Wk of Nov 19--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club


<font color=deeppink>WISH Racing Team Member<br><f
Dec 17, 2004
Hello everyone!

For those new to us, we're a group of people who are planning to participate in walking/running events throughout the year. Some of us are training for the 2006 Disneyland Half and for the 2007 WDW Half/Full marathons. We'll also be posting news/training for various other events throughout the year. We range from non-running beginners to triathletes. Come join us, whether you're training for an event or walking/running for fitness!

2007 WISH Team

akasleepingbeauty Rhonda TX
aladdinsgirl Krista OH
AmyBeth68 Amy NJ
Andrea718 Andrea NY
andromedaslove Dana FL
bekagain Bekah
Big Vic Vic FL
Buckalew11 Brenda TN
Calcio Craig MA
CarolA Carol GA
Cheryl N. WI Cheryl WI
chimera Mel FL
Chropistopy Christy GA
Cingoutload GA
Cruella de Mom Cecilia GA
crzy4mk Michael GA
crzy4pooh Lynnda FL
debm IL
Dennyha Denny OH
DianeL Diane
disneybelle Darcey NJ
disneyfanz04 Michelle NJ
DisneyGirl Marissa
disnygoof Christiana SC
DJBounce Darcey IA
donac Dona NJ
dthogue Tammy PA
escape Susie AR
gatorphipps Christa NC
getnthinr Wendy NC
goingthedistance Paul NM
goofyguy1958 Mike
gradtchr Beth TX
hbardeleben Heather IL
hmgolden Helen NY
Hockeychic Kim CAN
hockeygirl Laura NY
Honeibee Judy NY
Houstonmouse Tracey
icunurse_celeste Celeste IL
Jen117 Jen WI
Jodi Jodi CT
jodistar Jodi CT
k_hase Kim NY
karebear1 Karen OR
Kareneast Karen NJ
Kaycee Kaycee KY
keenercam Cam DE
KeenHo Howard DE
KelNottAt Kelley MD
KeriZ Keri AB
Kim10110 Kim
Kimickey Kim MD
Kimwim8 Kim NJ
Kristi1357 Kristi NH
lillouisianagal Claire LA
Lisa Loves Pooh Lisa FL
littlegreydonkey Helen NZ
LittleMissMickey Ashley MN
lizdotcom99 Liz IN
macrosswife Kimber AL
magslite Maggie IL
maherae Anne
martysmom Jenny FL
maryliz maryliz ON
MelRhoads Melissa AR
MickeySP Lisa MA
Minnie Suzy
momoftwogirls K
monte Monica CO
Mouse Skywalker Dave NY
MouseDogMom Jackie NC
MrsTrx Tracey FL
msblrobs Sara NY
nstauffer Nikki MI
nucpharm29 Stephanie AR
NYCpa Kathy NY
ohMom OH
outonarun Teri CA
Papa Deuce PA
perfectmatch300 Nancy FL
plutosmyfav Sunny MA
pollioni Robb ON
princessmomma Colleen NC
Princess Nancy Nancy SC
Pungodingy Angie NH
Rachael Q Rachael BC
RedSonya Sonya UT
rKyDeX Chester FL
Rockclimber Dave NC
RunningLilo Dena FL
ryley26 Rich OH
sap1227 Christy FL
ScoJo15 Scott GA
sjams Janet TX
skfulkers Steve OH
SoCalSnail Jim CA
solotraveler Kevin MI
Stenogoddess Lauren GA
stitch lover sith Erin
sugaswim Holly MD
TammyNC Tammy NC
taz4disney CJ IN
TEK224 Terri PA
thndrmatt Matt FL
TiffJ Tiffany AL
TigerLily03 Lily OH
TnTsParty FL
TXBelle Heather TX
Valentine Kathy NY
Viking Eric GE
Wbgirl Melissa MN
WDWfan 9 Pat IL
wfloyd Bill FL
WIsh I Lived in FL Felicia
wiskband Renee NY
wtpclc Carrie MI
xterratri Lynne ME
8 miles for me today in 1:41:41 for a 12:42 pace. That's 12 minutes better than last year, but I'm still frustrated that it's not faster. I did W3/R2 for my 8 miler last year...seems like working up to R4/W1 should have netted me a better pace by now :confused3

I did try the FILA shoes today. Quite excellent arch support! My knee and hip did great...did have some foot issues, but not too bad. I'm hoping that's just from adjusting to the change in arch support, but we'll have to see.

