Wk Of Sept 15 - WISH Walking/Running Club

Just a quick post. No training yesterday but I would like to thank who ever sent the cooler weather down here. :thumbsup2 It is very much appreciated so don't feel the need to take it back.

One question, Lynnda found out that she may need orthodics and was wondering if they are worth the money. Since insurance doesn't cover them, she is wondering if they help get rid of PF or just an expensive boondoggle.

Martha - Everyone seems to be doing fairly well right now. The young ones are making sure we get training in since we have to keep running after them or keep them entertained.

WWDave - Congrats on behaving around here so far. I have noticed that people are trying to egg you on and get you in trouble. :rolleyes1 However I am worried that you might explode if it stays bottled up too long. It could get quite messy having to clean up parts of Dave from the hidden corners. ;)

Angie - Hope the results can finally provide some answers. Hope things get better soon.

Sorry to those I missed but I should be getting to work soon since I am going to have to leave early today.

Have a great day everyone.

Sorry just time for a quick drive by....

But this is my public service message.

Please don't go see Mr Woodcock.....OMG that is a horrible movie....I laughed once.....last time I let my DD pick the movie....:lmao:

WWDave - Congrats on behaving around here so far. I have noticed that people are trying to egg you on and get you in trouble. :rolleyes1 However I am worried that you might explode if it stays bottled up too long. It could get quite messy having to clean up parts of Dave from the hidden corners. ;)


Good morning Bill thanks for your support. Yep, staying out of trouble isn't nearly as much fun, glad the week is almost over. It is getting time for more Chaos and panic.popcorn::

Angie, don't be a stranger we still want you here while you are healing. You will be back in motion soon.:grouphug:

A bumble bee can not fly, it's aerodynamicly impossible. A bumble bee flys because it believes.

Everyone, spread your wings and fly today, you are born of good stock, belive in you;


Angie - :hug: I have already prayed for you today. So sorry you are going through all this.

Meghan - I have no dreadmill advice. I avoid it at all costs. But , I do know people here do their super LRs on one b/c of weather. Cam, Sunny, and there may be others.

Well today is a scheduled rest day for me b/c I do my LRs on Friday. I have only run 1ce this week due to my ankle and that was Monday. It is doing better, but still tender. SO I am taking my rest day and going to try my LR tomorrow. WISH me luck. All this lack of training is starting to get to me.:headache:
Morning all. Gosh, can't believe it's Thursday already. This time next week the family will be on our way to Ohio for the Akron Marathon. This will be DH's first 26.2 and he's acting all non-chalant about it. Like it's no big deal, I guess it's the whole macho guy-thing! Anyway, I'm getting nervous--but as long as I finish I'll be happy. Nothing terribly exciting on the training front as this is taper time--a 3 and 4 miler already this week, with a 3 miler today.

Angie--Lots of prayers, hugs and PD coming your way today! DH and I need you back out on the road so we have someone to chase down during those Disney races!;) :grouphug:

Christa--I never congratulated you on your century ride! What an accomplishment, and in the rain no less! You go girl! Good luck with your LR tomorrow!

Meghan--I've done up to 11.5miles on the dreadmill before I got completely bored. I also do all my weekday runs on the TM b/c of childcare issues. The transition from TM to road hasn't been a big deal for me--However, the more/longer I run on the TM I tend to have more leg/foot pain. I will say that I'm faster outside than on the TM, so I relish the days I can get outside (good for the ego!)

Okay, gotta run and get DD ready for preschool! Have a great Thursday all!
Bill - I got orthotics because of PF, however I think they are more for prevention than to help it go away. The only thing that really got rid of my PF was stretching and more stretching and rest. Also, for my long runs I tape my foot. Do a search for foot taping or PF and you will see how it is done. My podiatrist taped my foot when I was at my worst and it did help. I don't use my orthotics for work, just for running. I hope that helps. Tell Lynnda she can PM me if she wants.
Ypga last night and it felt soooo good. I really love incorporating yoga into my workout routine now. It is really relaxing, and you know....if you do it properly it is amazing how much you can work your muscles. Last week my shoulders and arms were sore, and I'm sure that will be the case later on today. Tonight I am aiming for another 5 miler, then I am meeting a lady down at race number pick up to buy her bib and switch it over into my name. I'm racing this weekend!

***I'm actually thinking about doing something drastic on my race this weekend - running without a Garmin or a watch of any kind:eek: *** I always take my Garmin, but I want to focus on running and feeling good and not pushing hard for a PR since I'm doubt that I can beat my PR from a flat race in Seattle at sea level at a race in the Rockies. But I'm also just curious to see how I do if I don't think too much while I run..! I also had an offer for a free bib into the half marathon part of the race, and while I could easily go out and run it (which kinda freaks me out, but also really impresses me), I have a back to back of 6-12 next weekend and I don't need to be running a half marathon on Saturday....

