WONDERful Mexican Rivera Trip Jan 8-15, 2012

Day 3 – At Sea

Early to bed, early to rise. Since the princess movies were all checked out I decided on Alice in Wonderland which is a cartoon. The girls sort-of watched it but it did not keep their interest so we went to BBB for breakfast. Once again I had great smoked salmon, which my mother told me looked awful but was delicious. I had another bacon omelet – I took bacon from the buffet line and took it over to the omelet station. Actually DCL does the omelet station well. They have 3 different omelets made so you can get one right away. If you want something different they will make it for you. Pretty smart. GM wanted tomato juice so a server went and got it especially for her. Love the service!!

Girls loved the kids club (Oceaneer Club) so we took them over at 9am when it opened. It was nice and quiet which was great. When I dropped them off, a CM from the kids club actually told me that DD5 was the most well mannered child he had ever encountered. He couldn't believe she repeatedly said please and thank you. You can imagine my delight as a mother. I know I floated out of there feeling really like the best mom ever! :)

While the girls were in the club mom and I went to check out the ship. We found the Outlook cafe which was closed and empty. I imagine that would be nice for quiet time as a couple. The deck was super windy so we decided that since we had a gorgeous room and balcony we might as well enjoy it.

I decided it was a good time to deliver another FE gift so off I went. It was about 10:50 when I walked by the 4th floor mid and saw there were already at least 20 people in line to see Belle. I abandoned the FE delivery and got in line. Fortuantely, a lady came up behind me and asked if this was the line for Cinderella. Um, no this is the line for Belle. Cinderella isn't here. She pulled out the Navigator and showed me where it said that Cinderella would also be available at 11:30. OMG, I completely missed this!!! I called mom who was napping in the room to come down to stand in line. Mom got in the Belle line and I got in the Cinderella line. The people in Cinderella's line saved my place so I could go get the girls from the club and get their princess dresses. I seriously ran around the ship and was out of breath by the time I got back in line. Other people must have also missed the Cinderella posting as the line was much shorter than Belle.

As I previously mentioned, I bought the girls all (well not all of them since DH asked me to show restraint....I didn't buy the pink one with all the princesses or Tinkerbell.) the princess dresses which are actually nightgowns. They are perfect as they are very pretty, comfortable and if they sleep in them well hey they technically are jammies. I think it is nice to have the princess dress to match the princesses. So the girls put on Cinderella's wedding dress to see her. As background, we first took the girls to Disneyland in December 2011, about 3 weeks before the cruise. The first princess we saw was Belle and they were speechless and stood there in awe. It was very sweet that they were timid. It was like they couldn't believe she was right there in front of us. They almost were afraid to go up to her. After our 3rd day, they would walk right up to the princesses for their picture. As we were standing in line, GM and I talked to DD5 about how nice it would be for her to talk to the princesses. She asked what she should say to them so we gave her 3 or 4 ideas. DD5 would pick one and then she was ready to talk to the princesses. It was very cute and the princesses were super sweet about it. I honestly think she was able to spend a little extra time with each princess since she was interacting with them.

A quick change into their Belle dress and we met GM just in time to see Belle. She was wearing her blue dress. Belle was super sweet talking to the girls. DD5 asked her if she was having dinner with the Beast. Belle told her she had dinner with the prince every night and that he wasn't a beast anymore. All the princesses knew their stories and stayed in character the entire time. We saw both Belle and Cinderella quickly as we were in the front of the lines for both.

The girls had not seen Daisy and they pretty much weren't getting off the ship until they saw her. We hadn't seen her at Disneyland either so it was a big deal to see Daisy. A CM had tipped us off that Minnie would likely be with Daisy so we rushed up to Deck 9 by the pool and were first in line for Daisy. The girls were thrilled to see both Daisy and Minnie.

It was interesting that some CM tried to rush people through the photo line while others let you have as much time as you wanted. We found that to be true at Disneyland as well. You could really tell who loves to see the kids interacting with the characters and princesses.