Bill...I'm so glad you mentioned the cold this morning. It was 52 when I started out, but warmed up faster. I'm trying to acclimate better this year, so I don't have the "Joey" complex for the half..."Could you be wearing anymore clothes?" ;)

Dana...wtg on your 22. Hope you're feeling better!

Christa...sorry your run was a stonker. When my reflux was bad, I couldn't run either. That's the biggest reason I went on meds.

Vic... :wizard: for your ankle. Please stick around...we'll look forward to seeing you during race weekend!

Cecilia...great time on your 12!

Matt...congrats on your PR!

Wendy...that's a great charity! Thanks for letting us know about it!

Anne...wtg on your 7 miler!

Tiff...guess what I got? For anyone that hasn't seen them, Tiff found a really cool wooden, lime green WISH Xmas ornament at Target. DH surprised me with one after I told him about Tiff's. Here it is on the tree:


BTW, don't tell anyone we put our tree up today. This is the first year since I was a teenager that I've had a fake tree...and I've always had a rule about not mixing holidays. So here we are, days before Thanksgiving, and our tree is already almost done :blush:

Happy Thanksgiving and good training everyone!
Christa - I was initially using the Jeff Galloway training program which called for:

Oct 21: 17-18
Oct 28: 8
Nov 4: 19-20
Nov 11: 8-9
Nov 18: 8-9
Nov 25: 22-23
Dec 2: 8-10
Dec 9: 8-10
Dec 16: 24-26
Dec 23: 8-10
Dec 30: 8-10
Jan 7 !!: The Marathon!!

However a few weeks ago (October 28th actually) I was trying to get in an early morning run, and because it was so dark outside I literally scared myself so bad that I was afraid to run alone, and ended up running with a group who was doing 23 in the Jeff Galloway program for their Marathon in Dec. I ended up running 20 with them, and then walking the last 3. So I just adjusted my schedule.

Oct 28: 20
Nov 4: 9
Nov 11: 9
Nov 18: 22
Nov 25: 10
Dec 2: 8
Dec 9: 24
Dec 16: 10
Dec 23: 8
Dec 30: 8
Jan 7 !!: The Marathon!!

I figured that gives me an extra week to taper and recover before the Marathon, and other than that it pretty much keeps me on schedule.

Great job on the sub 2!!!

You even beat my Half PR of 1:59:37 from March 2006.

I am going to run some tomorrow and hope to do at least 10 miles. I'll post my times when I can.

Happy training!

Hi all!

I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while. My hard disk crashed last week and I haven't been able to read through all of last week's posts until now. My DH's computer isn't very reliable and I tried posting on this thread a few times but, for some reason, I kept getting kicked out. :confused3 Anyway, one word of advice (ok, 7 words) - backup, backup, backup on a regular basis. I lost some valuable files last week. :sad2:

Cam and Howard - I’m so sorry for your loss. As others have said, Dave sounds like a wonderful person. It’s obvious he's been a blessing in your lives. :grouphug:

Mike - hope your wife is doing better now. I can't imagine how scary that must have been for you.

Vic – a little late, but :welcome: I hope there is nothing seriously wrong with your ankle! If all is ok, we'll see you at the half!

MelR – I am in awe. You must be Wonder Woman in disguise. By the way, thanks for the article on chocolate milk. I love it and now I won’t feel so guilty drinking it. :teeth:

Kathy – sending :wizard: for your shoulder.

Sunny – Thanks for the book suggestion. This sounds like something my DH should read. Also, I’m so glad you were able to find a doctor that can help you. I know that makes all the difference in the world. By the way, I never did take the Levaquin the doctor prescribed for me, thanks to you. Luckily, the cyst went away on its own.

Carrie – As for fashion, I’m pretty sure I’ll be listed as a “Big Don’t” in Vogue or whatever magazine does the do’s and don’ts. As for telling people that I’m gonna run a half – I tell anyone that will listen. :teeth:

Judy – congrats on your anniversary. Sending lots of :wizard: for you and Mist. By the way, I plan on drafting off of you in the half. :teeth:

Stephanie – hope your leg gets better. Sending :wizard: for you, too!