TXAng - Congratulations on your impending little one! That is terrific news. I heard from a friend in San Antonio yesterday and she told me about the temperatures there. While I'm not quite ready for snow I can't say I miss the endless days in the 90s all the time...
Kristi - You are doing a great job getting your runs in! Way to go!
Meghan - When I told the new BF about purchasing a bib he has decided my nickname should be Hard Core Keto...haha! I do have a thing for entering races... I hope you enjoy that new treadmill!
Angie - Tons and tons and bucketfulls of PD for you this morning. :grouphug: I really hope you get some answers.
Christa - PD for your ankle too! :wizard: I hope it feels good on your LR tomorrow.
Stephanie - Wow, your marathon is next week?! Good luck! You have been doing some terrific training so I know you'll kick some behind on the course!

Have a great Thursday everyone!!
Leana - Isn't that a great feeling!!! There is a marathon/ 1/2 marathon close to where we are camping this weekend and I told DH I could do the 1/2 if I wanted to. I was really looking for just a 10K, but they don't have one. And I decided that the 3 1/2's I have done this year already is a bit much for me, even tho I may do one more next month but treat it as a training run.

I need to get in on that yoga. I am very disappointed with my Y (gym) because all the good classes are during the day. Most night classes are beginner or not something I am interested in.
OK, pen crisis is over. I found my pen and I can mark the 3 boring miles I did on the TM today... excuse me, the rotating plank. That still makes me laugh. :rotfl:

Angie- I am sooo sorry you feel so bad. I don't know if it's any consolation, but your strength has always inspired me (dropping weight, job/school, kids, ridiculously speedy!). I hope the doctor has some good news! Hang in there :grouphug:

Leana- I think we've all known for awhile now that you are hard core! I basically run without a watch at all my races because I lost my directions and can't set it for laps/miles. After about two miles, I can't do the math to figure out my pace...;)

Meghan- I did all my training for the Minnie on the TM. It didn't feel that different to me. The only real problem I had was that I didn't have a clue how to put on my fancy waistbelt! (maybe you can try running with it at home- I couldn't face putting it on at the Y). Lily had to snap my water bottles on for me because I had never tried when they were full of water! :rotfl:

Bill- I had PF about 4 years ago during my first disasterous attempt at running (too much, too fast, wrong shoes, etc). The evil doctor told me to get orthotics, but they were about $300.00 and not covered by my insurance. I blew it off and just stopped running for awhile, iced, did the tennis ball thing, etc. It eventually went away. I try to be very aware of how it feels now- sometimes I can feel a little tenderness, and I slow down the next few days. The orthotics may be fabulous for some, but I just was too cheap (the same doctor told me to "just stop running" so I had a bad attitude too).

Jen117- I just wanted to tell you I share your pain about not running outside- mine isn't family, it's an ex-employee, but still I hate worrying about it. We've been going to the beach most weekends (hour away) so I've been running there and doing the TM during the week. Enjoy your run at the campgrounds!

Christa- good luck on your LR. I'll think of you on Sunday when I'm doing my LR- it'll probably be half the distance and twice the time of yours! Hope the ankle feels better.

WWDave- so I was going to tell you I am bored and doing my best to procrastinate, but I'm afraid I'll get you in trouble...

Happy Thursday everyone (especially since tomorrow is a rest day for me-- love, love, love Fridays!!)

Jen in GA
Greetings WISH Racing Team - :goodvibes

We got our ME tags last night, although now we have rented a car so we don't need them. But man, nothing like getting your ME tags to make it feel like it's getting close! :banana:

45 min on the TM this morning and they felt really fine! :thumbsup2 I wish I could be more consistent. One day I'll do 3 miles on the TM and feel great! The next day the exact same workout is total agony. Perhaps this is yet again another joy of "middle age". :rolleyes2

Mel - "walking the rotating plank" :lmao:

Kristi - Wow, I better get on the stick if I am going to come in right behind you. At those splits I don't know if I can keep up! :scared:

Meghan - I do most of my training on the "rotating plank" for two reasons. One, because I have to train in the wee hours of the morning (i.e. darkness) or else it just doesn't get done. Two, because of our lovely New York winters. I always try to do my Saturday L/Rs outside, unless the weather is really really bad. Considering January was my first ever distance event, and considering all the other factors (my age, weight, stc)...I was actually happy with the way it went. BTW, we installed a TV and DVD player on one of those adjustable brackets like they have in the hospital. Now I get to train and watch movies, which normally I would never have time for! :thumbsup2