Snow White was the next line to stand in and since we were on Deck 9 mom went to the drink station while we went downstairs to get in line. Then I realized that I didn't have their Snow White dresses so we stopped by the room. Snow White is DD3's favorite. We got to the line at the same time as GM and were very happy to have drinks. We talked to Jeannette who closed the line after us. Most all of the CM are super friendly and nice to talk to. They noticed the girls were talking to the princesses and really enjoyed seeing the interaction. DD3 loves Snow White so she had moved herself to the front of the line. She did run to Snow White but wanted to feel like it was close to being her turn. Very sweet. The line was fairly quick and of course DD5 wanted to know what to talk to Snow White about. Now that DD5 is confident in talking to the princesses she has become quite chatty. DD3 has speech delays (which has improved dramatically since she started preschool 6 months ago) so she really isn't as talkative but enjoys seeing them. DD3 is also still perfecting looking at the camera for pictures. She is getting there and we are super proud that she is becoming such a sweet, well behaved little girl. Anyway, DD5 remembered that Snow White loves all the animals in the forest including bunnies. We have a bunny so she told Snow White all about our bunny Sterling. Snow White was so sweet and you could tell she really enjoyed talking to the girls. I was clicking away with the camera so I didn't catch their entire conversation. DD3 loves our bunny so I'm sure she said something about Sterling as well. The girls loved seeing the princesses and it was a fun morning.

We were pretty tired from all the standing in line and running around so we decided that a sit down lunch at Triton's would be the most relaxing. As usual, I ordered a ton of food to taste everything that sounded really good. This was a great decision as the service was fabulous as usual. The food was again just ok. The best way I can describe it is like park food. There is nothing wrong with it and you sometimes great something that is very good but generally it is average. I also like my food piping hot which it usually wasn't. My girls ordered the chicken tenders which are not the same as chicken strips. They both looked at the cooked chicken with gravy with disdain and didn't try it. Nothing on the dessert menu sounded that great so we all got Mickey bars. These were our first. They were much larger than I expected. We really liked them.

It was after 2 when we finished lunch so we went back to the room to rest. GM slept, the girls watched Tangled and I poured myself a glass of wine and read on the balcony. It was wonderful that we could fit lounge chairs on our balcony. Once again, I was too excited to sit and read. I decided I needed to finish delivering the FE. When I got back they were setting up for a wedding on the 7th floor aft balcony (often referred to as the secret balcony). We later saw the bride taking pictures in the lobby which was really nice. I ran into Mike as he was preparing for the wedding. He is super friendly and always nice to talk to when we run into him which was much more than I expected.

It was 3:30 and the girls really wanted to go to the pool so I took them to the Mickey pool. It was crowded but my kids didn't care. They had a blast and loved it! If you haven't noticed we spent a lot of time running around the ship to see characters and today would be no different. At 4:10 I had them out of the pool so we could get ready to see the princesses. GM went down to the Cinderella line while I washed the girls hair and got them ready. When we were at Disneyland about 3 weeks ago it was easy to spot the girls who had been to Bibbity Bobbidy Boutique – they had a tight bun that was slicked with gel and a ton of glitter. My girls both take dance class so I am slowly learning to put their hair in a bun. I decided I could put it up wet to give it that slicked look without gel. It was easy to do it wet. I had bought hair glitter from our local kids salon so I added a ton of glitter to their hair. Honestly, I think they looked great and exactly like what I would have gotten from Bibbity Bobbidy Boutique, which they don't have on the Disney Wonder. I put them in their Cinderella dresses and they looked beautiful. You could tell they felt beautiful and very special. They have been wearing their matching pink princess shoes we bought them at the Disney store. Surprisingly, the shoes look great with all the princess dresses as they have pink sequins and huge heart gems.

We made it through the princess lines really well thanks to GM, mostly because she would go get in the next line (overlooking the lobby as opposed to outside the theater – very close but separated by the gift shops) before we saw the character we were waiting for. GM was very unselfish about standing in line which I really appreciated. The girls were floating around in their Cinderella dresses and even posing in front of the backdrop before Cinderella arrived. Cinderella loved their dresses and hair and was very sweet. DD5 of course was telling Cinderella how we said “ Bibbity Bobbidy Boo” when I put the glitter in their hair. Yes, of course I did this....so fun! I also tried to put glitter in my hair but it wasn't showing up, of well. I really love the poses when the princesses are sitting down with the girls sitting next to them. I requested they do this and they happily did. DCL was really great about you taking your own pictures so I felt like I was able to take the same pictures their professional photographer took and more as I would snap them hugging and signing autographs. As a result, I barely looked at the pictures DCL took and am happy with mine.

