Wk of Nov 6--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Jodi-the big T-day run is in Manchester. I don't know about Sunday's run yet. My husband may need to do something and I will need to hang with the kids. Are you going to Hartford?
Thanks for the advice on glasses, Lisa! Melissa -- fortunately, I am not wearing them for vision correction, but sunglare can really trigger a migraine for me, so I am careful to always protect my eyes from the sun. I may try this anti-fog stuff I have seen for car windows on my sunglasses. Or ask DH to check the running store for me.

Did my training session tonight at the shopping center fountain walk. It was sooo cold and windy that the fountain water was blowing across the walking path. Did 40 minutes then 30second/1minute speed drills x4. My 40 minutes was 2.69 miles and pace of 14:52. Speed drills were .41 miles with average pace 14:47. Overall, with cool down, 3.17 miles and average pace of 14:54/mile. I do have to say that I am positive that two huge factors helped improve my pace tonight (especially after an exhausting day): GREAT MUSIC recommended by Sunny (thanks, sweetie!) and a powerbar about 45 minutes before I started walking. I am definitely going to do the powerbar thing this saturday a.m. and see how long it holds me on my 7 mile LW. Can someone remind me if you are supposed to take one before walking and then another somewhere in the middle of the walk? How long before starting? And then when to have another one? I have a hard time justifying the huge number of WW points these take up, but if it is going to energize me for the duration of my workout, it is well worth it!
Cam - You might try a gell at around mile 3 1/2 to 4. It is easier to process while you are moving. the chocolate actually tastes like brownie mix. yum. I use CarBOOM. I actually have 14 of them waiting to be eaten on Saturday during the race! I just at a ton on eggplant parm. and pasta. I wanted to enjoy a good meal before the gel diet begins!!
Melissa -- Thanks for the advice on the gel. I am going to use an energy bar tomorrow morning before I go for my LW and take a gel pack with me to try while I am walking, at about mile 3.5. I am also going to look for a small fanny pack tonight and a small water bottle with a pull spout, so that I don't have to take cap off and I don't end up wearing it like I did with Howard's last weekend! I am such a klutz! :blush:

princessmomma said:
Ooh! Do tell, I am in desperate need of new music!

I went back and searched the WISH threads for references to "Scooter" which is now my favorite walking music and found some of the following posts. If you can listen to the music on itunes before committing to it, that would be good. It is very stylized -- techno, synthesizer, dance club beat. I have to find more! My pace was down around 13:12 last night whenever this music was on. It was incredibly motivating!

plutosmyfav said:
Cam-- If you are looking to increase your Scooter intake Here are my favorites:

No Pain No Gain
Move Your @ss
Faster Harder Scooter
Ramp! (The Logical Song)
Back in the UK
Unity Without Words

plutosmyfav said:
Another song that I recognized from Pleasure Island and love in my mix is Kernkraft 400 by Zombie Nation

plutosmyfav said:
Another song in that same genre is Dragostea Din Tei (Ma Ya Hi) by O ZONE, there are many, many version. I haven't found one I don't like yet

And I was nearly bouncing off the walls when I found Nessaja:
keenercam said:
Sunny and Helen -- I just downloaded Scooter's Nessaja and it reminds me so much of what they play at clubs or at Pleasure Island late at night to really get the crowd dancing! I love it! It is now right at the top of my workout playlist! Thanks! Am going to go browse for more Scooter. How fun!

I think it is because I've been a musician since I was 7 and marched drum corps -- my body automatically moves to the beat. :cool1:
keenercam said:
BTW -- here's another question for you -- does everyone have problems with their sunglasses getting fogged up? Any suggestions? I end up taking them off and carrying them or putting them in my pocket, but the sun can be fierce. Are there brands that don't fog up?

