am just glad it is done because I have lots of stuff to do around the house.

Take care!!
I am have been a little hesitant to write, not really my thing. However, I have learned sooooo much from this group and you all have really helped me feel part of a team...

I did my LR today, 20 miles, in horrible icy, MA conditions. When I was feeling sorry for myself that I would have to wait for the roads to melt this morning, I remembered that Sunny did 22 on a TM and I had nothing to complain about. My run was much harder than my 18. As I finished, running up to "tag" the mailbox, I checked the mail and there was my shirt. Thanks Carrie. It was the best timing in the world. Yes, I cried.

Thanks everyone for keeping me going and teaching me about ice baths!

Quick visit to report on Today's LR.

Let's just say--IT finally happened....I FELL. :(

But as Woody would say--I fell with style ;).

You see--evidently the quad brakes do not work yet. I will call PT on Monday and ask what is up with that. I'm usually pretty good at catching myself from some serious spills--and pretty much avoiding them while looking like a dummy in the process.

Well--today--I now have learned how to slide into home plate. You see--after the first few steps....I knew the fall was going to happen.....so as I pass the stumble part and ease into the fall.....My hands reached forward in a dive...the legs lengthened out--and I fell flat on the concrete sliding a smidge into the grass (the arm brakes still work apparently). I do not know how--but by the grace of God and a sprinkling of pixie dust from the marathon faries---I managed to scrape (minorly) my thigh and it took the ground..somehow--I managed to hit the ground flat and my knees didn't even kiss the surface. My poor walking buddy was freaking out (bridge today 2X--so walking it was)---I told her I did that on purpose...she said "oh no you did not do that on purpose"--I replied...well actually--HOW I fell was on purpose. A bit shaken, but not stirred mind you! I did elect to stop.

After driving past the spot later--clear as day--that particular section of sidewalk was raised---and in the perfectly manicured grass mohawk--you could see where I landed as the grass was lifted.

Oh--and by the way--even before the spill..the run/walk was a stonker--but it actually turned out to be kind of fun. Drenched to the gills--I am now ready for rain conditions--and I have practiced graceful falling ;).

I fell at 7.4 miles--and then called the coach to hitch a ride back to the start. My garmin conked out (replaced the batteries last weekend even)--and I forgot to ask my partners in crime the time.....post fall after the "I'm all right" bit--My next thought was--so how far did I go? Priorities I tell you! Priorities! :)
Just a quick post to report I got my shirt in the mail today. THANK YOU CARRIE!!! I'll be wearing it for the 20 miles tomorrow.

I did a 10 mile LR on the treadmill this am and will be doing my 20 miles on it tomorrow. With the terrible NY weather, there's no way I'm chancing getting injured on my last long training run.

I made a great shrimp & pasta dinner tonight to carbo load a bit and to celebrate the hard work being nearly done. 20 days from today I'll be at WDW!!!

Best of luck to you all this weekend on your LR's.
I'm back from my 20 miler. It was good, although the top of my toe is now missing (just the top layer of skin, due to the fact that the bandaid I put on to cover an earlier blister decided to remove the skin for me, so now I have a blister and missing skin on that toe. Great).

Otherwise, all was good. I finished in 4:32:40, or an avg. 13.6/min./mile pace. Not great, but not too bad. Ahead of the sweepers and since I'm goofy'ing, that's all I care about. I might have been able to go a little faster, except the temp. kept dropping all afternoon and I never do as well when it's cold. Our weathermen seriously lied. They said it would be sunny most of the day and 50. Well, the sun never came out and it never got above 40. Phooey. But still, it's done and I cried a little when I came around the last corner, just from knowing that it's all done.


Congrats to all who've successfully completed their runs and PD to all of you who still have to do them!!! We're almost home!!!! Yay!!!!
I am jealous of you guys who got your shirts! Haven't gotten mine yet. :(

Can't stand my mailman when I'm waiting for a package. Even with reg. mail, if two things are mailed (one to me and another to a close by area) I always get mine 2-3 days than the other area.

I can't wait to see the shirts!

In case I forgot to say it: THANKS CARRIE (and husband) for organizing and mailing the shirts! :goodvibes



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