Wk of May 7--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi Everyone,

I'm going to attempt to catch up with everyone and update everyone about me......Lets see haven't done a whole lot of training this week, mostly because I want to do well at the 5k on Saturday.

I am now down to 119.4 at Weight Watchers -- Oh Dave, to answer your question from last week, WW does want me to become a leader or at least take the steps to become one......It's the leader of my meeting that suggested it - she is also the person that told me to stop losing weight :teeth: I still have to look into this -- I would love to make some extra money.

Krista - Great job with the Flying Pig :thumbsup2 Thank you for sharing the pictures!

Judy - Sorry to hear about your friend's son

Thanks to all who have given advice about my sneakers :) I really appreciate it! Although, looking back at my calendar.....I am due for another pair in the June timeframe.

Good news - I may have given my DH the bug.....He is going to try and get to the point where he would be able to run a 5k with me in late summer/early fall. He's doing a great job with losing weight -- down 40 pounds :cheer2: DH is a bigger guy but that has NEVER made a difference to me. I just wish he wouldn't put himself down like he does.

So are the rest of you like me? Totally haven't given much thought about how much you really have done since starting training? Most people are amazed that I run (still can't quite come to calling myself an athelete) others have asked me how I got into such great shape......I'm looking really good (they said -- don't want you to think I have a larger than life ego) when I say WW, they know that it is more than that and then I confess about the running :teeth:

Sunny sounds like you and Dx did well with the 5k.

Dave -- great job with the training, didn't you say that soon you are doing a 5k?

Well, I'm going to run -- It's been a very long day! I have a cute non-training related story to tell you tomorrow (about DH).

Have a great night everyone!

Hi guys, :wave2:

Vancouver, Canada 1/2 Marathon race report

I flew up Thursday afternoon to Vancouver, via Chicago, to meet my two sisters at the airport. They flew in the same day from Saskatchewan. It was great to see them again. They sure looked great, as the months of training had paid off on their waistlines! :thumbsup2

We took a cab to our hotel in downtown Vancouver, a few days prior, I was lucky to score a 4* Marriott hotel on Priceline for the weekend. We were given a great view of the inlet and the mountains in the distance. Vancouver is an awesome city, I wish we had more time there to do more sight-seeing, whale-watching, etc. We did lots of shopping and ate at great restaurants.

Sunday morning came and we jumped on the marathon shuttle at 6 a.m. (This was so much better than the 3:45 a.m. shuttle I caught at Disney. At Disney I met up with Sara (msblrobs) and later MelR, it sure made the time fly by! :grouphug: ) The marathon start was at BC Place, which is a huge covered football stadium in Vancouver. It was great to be indoors because it was RAINING!! :umbrella: The race started promptly at 7 a.m. I wore one of those disposable 50 cent rain coat/cape for the first mile until I couldn't stand it any longer. I conceded that I was going to get wet.

The weather was actually great, the rain was down to a light drizzle. It was perfect running weather. My first 8 miles were great, about a 9:30 pace. Then I came upon the hill in Stanley Park, a 200 ft elevation over a mile, it was up, up and up some more. Well, I made it up with a few walking interludes. Coming down the other side was great. I hit mile 10 and I was really dragging. The last few miles weren't pretty. My chip time was 2:13. I was very happy with that time because I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked. I think that works out to about a 10:10 pace.

I was pretty wiped the rest of the day. Slept a bit and then took a red-eye flight home from Seattle to Charlotte. I arrived home at 6:30 a.m. which is 3:30 a.m. Pacific Time. The combination of the 3 time zone change, a red-eye flight, and running a half-marathon really beat me up this week, I am just now back to normal.

It was a great weekend and my sisters and I had a lot of good laughs and of course the feeling you get when you pin on your bib :yay: and strap on your timing chip :teeth: , is oh, so great!! Ahhh, life is sweet! I think I am addicted to this racing thing because I just signed up for my hometown half marathon in 3 weeks! :love:

All you Minnie Marathoners, your pictures look great! Good job! :thumbsup2

PrincessMomma - great job on the Vancouver Marathon. We were out for breakfast and saw alot of people after the race with their t-shirts and medals. We said congratulations to as many people as we could.

