Wk of Nov 13--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

wtpclc said:
solo - Yesterday was not snow, if that's what you were referring to. It was ice being shot at you from bebe (sp?) guns.

:rotfl2: No kidding!!! This morning is really no better.

So with high temps predicted to be at a balmy 26 degrees, none of this is going to melt anytime soon. So I have a choice to make: risk life and limb trying to run my 16 miler outside tomorrow (with the snow and the ice) or run on the indoor track here at work (where I would get no Garmin splits, it's really warm and it would be 144 laps for my run). :guilty:

I have a feeling I'll be inside. I won't be happy about it, but I'll be running.

Happy training!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
Congrats, Jen, on finishing the Marine Corps Marathon! Awesome! We are looking forward to having you around here a lot over the next several weeks.

I am with Mel and Steve -- back in January and for a few months after, I couldn't bear the thought of leaving my treadmill for the outside world, but now I really regret when I can't get outside, regardless of the weather! Now I don't like the TM, but if I have to be on it, I don't like having my time limited by the gym or by my schedule -- I resented having to stop last night after 30 minutes when I'd really like to have just kept going for as long as I had the energy! :confused3

solotraveler -- how does one run 144 laps? Do you count them? UGH! I wouldn't want to do the 1/4 mile track at our HS for my "LW" which is never very "L" because I am certain I would lose track of the number of laps! :rotfl: Maybe you could just estimate how long it should take you and then keep an eye on the clock. I know I'd get dizzy and incredibly bored. I am impressed that you are that disciplined!

Carrie -- sorry about the ice. By the time I came out of the Y last night, the temperature had dropped 20 degrees and there was torrential rain. All I could think was how grateful I was that I didn't have to be out in it for any longer than it took me to get to my car, and I could't imagine what it would do to my training if I had to deal with intense weather already.

I did 70 minutes total last night -- 20 on the bike, 20 on elliptical, and 30 on the treadmill (2 miles in 31:08). I hadn't had time for a real lunch, so I had a snickers marathon bar in the car on the way to the gym and really did feel like I had fuel. I only stopped my workout because I had to get home to make phone calls.

Well, thanks for all the good wishes for this morning, everyone. As it turns out I had to cancel the "ugly spot" surgery for today. My best friend's mom, who was like a mother to me, died yesterday morning after what seemed like routine knee replacement surgery. For some reason, she went into cardiac arrest 4 hours after the surgery and then had 4 more heart attacks in quick succession after each rescuscitation. It seems so unreal. The funeral is tomorrow in NY so I didnt' want to be out of work today and tomorrow, so I think the ugly spot will stay put until after the 1/2.

I have Howard on "packet watch" since he is home. With my luck they will arrive while we are away over Thanksgiving, making me desperate to get home. :sad:
I've been lurking and not posting as I have no training to report (nagging nerve problem) but I had to post after reading today.

CAM - My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your bf. My DM is my bf and I don't know what I do without her :grouphug:

SUNNY - I agree with everyonelse give that nasty old MD the boot!!!
Cam - :grouphug: That is soo hard! :guilty:

solo - I could not do 144 laps. Ive done 16. Hated it. Never again. Not that it's an option I have anyway. Not sure if that or a TM would be worse. We'll be in Lansing for our 16-miler. I am hoping the trail we're doing will have seen enought traffic to be ok or that the snow was not as bad there. When we started our first 10-miler, teh Garmin went off at the half (dh likes this alarm) He shouts out 19 to go. Now, I put up with this every half mile countdown for six, but it drove me nuts. I kind of snapped. He nolonger counts down until the last half. I am a bad person, but that's how much the counting laps drives me nuts!

MInnie - So sorry things aren't gettign better. :wizard:

Well, some apckets were spotted yesterday. Not at my house, though. :(
Lisa loves Pooh said:

How are you healing up?

Hello everyone! So many greetings from everybody! Thank you so much for the warm welcomes. :goodvibes

Lisa - I am doing fabulous! I had my ACL replacement surgery on August 28, by a real hunka hunka burning love DROP DEAD gorgeous orthopedic surgeon. :teeth: Holy cow! I just wanted to lay there on the operating table and say "TAKE ME DOCTOR!" :lovestruc But...I digress. :teeth:

Anyway, I did have a torn minuscus in that same knee for year before I blew out my ACL, so while he was in there he fixed that too. Which was great because now I have no knee pain at all! I was really afraid of the surgery but now that I have it done, I am SOO glad I did it!

My knee feels great. It feels stronger and much more stable then even before my accident. So it really was a blessing in disguise.

