Wk of May 3 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners


I'd rather be at Disneyland!
Mar 31, 2007
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

Originally Posted by TigerLily03
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.

Following the morning triathlon that Princess #1 did, I went out for a 1,000 meter swim, 14 mile bike ride, and 1 mile run.

Trying to learn how to run with jello legs.:lmao:

10 to 12 miles in the morning with the marathon clinic. Picnic to follow.
Any AP holders?

In the new Mickey Monitor there is a card to pass along to someone so they can get 10% off their APs. We are about to buy four new APs in three weeks. You would get $25 per pass we buy – so $100 in your pocket! If any of you got the card I’d be very happy and thankful, plus you’d get some extra cash! Anyone?
Hey gang, just popping in to say HI!!!! Been away for awhile but back to start my training for Goofy:scared1: Life has just been so busy been trying to do some reading but never a chance to post.

Hope everyone is doing great!!!!
Sunny - how do you like the spinning classes? I have been interested, but too chicken to try it at the Y. And you are not a slug, or slime, silly!

Got in a Biggest Loser DVD w/o this morning. :thumbsup2
Shan Unfortunately, my annual pass just ran out yesterday!

Jeff Jello legs--that's what mine are like...but that's because of the extra weight I carry in them!

I had a double workout today since I skipped yesterday. 45 minute swim and 50 minute bike ride. And I need it since I am in the middle of making homemade vanilla bean ice cream and homemade hot fudge. Brownies soon to follow. Put 'em all together for hot fudge brownie sundaes!

Happy Sunday, all!

Hi guys! It feels like forever since I posted on the weekly thread, but I'm still here even if training has been spotty.

I just got back from running the Broad Street Run here in Philadelphia - a 10-miler down Broad Street extending from the far north of the city to the depths of South Philly. The heavy rain managed to hold off until the very end of my race, and otherwise the conditions were awesome (about 60 degrees, overcast and sprinkling). Afterwards it was really pouring, and that did get fairly miserable - but everyone had had such a great time that I don't think any of us really minded! There were 25,000 participants, which was amazing.

I did really well considering that I had not trained very consistently - I averaged a 10:55 pace, which is very good for me, and finished in 1 hour 49 minutes. I ran into a couple of WISHers along the way - I saw jbucci (sp?) and ran along for her for a bit, and then met her husband later, and Terry (TEK224) works for the Recreation Department and was giving out medals at the end. It was so cool to here "go WISH" when I least expected it! I also got lots of great compliments on the shirt.

There were also 2 really amazing coincidences. I ran into an old friend who I haven't seen in years. This was his longest run ever, and he asked me to support him at the end of the race, so we ran the last 1/2 mile and finished together. And then as I was walking back to the subway, two wonderful women I know from my children's school spotted me and offered to give me a ride home. We had no idea we were all running this race, and plan to coordinate the next time.

This is a really fun race, and I can't wait to do it again next year!
Well, I DID IT! I beat all of my goals!

I will also add that course was not flat, no matter what they claim. I'm a little sore/stiff, but not too bad off.

I finished in 1:43:50 (gun time 1:44:30) placing me 48 out of 764 women under 39 (don't get me started on the age grouping as someone under 25 I think this was extremely unfair to both ends of the spectrum) and 215 out 1840 overall.

Jennifer Phenomenal result! I was looking for the results online today but they didn't post til late it seems. Great job--and now maybe you can have a new "goal not to be named"....something about a race very close by to you?:rolleyes1

:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

Responses to this week's prompt can be posted on the 'Ohana team thread, and starts here.

Free advice, it's worth what you paid for it. Then again, sometimes the best things in life are free. You decide in this week's mixer prompt.

Share with us some memorable advice you've received.

Your advice can be related to training or races. It can focus on healthy habits or be "life" advice. It can be the best advice you've ever received, the worst, or the most profound. It can be helpful tips that helped you as a WISHer and athlete. Or it can be simply the funniest, most useless, or totally inappropriate for a situation. Just so long as it's memorable.

