Wk of May 31 - WISH Team Walkers and Runners


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we are a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. For most of us, the ultimate goal is to train and compete in the annual WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news and training for various other events throughout the year. We range from beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

TigerLily03 said:
New WISH Team members. If you read one thing over and over, believe this. Being part of this team is fantastic. Part of the ride you get for the event is what I call the roller coaster. There will be lots of ups and downs. The more you post here, the more you will find yourself enjoying the ride. It is an incredible journey. Don't be afraid, shy or whatever to come here and just post up anything.You don't have to know us right away, or all of us at all. You will get to know some of us. It makes the event you are enjoying have MORE meaning and we love to have you.
cwnhokie...congrats on your 5K training run! I'm sure your race will be fab. Be sure to let us know how it goes for you!

Duckie...great to see you back around here. Prom definitely sounds like a workout. DH chaperoned the Homecoming dance last year...apparently the sea of hormones is an interesting experience.

Frank...maybe you and I have had the same virus this week?

I have accomplished nothing, no running, biking or anything for the past week. This cold put me on my butt. I even missed my first swim lesson last week. Hoping to get back into it this week.

For anyone that's interested, Jun 3 is the Inaugural National Running Day, a movement designed to get people off the couch.

National Running Day
Good morning, Mel! :-)

Yes, we learned a lot from prom, including a song called "Get Low" by Lil Jon. Yikes! :scared: Glad your husband survived, too!

I've been taking two yoga classes a week and now adding in some cardio and strength training.

Right now our morning workout consists of going to see Up! I'll give you a Minnie-review when we get back. :-)

Good morning, everyone!

Everyone must be working out! Too quiet around here these days...

We're doing our second annual Girl Scout Blood Bank of Hawaii drive today. The bloodmobile will be at our troops school. We've got 35 people signed up, and are hoping for a couple extra drive by donors.

Photos to follow...

Enjoy your Sunday everyone :).
Just got home from seeing Up. Noah was disappointed it wasn't a love-story musical like Beauty and the Beast. I thought it was a lovely story--even though it made me cry (really--I'm such a goof). It didn't really seem like it was speaking to the kids, though--I think the adults got a lot more out of it. Lots of merchandising potential, of course.

I loved Wall-E, and I'm not sure if I like this more or the same. Two very different kinds of movies.

I highly recommend it.

Disclaimer: We did NOT see the 3-D version.
Good SUnday afternoon my Wishers!!

Jeff: GOod luck with that blood drive!!

Mel: sorry to hear about the cold. I had something? not sure what it was? Started with a week of sore throat and stuffyness, then had a 24 hour fever, then had ear pain/dizziness and an inverted ear drum with fluid and pressure. Finally about a week and a half ago I was feeling better. It was the weirdest thing and like it happened in stages and took about a month to work itself out. Good luck fighting what ever it is!!

Duckie: Sounds pretty good with the yoga and such that you are adding in. I am now swimming and doing some strength/core workouts on my non walking/joggin days. I need a bike as I would love to do that also on the days I don't walk/jog. You are doing the 5K and the Half in Jan?

I did a nice 7 miles this morning with avg pace of 13:58 before the heavens opened up. Here in S.FLA we are in that weather pattern where you need to get up and get done whatever you need to do as usually in the afternoon the storms kick up. We are not complaining as we just finished a very DRY dry season. Hurricane season starts for us tomorrow! Need to get some supplies going for that. Also will mean that June is here and getting that much closer to Jan!!!

Have a great Sunday everyone!!

Freckles Racey Tracy
Well, I'm down South again, now.

Frank, The move is because I graduated and will be teaching elementary school this fall.

I managed to get in 30 minutes on an exercise bike on Friday and a 4.75 mile treadmill run last night (7:45 pace).

Did 4.5 miles in 40 minutes (a "slow" 8:50 pace). The heat, humidity, and hills slowed me down. I'm also in a rotating in new shoes and rotating out old shoes period so that and the moving didn't help.