Dave – glad your wife is excited about Disney. :teeth: I’m sure your daughters will be thrilled at Christmas.

Christa – I can certainly understand being nervous about a 20-mile run. Heck, I was nervous about my 7 mile run today. Sorry you had a bad time with it. Sounds like you have it all under control, though. :)

Jen – :wizard: for your back. My DH has 2 bulging discs in his back. I told him that you were still training despite your problems and he was in awe.

Amy – pixie dust for your blisters. I have one trying to come on. Moleskin really helped a lot. Good idea to revisit your pod.

Krista – great song from Melissa Etheridge! I like it too. :)

Lily – I’m putting in the steps – a little slowly but that’s ok with me. As long as I can stay ahead of the sweepers, I’ll be fine.

Kevin – yikes, sweet dreams for you.

Anne – congrats on your pace. That’s awesome! I might draft off of you, too! :teeth:

Matt – great job on the half and beating your goal!

Dana – great run! All I can say is WOW!

Well, I set a new personal record today. 7 miles! I'm getting there! For all of you doing those really long miles - wow, I don't know how you do it...and your pace times - DOUBLE WOW! Wow must be my new buzz word. :lmao: It's hard to think of other words when you're in the company of greatness. :teeth:
I can't post a real post as I'm getting ready to leave for church, but I just wanted to tell Mel that we put up our Christmas tree yesterday too. :teeth:
:wave: Hi Wishers!

Cam & Howard: I've had you both in my thoughts so much lately :grouphug: . Just wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you and that I know it's been such a difficult and emotional time. He really sounded like such a wonderful man.

Matt: Wow! :cheer2: WTG on the half! Sounds like you are right back in it! Excellent job!!

Dana: WTG on that LONG run!! Woah...that's a good distance. You really knocked it out! Super effort! :thumbsup2

Mel: I know you aren't exactly where you'd like your pace to be BUT still that is awesome that you've shaved TWELVE minutes off last year's time. That is a huge accomplishment!! :grouphug: :thumbsup2 :goodvibes

Susie: :woohoo: Awesome job on your personal record. It feels so good to reach those new distances or paces. You should be so proud of yourself...that's an impressive distance!!

Thanks for all the PD and well wishes on my blistered feet. I managed to wrap the foot pretty well and the really big blister seems to be healing nicely finally! Unfortunately...a new decided to show up yesterday on the SAME foot after 10 miles :(. I definitely need to see the podiatrist but unfortunately he's somewhat of a "celebrity" and VERY VERY dificult to get in to see (he writes for Runner's World and is THE Podiatrist of the NY Marathon along with major pro and college sports teams here in the NYC area). Sooo...with that said....I'm a-waitin' for my appointment with him. Until then I'm trying every darn trick in the book to keep my feet as healthy as possible. The thing is that the orthotics have solved SOOOO many other problems I was having. Now if only we could figure out why i'm getting these blisters on the one foot :confused3 . Anyway...enough 'bout that!

Yesterday I ran my 16 mile long run. I'll admit that i was more than a little nervous last week about this distance. But I'm happy to report that I knocked it out and finished in under 3 hours with no injury flare-ups during the run!! :goodvibes :teeth: I am sooo relieved to conquer this distance and it really makes 18 look more attainable now. I love that this coming week is a step back and I have a fun 8K race on Turkey Day :teeth: . My pace for the 16 miles was a solid 10:55 mpm. I just relaxed and took it easy while listening to my audio-book. LOVE LOVE LOVE the audio-books for the long runs. I just zone into the story and hit my pace....it's really nice b/c my pace is literally driven by my comfort level rather than the music! So my legs got really sore and tired around the 10-12 mile mark yesterday and sure I had moments of "what am I thinking?" and "maybe I could just stop and sit down for a while" :confused3 :rotfl: . But I didn't! Today I'm a little sore...surprisingly sore in the mid-body (back, shoulders, neck). I think I need to hit my core body work harder over the next 7 weeks! The ab, back and arm work has to be stepped up! Otherwise I'm feeling really good about the plan and my training thus far.

