Wk of May 21--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Yeesh, I get busy and you people rack up pages and pages!! I hope I hit everyone I need to....

First, thanks to all of you with the Welcome Back's!!

Lynne-- Wowza on the tri!!! You've certainly put me to shame. Swimming in a lake in Florida?? Um, no. Congrats to you!!

Cam-- I loved your post about not being alone in this!! :thumbsup2 That really suprised me last year. After I joined up with you wonderful people it just seemed like all of a sudden I became part of something bigger than just me and my race. And that was certainly reflected come race weekend!

Amy-- Woo Hoo!! Congrats on the Registration!!

Michael-- Great training run!! Awesome pace!! :thumbsup2

Carrie-- Yeah, yeah, yeah.. I did promise to be around more. Shame shame on me!! I hope I catch you before you leave... Good luck this weekend at the race!! The weather is looking GORGEOUS here!!

Everyone Else-- Sounds like pretty much everyone is doing great!!, (Save for some illness, bad doctors and the possible absence of our Evil Queen this January........ )

Well, I'm officially locked in. Not only did I confirm my Goofy registration with the Disney Sports people, my hotel was booked in April and I just booked airfare this morning!!! Northwest just opened up an outbound and return nonstop GRR-MCO and it was less than $250, so jumped on it!! I know you Jetblue/Southwest folks are probably having a fit of full-on vapors at the idea of spending that much on airfare, but from GR in the winter, that's a steal. As they say in the Haunted Mansion, there's no turning back now.

I'm all registered for my 5K in Toronto the last weekend in June... so there's something to train for!!! :cheer2:

This week's training was just OK.... Tuesday's training session in the gym was fine, but my run was a serious STONKER. (Wait, can a short run even be a stonker???) Wednesday was actually a suprise run day.... my roomate asked if I wanted to go to hills, so we decided to do hills at the soccer field across the street. this particular soccer field was built on the site of a former quarry and is the most popular sledding hill in town, so these were some serious hills. Thursday and Friday just more of the same... good in the gym and pretty good cardio. Tomorrow will be my first truly long run in a long time. At least 8 miles, maybe more if I feel up to it. I want to set a baseline to see how much I can improve between now and when Goofy training starts. We'll see how it goes.

Have a great holiday weekend everyone!!!
Happy training!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
Mouse Skywalker said:
Does anyone have that 20% off shoes code from Sierra Trading Post? I just got back from my orthopaedist, and he recommended I get new shoes. Sierra Trading Post still has the Asics Gel-Kayano XI for ~$88, and I was thinking of getting myself a pair. Maybe I should do it through Sunny's site too - don't you get something if we order through your site Sunny?

That would be great, Dave! Yes I get a commission. Right now my site is earning me a whopping $10-20 per month :lmao: Just a bit more than it costs to keep it up. Any little bit is very welcome.

I'm beyond mad at my dr's office. I waited all day yesterday for my call back. They called late afternoon and said the dr was gone for the day but would call me first thing today. My butt pain is worse than it ever was during training, but my arm seems to be on the mend.

Here's the very worst of it all. Because I am so desparate to make contact with this office I did the absolute unthinkable. I brought my cell phone on the nature hike field trip. The office called while we were stopped collecting bugs so I answered it. I told them I was on a field trip and needed to be very brief-- just get me an apt today!!!! I think the call was about 3 minutes long, but the group started to move on while I was taking it. Another kindergarten teacher yelled at me because my group was standing there waiting for me while I was on the phone. She yelled "get off the phone, you're on a field trip". My feelings were hurt and I was mad, but I totally understood her pov. No chaperone should be on a cell phone while chaperoning.

So later when we stopped for lunch I went over to her and explained I only took the call because it was my dr and I've been trying to get ahold of them since yesterday morn, the whole p thing and the bad reaction to the med. (Not to mention my elbow brace was visible). She was totally unresponsive and told me if I was too sick to attend to the children I was assigned then I shouldn't be there.

