Wk of May 17 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners

Hey everyone!
Quick fly by as it's my Friday and trying to wrap things up.

Timmac - good luck!

Jen - Congrats!!

Kim - good job but do take it easy with that hip.

Maura - is there somewhere you can rent one? If not, I just got this special: http://xterrawetsuits.com/activemay09/

Have a great weekend!
Hi All! I figured I should come over here and post since in my head I'm a part of this team... you all read my thoughts and knew that, right? :rotfl2:

I'm supposed to be tapering for a marathon (10 more days!) but have acute achilles tendonitis and pain in both knees... Ortho doc said to rest until race day and then hope for the best :eek:

I'm signed up for the Disneyland Half, so maybe I'll be meeting you there...any decisions on the timing for the meet Jeff?

You all seem like a very speedy group, so look for me at the back of the pack!
Maura, that's so cool about your triathalon. I'm planning to try one next summer when I'm a little more settled. I haven't ridden a bike for racing (or well anything other than around campus) in over 5 years, so that part makes me nervous, but there's a local sprint triathlon that I may train towards later.

I did an easy 4 miles at a 7:45 pace and then a 15 minute ab workout.

Nice taste of summer up here in the Northeast.

Maura...you'll be fabulous in a tri! We know you'll kill in the run segment.

Timmac...good luck on your marathon! Can't wait to hear how it went.

Jennifer...great pace on your run!
Maura: Good luck on the tri.

I just got back from just under 6. My runs have been about 10 seconds a mile slower than I would like but I'm still putting that down to some lingering rustiness from vacation. If the pace isn't down by next week it will be speedwork time again.
Hi everyone! I can't believe I've been missing out on the weekly thread for the past few weeks. I'll catch up with everyone in next week's thread
I had quite the busy day. I started with a 5 mile race this morning that I thought was a 5K until I checked the sheet last night for the starting time...oh well.

Then I can home to 3 hours of yard work. When I got fed up with that I went out for an hour on the bike to get in some cross training. Now it is off to make some dinner.

Hopefully everyone's weather is cooperating like ours this holiday weekend.


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