Angie - Oh Angie....MAJOR :wizard: for that pesky ankle! I'm SURE it is something that can be fixed. Have faith and keep us posted. AND don't go away when you can't train. We want you here. You ARE a part of our team! :hug:

Bill - I had custom orthodics made for my work shoes and I really hate them. I have tried wearing them but I just can't. Of course, this comes from someone who has had three foot operations in four years so maybe I am not the best one to listen to. I suppose if I had forced myself to wear them maybe I would not have had all my issues. :guilty:

Kim - Oh thanks for the movie review. I won't watch that one on the TM when it comes out on DVD. ;)

- Yeah, 26.2 miles is no big thing. :upsidedow I bet he changes his tune after it's over. I wish him the best! :woohoo:

I'd like to leave you all today with these lyrics from the new Rob Thomas "Streetcorner Symphony" song. I think they are pretty cool....

We may never find our reason to shine
But here and now this is our time
And I may never find the meaning of life
But for this moment I am fine
Hi, WISHers!

Today I'm attempting a double workout. I went to the Y this morning to do my xt on the bike and also weights. This evening I've got a 3 mile run planned (with DD). I should be doing my xt tomorrow, but as I've got 12 miles on tap for Saturday I decided I wanted a rest day tomorrow. We'll see how this works!

[Renee: :thumbsup2 on the run!
Thanks! Still basking in the glory ...

Are those the Champion ones? If so, I posted about those a couple weeks ago. They are OK, however the shorts things underneath are loose and ride up when I run. They are fine for short distances, but I think I would get chub rub on longer ones. I wore mine for a 5K right after I bought it. They are kind of cute tho, so I may be inclined to buy a good quality skirt now!!!
Yep, Champion. I tried on a $60 pair last weekend which definitely fit better, but I figure I'm willing to gamble $7. Only problem is, no pocket!

Renee – Awesome job on the 4-miler. Those are some impressive splits!
Thanks! So glad to get past my mental block!

Renee: I missed your initial posts about your hip pain. It sure seems like a lot of us are dealing with hip problems. What kind of pain are you battling and do you know what is causing it? I ask because I am paranoid about hurting mine again and I hope to learn from others’ experiences.
My hip pain came on suddenly a couple of weeks ago. I did 4 miles on Saturday and was fine; went out for 5 miles on Sunday and it hurt; I limped around a water park after that. I treated with ice and it got better. Then I quit icing and it came back to haunt me on my 11 miler this past Saturday. It is muscular. Icing daily is helping. I'm also doing weights that focus on my back, abs and hips. The hip adducter/abducter machine seems to help the most. Everything I read said core muscles were very important to avoid hip problems.

I am very sorry for the downer post but this is the one place I can go that I know running/walking means as much to you guys as it does to me. :grouphug:

Thanks for listening if you are still reading and if you think about it say a little prayer for me in the morning that I can see a light at the end of this very dark tunnel. :flower3:

No apologies necessary! Prayers and pd are flying across the country for you! :hug:

Happy training, all!
Quick :car:
I ran 5 miles on Tues, 3 miles yesterday, had my XT this morning and plan to run 3 miles tomorrow. Gee, I wonder why my hip hurts. LOL!! I've found that rolling my hip using those big foam rollers is extremely helpful. The hip doesn't hurt nearly as badly.

Renee: good luck on the double workout! I think they call those two-a-days!

Judy: yea! on getting the ME tickets. Great that today's workout was a good one!

Leana: good luck on your race this weekend! Let us know how it goes.

WWDave: this is a new record for you, isn't it? Staying out of trouble for 5 days? You must be saying it without writing it or you'd have exploded by now!! You can do this!!!

angie: :hug: take care of yourself.

Take care everyone!
Yesterday went out for a walk with DH - I wanted to do at least 2 miles but he is a wimp and we turned around at 1/2 mile so I only got in 1 mile. It was my cross training or run 2 mile day so I guess its ok. I am planning on doing 3 miles when I get home from work - just not sure if it will be outside or on the TM (now I tend to work harder on the TM then outside since when I am outside I can quit running whenever I feel like it and on the TM I am careful not to hurt myself on the rotating rubber band!! LOL)

Angie:wizard: and best wishes for a speedy recovery of you ankle. Lots of prayers are being sent your way to cheer you up and get you back out there but don't rush it and hurt yourself worse.
Ang--hope you get to feeling better!!