As if that wasn't enough. I rushed to the apt after the ft, my dr confirmed that it was the Levaquin that caused my elbow and butt injuries, told me she'd call in a muscle relaxer and sent me down to pt. Pt told me they have a 5 week waiting list, and when I got to the pharmacy-- you guessed it, no prescription.

So I've decided I will be my own dr. I don't need insult on injury (literally).

And I can't tell you how awful I feel that a whole bunch of teachers and parents saw me talking on a cell phone on a ft. I tried to talk really loud so it was obvious it was an important dr call... but still.

UGH :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious: :furious:

Oh, and Miss Brilliant told me I should give it 6-8 weeks before resuming workouts. When I questioined and pressed and pressed she finally said I should give it a week with nothing and then start back with about 30% of what ever I was doing and increase 10% per week as possible. She has no idea "whatever I was doing" and I wasn't about to enlighten her. I'll stay clear of leg presses and arm weights for a good long while. Not knowing the danger of my situation I could have easily loaded up the leg press and blew out me knees.

So I should be a blimp by July. :furious: :furious: :furious:

Oh Sunny what a know-it-all witch :maleficen . I am so sorry this happened to you :grouphug:

She had no business whatsoever hollering at a volunteer parent and there should have been more than one chaperone with the group to begin with so there :stir:

Hope you are on the mend soon :wizard:
Minnie said:
Oh Sunny what a know-it-all witch :maleficen . I am so sorry this happened to you :grouphug:

She had no business whatsoever hollering at a volunteer parent and there should have been more than one chaperone with the group to begin with so there :stir:

Hope you are on the mend soon :wizard:

Thank you, Minnie

I have to say part of why this was such a horrible experience for me is that I totally agreed with the teacher. If I saw a parent chaperoning on a cell phone I would be totally disgusted. I'm just so mad that my dr saga pushed me to do something really out of character for me.

BTW, I've been so busy with my own misery I haven't asked how you are doing. I ohpe you are recovery fast. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

TG for WISH, I really don't have anyone else who would understand this stuff. I was brought to tears when she said 6-8 weeks. People just don't understand that. And I absolutely hate crying in front of a dr who is totally unconcerned.

My next quest will be to go name by name through the HMO directory. My one and only criterion will be if there is a human on the other end of the line. The dr can be a total quack. All I care about is being able to talk to someone when I'm sick or in pain. Is that really too much to ask? Both my kids peditritions have humans in the loop, so maybe there's hope for me, too. My DD peditrtion has even called her at home to check up on her. Absolutely unheard of in our state of medical care. I wonder if I could fake my age and get her to be my pcp :rotfl2: "really, I'm 16, I've just been in the sun too much" :rotfl:

I joke about co-pays, but you guys truly are the best therapy I have for these situations. Thank you so much for being here :grouphug: :cloud9: :grouphug:

BTW, I just sent out a group-wide invitation at work for the Reach the Beach Relay. Depending on the response, if there's a possibility of a team, are there any WISHers still interested? Colleen?

I'm pretty sure I would only do it with a 12 person team, meaning 3 legs and a total of about 16 miles. But the avg pace overall needs to be 10:00 so I'm hoping for some young speedy guys to sign up!

Let me know if anyone is really interested. Keep in mind, if we have a lot of locals, the vehicles will not be a problem.

I felt discouraged and like a poser sending out the message. At the moment I can barely walk or drive or sit or lay down. Sure, I'll take on a gruely NH course... I keep watching the 2005 DVD trailer trying to spot people over 40. It looks like mostly young crazy kids. Once I get over all my ailments, maybe I'll be young at heart again :confused3

in case you need to be remotivated...


:grouphug: Lynn :grouphug:

I've been thinking of you as I go through this dr saga/h3ll. It seems the system has totally robbed the drs of their motivation to be outstanding and caring. Its scarey. I hope the system doesn't drain you. You've got a heart of gold. I honestly don't fault the drs. If they are forced to see 10-12 patients a day, how in the world could they be intuned to each one? The state of health care is really scarey.

