Wk of May 25 - WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything. You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
Just wanted to draw everyone's attention to the new Welcome to the WISH team sticky that Bill did such a fine job on :thumbsup2 You'll find all the old stickies there...the marathon FAQ, team race calendar, team bios/roster, Miles/Minutes team threads, etc.

Volunteers are needed to act as contact people in specialty areas. Check those out at the bottom of the new sticky. If you have an area of expertise and would like to be available (via PM) to answer questions, just holler. Also, if anyone has any suggestions for other things that could be added to help new folks find their way around, jump right in!

5 slimy miles this morning for me. I lost 1.5 lbs on the run...that's a lot of fluid for only 5 miles! I was the running rebel this morning...didn't wear my orthotics, eat anything or drink caffeine before the run. I don't think I missed any of them.

Krista...glad you and Carter are okay. We had a minor automotive skirmish in a parking lot when I was about 8 months along with Lenna. She turned out just fine :scared1:

:welcome: Paula!

Jen and Pat...can't wait to hear about your race!

Tracy...you may need to adjust the timing of your gels to be sure you're getting enough sodium. You can also try the little restaurant salt packets. I quit coming home looking like a salt lick when I was doing gels every 3 miles. I'm experimenting with every 4 miles now. Just be careful if you're using them with the Gatorade/Powerade...you can get too much salt as well.

I think y'all are right. We're really not going to have any time to run with all the cool social events coming up for next marathon weekend! Ice cream party sounds fun if we can figure out a time that doesn't conflict with other events :woohoo:

I have a college question for everyone. I was born, raised and educated here in FL and have been encouraging DD15 to consider going away to school just to have a different experience. I kinda wish I had gone out of state so that I could have done/seen new things (snow, fall leaves, etc). Of course, it's financially much better if she stays here. What did you guys do...close to home or far away? What would you recommend?
Hi Mel. About the college issue: I went to Syracuse, which was 5-6 hours by car away from home. When we toured campus, the girl working in the bookstore (from a hometown near my own) put it most eloquently: it's close enough so my parents can come when I need them to, but far enough away that they'll never drop in unexpectedly. I think her comment made the decision for me more than anything any of the official tour guides said!
I was from a small town in MA and went to USF in Tampa. It a HUGE change for me: city, in the South, HUGE school. I am glad I went. It made me step out of my comfort zone and try something completely different from what I was accustomed to.

Allyson :)
Mel - I agree with the previous posters. I went to Hofstra on Long Island after living in NH my whole life. I was about 4 hours away from home, so it was easy to make weekend trips home. Turned out I HATED Long Island. It didn't help that I am very shy and knew no one going there when I arrived. But I think I am better for it. It was good in retrospect to be pushed out of my comfort zone. Things did get better once I was a junior and had a single for my dorm room (those snobby LI girls I lived with made me crazy!) If I had never left New England, how would I really know this is where I do want to live? Well, until I semi-retire in my mid-50s to Florida, of course!

Not really training, but we are building a small deck (8' x 16') on the side of our house today & tomorrow. Hopefully, being busy will at least keep me away from all the yummy Memorial Weekend food!

Spent the day at the beach yesterday and did manage to miss a spot on my calf with sunscreen. :rolleyes: That walking in sand is some great exercise though!

I better run. Chad & Zack are outside ripping siding off the house! :scared1:
Thanks everyone for the advise. I will look into salt packet, pretzels, etc. And also not drinking too much and in the article provided by Jeff.

I did 5 miles today, didn't really look at my Garmi because I wanted just to do the miles, but not a bad pace. I am going to be at a 5K tomorrow. Nice weather today after the rain from yesterday afternoon and evening, it has actually cooled off a bit and was 80 degrees when I got back from my walk.
Hello Everyone!

I took some time off from this board after the "outbreak" a few weeks ago, but things seem to have settled down LOL!

I did five miles with my Galloway Group yesterday. I am still in the 2/1 group. Earlier last week I was thinking this "wasn't" working because I felt like I was losing stamina on my 2.5 mile training run, but yesterday I thought it's working. So who knows???? LOL! I do like the motivation to get up and do the longer runs on the weekend. They are starting a half group this fall for the "winter" races that I will probably join.