Well, here are two ideas from my former elite swimmer/swim instructor self:

1. Check you sporting goods store for anti-fog stuff. Usually located near swimming goggles. It does work pretty well. (I would hesitate to use your car stuff, I don't know what's in is and what it might do if it comes in close contact with your eyes or skin)

2. The best anti-fog product out there--- human saliva. Don't ask me how this works, but if you lick the inside of your sunglasses (or goggles), you should stay fog-free. Sounds gross, yes. But in all of my years of swimming and running, I've never needed to buy antifog. You can reapply if necessary on the road and it's dirt cheap.

Hope this helps!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
Cam - I totally love the ultimate direction products as far as fanny packs or hydration waist packs. I got a great one at REI outlet. They have the newer models as REI.com, but the older one's are about 1/2 the price and I love the water bottles!!!!!! I have worn mine on a 17miler and did not chaffe at all. I got the solitare and there is plenty of room for gels, trash, powerbars and I even fit my digital camera in it! Here is a link.

Ultimate Direction waist pack at REI outlet

Oh yeah, I did have the camelbak waist pack (still do) but it does chaffe! It does great when it is full of water, but as you drink it down, it develops a wiggle and then OUCH!
Well, I had a botched run last night, but I am the company's hero. Last night, right at 5:00 the power went out at work (thankfully I was changing in the bathroom that has emergency lights :earseek: ). I finished changing and then I started running on the track around building. I got about 5 minutes into my run and saw that one of the transformers was on fire, which is what caused the power to go out. I ran back to the building and saw the President, VP of Purchasing, and VP of Finance standing in one of the offices. They saw me run up to the door, came out and I told them the transformer was on fire, we ran over there so they could see which transformer it was. The flames were pretty tiny, but tiny flames turn into big flames!! I left work and by the time I got home, it was dark, so I got a 5 minute run in. :teeth:

Lisa--Hope you had a happy birthday and that your hubby got home safe.

Cam--Your posts crack me up, I used to be such a prissy girl before I started running in May. You know, outfits perfectly put together, hair and make-up always done, Now, I go to the grocery store after running with my hair in a bun, no make-up, and a red face from running in the cold. I knew I hit an all-time low when I was digging through dirty running clothes trying to find a shirt that didn't smell too bad so I could wear it yesterday! I think I like the running me better!! :goodvibes

Mel--I wear glasses too, I thought there was something you could put on your glasses to make them not fog. I'll look into it and report back. Good luck on your adventure race. :wizard: :wizard: Oh, by the way, I pretty much hate TO, I'm not a big fan of the showboat athletes, so I'm really glad he's getting what he deserves.

I better get back to work. :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: on the lr's tomorrow!!! I have a whopping 4 miles (isn't it great that 4 miles seem like nothing to us?? :earboy2: )

Krista princess:
Hubby got home safe--thanks for the well wishes :). He got home at 9:15....only 9 hours late! :).

Going to the gym today.

Did 20 minutes on the elliptical yesterday--Wahooooo!!!!

Doing cross trianing today--ha ha....so I'll be back doing the same thing :). They have a "kid fit" program--they watch the kids and it is soooo much more than what they had at another gym we went to. They actually have physical activity time--I think once an hour, so that the kids will get to do it at least once while they are in there. For some reason--I totally appreciate that they are doing "gym time" with the kidlets.

Going to the Women of Faith conference in Orlando this afternoon. That's my b-day present...a weekend (or at least a day and a half) for girls time. Yippee!

Krista - way to save the office!

Lisa - That is awesome that you did the elliptical!!! Are you getting close to hitting the road? I went to a women of faith conference years ago. the one big thing I remember is that they told us we could use the men's restrooms in the stadium. That just seared a mental picture into my brain. YUCK!! Isn't that funny, we've been talking about our prissyness standards and of course now I would go in the woods, but the thought of using the men's rr's :guilty:
solotraveler said:
Well, here are two ideas from my former elite swimmer/swim instructor self:

1. Check you sporting goods store for anti-fog stuff. Usually located near swimming goggles. It does work pretty well. (I would hesitate to use your car stuff, I don't know what's in is and what it might do if it comes in close contact with your eyes or skin)

2. The best anti-fog product out there--- human saliva. Don't ask me how this works, but if you lick the inside of your sunglasses (or goggles), you should stay fog-free. Sounds gross, yes. But in all of my years of swimming and running, I've never needed to buy antifog. You can reapply if necessary on the road and it's dirt cheap.