TexAng---you mentioned you were in Austin..me, too! Where do you train?

Windwalker and Vic--get back to trouble making! no fun without the snarky comments! heehee!

Everyone else, happy training! I ran 6 X 400 last night (with warmup and cooldown). Tonight is weights and 1/2 spin class. :thumbsup2
I'm still alive! I haven't logged on or used any computer since mid-August so I'm really, really driving by...

I finally had my neurostimulator, literally named, "myStim" implanted on September 4th. There were complications in surgery including adverse reaction to the anetsh, my weird anatomy and a stractched cornea?!?!?! Imagine going in for back surgery and coming out blind in one eye. That was scarey. But my eyes all better and I'm on the mend. If anyone read about the neurostimulator in Readers Digest last July-- it really should have had a huge disclaimer stating: RESULTS WILL VARY!

This has been a truly life-altering experience. At the moment I don't believe I will ever run or race again. But believe it or not, I'm okay with that. Right now I am so grateful to be able to get out of bed and use the toilet without excrutiating pain that everything else is just icing on the cake! The weeks leading up to surgery became so dark and grim and am truly grateful to be alive.

I am not pain free or even close. But my pain is now manageable and I can laugh and enjoy my family. That's enough for me:)

I am walking just a tiny bit. The day before surgery I ran 6 miles on my TM. Today was my "post-surgery PR" walk on the track; 1 mile in approximately 25 minutes. It might sound funny that I could run before surgery and now feel that I may never do so again. I just don't know how much I will be willing to risk with this implanted device. I hope I don't end up being timid, but find a healthy balance for my new life.

I love you all dearly and hope to stay connected now that I can sit in a chair again! Even if I don't race anymore, I want to keep cheering on WISH and enjoy your reports and pics:thumbsup2

Estimated time: 2 hours
Actual: 6.5 hours

Plan: 2 wires
Actual: 1 wire

Estimated back incision: 1-2"
Actual: 5"

Worse Surgery Experience (I was awake for the back implant and asleep for the front):
When they seized my right lung by activating the "stim" in the wrong place
(close runner up was the many attempts to tweaze a foreign object out of my eye)

Funniest Surgery Experience:
When I excused my self by saying, "I'm sorry, I need to leave now. I can come back tomorrow" and started to get off the op. table:lmao:

Sunny - Loads and loads of PD for your recovery. I wish you all the best. :grouphug: :wizard: :grouphug: :wizard::grouphug: :wizard::grouphug: :wizard:
I just have to share this with you guys.....it just turned one month of my TNT fund raising and I only have $70. til I reach goal! How awesome is that? I have had such wonderful response from people, who know our situation, and they have been so generous. I'm going to continue to see if I can reach $5,000. Hopefully this money will help in finding a cure.:goodvibes

First of all Sunny -- :wizard: :hug: :wizard: :hug: Prayers, hugs and pixie dust for your new life. I truly hope and pray that every day the pain becomes a little more manageable. Your strength and good attitude are amazing and very encouraing.

Second - I want to thank everyone for the well wishes.

The good news is I can be fixed, the bad news is it's going to take surgery to do that. I have a very large herniated disc that has all but crushed my nerves in an area of my lower back. Due to the fact that I began having the pain back in April and I have tried all the core "physical therapy" exercises at home and it has only gotten worse, if I want to be pain free and get my life back I will need surgery.

I have never been a real big fan of back surgeries because my dad had 8 of them. And I always wondered if they were all necessary, however after watching Bobby go through the pain and then the complete removal of the pain after the surgery. And now experiencing the chronic pain I can say that if that is what I have to do I will. The surgery will probably not happen until right before thanksgiving so until then I will continue to do some moderate run/walking - no reason to become a couch potato now.

I am so sad that I won't be training for any races any time soon. But I will live vicariously through you guys. Again, thanks for all of the support and prayers.

Have a good night.

SUNNY - OMG, I have been so worried about you! I am so happy to see you posting. I was just thinking today that I was going to try to call or text you. Racing is fun, but it is not everything. Having your life back is most important! You sound like you are dealing so well with all that's been thrown at you. Keep on hanging in there! :hug:

Angie - more :wizard: & :hug:. I cannot even imagine the pain you live with.

Speaking of back pain...a friend from NY that I hadn't seen in awhile was hit by a car last year. She had to have one leg basically rebuilt with all kinds of rods inserted. AND she has 12 herniated discs in her back! :eek: I honestly do not know how she goes about her life relatively normal now.

All of you living with these issues and continuing on in spite of them are simply amazing, strong people!


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