And just like M & Ms, don't feel restricted to just one piece....
Hi fellow WISHers!

Haven't been posting much, lately. Total WTO. Got a new boss and some changes are coming, so things have been a little crazy.

I have to get back to some consistent training (consistent being the hard part :rolleyes:) I'm determined to finish the Goofy in the required time and in one piece. :goodvibes

I hope to post a little more frequently. Keeps me on track with my training as well as keeps me up to date with all of you.:)

Pat & Anne - Don't think I'll be able to do the Delaware race in 2 weeks. I have to work part of the weekend and I just don't feel like I'm ready to race right now. However, if you're still going to meet Friday night, count me in!

Kira - Great to see you today at the Blue Cross Broad Street Run! Your shirt made it easy to see you! I missed JBucci and Lou, though. Glad you had a great time, even though Mother Nature didn't cooperate. I was drenched to the skin. We had 23,079 finishers out of 26,923 registered.

Way to go on your races everyone!

As for me...

The mind said 12 miles, but the body said 8 you dope.

Kona weather means no tradewinds, hot temperatures, and VOG. It wreaks havoc on one's breathing.

Here is a comparison of a good day in vs. a bad day in Honolulu. Mind you the VOG (volcanic gases) comes from 300+ miles away on the Big Island of Hawaii. It's pumped out of mother earth at the Kilauea crater.


Any AP holders?

In the new Mickey Monitor there is a card to pass along to someone so they can get 10% off their APs. We are about to buy four new APs in three weeks. You would get $25 per pass we buy – so $100 in your pocket! If any of you got the card I’d be very happy and thankful, plus you’d get some extra cash! Anyone?


I didn't find my hard copy, but found this PDF file. I don't see anything about the offer in this edition. Is it in the latest isssue, which I've yet to receive.

I'll call the AP office and get it sent out as soon as possible. I'll get back to you Shan.
Jeff, I think it is in the summer issue. Apparently, nobody has gotten it yet. I hope I don't run out of time before my trip!

Jennifer, awesome job! :woohoo:
Kira and Jen Congratulations on the races. Which one did you do Jen? I'm assuming from the time it was a half.

I resumed my running over the weekend from my reluctantly imposed rest after Nashville. Definitely felt slow but there were no lingering aches or pains so back to full running this week. I had a co-ed softball game last night and since we were playing the best team in the league (they are all pros and travel playing softball but use this league as practice) and I play left-center I think I got more running in this weekend than at the CMM. Oh well, it's the first year that my lead off at-bat was not a pop up to the infield so I can't complain too much. :rotfl: It's amazing how much you forget when you don't play from September until May.
Sunny - how do you like the spinning classes? I have been interested, but too chicken to try it at the Y. And you are not a slug, or slime, silly!

Got in a Biggest Loser DVD w/o this morning. :thumbsup2

Kristi-- spinning is great. But your (_|_) might hurt!!!!!! I love the TBL DVDs. I've done the boot camp many times and I've watched some of the others to check them out. (Too bad watching while sitting idle doesn't yield results :rolleyes:)

I did my first "PF" 5K yesterday. (PF = Post (spinal) Fusion). This was my first race after 5 spine surgeries. I was in a class of my own. I lined up at the back of the runners and the front of the walkers. About half a mile into the race the runners had long since left me behind but I had left the walkers behind and I was running all alone! I caught up to the back of the runner's pack somewhere in mile 2. I don't know my placing. My times was... Oh who cares about time... ok, 40:28. I'm just so happy I finished!
Congrats Sunny! Time certainly doesn't matter now, but that's still a fabulous time for your first PF race!

Maura, Actually that goal is well known. My sorority little sister is currently a sophomore and the goal is to run that race her senior year, hopefully from a qualifying time this fall. (Most of the predictors say my half time should make that no problem)

Frank, Yep, it was a half and my first at that.

I posted a report in the other thread.

Went for a massage this morning and did the warmup and cool down with my dance class.
Massage therapist is trying to convince me that regular sports sessions would help significantly. Part of me could really by into that.



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