Wk of Oct 29--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

I have a few questions for the Disney half marathon vets:

1. We are staying offsite and plan to drive in. Is that possible or do we need to go to some resort and ride in? My sis is staying onsite and I could get a parking pass from her if that is a better option. They will not have a car with them.

2. What is the potty situation? They are not shown on the map. Are there regualr places to stop? Thanks any info would help.

Thanks! Nancy

I am one stressed out woman from work and it is really brining me down. SO anyhoo, I got up this morning and knew I had to do 4 miles (cut back week, yah!) DH was called into work, so it was me and the kids. Thankfully the new Garfield Movie came from Netflix so I put that on for the girls and hit the crappy treadmill. I hate my treadmill at home, it's nothing like the gym ones! So I did my 4 miles. They were tough. My body felt like it wasn't fueled properly and I was sluggish. Figures because I have been off all week... today is day one of being back on track.

Angie - THAT IS AWESOME. Brought tears to my eyes also. It reminded me of my first 5K last May. I say no one in front of me and felt all alone also. I knew there was one person behind me tho, so that kept me going. But at the end I heard my DD scream GO MOMMY and it brought tears to my eyes. My girls are my biggest supporters.... unless it is cold like last weekend and they hid in the car while DH met me at the finish!! :rotfl2:

Krista - How did your run go??

Dave - My DH makes me look at pics of myself before I started and now because I refuse to believe I have lost weight...even tho I have lost 35 pounds. We are the worst critics on ourselves. Congrats on the less padding!!

Mel - How could you NOT go to DL??? I was there in August and we spent a day at Sea World in San Diego. That was a lot of fun for the girls!!!

OK, gotta run. DD is coloring and wants me to see her masterpiece.
Cam- Lots of :wizard: and prayers for your family. The tragedy that you went through with your own parents has shown you that you are strong and you will have the strength to help Howard, DD & DS through this difficult time. :grouphug:

Angie- I am so proud of you! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: You are such a great role model for your children. :banana: :banana: :banana: Way to go! Remember the saying on our WISH team shirts: Dead last finish is greater than did not finish which greatly trumps did not start!

I hate to brag, but I am so excited! Carrie is in town, and she is coming over soon to cook out and see the family! I cannot wait to see her! It is so wonderful to have a friend IRL who I met through the WISH team. :love: We are going to do 9 miles together tomorrow. I sure hope she can keep up with me. ;) (Those 15 minute miles can be rough). :lmao:

Have a great weekend WISH team and don't let those turkeys at work get you down! :badpc:
:banana: :banana:

just finished my 14 miles on the TM, and it wasn't bad :cool1: I did 4 min @ 3.8 and 1 min @ 4.3 intervals, which averages to a 15:25 pace. This is the farthest I have ever done, at the fastest pace. Now I am ready to watch some of the Illinois/Ohio game.....my DS is at OSU, so....go Buckeyes!
Ugh, I feel like I'm doing the marathon shuffle!! But since I ran 14 miles this morning, I guess that's why! :cheer2: The run was great, cold when I started out--32, but by mile 12 I was running in tights and a short sleeved shirt, I know my neighborhood thinks I'm crazy as everyone else was bundled up in coats, hats, and gloves, but I was hot!!! I don't know my splits, but my ave pace was 11:20 and I finished in 2:38. I'm not even embarrassed to tell you that when my Garmin hit 13.1 miles, I cried a little bit. :teeth: Oh and speaking of half marathons, I ran 13.1 in 2:29 today--that's 12 minutes faster than my Disney half time of 2:41. :banana: :banana: :banana: My goal for the WDW full is of course to finish, but also for my half split time to beat my half time and I already did that. :banana: :banana: :banana:

Angie--What an awesome job on your 5K!!!!! Good for you for starting AND finishing in not so great weather conditions and dealing with fatigue.

Pat--I'm rooting for the Buckeyes too! I can't believe you did 14 miles on the treadmill. WOW!!!