Here's to another successful week of training for everyone!!! :sunny:
Hi Everybody,

Sorry I haven't posted much this past week. Work was nuts and had me so busy. I didn't get many workouts in and by yesterday afternoon I was in bed at 2:30pm. I slept most of the day and all night. I should be well rested for the football game today :teeth:

Ok, I'm putting my trust in all you Kayano wearers. I bought a pair yesterday. They felt so good when I tried them on :goodvibes , so I hope they work as well when I start putting the miles on them.

I'll catch up with everyone later.

Susie – Congratulations on your 7 miles!!! WOW!! Double WOW! Gee, you think you rubbed off on me? :teeth:

AmyBeth – Congratulations on the 16 miles! I am so happy for you. And I am really glad to hear you like the audiobooks. I just downloaded one today to help me get through my 16 mile TM workout later. It’s a book I read about 8 years ago, I think, and really liked. I am hoping it will keep me distracted on the TM. It is a little over 3 hours and I figure this will take me four hours, so that should help pass the time, I’d think.

Terri – I am so reassured that you like the kayanos. I think mine should arrive tomorrow and I am trying to figure out when I can squeeze in a TM workout with them to try them out. I hope you love them for your Lrs.

Mel – love the ornament. And I think your pace is a huge improvement! Over 8 miles, doesn’t that translate to a minute and a half better pace per mile? :cool1:

I am really dreading my 16 miles this afternoon but looking forward to being able to say it’s done. I went to 4 different stores this morning looking for cliff shot blocks and can’t find them. I am NOT a happy camper! I have been trying to figure out how to fuel my LR today, since I have had problems recently with wooziness and severe hunger pangs on the LRs. So, I made whole wheat pasta with grilled chicken for lunch, I’ll have a slim fast on my way to the Y and will take a break after each 60 minute segment to eat a banana. I also have powerade for on the TM and I’ll use sport beans at each ½ hour mark. I also have an apple for in the car afterwards. That should do it, I’d think.

Right now, I am at work and should be productive but it is so darn hot here. I figure if I’m going to be sweating, I’d rather it were on a TM than at my desk, so I may go to the Y much earlier than planned.

BTW, my son played the philanderer/Lothario all too well and got rave reviews (we parents are such an easy bunch! He was thrilled that Jenn was in the audience to surprise him last night. Jenn's last marching band show yesterday went very well, too. And Andrew's All-State audition went better than he thought. He thanks you very much for your good WISHes. His school's next show is Oliver! and his audition is the day of the Full. I am hoping we will both have huge cause to celebrate!
Hello TEAM: :surfweb:

I got my LR in yesterday - 18 miles!!! That's the farthest I've ever run. The run went really, really well. So much better than last week's 16 mile LR. I finished in 3:20 for a 11:06 mpm pace. At the end I had to put my hands up to celebrate the end of the 18 miler. Only two more really LRs to go!!! My legs are a little sore today. I need to do some more icing.

Matt- Congratulations on the PR in the half. That's great.

Cam- good luck on your TM LR

Amy- congrats on your 16 miler. I'm glad you are relatively injury free except for the blisters.

Christa- sorry to hear about your stonker run. Wow, even you have some bad runs sometimes. Thanks for posting about it - so we all can benefit and learn from it.

Krista- Come on Steelers... score some points already!!!

Mel/Chimera- I love the WISH ornament!
Hi Team!! Just watching the Steelers stink it up again, this is getting old!! My 16 miles yesterday was mostly good, some not so great parts, but overall pretty good. I finished in 2:59, so that what, an 11:30 pace? I don't have my Garmin in front of me, so I forget. I also don't have my splits as my Garmin is screwed up and I can't figure out how to fix it. Stephen ran the first 9 miles with me, I wasn't sure if I would like it, I have never run with anyone before, but it was nice, having someone to talk to really passed the time. I paced us and I think I was running a little too slow, but I was saving my energy for all 16 miles, and that was my first long run doing r5/w1, so I wasn't sure how that was going to work out. After Stephen left, I put on my mp3 player and that helped me really pick up the pace--I was running at a 9:00 mile!! It felt great to be running so fast, but I later paid for it at mile 13.5 when I started getting lactic acid build up in my legs. For the last 2.5 miles, my legs were so sore that I had tears in my eyes, but you know what--I finished running in 10:00's and walking in the 13:00's, so I consider it a good run. :teeth: For the first time I feel confident about this marathon, it may not be a pretty run, but I think I will be able to finish the run.

