Wk of Dec 25--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in the 2006 and/or 2007 Disney Half or Full marathons. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us!

Here's the Marathon FAQ, a great place to answer your marathon questions:
Disney Marathon FAQ
And some websites for further running/walking info:
The John Bingham site:
Jeff Galloway's site:

Pacing Calculator
Happy Holidays to all...

...and to all a good night!
Merry Christmas everyone, 14 days from right we will be finishing the Disney Marathon!!

We just arrived home from a 7 day Disney cruise. We had a great time, but I prefer a week at Walt Disney World. I managed to run my 10 mile LR on Castaway Cay on Friday. It was really great and effortless (I had a LOT of glycogen stores from the week :rotfl: ). Now back to the real world and two more weeks of taper.

Happy Holidays everyone!!

I can't believe we are two weeks away!! Holidays-schmalidays... all I can think about is the race!

Solotraveler :earsboy:
TiffJ--awesome pace. Hope you feel better!

Colleen--sounds like a fantastic cruise and a wonderful place for a 10 mile run. How many island laps was that?

I clocked about 13:30 (I think) yesterday on our 8 mile run. Oh--and did I forget the part that I'm no longer in Florida--I'm in New Mexico--almost a mile higher in elevation than I am used to--and then they have these hills b/c there are these things called MOUNTAINS. :earseek:

Hubby was such a hunk when we ran together for the first time about 2-3 months ago--and yesterday I was ready to kill him. I just don't like running with people who think they can coach me. He's lucky I didn't push him down the hill. :earboy2: . He expected me to go faster (b/c Doc says nothing wrong with my knee) and let's just say it involved me crying and screaming at him. He just didn't understand that with disrupted training and a modified plan--I wasn't about to change it up for him yesterday with only 2 weeks to go. :confused3 (Oh--and there might be a slight issue with PMS--and the evil one may have reared her ugly head :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 not quite sure---but it is quite possible :rolleyes1 :rolleyes1 ).

He did redeem himself this morning--I got a new ring :cloud9: :love: :banana: . Of course--first I got a fake one that I thought was real and everyone knew it but me. pirate: . And then Santa gave me the real mccoy! Guess I should have been nicer yesterday or he wouldn't have played the joke. :rotfl:

This week--we go even higher in the mountains :earseek: . Depending on what it looks like when we arrive--this may just be a week of walking on the clock just to clock the time.
Merry Christmas everyone! Does sitting around on the couch eating cookies count as tapering? Just wondering. If so, I'm very good at this taper thing. ;)
Merry Christmas!!! This training has definitely overshadowed the holidays this year!

Had a great LR yesterday, 8 miles @ a 9:24 pace (PR for me). My last mile was an 8:02! Sweet.

Today I'm cross training w/ cookies & other holiday food that'll be stopped up inside me for a few days. Great....

Hope everyone had a great holiday!!!! 2 more weeks!!!!!!! I can't stand it!!

Hi, everyone! Just popping in to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah.

I am so glad I got in my 8 miles yesterday on the TM. Got up at 6 and went to the gym and was out shopping before 9. Did the 8 in 1:53:04 (14:08 pace). That was good enough for me, especially since I had to force myself to stay with it beyond 3. Here's a tip. You can't stay up wrapping presents until 2:45 a.m. and then expect to get up for the gym at 6 and pull off a great pace. You just have to be glad to finish.

I am very excited now that we are less than 2 weeks away. I am going to turn my attention toward developing the packing list and the to-do-before-the-half list, especially with my Brother in Law coming to watch the kids. I see a lot of shopping and cleaning in my future.

Have a great night, everyone!

Just look at your last post. 8 miles at 14 minutes per mile. Now go back to, say March, and visualize you covering that distance at that pace. Well? Now imagine standing in the starting corrals in 13 days, with 13 miles in front of you.

You'll be fresh, surrounded by others doing the same distance, and ready to go. I'm confident you'll come in well under the 16 minute requirement.

Also, be sure to start in the front of your assigned corral. The 16 minute pace clock begins when the last person crosses the start. By being at the front of your corral, you'll give yourself a few precious additional minutes ahead of the sweepers.

Me? I'm certainly in good half marathon shape. How that translates to 2 races in about 29 hours remains to be determined. For the full I'm trying to arrange a rabbit to pick me up when I come out of the Animal Kingdom, and carry me to the entry to the Disney Studios. My only candidate is a 20 year old College Junior and lacrosse player, who I may threaten with her spring room and board payment to convince her to "volunteer."

We've done the hard work. The fun part begins at 6 a.m. on January 7.

See everyone in the corrals.

Hi Eveyone!

Just a quick post... I did it! I completed my Run to Disney Christmas morning. Dx got me wonderful running clothes. He got me a pair of conditioning tights (I think like MelR posted about a while back) they have enforcing bands that criss-cross adding support around the knees. I love them! I was able to do a 6.2 with an avg pace of 9:06 and it wasn't hard :banana:

Anyhoo, I made it to Disney (virtually) and have done a few laps around the resort! :rotfl2:
Happy Holidays to all & congrats to everyone on successful runs this week in the midst of the holiday time.