Went for a run tonight - took DH with me and it was awful. I don't know what it was, but it was awful.

1st Km - 5 mins, felt good, felt strong, no aches no pains
2nd Km - 6 mins including 1.5mins walking, still feeling good
3rd Km - 11.5 mins, this is where it all went haywire, stitch, pain in shins, and hips.
4th km - 10.5 mins, (all walking) still felt horrible
5th km - 6 .5 mins, felt much better.
Was good to know that after two awful Kms I good get back in a rhythm again. Overall time was 39.5 so 8 mins kms or 13 min mile. So still okay.

Don't know what was wrong. Noticed my face was really red, but not sweaty, so possibly dehydrated, had gallstone attack on Wednesday morning could have taken more out of me than I thought, or maybe it's just DH.

Am running again on Saturday, so will see how that goes. I think I will just write tonight off as a bad run.
Hi all, got sucked into the trauma that is work again so don't the whole week in last 10 minutes. Congrats to everyone for Minnie's, Pigs etc. Just chiming in quickly re Vikings suggestion of the triax. I got one because I wasn't sure the Garmin would work here. It's okay, it's pretty accurate if the batteries are fresh but they do run out quite fast and then it messes up with the measuring. I used mine for a while when I started measuring courses for the marathon training but I didn't like having my pace etc monitored so decided it wasn't for me. If you like that idea, it's a good 'starting point' though. Helen
Good Morning Team: :surfweb:

I had a rest day yesterday. Had another sports medicine appointment about my shins and he gave me a couple more exercises. Sorry I haven't posted them yet - I've been waiting to have some time to write them down and adequately describe them. I'm going down to Delaware this weekend to visit my parents - Cam, I'd love to stop by and visit sometime over a cup of coffee, but this trip is pretty crammed full. I got a DING fare and am flying from Buffalo to Baltimore RT for $100, renting a car, meeting my sister in Baltimore, and then driving the 3 hours down to Delaware. My mom's health has been going downhill lately and I must admit I think this trip is going to be a difficult one. Plus, I have to miss my group run on Saturday and we were going to do 6 miles before the 10k next week. I'm going to see if I can squeeze that 6 mile run in somehow. :confused3

jodistar said:
Thanks Krista -- I'm actually a little bit nervous and it doesn't have much to do with the weather.....just my sense of direction :goodvibes that and I would have liked to have trained more for it, so I'm below 30 minutes - oh well you can't push it, can you :confused3
Jodi- good luck with your 5k this weekend too. It's understandable to be nervous, but I'm sure you're excited too. Directions won't be any problem as there will be lots of people to follow. You've been training for a long time now, and just go out and take what the day gives you. Remember, you're an athlete, and representing a team now - our WISH TEAM. Thanks for the compliment on my training. Yup, I have my first 10k in about 10 years next week.

Krista- Have a great time at WDW!!! The Flying Pig looked like a lot of fun - so that person at the finish line dressed in the huge pig suit looked pretty funny.

Colleen- Great job on the Vancouver, Canada 1/2 Marathon!! :thumbsup2 I'm amazed at you that you can sign up for a 1/2 at the last minute, fly across country, and run it. That's awesome. How was Vancouver? I've heard it is so pretty, and would love to see it sometime.

RachaelQ- Too bad about your bad run - yeah, I guess it happens to all of us. Good for you for jumping back out there on Saturday.

OK, I gotta get ready for my trip. Have a great weekend of training and racing everyone.
jodistar said:
Well, I'm going to run -- It's been a very long day! I have a cute non-training related story to tell you tomorrow (about DH).

Okay - now onto the cute story (at least I get a kick out of it). Don't know if I got to tell any of you last week and how I decided to put together a surprise trip for DH (to Disney World in January).

I just got his whole family into the act and some of the people at his work know about it (they all swore they won't say anything). Anyhow, since this point Bob (DH) has gotten super nosey -- I don't think that anyone said anything but.....when we were planning our honeymoon, we were kind of on the same wavelength and both booked a photography session with the people at Disney.