But the good news is, my office mate told me there is a human at her practice. Not only that, there is an on call dr off hours that can be reached through an answerig service. I haven't heard of such a thing since the 1980s. Maybe I can find one like that.

OK, I think I've been :offtopic: long enough.

Sunny - move here. I would work out w/ you and phil (being a big time weekend warrior) is a human and understands the needs of other athletes. I do have to say that 10-12 patients/day is a gross underestimate. Try 25-35/day. His group always has an on-call person who can be reached after hours through the hospital number. Sorry about your bad experiences. Maybe you can find a human through your pediatrition. They might be able to recommend one. BTW, I think the teacher was a jerk too!!!!
No Sunny move here - not only do you get real people on the phone, when I had to have those travel injections back in March, I called and spoke to the nurse who treated me last time. She remembered I don't like needles and told me to come within the hour as she thought it wouldn't give me time to panic. There are some benefits to a country with only 4 million people I spose.

In other notes: congrats Howard and Cam (awww), Judy, can't wait to meet you too, it's only 600 days or something till then I promise! Double congrats to Lynne, any event with the word ironman in the title astounds me!!!! and Carrie, no I haven't had a row with the runners (what are you saying?). Main running buddy has had surgery so she's off for a bit so I took the chance to go to the gym more as it tends to get the body fat off me more effectively (well that was the theory). So, the only night I'm officially running is Wednesday at running club - but I am hitting the gym 3-4 more times a week to keep my fitness up so not totally lazy I spose. Anyway, better go now, it's Saturday afternoon, Tim has gone to soccer and I'm supposed to be out doing the weekly shop. Helen
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

Sunny- Aaaaargh, it sounds like you have had a really frustrating day. What a horrible experience with your doctor and what a horrible experience with your field trip. That Kindergarten teacher had no business whatsoever saying something to you about your cell phone call. The teacher should be on her knees thanking you for volunteering your time, and if you had to take the call you had to take the call. I know we live in a society where people let their work and cell phones intrude on other things too much, but it sounds like you were not doing that whatsoever. Hang in there Sunny, what a frustrating experience you have been having. Giving you loads of :wizard: :wizard: to deal with your doctor, illness, and witches :maleficen.

We can tell from your message that the cell phone thing was really out of character for you. The doctor made you take that cell phone to the field trip so direct the anger and frustration at their office and not at yourself.

Part of me would really like to run the Reach the Beach Relay with you Sunny. I think I'm down to the 10 mpm pace now, but it's the same weekend as the Rochester marathon and half marathon. I was planning on running the half marathon for a training run, and it makes more sense to not have to pay extra for all the travelling. I hope you find a team. You're not a poser at all!!!

OK, I need to get ready for my group run this morning. Have a good day all.
Greetings TEAM:

Back from my group run, did 4.54 miles in 45:24 min (10 mpm pace). Tough run for me today, very humid, and I had not run since my 10K last Sunday. I did 50 min on the elliptical on Thursday, but that was it. I got through it though, my shins felt OK, and I feel good now that my run is over.
Cam & Howard – I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it over to Spring Lake to meet you and cheer you on. :cheer2: I was really hoping I would be able to work it out to be there. Oh well. :confused3 Maybe next year I will be able to participate in it with you. Hope you enjoyed the race. :banana:

Dave – Happy Anniversary to you & your DW. :love: Enjoy your couples only time in Niagara Falls. You’ll have to let us know how the Cirque show was. We have been to La Nouba in WDW & O in Vegas. Really enjoyed both. I certainly know what you mean about realizing you’re not in your 20’s anymore. Heck, my lungs have been screaming at me you’re not in your 30’s anymore & you’re half way through your 40’s. LOL :rotfl2:

Carrie – Hope you enjoyed your race. :Pinkbounc

Michael – You’re 5 mile run times were great. You really are progressing quickly. :thumbsup2 :woohoo:

Jen – That is great that your girls want to do the kids races. I’m sure they will wear their medals proudly. Pixie Dust that you are feeling better. pixiedust:

Judy – Pixie Dust that your congestion is feeling better. Allergies can really drag you down. This has been a really bad year for them. pixiedust:

Minnie – Glad to hear you are feeling better. Pixie Dust that your recovery goes quickly. pixiedust:

Kevin – Congratulations on being “Locked In” for the Goofy. Hope your LR went well today. :banana:

Sunny – Pixie Dust that you are able to find a new dr that will be there when you need them. pixiedust: Hope your injuries are feeling better. Try not to stress about the nasty teacher on the field trip. :grouphug:

Yesterday was a rest day. Today was just a bit of time for a quick workout. Went to a park very close to home and walked the mile loop, stopping to do most of the fitness stations that are along the loop.

Looking forward to hearing how everyone's races went this weekend. :yay:
Mouse Skywalker said:
Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

We can tell from your message that the cell phone thing was really out of character for you. The doctor made you take that cell phone to the field trip so direct the anger and frustration at their office and not at yourself.

OK, I need to get ready for my group run this morning. Have a good day all.

Thanks, Dave
Part of my problem is "Working mom" syndrome, always feeling guilty that I'm not more involved. So this just played into my inferiority complex even more. I might as well pulled out a Palm Pilot and conducted business because I my career is just soooo important. :rolleyes: I think I literally yelled the word "pneumonia" and "allergic reaction" :rotfl2: It didn't help that DS just attended a bday party where all the moms knew each other and I'm having a bday party for him in two weeks. Her's was a totally planned and crafted from home at home party and mine's and easy out YMCA party. I go through this whole guilty working mother thing during bdays and holidays everyear.

Oh Dave, you've got the 10mm we need for RtB, is there anyway we could sway you from your planned marathon ;)

I am really up and down. Not only is the being benched thing hard to take physcially and mentally, another "rare but serious" side effect of that retched Levaquin is "severe depression and suicidal thoughts". I never thought I'd admit this too you all, but on day 5 I went thorugh my house and got rid of everything that is unique to me. I even got rid of my marathon medals and placque my Mom got me from the WDW marathon. I later regretted it BIG time, but loving Dx knew something was up and went through the trash and resued "me"!!!! They're still all in hiding. I've had a major head trip that isn't over just yet. But TG the're not gone for good.

So now you might have a better understanding of why I feel so akward sending out the RtB invite to my Group at work. I'm a total mess both phyically and mentall.

AND, I would have no clue how it all happened if it wasnt for one of the only two decent drs in my life (Dr. Mel) for alerting me of the Levaquin. And of course you know the other one is Dr. Lynn :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

I know my posts have been all about me, me, me lately. Thank you so much for listenening.

I've crafted my plan for finding a new dr.

I'll go down the list (specialties, honors, degrees are insignificant). I'll dial the number. I'll allow for one recorded message to direct me to a button. Once past the button I will ask, "are you a real human?" if the object on the other end of the line is able to respond, I'll know I've found my knew dr.

I'm not even joking!

I might get just a little more picky and ask if this particular dr is supportive of weekend warriors and doesn't try to disuade them from doing their thing. I'll probably need to work on the wording a bit :lmao:
Hello hello hello! I have not fallen off of the face of the earth, and I am even still running. I'm out in the hilly hilly hilly north east section of Texas (did I mention there are hills here?) working at a camp. I feel so disjointed because I have not been keeping up with the posts. Anywho, my running around here has been slow (did I mention the mountains around here??). Yesterday, on my long run I didnt get started until 7pm. It was supposed to be a 20 miler but I cut it off at 14 miles. I am going to repeat the last two weeks to give my body some time to aclimate to the hills here. Hopefully, I will be able to keep up on posts next week.

Question: When is the best time to get a hotel room for the marathon? When is the absolute latest? Ditto on airfare. I was thinking Pop Century and Southwest.


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