Anyone doing the breast cancer half in Jacksonville? I know someone on here did the full, I remember reading the report! (Have I really been on here that long? LOL!) I am thinking about it in addition to Disney.

Mel, for college my parents were determined I was going "away" I was PAINFULLY shy in high school and they wanted to give me that "push". I wanted with all my heart to go to the University of Tennessee (10 miles away) We compromised. I went to UT, lived on campus, could only call home once a week and couldn't visit until several weeks had passed. By then I didn't want to come home. I loved UT!!!! (OF course I did have to go back to college later to get a degree that made me any money LOL!)
Tracy: Good luck on your 5k tomorrow!!! :goodvibes

Kristi: I'm the queen of forgetting that one spot of sunscreen :laughing: . I usually leave my week at the beach with interesting tan/sunburn/pale patterns on my body LOL. Also...are you or have you done the Applefest Half?? Looks like a fun race and I'm still looking at half marathons in the fall. Baltimore is currently my top choice..but we're still looking for other options! And I *adore* New England.

Mel: To answer your college question....I went about 4 hours away from home to the University of Delaware :-)wave: Howard). Anyway...it was just far enough where i had to learn to be independent...but close enough to get home easily when needed.

Scott: CONGRATS on the 5K PR this weekend!!!! Here's hoping you get PR number TWO tomorrow in your 10K! :banana: :cheer2: :hug:

Deb: Good luck with the packing! :goodvibes AND...we do expect a full review of the Indy movie :). No holding back...I want the real deal on this film.

TXAng: How is that hamstring doing??? :hug: Here's hoping it is all healed up!

Frank: The vacation sounds INCREDIBLE. Can't wait for pics!

Krista: How are you feeling this weekend????

Cecilia: Lots of softball again this weekend? MY DD11 has a big tourney this weekend. Great job getting the run in despite the humidity!

Jackie: GREAT run! WTG! :hug: For that ankle! Take care of it!!! ICE!

As for me....Had a nice 3.2 mile run in 30 minutes on Friday. Did the 4:1 intervals that I used to do (aka Galloway method). Everything feels pretty good! Yesterday I managed 75 minutes of Yoga and it felt great...was a challenging class but we got a lot of restorative stretching in as well. Today I woke up with a pounding headache and my throat on fire :sad2: . So unfortunately I'm thinking I'll scrap the LR today. Ugh...just getting into a nice workout pattern and I think I'm getting sick. Later today is more softball as my DD11's team made into the finals of the Memorial Day Tourney. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend! :thumbsup2
Oh and to answer the previous question (about college), I stayed in the area. 1st of all I went to a community college my first two years and worked a bit at the same time. DIdn't quite know what I was going to study. I did alot of getting to BCC and then driving down to UM for Marching Band rehearsal 4 times a week. In one sense I stayed home but had alot of serious independent time. I had to be very responsible to get to classes and drive around alot. I then transferred my AA degree to FIU down in Miami. I was far enough away but not too far that if I needed something or had car problems I could get help. I don't see a problem with either one. But money was a VERY BIG issue with me going to school. My parents didn't have alot and I didn't qualify for much help. I hope that helps you out some.
Mel - Re: college choices. I was one of those that was "outta here!" I went from the Philadelphia area to the University of Chicago. Before deregulation of the airlines, plane fares were so high that I sometimes took the train (and once the bus!! never again!) home - 16 hours! But I loved Chicago, and it was great to be in a new place and meet all new people. It helped a lot that I met my future husband in the first few weeks of school!

I was busy on Mother's Day a few weeks ago, so I am getting a celebration today. My kids are downstairs making me breakfast, and I think we will do some plant shopping/gardening later. I am planning to do my Pilates tape, but other than that I have no other training activities for the day.