This trip won't be revealed to him until our Anniversary (October) but I can't really help to think that he senses something is going on. I even had to alert my friend (the one that is running the Disney Marathon with me) that Bob may nose around.......well sure enough he e-mailed her yesterday. Thank god, friends and family are all telling Bob that it would be a bad idea for him to come in January -- because I will be too busy with the marathon.

I just really thought this was a cute story and had to share :goodvibes
Good morning all!!

Total drive-by post this morning, for which I will apoligize in advance. :guilty:

I haven't had a chance to really read most of thee posts in this thread, but I did want to make sure and say a HUGE CONGRATULATIONS! to all of our Minnie runners and CONGRATULATIONS! to Colleen for her great job in Vancouver!

I am currently hunkered down in my office on rain delay. :rolleyes: It has been one of those weeks... 4:30AM wake-up calls, not getting out of the office until 8PM, terrible catered lunches. To top it all off it has done nothing but rain, and rain hard for the past 2 days. :umbrella: Everything rained out yesterday and today is looking just as bad... and it has turned very cold. Rain, wind and cold. Whoopie! :rolleyes2

So training has been pretty much non-existant this week, but I'm surviving. :teeth: I've promised myself that I will get out for a run on Sunday at the latest by sheer force of will if I have to... even if it's only 15 minutes or so. I feel like a big slug not doing anything (or perhaps that's just from being tired and wet....)

Back to work!
Happy training all!!
Kevin (Solotraveler) :earsboy:
princessmomma said:
My first 8 miles were great, about a 9:30 pace. Then I came upon the hill in Stanley Park, a 200 ft elevation over a mile, it was up, up and up some more. Well, I made it up with a few walking interludes. Coming down the other side was great. I hit mile 10 and I was really dragging. The last few miles weren't pretty. My chip time was 2:13. I was very happy with that time because I wasn't as prepared as I would have liked. I think that works out to about a 10:10 pace.
You rock!! :cool1: We don't need no stinkin' training!! :rotfl2: Glad you had a wonderful time with your sisters.

Helen - Great to "see" you again.

Nancy - I want a Minnie survey too!! Glad to hear your DH has caught the bug.

Jackie - Sorry about your race photos.

Anne - Congrats on the Minnie finish!! Best of luck with the cross-training and a quick recovery for the foot.

Very well-deserved rest day for me today. I ordered myself a new pair of running shoes for Mother's Day, as I have done every year for the last several :confused3 . DH just laughs when he asks me what I want and always gets the same answer.

Happy training to all this weekend!!
Maharae - OMG. I cringe just thinking about how bad your DH must have hurt. Hope he feels better soon.

Colleen - Congrats on the Half in Vancouver!! Sound slike you had a wonderful trip.

Well, I got up and went for my run this morning. And since DH didn't have to work today he stayed home with the kids and let me go by myself. Yay!! No jogging stroller to push!! :cheer2: Anyway, I have been taking this week easy because of some shin pain I got on Monday. I forgot about that Big Freakin' Hill in the back of my neighborhood when I decided to run in the rain, and I think going up that hill twice caused my shins to hurt. So I have been icing twice a day and only running 2 miles. It seems to be paying off though because the pain is disappearing. My run today was amazing though. It was a little chilly when I got up this morning. Something like 57 degrees, which for Florida in May is unheard of. I swear as I was running I could see my breath!! I ran the 2 miles in 17:45, with every half miles taking less time.

1st .5 mile - 4:33
2nd .5 mile - 4:30
3rd .5 mile - 4:24
4th .5 mile - 4:18

Not half bad if I do say so myself!! I think I may put in 3 miles tomorrow if I am still feeling as good as I do now.

Good morning all! T.G.I.F!! :banana: And it's payday to boot! And you know what that means???? That I can send in the check for my Memorial Day race! Whooo hooo! :Pinkbounc

OK so I'm pathetically poor right now. Now you all know. :blush:

Thanks to the lovely thunderstorm and high winds we had last night we had no power this morning so I didn't even wake up until 6:10! So, no training for me. I;m lucky I'm dressed and at work! So I'll hit the TM tomorrow, which is fine. It was a rest day but this way I don't have to rush and maybe I can do some extra time. Plus I can finish "Gidget" which is such a ridiculously stupid movie it's painful to watch. But I'm stubborn like that. I'll finish it anyway, with hopes that the end is better then the beginning.

