Wk of May 13--WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Everyone,

I'm desperately trying to catch up reading the thread this week. Part of the issue is there's a lot of chatter which is great, the other part is that I'm trying to cut back on the amount of Dis-ing I do at work. I had my yearly review this week and it was glowing. My boss said wonderful things about my work and gave me a nice raise. Now I feel so guilty that I'm spending so much time reading the Disboards. I'm going to try to limit myself to reading only at lunchtime. It's amazing how guilt works as such a motivator. Far better than reprimands or discipline.

My training this week has gone pretty well. I did 7.6 mi on Monday. It's the first time in over 2 weeks I've run so far because of my leg injury, which is feeling fine now. I did a 5.3 mi loop ending at my house, refilled my water bottle and did another 2.3 mi. It was great breaking the run up that way into 2 manageable distances, it never seemed too daunting.

I did manage to add a short strength training routine in this week. I'm going to try to do it 2 times a week to start and see how it goes.

Jen/Patsfan: Welcome.:welcome:

Martha: Congrats on signing up for the full. I have no doubt, with the determination you've shown here that you will accomplish it with no problem. Good luck with your house guests. Just keep reminding yourself that without MIL there would be no DH. So she must have done something right.

Angie: Sorry for your back pain. I'm sure it's very frustrating.

HMHunters: Great job on getting your run in while on the road last weekend. Great pace on your run today.

Jen117: Belated happy birthday. Sorry your family didn't make a big deal out of it. I demand that my family do something special for me. Hope your back pain gets better. Lots of luck with your race.

Cam: Good luck with meeting your goal for CDC. It definately seems reasonable. I did 40 crunches as part of my strength training this week. Ouch! I am so doubly impressed that you do 100 every day!!

Bill: Glad you have time to resume training. I hear you about the 3 AM feedings! My DDs are 2 and I'm still recovering from that first year.

Stephanie: Great pic of you and your sis. Great job on your tempo run.

Kelley: So sorry about your DH's accident. Prayers for a speedy recovery.

Cecilia: Welcome back. Best wishes on being a single mom. I know that's so hard.

Vic: Welcome back. Glad you enjoyed your trip. Sorry about the PF. Ouch. RW had an article on foot/ankle injuries this month. Maybe some of the stretches might help.

Andrew: Good luck with the Bingham training. I'm sure you have plenty of time to catch up with the plan.

Mark: Welcome. :welcome: Good luck with your training.

Laurie: Glad you had a well deserved break.

Lily: Have a great trip to Cancun.

Mel: Good job with your speed intervals. Every bit helps.

Kristi: I think you've hit upon my ideal vacation. A whole week of sleep!! There's a 5K on June 16th in Hopkinton, MA - the Timlin 5K. I'm hoping to run that.

Shan: Good job getting below your goal wt. Enjoy your trip.

Dona: Good job on being ahead of sweeper pace. I hope to go over and read your journal soon.

Bekkiz: Congrats on committing to the 1/2.

Judy: Glad your on the road to recovery.

Carrie: Sorry the DO wasn't supportive about running. Best wishes that the PT and orthotics help.

Jackie: Great training. Does your Galloway group meet just once a week?

Lynne: Good luck on your race.

Dave: Great job on your run. It's amazing how fast you can go when you're just out there enjoying yourself.

Colleen: Hope your medical issues aren't too serious.

Leana: Wings. Yum!!

Christa: Great time on your run. I always try to run the first mile slower to save a bit of energy for the end. Once in a race it's so hard though because of all the adrenaline. Good luck in your race.

Stacey: Glad you got outside for your workout.

Sorry to anyone I missed.

Have a great day everyone.

Cindy - Wow, I haven't seen a post like that in awhile!!!

So I went to the gym at lunch and pounded out 35 minutes on the indoor track. I was a 12 minute mile (first mile was 11:45 ish). That's it... up next is my 1/2 marathon. Oh, except the 1/2 mile kids race that I will run with the girls. I'm not sure I will be able to keep up with my DD6.5... she is fast and always lets me know it! I will hang back with DD4 who has asthma and runs much slower! ;)
Lynne and Matt - Lots of :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: for you guys/gals at your ironman/woman! Is it Sunday or Saturday? I will track you! So each time you pass a beeping thingy...know there is someone watching! That helped me at the marathon this year.