My run yesterday totally kicked my butt. It definitely counts as a real stonker - I felt I had no gas almost from the moment I started. So I bagged the idea of running 5 miles for the first time, and just took it easy. A little disappointing, but I know it was the right thing to do. I caught up on some sleep this morning, and I think I will do a longer run tomorrow. I've just signed up for a 10K in two weeks, so I do want to stretch my mileage a bit this week.

Amy - I hope you feel better! First food poisoning, now this :sick: .

Carol - Good to hear from you again! I'm glad your group is working for you. I keep wondering if I should join a running club, but I have to admit I kind of like the solitude of doing it on my own.

Kristi - Good luck with the deck.

Jeff - Is the VOG gone? That sounds awful!

Have a great day everyone!
I am pretty much a solo runner too. However this group only runs together once a week so that works for me.

I wish there was a program around me like Jeff's. His sounds so neat with info on things that you need to know in addition to just the run groups. Maybe we should just move to Hawaii????:rotfl:
Hi, everyone!
I just wanted to report in that my race went really well yesterday (my write-up is on the race thread). I hadn't run since Wednesday night but it didn't seem to impair me. I also didn't have caffeine, and sleep was woefully inadequate this week. Hmmmm... maybe I've found the winning combination.

Anyway, I had a new PR pace of 14:08 and a new personal PR of running for more than 23 minutes straight. I tried to do W2/R3 intervals after that but was too impatient to walk for 2 minutes at a time, so I just ran whenever I felt like it, for as long as I could. It felt GREAT!!! I am SOOO excited to feel so energized in this effort again.

Looking forward to week 6 of C25K. That 25 minute run at the end of the week doesn't seem as intimidating now as it did before yesterday. ;)

Today, I did 35 minutes of pilates for dummies for weight loss; 15 minutes Wii boxing; 15 minutes Wii bowling (continuous frames) and 10 minutes Wii tennis (I am SOOO bad!)

Mel - I rebelled and demanded to go "away" to college. 2 hours from my home in NJ to PA. It was far enough away to be "away" but close enough to go home for long weekends without too much of a time or money commitment. Jenn is only 1/2 hour away and it is great for her to live on campus. She really appreciates being able to come home whenever she wants for an evening or a weekend or just to see her "baby" (our :dog: ). I think living on campus at an in-state school is a great balance on economics and independence.
Quick Post From Jen... Finished the Madison 1/2 marathon with a PR!!! Only 3+ minutes, but it was a PR. Here's what slowed me down... HILLS. I knew Madison was hilly, but I am not used to this so it kicked my butt a little. WIND and lots of dust and pollen. I eyes started itching at about mile 3. I already was running with a sinus infection... so this was no good for me. Then the worst of all happened.... ASTHMA ATTACK. At about mile 12 I was doing the gasping thing. So I slowed down and just brought her home. I crossed the finish line in tears and stepped aside to grab my inhaler. This has never happened before to me. I think the sinus issues and sucking in all the junk didn't help. BUT I PR'ed. With all the above I still did it. My legs feel great.

Mel - Remember at Minnie when you said you PR'ed with endurance... I did that today, minus the asthma attack. But my body feels good and that is AWESOME.

I will post a report on the threads when I get home. We are hanging out in Madison tonight yet. My staff at home dealt with some difficult issues WITHOUT ME... I am so proud that for once work wasn't a stress on me while I am gone!
What did you guys do...close to home or far away? What would you recommend?

I was 4 hours from home. Just about the perfect distance in my opinion.

But there was also the advantage that it was a big football school (AUBURN) so weekends were packed with activities around campus. My nieces ended up miserable at suitcase colleges because they spent every weekend driving 4 hours home.

Florida has some excellent colleges with outstanding reputations. Snow and leaves are completely over rated. Use the money you save to take the family on a ski vacation or a fall color tour through New England.
Yikes, that was probably more than you asked for.

The VOG has blown out to sea for the time being. Tradewinds building back Saturday and Sunday, made the skies blue again. Still though, it's about 85-89 degrees this week. It was so hot on my 10 miler today, I actually, "gasp", walked part of Diamond Head's heartbreak hill (around mile 9). :rotfl2:

We pretty much can run, swim, bike, golf, camp, etc. 365 days a year.