Maherae - Who hoo! :thumbsup2 I am so proud of you guys! Excellent job!

Jackie - Wow, that stinks about the pictures. I'd be a little miffed. Disney magic is a wonderful thing, isn't it? Don't you wish we could bottle it for home? :wizard:

Colleen - Thanks for the race report! I love reading about what other WISHers are doing. It's so inspiring! :goodvibes

Dave - If I'm not too late, have a great trip! :moped:

Jodi - What fun planning a surprise trip! :goodvibes I love doing things like that for DH. The planning is half the fun!

Kevin - I hear ya about the rain, we are practically having a monsoon here, but....we really need it. BTW, you need to stop all that pesky work stuff so you can Dis more. :teeth: I hope you have a great run on Sunday, even if it's a short one.

Dana - Not so bad if I say so for ya! :thumbsup2

OK Ok, under protest I will go back to work. Grrrr.... :surfweb:

Hi, everyone!

Dave -- I am so sorry this is going to be a difficult weekend for you. I will be thinking of you and keeping your family in my prayers. Travel safely. :grouphug:

Colleen -- You rock, chickie! What an amazing athlete you are to run a 1/2 marathon on a moment's notice! :teeth: So glad you had a great time with your sisters!

Jodi -- very cute story about January. Now, you just have to be sure Bob doesn't suddenly become a WISHer! Kudos to him for losing 40 pounds, though! That is awesome!

I posted a 3 part saga on the Minnie race reports thread, but I wanted to say here how wonderful it is to do events as part of the WISH team. There was such an air of excitement on Saturday at EoS -- anticipation for those who were racing Sunday and elation for those who had shined in the events on Saturday and were spending their recovery time with us! :grouphug: Then, to see WISHers on the course, just before the FINISH and at the FINISH was so amazing! I was so proud of everyone who had finished on pace and so happy to see those amazing smiles on the faces of participants and their proud families and friends. And I am sooo grateful to everyone who took pix and posted them. There are so many that I will enjoy adding to my album, and I will post mine soon.

I have to confess that I don't anticipate doing any training this weekend at all, which is not very smart considering I have a 5 miler in 2 weeks. But I know it will be a rough weekend since my mom died last year a week before mother's day. Am hoping to keep our family completely distracted and busy except for when we go to the cemetary on Sunday. I know it won't be easy, but I hope to make it a bit easier for the kids.

I don't remember if anyone has any events this weekend. :confused3 Good luck to all our WISHers, whatever you are doing and whereever your training takes you this weekend!
keenercam said:
Jodi -- very cute story about January. Now, you just have to be sure Bob doesn't suddenly become a WISHer! Kudos to him for losing 40 pounds, though! That is awesome!

Oh - no danger in that.....he likes one of the other Disney websites that also have boards (I've been on it before --- don't really see what is that great about it). :confused3
littlegreydonkey said:
Hi all, got sucked into the trauma that is work again so don't the whole week in last 10 minutes. Congrats to everyone for Minnie's, Pigs etc. Just chiming in quickly re Vikings suggestion of the triax. I got one because I wasn't sure the Garmin would work here. It's okay, it's pretty accurate if the batteries are fresh but they do run out quite fast and then it messes up with the measuring. I used mine for a while when I started measuring courses for the marathon training but I didn't like having my pace etc monitored so decided it wasn't for me. If you like that idea, it's a good 'starting point' though. Helen

why shouldn't a Garmin work in NZ? GPS and also GNSS (Russian version) cover nearly the whole planet. Down Under and your wonderful island are definitely covered, too.
And I can't help to say 'Isn't the internet great?': A Kiwi and a Kraut chatting on an American bulletin board - It really is a small, small world!!! :grouphug:
Honeibee said:
Jodi - What fun planning a surprise trip! :goodvibes I love doing things like that for DH. The planning is half the fun!