Happy Sunday Wishers! I spent yesterday working in the yard and didn't think anything of it until this morning. My legs are really sore now. I still got to the gym and swam, biked and wogged. I mostly walked at the end because I realized that I forgot my orthotics and a sports bra at home. Missing both of those made running uncomfortable.
Happy Sunday Wishers! I spent yesterday working in the yard and didn't think anything of it until this morning. My legs are really sore now. I still got to the gym and swam, biked and wogged. I mostly walked at the end because I realized that I forgot my orthotics and a sports bra at home. Missing both of those made running uncomfortable.

I would have to agree with you on that!!

Frank...maybe you and I have had the same virus this week?

Maybe. I was a bit confused as to where I got it because no one I know is sick but then remembered that I was on two flights and a boat surrounded by people for a week on vacation so probably got it then. I like flying but hate the recycled air with everyone's germs in it.

Frank, The move is because I graduated and will be teaching elementary school this fall.

Congrats on the job. If you are in south Mississippi you will probably face the same issue I had when living in FL, a race season that starts in the fall and ends in the spring instead of the other way around.

Good luck, I imagine that most of Mississippi is a bit different than Massachusetts culturally.

As for me today it was some yard work, the gym, and then softball. Our teams is terrible and I play left center so I got in a lot of speedwork running down hits.
:stitch: 'Ohana Monday Mixer :stitch:

I know you're all ea-GEAR to share your knowledge about your favorite clothing, training aids and technical toys, so this week's prompt posted here on the 'Ohana thread is:

Beyond the basics, what's your favorite/most-useful/most loved gear?

Of course, feel free to talk about your favorite shoes, socks, tech shirts or sports bras or other necessities. But I think we'd all like to know about that special something(s) that you've added to your "must have" for training, racing days, or just plain pleasure. For some of you, maybe it's your Garmin. Other, a special brand of sunscreen or a specific brand of water belt? Still others, a strategy for taping your legs and feet or a a favorite tracking website?

Please share your special finds with the rest of us. :thumbsup2
Hello, Monday--do you feel like a bit of bankruptcy today?

Yes, the day has finally arrived so work should be extra interesting today. We shall see.

On the activity side, ran my 10k on Saturday and did well. Now it's back to the last three weeks of tri training.

Time to get some work done before the employee broadcast.

I was wondering if you all could help a newbie out? My first 5K is Saturday. What should my training plan for this week be? Should I run more, less, run the 3 miles several times? I'm so close, I want to make sure that I can make it on Saturday.
hokie...don't do anything different than you have in the past. If you've already completed the distance once, you'll be able to do it again this weekend. Trying to add a 5K every day from now until the race may only serve to get you injured. Just relax, keep your normal training schedule and do great this weekend!

Maura...hope everything turned out ok at work today. Can't imagine what that must be like.

Tracy...how are you feeling?

I did 2 slow miles today with DD6 riding her bike. Like Tracy mentioned, we're in hot and humid season, so I may have to start running later in the evening.
Maura - Thought about you all day today. Know it couldn't have been a good day at work. Hope there still IS work. :hug:

cwnhokie - I second what Mel said. I'd do the same training you've been doing this week. Try to be as rested and fresh as you can be on Saturday. (Having said that, I think I was in line to ride Soarin' for the first time at 11:30 the night before my first 5K!)

Mel - Definitely hot and humid season. I took my running gear to work so I could so straight from work. My coworkers thought I was crazy - kept telling me "it's hot outside!" But I knew this was the coolest day all week, so I might as well enjoy it today. I just told them I was a serious athlete and watched them roll over laughing. :rotfl2: And I knew I needed to run today if I planned to run on National Running Day!

Duckie - After the stories DD has told me about the dancing at her prom, chaperoning definitely counts as a workout. I'm hoping they dance nicer there?