I've been going to PT and doing my exercises like a good patient so at my first post-op visit my surgeon said I was "off the charts" in terms of recovery. I wanted to kiss him right on the lips, but I refrained. :love:

I think I am doing very well. Thank you for asking.

I do have a couple of questions for everyone.

Go easy on me as I am very new to all this.

Is there anyone else really just starting out? I'm only walking and I'm only doing the half. I was wondering what any other beginers were doing for training.

Also, OK don't laugh but I would be MORTIFIED if I got swept. What do they do? I hit the alarm in the morning and get right out of bed and get on the treadmill because I have visions of big cane hooks coming out of the crowd and grabbing me right off the pavement. Do they come up and tap you on the shoulder and give you the "Get out of here you loser" look? I'd die of embarrassment if I got swept out. :blush:

I think I read somewhere that I should be training for a 13-15 minute mile for walking the half. Should I be shooting for a 12 minute mile to compensate for the crowd?

Thanks for all your support and help. I'm really so new to all this. :earboy2:
Honeibee -- you crack me up! :rotfl2: I would think you'd want to slow your recovery so you could have more follow up visits with the stud. . . um, . . .I mean, the doctor!
Right from the beginning, everyone has told me to train for a solid 15 minute mile and then to work on endurance. It was great advice. I really worked to get a feel for what 15 felt like, and then started adding miles. A tiny bit more speed has just naturally (magically!) appeared, but my objective really is to maintain a 15 minute pace the whole time. Don't put too much pressure on yourself worrying about the sweepers. You are going to be in amazing shape pace and distance wise when the 2007 1/2 gets close. Personally, I think you should plan on the Disneyland Inaugural Half in September and do it with me! :hug: I am so glad you are healing up so nicely and really into the training. I know what a great feeling that is. :goodvibes: :wizard: Enjoy! We are all very excited to hear about how your training is progressing. (Oh, and BTW, there are many benefits to the training process, including having your pants size drop 4 sizes.)
wtpclc said:
Well, some apckets were spotted yesterday. Not at my house, though. :(

Are you serious? Race packets? Who got a race packet? Did anyone here get a race packet? I wanna race packet really really bad.
Cam, PD to you and your best friend. It's been kind of a horrible year for you.

What a difference 12 hours makes. I get up this morning and it's sunny, in the 40s, with winds only about 15 mph. Needless to say, I ran outdoors today. Easy day- 45 minutes, 4.6 miles. I still ended up sweating though is spite of the cooler temps. Should be dry and upper 30s for my 16 miler on Sat.

Honiebee- isn't it amazing how good your knee can feel after ACL surgery? I liked it so well I had it done 3 times :smooth: Yes, there are people posting here who started as absolute beginners. It's been discussed lately to look back at old posts and see how much progress people have made. Many people are using training plans in the John Bingham(the Penguin) book "Marathoning for Mortals." The training plans range from 14-20 weeks so many people started off training to train. I can't help you out with the sweep info except that 15 min/mile seems to be the goal everyone shoots for and anything faster than that is bonus- time to take pictures with characters, etc.

Good luck training everyone and PD :wizard: for the aches and pains.
I have been gone for so long from this thread, trying to catch up.

My Dad became really ill this summer and passed away the beginnng of October. Needless to say my training really suffered.

So advice needed, I got back to it about 30 days ago. I can sustain a 14:40 pace for 4 miles no problem, do you guys think I can raise my endurance in the next 6 weeks to actually have a shot at completing in time?

I am training 6 days a week - 3 - 4 miles a shot on TM.
Any advice would help!

I have continued to loose weight and hope to have another 10 off by race day, down 160lbs since last year, 13 lbs to my first goal.
Cam - I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. You are in my thoughts today.

MickeySP - Do you have a program you were planning on using? I'm thinking you should count back from from the end and see if you can ramp yourself up to where you need to be. I'm not saying that if it says you need to be at 10 miles this week, you should just go out and do it, but maybe you could increase in increments (sp) until you catch up! I say "go for it" If you can loose 160 lbs, you can probably pretty much do anything you set your mind to!!! :cool1:

I actually had a good LR today. I did 18 miles. My pace was around 10:28 and I didn't really feel that bad! I'm thinking it is because I didn't do the double LR's this week and because I've been resting since the adventure race this weekend!! I needed one decent long run to give me a boost in confidence. I thought the 3/8/17 week was hard. Next week is a shorter LR week and then the following week is my first 20 miler. I'm going to do a 10 the day before to have the back to back LR. At least I have a couple of weeks to "rest" before I think about that!!