Hope this helps!
Solotraveler :earsboy:

Thanks, solo! I hadn't considered that there may be harmful chemicals in the car product! DUH! :blush: And I had forgotten the saliva solution which I knew very well from snorkeling. Why didn't I think of that? I'll give it a try tomorrow a.m. (TMI, right?) and if it doesn't help, we'll swing by the running store and see what they suggest.

Right now I have such a monstruous migraine that I can't imagine doing a LW anytime soon. Hoping for a miracle that it will be gone in the next couple of hours. The migraine med I took this morning didn't help at all and only served to make me shaky. UGH!
Cam-- I used to do coffee breaks in the middle of summer, middle of day in the absolute worse shape one could imagine! I figure my money is as good as the next guys. I do have a heart, though, I carried my money in a plastic bag so the poor coffee person didn't have to take sweat soaked dollars :rotfl2: As for the make up, etc.? Well soon you'll find yourself standing in a busy store, stockpiling energy bars and well... realize "your not one of them" :rotfl2:

Also, now that you are addicted to Scooter, here's one that is currently transporting me clear off the earth: "One (always hard core)", when he gets to the chorus

"One world, one people, one music - one MC

Yea-ea-ea-ah, yea-ea, I feel hardcore
Yea-ea-ea-ah, yea-ea, always hardcore,..." My feet leave the ground just like a plane taking flight :goodvibes The other new favorite of mine is: Suavemente-- its kind of a salsa, techno thing going on.

Wow, I'm feeling the need to download more Scooter..

Another similar artist I like is Jan Wayne.

I might add, I had no interest in techno before DD and Helen worked on me :rotfl:

Onto the news:

11/11 11:11 11K Veteran's Memorial Race (only one of its kind)

It was beautiful. Very emotional. I didn't see posted results, they didn't use chips. But the clock as I crossed said 1:00:57 and my watch said 1:00:55. As for Garmin, it was dead on for the first 3 mile markers. Then mile 4 was off (Garmine finished mile 4 early) by 132 ft, then mile 5 was off by 156 ft, then I lost track, but at the end Garmin reported 6.9 miles (versus 6.875) and claimed 1:00:49. Not bad! So according to Gramin I averaged 8:48, I'm pretty sure my results will be 8:51. I'm happy with it :teeth:

Any much more importantly, I was happy to be out running! Phew, I think I better start showering the IC with flowers or something to keep her around 'till race day :earboy2:

Other news: I signed up for the Holiday Challenge at my gym. You weigh in this week and pay $10. Then you weigh each week through the week of Jan 2. If you don't gain more than 3 lbs you get your $10 back. The one who loses the most wins the pot. Too bad they didn't do it last year, I would have won the pot hands down. But this year I'll be lucky to get my ten back...

The problem with short races is I feel like I really worked out hard and then deserve to eat hard :rolleyes: The post-race food was minimal, I had one slice of pizza, but then I went out with Dx and had French Toast. Oops.

Krista-- Wow! Glad you were there to see the fire. You've just added yet another benefit to running-- saving the office from fire!

Jodi-- sorry to hear you had a stonker. Your time still wasn't bad :flower:

Disnutt - I think I'm going to Hartford Sun. It starts @ 1 p.m., & it's supposed to be a beautiful day. I'll post here on Sun. a.m. It'd be cool if you could make it & we could actually meet!

Sunny - Great time on your 11k, what a neat idea. Wicked pace. I'm glad to hear that the Garmin is semi-accurate - good enough for me. I was starting to get worried there.

