Wonder Land/Sea May 8-15 -- Day 4: Cruising is Crowded, but a Winner

Ima Princess

Former CM: Thank you for calling Disney Resort Re
Feb 16, 2003
We had a relaxing morning since we packed the night before and enjoyed breakfast at the food court. Back to our room to brush teeth and get luggage and we were Canaveral bound! We left at 10am, which we thought would be plenty of time, but we cut it a little short as you'll see.

Halfway to Canaveral, DD announces that her stomach hurts and she is going to throw up. Oh no! After discussion we realized she was probably suffering with motion sickness and exhaustion, so we suggested she get some sleep which she happily attempted. Whew! Disaster averted!

As we arrived at the terminal, the view of the ship was incredible! We waited briefly for our turn to drop off luggage and then DH left to return the rental car. DD found a hibiscus flower on the ground and proceeded to sing songs to it (she napped, remember?). We made it through security without incident and went up the escalator to see quite a line already for boarding. I decided to get in line to board instead of the line for photos with Goofy. I honestly didn't think it would take DH too long to return and then we'd be able to alternate saving our spot in line and touring the terminal. I realized that people around me were reading handouts from check-in (since we had the package, we didn't have to check in at the terminal). Feeling jealous and out of the loop, I ran over to get my own copies of the coveted documents. They simply explained the necessity of washing hands to prevent the spread of germs (didn't I learn that in Kindergarten?) and the reservation and lunch procedures. I nervously called DH -- he's in the cab and on his way. Boarding starts! Oh no! :eek: I moved up in line to a good stopping place and called DH - "When you get to the terminal, run!" I allowed many families to pass me and then sadly realized I'd wasted my time sitting in line if he didn't arrive soon. Lo and behold, DH comes bounding up the escalator! Yahoo!! :bounce: He joins us in line and we board in a matter of moments. Ahhhhh!

We made our way to BBB for lunch, and I can't say I was thrilled with the offerings, but I was looking forward to the much-discussed shrimp. YUM! They were worth waiting for! We made our plan -- DH would take DD and the luggage, go to the room, then request Palo and early seating (we had late). I would go to the spa for reservations. We'd meet at the kids club registration. Ready, set, GO! The plan worked: I was 3rd in line for the spa and DH managed to get a Palo res for our last evening -- perfect! I met him in line and took DD to the club -- it was hot and crowded and I wondered if it was worth it. (Yes, it was!!) The only thing we didn't get was early sitting, probably because the cruise was a sell-out.

We met in our room where our luggage has already arrived and changed into swimsuits. Apparently, the "a good time to swim is right after embarkation" tip is widely known because the Mickey pool was packed! The deck chairs were all gone and I felt like I could barely move! I admit that I dreaded the next 4 days surrounded by all these people! Back to our cabin to get ready for the lifeboat drill. After the drill we went on deck for the party and again I felt like a sardine. But DD and I danced and sang along. DH ordered drinks after the hoolpa and we went to the theatre for Piglet's Big Movie. DH and I are happy we did not spend $ on the movie and DD walks around for the next 6 hours singing the movie's most annoying song. (For the recond, I have nothing against Pooh and his friends, but the movie could've been a direct-to-video release IMHO) We dress for dinner and attend "Mickey Mania" game show. DD and I were chosen to be contestants! And we won! Woohoo! :bounce: We proudly wore our "I'm A Winner" medals for the rest of the evening. We met our dining companions at Animator's Palate -- a lovely couple from Ohio and a family from PA, all nice to dine with. AP was lots of fun, but DD was so distracted by all the changing colors and pictures she barely ate. We ordered the chocolate cake for dessert which was a disappointment. Fortunately we also ordered the Kahlua trifle, which saved the day. Back to our cabin to put DD to bed, order coffee for the AM and browse the next day's activities.


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