My clinic has about 200-250 active each Sunday morning to hear Doc Scaff's training talks. When we split up, my Pink-advanced intermediate group has about 12-16 people. The other group colors are Red-advanced, White-intermediate, Blue-advance beginner. Then there are the joggers, and the walking groups.

We have a mixed group of us that run together on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. In addition to running, we do picnics/bbq's, dinners out, and even attend plays or shows together. A real social group. Some of us even travel to the mainland to run races together (Disneyland Half, SF Nike Women's Half, and the Bay to Breakers).

It's not cheap living here, but it's manageable. Getting to and from the West Coast is a 5 hour flight. Cost of living and property taxes are high. So if you're looking for a tropical paradise to live, then consider Hawaii.

If your vacationing here on Oahu, and looking for a run on Tuesday, Thursday, or Sunday, let me know. I'll take you on the scenic tour by foot. :thumbsup2
Snow and leaves are completely over rated. Use the money you save to take the family on a ski vacation or a fall color tour through New England.

This made me laugh! I keep telling my husband that if we move to Florida (living on Florida's Gulf Coast is my eventual goal) I'd be happy to take a winter ski vacation. We could also spend some time every summer in Maine (which we do anyway). Until then, he's stuck taking me south for every vacation between November and April because I crave the warmth and the sun!
Mel (CHIMERA): Has your daughter visited Florida State of Univ of Florida?? They are both really excellent schools---I would not pay out of state tuition just for a change of weather. And if you haven't been to Tallahassee (Florida State), it is quite different than where you live--hilly AND gets cold in winter! I am partial because I went there (after going out of state for a year and HATING IT!!) It still will be 5 hours away (even UF would be 2-3 hours away).

I would go tour these schools before making a decision--they both have very good academic programs (I think UF is harder to get into though) and the athletics/college scene are sooooooo fun!
MEl One alternative for your DD is to study abroad a semester or summer to get the "away from home" feeling. Our son spent almost 6 months in New Zealand and at the end of the time went to Australia and the Cook Island to "check it out". He gained a lot from that time. It wasn't any more expensive for him to study abroad that attend Wake Forest U (but then again it was all expensive).:rotfl2:
Mel (CHIMERA): Has your daughter visited Florida State of Univ of Florida?? They are both really excellent schools---I would not pay out of state tuition just for a change of weather. And if you haven't been to Tallahassee (Florida State), it is quite different than where you live--hilly AND gets cold in winter! I am partial because I went there (after going out of state for a year and HATING IT!!) It still will be 5 hours away (even UF would be 2-3 hours away).

:cool1: YEA!!!!!! A fellow SEMINOLE!!!!!! :cool1:

Come on, Mel, I think she should definitely go to FSU!!!!! :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You know you secretly want to be a NOLE.... ;) (And I'm trying my very best to behave here, and not say mean things about the gators...) :rotfl:

To officially answer your question, I am a NOLE, born and bred, and I come from a family of Seminoles. It does have the best music school in the southeast! :thumbsup2 It snows there occasionally, and the leaves do change. I was 6 hours away from my parents, and 2 hours from my grandparents - and I wouldn't trade my Seminole experience for anything. And Billy and Timmy both know all the cheers, chop, hymn, etc. Something to think about... ;)

Jen - Awesome job on the PR!!!!! :banana: Sorry about the asthma - I hope you are feeling better soon!

Cam - I am so excited for you on your race! I'm also really interested in all the Wii stuff - it sounds like fun!!!

Amy - I hope you feel better soon! I hear you on the throat pain and headache! Mine has been going for about 4 days now... Hope you are up and about quickly!

Great job on all the training runs this weekend! I have nothing to report - trying to get over the latest sinus thing going around. DH did take my bike in to get tuned-up! It should be back on Tuesday. Thanks honey! :lovestruc I'm planning on cross-training on the bike this week while my head returns to normal. ;) Keep up the great work ya'll! :thumbsup2



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