I love planning suprises --- the best part is seeing his face when he finds out. The poor guy has been really bummed out because I was going to Disney without him, I felt bad :sad2:

He is looking so forward to going on Expedition Everest and the rehabbed Pirates of the Carribean.....He already told me that I couldn't go on them during the trip in January - because it would be no fair :rolleyes2

I can't wait to spill the beans on our anniversary ----Come on October :bounce: :Pinkbounc
Hey Viking,

Thanks for the advice on the Triax :thumbsup2 . Next week I'm borrowing one of DH's co-workers Garmin 301 to see if it works in my running areas. If not I know what I'm going to get now!

Also....DH spends time in Germany for work. He works for a German company...so has to travel to your beautiful country a few times a year. One of these days I really want to accompany him and do some sight seeing myself!

Dave: Sorry to hear about your mom's health, I'll keep you in my thoughts as you deal with the stress and sadness that goes along with that. :grouphug:

Dana: Great splits!!!

Judy: Wow...wasn't that weather intense last night?! Wooo-Hoooo those winds were pretty wild.

Jodi: What a wonderful surprise for your DH!!!

I'm still training...just taking off a few more days than usual this week to get the muscles rested. I had a fabulous run yesterday on my hill course....all sub 10 mpm splits so I was very pleased! I have a 6 miler scheduled on Saturday... :goodvibes can't wait to hit the new distance!!!

I'll just share one little tidbit. DD8 had a mother's day celebration in her 3rd grade class yesterday. Each child made a flower with petals and each petal had a word on it to describe "mom". They got to choose one word to use as they stepped up and said "If my Mom were a flower, I'd pick her because she is STRONG!". That's what my DD said! She also put down talented :cloud9: . I asked her why she wrote strong and talented on her petals and she said it's because I exercise and am running a marathon. It's so lovely to see they value all the time we put into our training...and they see that it makes us strong! (The talented part, LOL, not so sure about that one but the sentiment is wonderful!!!)

Have a great weekend everyone and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the moms!!! :sunny:
I've only got time for a quick post but I just wanted to post that

:cheer2: I'm leaving for WDW tomorrow morning :cheer2:

Has anyone been on the Expedition Everest ride yet???

I am such a ride chicken that I want to do it but I don't know if I'll be able to make myself do it. BTMR is about at the end of my tollerance level. I love speed (Test Track) but the drops (Splash) I can't handle.

So has anyone been on it that can tell me what it was like :confused3


(If I don't have another chance have a great weekend everyone! "See" you all again on Tuesday :cool1: )
Minnie -- I did EE 3 times on my solo trip last month. It is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. My first time on it I was in the middle toward the back, and I actually thought it was pretty mild -- wasn't sure what all the hype was about. It was definitely more intense at the front. BTW, be sure to look around, especially at the beginning of the ride as you go around the first bend. The landscaping is gorgeous -- wildflowers everywhere!
Have a great time!

AmyBeth -- What a darling DD you have! I am so glad that she recognizes the effort you put in to your training and that it makes you strong!

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! :goodvibes: :grouphug:

Jodi -- I'd never make it to October! :love:
keenercam said:
Minnie -- I did EE 3 times on my solo trip last month. It is not nearly as scary as I thought it would be. My first time on it I was in the middle toward the back, and I actually thought it was pretty mild -- wasn't sure what all the hype was about. It was definitely more intense at the front. BTW, be sure to look around, especially at the beginning of the ride as you go around the first bend. The landscaping is gorgeous -- wildflowers everywhere!
Have a great time!

Cam - Thank you so much for responding :goodvibes

If you don't mind would you compare it to the BTMR? That is the only other roller coaster that I have gotten up nerve to try other than the Goofy one :blush:
I think it is much smoother than BTMRR and there are fewer jerky twists and turns. BTMRR is now one of those rides that I actually anticipate coming off of feeling a bit battered, but I'd go back on EE in a heartbeat. SO smooth and so much to see and enjoy. I had forgotten that it goes backwards until someone said something when it started and it really wasn't bad at all. I cannot think of anything negative to say about it. I hope you will try it just once and let me know what you think.


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