Everyone is doing so great on their runs and other WOs!
I have rehearsal tonight!:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:
Speaking about worrying about dh's, Has anyone heard from Tiff??
I emailed her a few days ago. I told her that we were all thinking of her & sending lots of prayers & :wizard: their way. I haven't heard anything back yet. I am really worried about them! I would call her, but I feel like I was being too nosy or something. :confused3
Jen - Wow! Picking on the poor asthmatic kid! :rotfl: I guess you will be walking/running near me this year, huh?:rotfl:

Cindy - I will ask Chad if he wants to do that Hopkinton race. I will have to check and see how far it is from Nashua.

Dave - can't wait to hear about your race with the princess: s!

Ok, so I still have not done a thing since the Minnie. :blush:
BUT, my two toning DVDs came yesterday & I just got back from buying 3 & 5 lb. weights at Wal-Mart. I think a major thing holding me back from getting any faster is my total lack of any xt. I plan to start that tomorrow!

Also, I actually got 8 hours of sleep in a row last night! I feel like a human being! Imagine if I did that all the time? So, I have a couple errands to run yet, but I plan on getting another 8 hours tonight. Watch out world! :rotfl:
Ok, so I still have not done a thing since the Minnie. :blush:

Kristi - I've been having a hard time with getting motivated since Minnie as well. I took a week off of running, then started in with my 5 mi LR this weekend. That felt good, but then Tuesday's 4 miler was AWFUL. Tonight is another 4 miler so I just hope it feels better. Good luck getting back at it.
Kristi, I am so glad you emailed Tiff, I hope everything is alright!

Cindy, yes, that was an awesome post!popcorn::

Leana and Kristi, I had a really hard time getting back into it after Goofy, I have just started training seriously about 5 weeks ago.
For all those folks going Goofy in January:

My cousin ran the Goofy this year and she offered me this advice:
"Do yourself a favor and start practicing back-to-back long runs on the weekends this fall - shorter sat, longer sun. My feet felt like there was no padding & no shoes by the last 13 miles!"

Are you guys doing anything different from a regular full marathon training program to get ready for the Goofy?
Thanks to Christa who posted the link to the tricharlotte.com site when they had their training calendar for the Goofy up I followed it and swear by the schedule. It called for training the same as you would during your week and XT. On the scheduled LR weekends at the 12 mile mark split the weekend with 6 on Saturday then 12 on Sunday...follow the schedule similarly for the LRs (which should be about every other weekend at that point). If you are not trying for a PR it offeres guaranteed results. Guaranteed? you might say, and I will say yes for if I can do it then anyone certainly can! Don't forget the important part is now where you are building your base, do your XT and get your muscles onboard with you.

Speaking of adding your other muscles in the program...
JenOk, so I still have not done a thing since the Minnie. :blush:
BUT, my two toning DVDs came yesterday & I just got back from buying 3 & 5 lb. weights at Wal-Mart. I think a major thing holding me back from getting any faster is my total lack of any xt. I plan to start that tomorrow!

Also, I actually got 8 hours of sleep in a row last night! I feel like a human being! Imagine if I did that all the time? So, I have a couple errands to run yet, but I plan on getting another 8 hours tonight. Watch out world! :rotfl:
Yup, you've got it right. XT, sleep and don't forget those everyother during the week trainings with hill work one week and speed work
the next week. It will improve your ability...it did mine (relative to my beginning ability I fly now at 13s and 14s with some a bit faster here and there).

Happy training everyone. Do good.
Last chance to run tonight before my surgery tomorrow. Put in 8.5 miles at a pretty slow pace since it was so hot. Swung by the house at 4 miles and cooled off with the hose. What a difference that makes! Saturday I could barely make 7.5 miles and was dying out there. In the future I need to male sure I have access to hoses or similar on my runs. Good lesson learned today.

Since Sunday I've run 21 miles and worked out on the Bowflex twice. Gotta find something other than running to do for the next month. Might look into swimming.

anyway, have a good weekend.
Duane: Best wishes for your surgery.

Kristi: Check out www.nerunner.com for a pretty detailed race listing. You'll probably find a closer race. Hopkinton is at the intersection of 495 and Mass Pike, so I'm guessing it's at least 45-55 min from Nashua.

Have a good night everyone.
Kristi - Unfortunately.... I have asthma also. Mine is EIA, and so far only have a problem when I run and not too much with other cardio workouts. Summer is the worst when my allergies are full blown and I try to run!!! So yah, I will hang with the slow runners.:love:

Wasn't it Lily who said the party is in the back of the bus?????

OK, when I finally got home I decided to pull some weeds for about 45 minutes. I think all the bending and stretching made my PF mad. Now I am rolling the ice bottle on it.
Wasn't it Lily who said the party is in the back of the bus?????