Cecilia--Thank you so much for the Epsom salt bath tip, that helped me SO much last night. Even after stretching and the ice bath, my legs were still sore and I was hobbling around, I took the Epsom, salt bath and my legs felt fabulous 10 minute soak. I would have like to have stayed in longer, but the water was so hot, I couldn't stand it any longer. Good luck on your TM miles this week.

Mel--Shaving 12 minutes off your time in a year is HUGE!!!! Great job!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: Sorry that Hines Ward (not my dog) isn't having a great game for you.

Amy Beth--Great pace on your 16 miler. I was thinking about you yesterday as I'm sure we were running around the same time (Stephen and I started at 7:00 am). I hope you can find some relief for your feet. :wizard: Good luck on your Turkey Day 8K, Stephen and I are doing a 10K Thanksgiving more too. I'm planning on using that as an excuse to over indulge the rest of the day. ;)

Dave--Great job on your 18 miles! Wow!! I was thinking about you yesterday during the OSU-MI game, I even told Stephen to think about our friends and family who watching this game all across the Midwest and Eastern United States and even though we aren't together, we're all watching the same game and it's like we're together. Of course this was when he was fighting with the Christmas tree, so I don't think he heard me. :)

Christa--Sorry you had a stonker on your 20 miler!! :wizard: :wizard: that your next attempt is better!

Dana--22 miles???? Wow!!!! How are you feeling today?

Cam--Good luck on your 16 miler today. I can't believe you are doing it on a treadmill. That's impressive!!

The Steelers are starting to come alive too bad they wait until the 4th quarter! I have to concentrate on the game!!
Hey guys! Hope everyone's having a good weekend. It's cold and raining here, so it's a perfect day to sit on the couch and watch football. Glad my run's over with. :)

MelR--I think you're the ONE person who shouldn't have to worry about a lack of training. The day that I could actually finish one of your adventure races is the day that I'll say, "yeah, you really need to train more." :)

Sunny--so glad I'm not the only one who thinks chocolate cake is a justifiable treat as a side benefit of a LR. Add to that: pizza, Reeses peanut butter cups, whole boxes of cereal, ice cream, cookies (geez, it's a wonder I can't lose any weight during training).

Judy--love the picture of Mist. Still hoping things work out well for you in the trial.

Kevin--gotta love the wonderful world of business travel, huh? 22 minutes to connect in Atlanta? Yikes! And at the absolute worst airport in the world.... :rolleyes: So how did the 9/18 miles go this weekend?

Cam--good luck on the treadmill this weekend. You guys totally amaze me with the 3 and 4 hour treadmill runs. I would go insane.

Carrie--so sorry about the Wolverines yesterday. If I was actually an OSU fan, I'd probably try to come up with some witty comment about the game, but alas, I only have one team near and dear to my heart (and they happen to be losing right now).

Christa--sorry you had such a bad run. But in the picture beforehand, you look so happy. You should have just posted that picture and told us that it was taken AFTER the 20 miles. :)

Matt--great job on the PR.

Well, I got my LRs in this weekend. Ran 9 yesterday with Krista (first time we've run together in a loooong time, and we actually didn't get divorced :) ). It was a good run for me, but I did feel a bit bad stopping after 9 and Krista still had 7 more to go. Then I did 18 today, and it was a GREAT run. One of those perfect, brisk morning runs where everything just seems to go right. Finished in 2:55 for a 9:42 overall pace, so I felt pretty good about that. I've finally decided my strategy for marathon weekend. I'm going to take the half VERY easy and then give the full everything I've got left. I had originally planned to try to have a good half time, but really, what's the point? If I kill myself on Saturday, I'm really going to pay for it on Sunday.

Hope everyone's LRs this weekend go well. Only 6 weeks and 6 days left...