Glad to be over the holiday hump and it's full-steam ahead for packing and getting mentally prepared for the race. So very excited!!
plutosmyfav said:
Hi Eveyone!

Just a quick post... I did it! I completed my Run to Disney Christmas morning. Dx got me wonderful running clothes. He got me a pair of conditioning tights (I think like MelR posted about a while back) they have enforcing bands that criss-cross adding support around the knees. I love them! I was able to do a 6.2 with an avg pace of 9:06 and it wasn't hard :banana:

Anyhoo, I made it to Disney (virtually) and have done a few laps around the resort! :rotfl2:

:earseek: I am so incredibly impressed! That is fabulous! Way to go Plutosmyfav! :banana:
WTG Sunny!!! That is awesome. And cool of Dx!

Sara- that is exactly what I'm doing. Making my packing lists, seeing what I need to buy before we leave, etc. Hoping to be able to leave the house clean. I hate coming home to a messy house.

Cam & Jodi- Great job on the pace :banana:

We have decided to go down a day early since DH has the whole week off anyway. We will arrive 1/2 & are staying at Pop for the 1st night & then check into WL. Very excited!!!!!!!
Just a quick stop in to say that we are back. Had an awesome 8 days at the World. Did the 20 mile LR on Sun 12/18(then had family over all afternoon and then stayed at MVMCP until 11 pm- can you say long day?) and the 10 mile taper LR Sat 12/24 but nothing much in between besides the normal WDW walking. FYI- it's not difficult at all to make a 7 mile mostly out and back with some looping out of the OKW, DTD, and SSR areas. I did 6.56 twice and 7 for the third lap to get the 20. Saratoga Springs landscaping is beautiful and I'm still really impressed by it. Someday we may even actually stay there but for this trip we had another great experience at OKW w/ a dedicated 2 bedroom.

Happy holidays everyone belatedly!
Mazz- sorry for your family's loss
Plutosmyfav - congrats on getting to WDW virtually. it was fun following along with you. :)

Cam - great job on that pace.

Well - I've had 2 days off of doing no workouts - unless you consider celebrating the holidays with the family a workout (and it could be ;) )
Tomorrow, I'll get back into some light workouts. Just about two weeks till I leave. The excitement and anticipation is killing me! :)
TEK224 said:
Just about two weeks till I leave. :)

:earseek: I hope you mean just about one week before you leave!!

I plan to be finished the marathon and back home in 2 weeks!

FWIW, I have POR booked from Jan 5-9th that I will be cancelling tomorrow. I was able to get the Teacher rate of $155 at the Swan so we will be staying there. PM me if you are interested in maybe snatching up POR when I cancel.

princessmomma said:
:earseek: I hope you mean just about one week before you leave!!

I plan to be finished the marathon and back home in 2 weeks!


See what not exercising and eating chocolate chip cookies does to my brain? :crazy:

Yep, Colleen, I meant one week. I think I was catching up on some other posts and was thinking we had longer than we do. Must be wishful thinking for some more time for those workouts ;)

(Who now knows she leaves in one week for the World!)
Terri- don't mess with my brain like that! I am counting down every day & have 6 to go & then I see your post & for a second I think "wait, have I been counting wrong"

I have made my packing list so I feel a little better now. My best friend makes fun of me. She said "you have a week until you leave & you have made a packing list already" See, I was getting worried because I was behind in my eyes. I usually have my list made & all the stuff bought at Wal Mart & some things in suitcases by now. She doesnt understand us compulsive Disney planners. That's why we get along so well, we're both neurotic, just in different ways :rotfl:

I got the Amphipod waist pack for the race yesterday. I was hoping I could get away with not using it (not because of comfort but because of how it would look in those pics :blush: ) I realized if I want to bring a disposable camera, even if I have pockets in my shorts I dont want to carry that in my pockets. DH thinks I'm nuts for caring how I look during a race. And if there weren't going to be any pics then I wouldnt care but I want pics! Since me & mom will be leaving the hotel way before our support team we are going to have someone in the lobby take a "before" picure of us. I'm sure the "after" pic will be really pretty.

Race question- those bags they give you to put your stuff in on race morning. how early do you have to turn those in? I was thinking I could put my pants in there before the race starts & have a disposable jacket. Looking at the weather I should be fine starting the race in shorts but I'm sure at 3:30 I will need something on my legs.

I'm also getting concerned about the amt of clothes to bring. Since packing for FL at this time of year means basically packing for 3 seasons. Plus my race stuff. Agh! I'm just going to bring everything I own & be done with it :goodvibes

Sorry for rambling, but I am getting so excited about this. It is finally time to start really preparing for the trip. And when I get excited-watch out. Like you guys said you can't hear an accent. Well with me what you can't hear is me talking 90 miles an hour. DH says "what?" to me alot :rolleyes1 I tend to get a little hyper when really excited about something. And WDW is definately something I get hyper over.


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