Dana--How in the world did you get an AP rate at All Stars Music? We called on Thursday morning and again just 10 minutes ago to apply the rate to our reservation and were told both times the resort is booked and there aren't any AP rates for any of the value resorts. You got lucky!! :wizard:

Heather--I bet you and Carrie will have a great time! I'm jealous!!!! Good luck on your 9 miles tomorrow.

Jen--I'm a treadmill runner too and I still hate it! Good for you for sticking it out and getting it done. Did you ever find out if won something for your 10K?

Nancy--I don't know about staying offsite for the half, but I do know about the port-o-pottie situation. There are LOTS of them. There were at least 3 port-o-potties about every 2 miles, at mile 8.5 there were like 10, and the bathrooms in the parks are open, but there were long lines for them.

Kristi--I LOVE running to AC/DC, they are by far my favorite. And even though Stephen makes fun of me, I like running to 70's disco music too! I just like the beat. :teeth: :teeth:

Dave--How was your 8 miler? Sounds like you have a busy day planned. Even though I love kids and I want them pretty bad, it's days like these I'm really, really glad Stephen and I don't have any yet. Let's see, I ran my 14 miles, took an ice bath, took a hot shower, ate a Panera bagel and an egg souffle and laid on the couch napping and reading for the past couple of hours. I know those lazy Saturday afternoons are numbered!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!
aladdinsgirl said:
Jen--I'm a treadmill runner too and I still hate it! Good for you for sticking it out and getting it done. Did you ever find out if won something for your 10K?

Nope, not a word about it. Thanks for the reminder, I am going to now shoot off an email. I remember seeing one on the webpage.

Congrats on your run. I wish I could say that I enjoy my runs, but lately I don't. I just do them to get them done. Maybe I have too many other things going on in my life that running has become "just another thing".
I'm not even embarrassed to tell you that when my Garmin hit 13.1 miles, I cried a little bit.

Krista: You go girl!!! I know I’m gonna cry when I hit 13.1 in January!! Be it from joy or pain!

Thanks for the potty news, that will be a “relief” especially for DH!! :rolleyes:
I am so proud of everyone getting out there & getting in their steps. I shaved 20 minutes off my ½ marathon time 2 weeks ago and have gotten in all LR. Unfortunately the running during the week has been almost non-existent. So this morning I was a little nervous about heading out for the longest run I have every done with not much time in. But I decided it was about finishing 14 miles not setting a speed record. Put my game face on and hit the road…
1 13:07
2 13:00
3 13:08
4 13:07
5 13:01
6 12:45
7 13:43
8 13:14
9 13:29
10 14:26
.52….I have to tell you that my DD8 joined me at mile 9 on her bike. She was so excited about helping get thru the “tough” miles, I couldn't say no. Of course as you may remember she only learned to ride without training wheels at the end of summer so she is still a little wobbly and slow. I was okay with that. Right up until about 10 ½ - she swerved into me & knocked me down. She was so panicked she over corrected right into a parked pickup and crashed herself. I’m sure we were quite a sight sprawled on the road. We dusted ourselves off and hobbled home. Everyone’s okay, just some scrapes & bruises. But my questions is - if I go out first thing in the morning and do 3 ½ more miles, can I count that as my full 14?

CJ – Fishers, IN
1k @ a time
Krista - You know what?! I am with you on the whole "grass is greener" shoe syndrome. Today I finally went to get a new pair of shoes, and looked at a couple of different brands similar to my Adidas Supernova. I even thought I might have found a new pair. Let me tell you as soon as my feet were laced up in those things it felt like pillows wrapped around my tootsies. :cloud9: Unfortunately, when I went outside to run on them they just didn't feel right. I guess I am just bound to wear these adidas until they don't make them anymore!!

Angie - Congratulations!! And by the way, the monster "Dash" is now stuch in my head!! LOL!! :banana:

Amy - Thanks for thinking about me. I am feeling a bit better today. DH went out and let me buy my new running shoes, which always helps. Only thing that could have been better is if I could have gotten the cute little running outfit I saw!!! :rolleyes1

Dave - You know it amazes me how everyone once in a while you remember to tell me how proud you are of me for quitting smoking. It really means alot that someone remembers my accomplishment with smoking, cause heck.... I don't even think about it myself most of the time!! :teeth: I hope your 8 miles today went well. It's amazing to realize that 8 miles is nothing, heck we do that all the time!!!