Yesterday I got in my 16 miles on the TM, helped along by The Little Mermaid and Lion King DVDs and the start of the OSU game :thumbsup2 This is the farthest distance I have ever attempted and I finished in a couple minutes short of 4 hrs with a 14:52 pace. I followed it up with a nice cold soak in the tub and late in the evening with a warm epsom salt soak. I confused my poor golden though, she heard the water filling the tub and came running thinking she was going to get a bath. Instead I was in the tub and the expression on her face was priceless...shock, puzzlement, and disappointment. I think I will probably have to make it up to her later today and give her a bath.

Congrats to all who are putting in their steps, we will be in WDW soon :woohoo:
Happy day WISH Team!

I came here to read all your weekend stories. I need a pep talk. Glad to be able to feed off everyone here. You are all getting in the steps and some of your paces, Wow! Yup, I think that is the "word" these days.

It's an "I'm feeling pouty for me day" just now. DH had to work this weekend--not as we planned so the weekend started off poor since we had plans to rearrange for most of our weekend. Good thinf for me is I got in my 8 miles in yesterday on the trail and at a good pace for me too--15 mins/mile. Today I woke and it was a bit rainy, so I figured I'd wait a bit like I did yesterday and whoa! what a mistake! It's gotten worse outside. It kind of cleared a bit just about then DS got up just as I was headed out the door for the trail and said he is sick. I traded in the trail trip for a trip to the grocery store for ginger ale, gator ade and cran-juices. Here I am pouting. It's raining and late so no way will I get in the run before dark. I now get the PLEASURE of doing 16 miles on TM. Cam, you'll be finished before me probably. I won't start until 5 or 6 tonight. Sigh...
HI everyone. I was a little quiet this past week. I was lurking tho. My back pain is starting to feel a little better, but up until yesterday I was getting very down about it. To the point of quitting. But I concentrated on more stretching and resting my back and that seems to be helping.

Last week was a total bust for running. I did 35 minutes on the indoor track on Wednesday and then nothing. Hunting season started yesterday, so I am a single mom this weekend. That means the dreaded treadmill. I didn't run yesterday because I really wanted my back to rest. So I just did 60 minutes on the treadmill, doing it more for time than distance. I don't totally trust my home treadmill for being accurate.

Mel - OH I need one of those ornaments!!!!

Susie - I am still running with back pain because I am stubborn. This is not always a good thing. But I feel as tho I can overcome my pain. And if I can't, well then I will have to stop being stubborn!!

Sunny - I found one of those books that you recommended at the library yesterday. Thanks for the recommendation. I couldn't find the other 2, but I did find some others that may help.

CONGRATS to all the successful long runs this weekend. Congrats to all that tried. All the reports give me so much inspiration.
Susie & Amy ~ Thank you for the nice words. It will take some time to get over his passing. Luckily I am majorly distracted by school, the upcoming trip to HHI and a sexy future Marathoner. :rolleyes1

Here is my effort for today:

Mile 1: 9:15
Mile 2: 13.17
Mile 3: 11:05
Mile 4: 12:26
Mile 5: 13:27
Mile 6: 9:51
Mile 7: 9:37
Mile 8: 10:08
Mile 9: 9:39
Mile 10: 10:03
Mile 11: 13:34

Miles 5 through 11 were on an oval cinder track at the state park which was level. The earlier miles were on some major hills and uneven trails through the woods which were in most places covered with leaves, sometimes wet ones. I had to take it easy through there.

If I can I will hit the streets tomorrow morning for a few miles.

Happy training!


Big shock!!!!! I have a long run to report. It was somewhere between 18.5 and 19.5 so i split the difference and i'm calling it 19.0 my pace was somewhere around 11:41 or more or less :-). I did 2 loops on a single track trail. It included about 2300 ft. of climbing, but also has plenty of downhill. I actually feel better after this run than i did after either of my 20 milers last year. I know the trail has more resistance and is more difficult in some ways, but i think it was better for impact than the hard roads. Who cares about the analysis though??? It is DONE!!

Christa- sorry about your run yesterday!!!!!

Krista and Stephen - great job on your LR's

Amybeth - glad to hear it went well!

Lily - Maybe it is time to post the wish cheer again!!!