I got a big envelope in the mail today, but alas, NO RACE PACKET!!
Thanks, everyone for the condolences and :grouphug: I really appreciate all of you.

MickeySP-- I am so sorry for your loss. I really think the training will be a good distraction for you and it is good thinking time too. :hug: I agree with Melissa's suggestion about trying to slowly ramp up to one of the training plans.

Melissa -- I am so glad you are feeling great after the adventure race and a couple of days of less exertion. You are doing so great! You really inspire me! :wizard:

I probably won't be on line again until Saturday or Sunday. Hugs to all and WISHing you all great LWs/LRs.
I'm a knucklehead. I forgot to say.....

:grouphug: I'm sorry too about your loss. :grouphug:
Cam-- I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. You have had more than your share of grieving this year. Your friend is so fortunate to have you by her side through this hard time :grouphug:

MickeySP-- I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, too. Here's :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to help get you back on track with training.

Solo-- I guess if there's a silver lining to your situation, at least training in the warm indoor climate with help aclimate you for Disney :confused3 144 laps, Yikes! :earseek:

MelR-- great job on the 18. Sounds like the rest did you good and your right on schedule :cheer2:

Lisa, Carrie, and anyone else I haven't thank yet :) -- thanks again for the words of encouragement. I'm all over it now!

I did my speedy 10 miler with the gym friend. Its was a bit too speedy for me and I practially bonked on the last mile. Miles 1-9 were an avg pace of 9:00, by 9 I told her to go on a head and I took my sweet time to finish the last mile. Lesson leared (again, and again, and again...) speed kills endurance. period. (at least for me). I signed up for the 4:15 pace group. I very well may switch to the 4:30. What's 15 minutes when you can feel relaxed and enjoy the ride versus push, push, push?

Packets????? What Packets????? They must be a figment of our imagination....

Hey guys

Cam - sorry to hear your news

Sunny: I must be on the same training plan as you as, when I do my 18 miler this weekend, I'm up to 37 miles this week with two more 'overload' weeks to go. Mind you I'm glad everyone says we might be training too much, as I was worried I wasn't doing enough as my running buddies tend to do about 45-50 by this point (admittedly they aren't doing novice programmes and I am) and they keep looking at me suspiciously when I stop after an hour twice a week! PS your pace yesterday was great.

Good news, after weeks and weeks of gaining weight at a rate of knots, it seems to be coming off (well yesterday it did, sure if I got on scales today it would be back) if not though, at least it's good to know that when I start running 35+ miles a week and (inculding a 3+ hour run each weekend), I can lose weight through exercise!!!!

Also, I must be a woman alone in not wanting you all to get your packets as mine will take at least a week longer than yours to arrive, so as soon as I see the first arrival post I will have to say off the boards until mine turns up so I don't ruin my joy and glee at finding what's in it. And then how will I kill time each day!!! Good luck to everyone this weekend. Helen
shhhh, huddle in everyone, let's not tell Helen when our packets arrive, k?
Packets, what packets? ;) ;) ;)

MickeySP - I am soo sorry for your loss. :grouphug:

9s? Haven't seen tehm since my first 2-miler. Btwn the hip and the cold, my pace has died.
:grouphug: Cam and MickeySP I am so sorry to read of your losses.

I've been gone a couple of days and am disappointed that there aren't more packets being seen (especially by me!)

I am excited that my new Garmin 201 arrived today! I've got it plugged in to charge and can't wait to use it this weekend for my long runs. TXBelle thanks again for the heads up on the Sharper Image deal. :)
disnutt I am excited that my new Garmin 201 arrived today! I've got it plugged in to charge and can't wait to use it this weekend for my long runs. [/QUOTE said:
disnutt, congrats, you will love it.

Wow, Sunny 9 minuters, that is great!

The reminds me, did anyone see Sex in the City a few nights ago when Miranda was training for a marathon and met a guy in her 10 minute/mile group? Well, after a series of ...ahem...uncomfortable events.....she was forced to pick up her speed and run 9 minute miles so she wouldn't be in his group anymore. I :rotfl: it was so funny.
Help me please!! I am in a funk... Just loaded a new "running mix" onto my nano.. had a run that SUCKED!! and lost all hope!!

Will I be able to complete this marathon without being swept!!

On an average run 8 miles I manage to be in the 12:00 min. pace range. However Due to circumstances I wont be able to get my long run in this weekend SO I am getting nervous.

I don't want to be swept.. any motivators out there. Please PM or reply because I need the motivation!!

Thanks to all



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