Kristi - GGD? Go-Go Dancers?? :confused3 :teeth:

Nancy - Check out www.disneyrunning.com . They have an article related to before Race Day, and in it is some advice about getting to the races on that morning.

Jen - I was sluggish this morning too, and I know I haven't been fueling right. Between my grumpiness and Halloween candy, along with a couple of beers at my most grumpy stages I have come to one conclusion. IT HAPPENS!! At least you got on there and put your steps in!! :cheer2:

Heather - I am so jealous of you and Carrie. One day I'll meet someone from Jax who wants to run with me!! I hope you guys have fun tomorrow!!

Pat - 14 miles on the treadmill!! GO YOU!! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2

Krista - I called yesterday and got 3 rooms at the AP rate. I had some trouble at first because two of the rooms only wanted to stay 1 day. However when I found out they could stay 2 days (Sat and Sun) and get the AP rate they changed their mind. You might want to try playing around with your arrival day and what not. I mean I don't know how long you are staying, but you might be able to get an AP rate for part of your stay and book another reservation for the rest of your stay. It would still save you some money. :confused3

Well, this morning...... I didn't run at all. I mean, my alarm went off. I rolled up even tighter in my covers and went back to sleep. DH even woke up a half hour later and said "Honey, aren't you going for a run?" My response was "NO!!" and I again went back to sleep. So then I finally get out of bed, and feel like a real bum for not getting up. The good news is though that after I bought my new shoes I immediately had to take them out for a spin. I was supposed to do 10 miles, but since I took the boys in the double stroller and the wind was seriously kicking my butt, I decided to just put in 8. My pace was something like 12:30 miles, but I don't care. I ran them and that's all that matters!! My knee hurt a bit during the run, but stopped almost immediately after getting home and taking a shower, so it definately isn't as banged up as it was after that 20 miler. and the rest of my legs don't hurt at all. They guy at the shoe store said that I still had enough support left in them for short runs, but it just lost too much cushioning for the long ones. I have decided that once I get these new ones broke in good I am going to use my old ones as my every day tennis shoes and never again have to worry about crappy target shoes damaging my poor little legs ever again!!

Take Care,
aladdinsgirl said:
Kristi--I LOVE running to AC/DC, they are by far my favorite. And even though Stephen makes fun of me, I like running to 70's disco music too! I just like the beat. :teeth: :teeth:

Even though I love kids and I want them pretty bad, it's days like these I'm really, really glad Stephen and I don't have any yet. Let's see, I ran my 14 miles, took an ice bath, took a hot shower, ate a Panera bagel and an egg souffle and laid on the couch napping and reading for the past couple of hours. I know those lazy Saturday afternoons are numbered!!

OMG - I love, love, LOVE 70s disco! :teeth: I have a wide variety of music I listen to. If anyone saw our CDs they would laugh at us. And if you like AC/DC you need "Thunderstruck" on your mp3 player. You can add "Stay With You" by the Goo Goo Dolls too - there's a line that goes "...if you'll run with me, run with me." :thumbsup2

And yes, enjoy your childless days! I love my Zachary to death, but days like today I am so jealous of people without kiddos. Zack got up and came into our bedroom at 4:55am! :scared1: It took us about 1.5 hours to convince him to go to sleep between us. Then he slept a bit, kicking us. Then he got up and watched tv in our bed while we snoozed a little while more. (I know, bad tv parents! ;) )

Dana - I abbreviated since I think everyone here is sick & tired of me going on about my love for the Goo Goo Dolls & Johnny Rzeznik! :love: Go-Go Dancers - I love it! :rotfl:

I got one of my friends to do the 5k with us tomorrow. Should be fun, but freezing. Sunny - are you coming up to do this Santa Fund Run?


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