Feel better Jen.

Duane, best WISHes for a speedy recovery. Will be sending PD your way that all involved are going to handle you efficiently and that you will be back in no time.

Great news for me and DH. We are going to play ToT! DH will participate way back in 6.5 and I'll play 13k.
:dance3: :dance3: :dance3:

Good night...
Cindy - I'm cutting down on DISing at work too, but mine came in the form of a not-so-subtle memo from the VP of HR sent to all employees reminding them about not using the internet at work for personal reasons. I had just recently starting checking in several times a day from work, and suddenly felt like the memo was directed specifically at me. (Upon discussion with my co-workers, they all felt the same way!) Sure makes it hard to keep up, AND keep the house clean, AND cook dinner...
And yes, the Galloway group meets on Saturdays for a LR. Some of the members said that once we get to know each other, people will set up mid-week small groups to get together.

Leana - Someone asked Jeff Galloway about training for Goofy - he said basically what many people here have said. His suggestion was to do a hike or something with mileage on Sat, followed by the LR on Sunday - anything to get your body accustomed to the activity on back-to-back days. (I loved it when they asked the question - Jeff asked how many people knew what the Goofy was - I couldn't believe how few people in the room raised their hands!)

Christa - I can't believe you forgot pictures of the pig! And why don't dogs understand the concept of pace? Mystic always wants to sniff more when I'm concentrating on keeping up a good pace.

Lynne - Good luck this weekend!

Did a very half-hearted workout with the arms this morning. Somehow by the end of the week my enthusiasm for getting up early seems to fade. I ended up grocery shopping tonight instead of walking the dog, but my shins said they needed a break before Saturday's run. Sounds like a good story, anyway!

Kristi - Unfortunately.... I have asthma also. Mine is EIA, and so far only have a problem when I run and not too much with other cardio workouts. Summer is the worst when my allergies are full blown and I try to run!!! So yah, I will hang with the slow runners.:love:

Wasn't it Lily who said the party is in the back of the bus?????
I think we should have official WISH inhaler cozies!
We could wrap our rescue inhalers in lime green! :rotfl:

I also agree that the coolest kids hang at the back of the bus! :thumbsup2

Cindy - thanks for the link! Although 45 mins. is not that far. I drive to Boston (40 miles) to work every day. And I stupidly asked Chad where Hopkinton was yesterday.
:rolleyes: umm, HELLO??? Did I ever hear of the Boston Marathon? Oy! :rolleyes:
I went out too fast so I think I will try to go a little slower at 1st then try to speed up at the end. Maybe the crowds will help...and the free food at the end...

Christa - I'm not sure if you saw this in RW or not but this group showed that going out "too fast" is better for a 5K. You do slow down but it's faster overall than going out slower and building speed. The race is too short to make up the time you could gain by busting it right out of the gate.


I think we should have official WISH inhaler cozies!
We could wrap our rescue inhalers in lime green! :rotfl:

And how about on a wrist bungie like Carrie's famous sponges??

Duane - Good luck on the surgery!
Dang, overslept again but at least it is Friday. Went out for my first speedwork run last night and did pretty well. Did the warmup mile with a 11:45 pace, mile run at 8:30, half mile walk at 14:20, mile run at 8:30, half mile walk at 13:35, cooldown mile at 11:00. I felt good afterwards even though it was raining at the beginning and half way through it stopped and became an instant sauna.

Craig - I saw last night that you have your own TV show coming on. I think it was called Pirate Master or something like that and is starting in a couple of weeks. Holding out on this good news...:lmao:

Kristi - Posting at 5:00 makes me think that you didn't get your sleep last night. But that may be karma since you are running around bragging about 8 hours, I don't know when I last had that much sleep in one stretch. ;) Good luck with your toning programs.

Jackie - Hope your shins feel better before your run tomorrow.

Jen - Now that you have experience pulling weeds, I have some over here that you can work on for more cross training. :rotfl2:

Duane - Glad you were able to get your run in. Hope your surgery goes well.

Carrie - Glad you can see some difference with the orthotics. I hope the rocks begin to feel better quickly.

Christa - Boy you are fast. You should have no problem beating a 24 minute 5k time. There was an article somewhere that said starting out fast actually helped your time more than starting slow for short races. ETA: Just saw that Mike said about the same thing and that was the article I saw.

HM - Great job on the run and that is a great pace. Keep it up.