It's a little windy & cold here today so I decided to go to the gym & the dreaded TM to do my LR of 8 miles. OOOPS!! Bad move. I hate the TM more than ever now. The run went well, but by the time I hit mile 5, holy crap, i was hurtin'. So I slowed down (no -splits for me today) & kept going. I finished in 82:32 minutes. Here I am thinking I'll be able to run the 1/2 w/ 10 min. miles. Uh, guess again dork :rotfl: ! And when I was done, I wandered around the gym aimlessly, wondering how the heck I was gonna run 5 more miles than I did today, on Jan 6. Well, we'll see. To those of you that have done it, do you really get an adrenaline rush on race day that carries you through? I may have to carrie an Epi-pen w/ me to jam into my thigh for the last 5 miles. :rotfl2:

Good luck with all your LR tomorrow guys, I'm off to NYC w/ hubby for the day.

Mel-Good luck tomorrow, I can barely drive 50K!!

Sunny-great job on the race. That's a cool idea your gym has. Good to see IC is still alive & kickin' . I may need to check out some of this music you guys have been talking about. I'm getting sick of whats on my MP3

Jodi-that's funny about the epi pen. My neighbor has one for ant bites, maybe I can borrow one of his.

Cam-good luck getting rid of that migraine

I had xt today. Did 8 miles on the bike. Did good about mixing up the sprints with hill climbs. Felt pretty good. I usually do my LR on Sunday but it is supposed to rain so I may have to find a way to squeeze it in tomorrow. Dont really have time for it, but its better than the TM.

Have a great weekend everybody!
Oh, I meant to add in my news:

Remember I was worried that my "silly filly" news might be the talk of Lexington when the paper came out? Well, unfortunately I wish that were true. Instead, the talk of Lexington is a house blew up. Its right near the bike path. The gas company over-pressurized the lines and the house was leveled. I mean there is NOTHING left of this house. It is sooo errie. I heard it made national news so you may have seen the picture. TG the owner was out in the yard and the adult son smelled gas and got out of the house just in time. I guess the lesson is if you ever smell gas, evacuate just in case.


I don't know if this link will work:
Well, I've been busy, haven't read since my last post. I am going out in the a.m. for 8 miles I think. I will read the rest tomorrow I hope.

Sunny, what a story. Glad everyone lived to tell about it.
8 weeks from right now we will be walk/run/wogging our little hearts out!!! :Pinkbounc :banana: I can't wait!
Didn't I say my cut off is 25 deg F?

:cold: :cold: :cold: I started my LR today at 5:30AM in the dark at 22 deg F. Lexington Center was really eerie. About every 100 feet there was a group of Keyspan (gas co.) trucks and a 3x6 foot hole inthe street, and it smelled like gas. When I returned to Lex Ctr at the end, the streets were line up and down both sides with Keyspan trucks and they were cutting multiple new holes in the street. I hope this is overkill to cover their butts and not an indication of how risky the situation really is. I wouldn't want to be the company that blew up Historic Lexington!

Anyway, I digress... The run was a complete Stonker, except that I didn't care so I guess that means it wasn't. I knew I'd be slow after racing yesterday. I was! I averaged 11:16 but that included a bathroom and coffee break. I intended to do 14 miles but I got confused and ended up back at my car at 13:75 so I called it a day. The ground was white with a thick covering of frost and when I looked down I saw that my navy blue mittens were white, too! They had frost onthem. My mp3 player cut out due to the cold but I tucked it inside my mittens and it was able to play. I'm starting to rethink this March half marathon idea!!!!!!

Oh and I might add, icing any body part when your chilled to the bone is not fun!!!!!

Oh, I almost forgot the funny part of the run. When I crossed Hartwell Ave (a busy industrial street), there was one of those portable radar detectors that tells you how fast you are going. Since there were no cars onthe street I decided to see if I could register on the thing. I ran out in front of it and then weaved and waved my arms trying to catch the beam. I didnt, but some Air Force guys drove by and I felt a bit silly :blush:

Happy LR everyone :)



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