Dave - AWESOME JOB. If you were so excited that you put your hands up in celebration for your most recent run, there is no way you are going to make it dry eyed past the gospel choir at mile 25 or 26 at disney!!!! I didn't (but i'm a known crier!!! :sad1: )

Tomorrow, I'm doing this :surfweb: and popcorn::
First off, let me say thank you to all for the PD and well wishes for DW. She is doing a lot better but will continue to have some issues –headaches (migraine-like) and fatigue that makes her sleep for hours at a time – but the neurologist and family doc think all will be well in a few weeks.

Well, let me get to my run of the day; I ran the Philadelphia Marathon this morning with a goal of running it in 3:45. The weather was great, if a little cold, the training was in place and I was ready with very little anxiety – which for me is odd. We were moving along right on pace if not a bit faster than pace (At the 7 mile marker our pacer said we were 1:10 ahead of the clock pace) and then hit a slight uphill that was a few blocks long and I moved way ahead of the pace group without even trying, I simply never changed my stride but everyone else had. Then the long and winding downhill that I was gliding on and by mile 10 I was full 5 minutes ahead of pace and moving along very comfortably. At mile 11 I had to, well here is my TMI, pee and I hit the bathroom and was off again in less than 30 seconds. I was having no trouble and felt very good about reaching my goal when I hit mile 16 in 2:15 clock time and 2:12 chip time. Wait what is that guy doing? He is running sideways into the runners coming back on the out and back portion of the course. I grab him and guide him to the side of the road with the help of another runner. He is a 15-year-old kid running a marathon and he is hypothermic, probably hypoglycemic and definitely confused. Being a registered nurse I now cannot and would not even think of leaving his side unless other medical professionals were there. A race volunteer stops on his bike and calls 911 and two family members of another racer stop and offer pretzels and H2O which we gladly try to get Eric to eat. He knows his name and that he is in the race but is still a bit confused as to what is going on. I check his vital signs and he seems OK if not for the respiratory rate of 29 to 30. He is shivering from cold and is pale with the biggest goose bumps I have ever seen. He is now sitting on the ground and leaning on my leg for support. I do a complete assessment and note a very large and deep wound to his right ankle and a very thick glob of blood and tissue on his left shoe. Eric had no idea his ankle was injured. This tells me that he was striking the ankle for a long time (I could actually see the bone through the torn up skin). Long story short, (too late for that now) after about 15 minutes the EMTs arrive. I give my report, identifying myself as an RN, and ask if they need any additional help. They tell me they have it under control and that I should get back into the race. I say my goodbyes and start running again – NOT. Everything had stiffened up, the knees hurt, the thighs were now cramping, my feet hurt with each step and my legs were doing their own race to see if they could make me dance in pain. I struggled with 3 minutes of running and one to two of walking for the next 10 miles and staggered into the finish in 4:23 for a very painful days effort.

Would I do this again – stop for a fallen fellow runner – during another race? Well, yes, without a doubt. See today’s event was the third time something like this has happened to me while running a race and I stopped each time without hesitation – at one event 4 other runners and I actually saved a runners life (the police came to the scene at mile 12 of a half marathon and asked if anyone of us 5 were medical professionals and, it turns out, we all were 4 doctors and me the nurse). The race will be run again but the person suffering needs help right now and even though there is much more pain after stopping I did the right thing which always trumps my time in the race.

So sorry for the long post and thanks for listening.
Wow Goofyguy that is some story. I bet Eric was very thankful that you happened upon him and were kind enough to help your fellow man....sorry about your marathon, but way to go in helping that poor guy.

I did an hour walk today and I'm guessing that I did 3.5 miles.
Goofyguy: Wow! :goodvibes What a story!!! You really are a hero and obviously a really good guy. Thanks for your efforts on behalf of us runners who sometimes get ourselves into trouble AND in general..for just doing the job you do every day. Thanks! :thumbsup2

Krista: AWESOME job on your 16 miler. Wow our pace is so close lately!!! :goodvibes Great job and what a bonus to run with Stephen. HEY those Steelers pulled it out there in the end too!!! :thumbsup2

Mel: GREAT run...sounds like fun. I love getting off road but havent' done much of it since my ankle injury! Can't wait to hit the trails again...after the marathon lol ;).

Howard: Nice job on that off-road run you did too! I know those type of runs slow down the pace but they are SO MUCH FUN! :). Great effort!


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