Stacey - Glad you were able to get outside for your runs.

Cindy - Great job on the job review. It looks like you are doing great with your training as well.

Colleen - I hope they are able to figure out what is causing the odd levels and it is something fairly easy to fix.

Apologies to anyone I missed. Now the whirlwind weekend is about to start.

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Rest day for me yesterday, no training to report.

Shan- The Girls on the Run program sounds great. I don't think they have any here, but if they did I bet my princesses would do it.

Leana- How'd your 4 miler go?

Carrie- Ooooh, I'm so jealous that you're going to CA for the Wings game. Have a great time. Go Red Wings, My Red Wings... As far as shyness goes, I'm really different on a race course. That's one of the few places I relax, have fun, and just have a blast. I should treat everything like that I guess. Have a great weekend.

Whoa Christa- 7:14 mpm for mile 1. You were flying out there. Yeah, I bet if you have mile 1&2 closer to 8 mpm you could go sub 8 for the last 1.1 mile. Good luck in the race. Have a blast.

As far as people saying they're training for marathons, you know I don't really tell anyone about my running (just you guys). It's something I keep inside of me kind of like a personal secret. I kind of like it that way - it's kind of like this thing that people don't know about me and might not necessarily expect. If it comes up in conversation, I'll tell, but not usually.

Jen- Brett Farve, seriously!!! That's too cool. You definitely deserve a brat and beer after a half marathon. That sounds really cool. Have fun. Nice job on finishing your training - now it's carbo load time.

HMHunters- Oooh, the Garmin's are really cool. I think there's a $50 rebate until the end of May too. I held off getting one until my running watch died, and I knew I was really sticking with the running. But I'm glad I got it. Great job on the 5.1 miles at a sub 10 mpm pace. That's great!

Stacey- Nice job on your run too. Sounds like everyone is building up some miles.

Cindy- Congratulations on the great work review and raise, and congrats on the great running week. You really got some good runs in.

Kristi- Good for you for trying to get some more x-training in. I bet I could use some more strength training too. Don't beat yourself up too much about not training since Minnie. You'll get out there again as soon as you find something to train for. Whoo hooo on getting some decent sleep. :thumbsup2 Sounds like your body really needed it.

Sunny- How are you doing out there? How's the taper going for Vermont?

Duane- Best WISHes for the surgery!

Lily- Whoo hooo on going to ToT!!!

Jackie- Take care of those shins. I remember you having trouble with them before.

Hello Mike/Optimator pirate:

Bill- Great run! Your mile pace was flying!

Have a great day all!
Kristi - Posting at 5:00 makes me think that you didn't get your sleep last night. But that may be karma since you are running around bragging about 8 hours, I don't know when I last had that much sleep in one stretch. ;)
I am scheduled to work every day at 3:30am (that doesn't mean I am here before 4 though :rolleyes1 ). I didn't get much sleep last night though - I jinxed myself. I got maybe 5.5 hours. And I don't have a new baby at home to blame!

Mike - good idea! I'll have to search the web for lime green wrist coils! Although, I'm not sure how to attached it to an inhaler...maybe we still need a cozy, then attach the strap! (Oh boy, I must be tired!)
Are you guys doing anything different from a regular full marathon training program to get ready for the Goofy?
I took a basic Marathon training program, stretched it to 33 weeks then moved the runs around so that I run half the distance of my long run the day before. I stretched it to give me extra time building up so that I could get used to the back to back runs at shorter distances. I also made the distances alternate every week much earlier than the regular program so it takes longer to build up to the 20 milers.

I am starting my Goofy training the first week of June. This is simply to make sure I keep my base mileage up once the kids are out of school. I am making a poster size log chart so that it will be "in my face" every day and I won't be tempted to sleep in. Or do what I did yesterday and count baseball and softball tournaments as "heart rate training" (I was watching my kids - not actually playing)

Thanks to Christa who posted the link to the tricharlotte.com site when they had their training calendar for the Goofy up I followed it and swear by the schedule.

I need to check out that website Tigerlily and see how their plan compares with mine. Thanks for sharing the site again.

OH and I have to share this with you guys:

Snuggled up in bed with two of my kids and one of them asks "Mommy are you a runner?" I hesitate then answer "yes". The other asks "Mommy are you an athlete?" again I hesitate, this time even longer, then it hits me "yes, I guess you could call me an athlete" They were content and went on with their reading. I however could not read, I just kept replaying the conversation in my head. An Athlete? that seems like such a stretch and yet...

Happy training everyone!


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