Our Galloway group has our first Magic Mile on Saturday - we do a 1 mile warmup with run/walk intervals, then do a timed 1 mile nonstop run. Since I do run/walk intervals even on my midweek runs, this is always a challenge for me. So today I went out and did a simulated Magic Mile for practice, and I'm proud to report that I actually ran the second mile without dying. I even ran .05 additional! I didn't push for time - just concentrated on actually running for the entire mile - figure it will be much easier to run fast(er) Saturday morning when it's cooler and I haven't worked all day.

Frank, I'm actually in Houston right now working with a summer program. I'll be in Northwest Mississippi come late July. I'm originally from Alabama, but I've lost my heat shield up North.

Hokie, I think it just depends on your personality. I was running 2-3 miles a day 3-4 times a week for about 4 weeks when I ran my first 5k last summer; my BFF on the other hand just ran her first using a 6 week build up and only ran 3 miles twice. Personally, I would recommend running at least 2-2.5 miles 48 hours before, just for confidence. I also, think it depends on your goals for the race.

As for me, I did 9.25 miles today at an 8:40 pace (right around 1hr 20 min.). I'm still adjusting to the heat and humidity, but starting to feel a little more at ease.

I went out and did 6 today after work. I felt like I was really slow and dehydrated but my time ended up being about right so it must have been mental.

I have a 10K with one of my friends in South Bend at Notre Dame this weekend. He was my roommate before he got married and kept telling me he wanted to do a 5K race. He is a huge Notre Dame fan and I found a race that finished on the field. I figured if that couldn't motivate him nothing could. He is doing the 5K and I'm doing the 10K. It is always exciting watching someone do their first race, hopefully he'll get the bug and I'll have another friend to do weekend trips to races with.
Hey! I won the lottery!.......okay, so it wasn't Powerball or MegaMillions, but I did win entry into the Mackinace Bridge Labor Day Run. 300 runners get to run the 5 miles across the bridge connecting the Lower Peninsula of Michigan to the Upper. To enter, you had to have run a qualifying race as part of the Governor's fitness challenge/program (or something like that). I ran the Jingle Bell 10k in December, and that counted.

Mel, Jackie Thanks for the thoughts. Frankly, I think people are just wanting to get this over with so we can move on to the business of building great cars & trucks--which has always beent he goal (although as runners, we know that sometimes you don't always meet your goals)

cwhokie Add this to your training plan.....relax, and get a good night's sleep. Good luck to you!

Jennifer Not sure if I ever chimed in, but congratulations on graduating and your new job.

Hope everyone is enjoying their Tuesday. I did a swim this a.m. and made it to work via the newly reconstructed exit ramp off the highway I take. Nice new concrete. Reminded me that before they opened up the connecting stretch of this highway, they had a 5k race. My DH did it and I watched (With our then 3 week old daughter). "Sorta neat doing a race on a highway", I thought----but that was before I ran mile 10-11 of the Disney hald with the killer off ramp!

Frank, Have fun at the race! I'm currently trying to convince a friend of mine (who is usually one of cheer people) to try a 5k.

Maura, Thanks!

I did a hill workout today. Got in about 3 miles (4x hills with recovery and warm up) in 23 minutes (just under an 8 minute pace).

Hey everyone!

Duckie - I keep meaning to get to the yoga class but it's not until 7pm and by that time I am no longer thinking of exercise. DS went to see UP over the weekend - they enjoyed it.

Maura - hopefully they get it all shaken out quickly at work. Two years ago we ran on a tollway extension before it opened (last year was a new runway at Ohare). Way cool. What tri are you doing? Mine is on the 14th.:scared1:

Hokie - agree with Maura. Enjoy!

Tracy - HEY Girlfriend!!

Big HELLO, WTG, hang in there, feel better to everyone else! :yay:

AFM: have not been sleeping well for past 2 weeks. Keep waking up and not able to get back to sleep. Really wearing on me. However I did get in a 24 mile bike Sunday. Yesterday was home with a fever. Today at work just feeling like bleah. Is is Friday?;)

Have a great day!


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