Belle was wearing her yellow dress and by the time we changed and found GM she was in the front of the line. Yes, I did carry around a bag with each of the princess dresses that I expected to see so that we could change to match the princesses. It think it adds a lot to the pictures, my girls love it and the princesses love it too. I also think it made us memorable as I don't expect many parents would have their kids changing their clothes all the time. I didn't see anyone else doing this. I love it and think it is totally worth all the changes. I don't think I would do it at Disneyland but on the cruise it was easy and fun. Then again only time will tell. ;) Belle clearly remembered the girls from earlier and they quickly picked up their conversation. It was obvious Belle loved talking to the girls.

Snow White was next (Cinderella left and Snow White took her place) and she is equally as engaging as Belle. The girls had an intense conversation with Snow White and Dopey was also there for pictures. It is magical how perfect Disney casts the princesses...they look the part. DD5 has been studying the princesses while we have been in line and picked up on the fact that they change their pose between pictures. She is now posing for the pictures and changing her post frequently. It is super cute! We never mentioned this to her so she totally picked it up on her own. It is darling to watch her pose like the princesses and smile with such joy. DD3 still doesn't look directly at the camera and smile. DD5 gets tired of waiting for little sister so her smile becomes more forced. I take tons of pictures with the hope that they will both happen to be looking at the camera with a nice smile. When I do get these it is gold. I take their pictures all the time so we go through this drill frequently so I am not sure why it isn't perfected. I have taught them to hug each each other and we call it “sister hug”. I can now usually get a great picture if they do sister hug. However, with the princesses I don't want to call sister hug as the princess would be standing in the background and not part of the hug. I keep telling myself that this is part of being little and it will be a memory one day – a happy one.

Unfortunately, GM isn't in any of these pictures because she was always giving us her place in line and then leaving for the next line. I actually don't think she really wanted to be in all the pictures but I would have liked her in them. It is beyond magical to see my girls with the princesses!! They really believe in them and admire them. The princesses are fabulous, super sweet and make them feel special. I love this!! DD5 is in preschool and loves all things princess. However, friends with older girls tell me that it will come to a quick end. Seriously, I live in fear that this will end all too soon. There is no question that I will miss it way more than they will. So I am living the dream and relishing the magic while it is there. My hope is that I have several years but that is optimistic. They have the same innocent love for Mickey, Minnie, Donald, Daisy, Goofy and Pluto. On this cruise they have also fallen in love with Chip and Dale. I am not as worried about them falling out of love with these characters. Everyone loves Mickey, right?!

We met GM in the lobby to see Mickey in his wizard outfit. Once again, we were right in the front. I even think GM had let people pass her in line. The girls happily greeted Mickey. As soon as they turned to face the camera DD3 looked up, pointed and yelled “Yook (look) Captain Hook”. She smiled for her picture with Mickey only after I promised we would go see Captain Hook next. Upstairs we went to the balcony overlooking the lobby to see Peter Pan and Captain Hook. The girls have been watching Jake and the Neverland Pirates so they are familiar with Captain Hook. Captain Hook had a great costume and Peter Pan fit the part. The girls were happy to see them, especially DD3. What fun!!! In about an hour we had seen Cinderella, Belle, Snow White, Mickey, Captain Hook and Peter Pan.

It was 6pm so it was time for dinner. We found that it worked best for us to get in line early so we were in the front of the line and could see more characters. Dinner at Tritons was fabulous! I loved my food tonight – jumbo shrimp were huge, the lamb was succulent, the lobster mac and cheese was decadent and the grand marnier souffle was delicious. The french onion soup didn't have enough cheese for my liking and the dessert trio was just ok but everything else was amazing. The Wonder can have amazing food, just not very consistently. The girls stayed awake during dinner. They are getting better each night. GM wanted to see the show which was a ventriloquist and the girls wanted to go as well. We all went to the theater and within minutes the girls were falling asleep. I decided we had a big day tomorrow so the girls needed to go to bed. GM agreed to take DD5 up. I felt bad GM missed the show but the three of them went to sleep right away.

I should mention that they had pin trading at 7:15 most nights. I have really gotten into the pin trading and bought 100 pins on ebay. My pins were pretty good but you could completely tell the cheap pins from China. They traded with everyone and were really generous. GM couldn't believe all the good trades I made. I brought about 60 of the pins and traded them all. Becca is in charge of pin trading and she is super sweet. If you do any pin trading tell Becca hello from Suzanne. I also had the mission to get 2 full puzzles made up of 6 pins each that are DCL exclusive. Mom and the girls went into the gift shop while I did the pin trading.

I must say we are having a fabulous vacation!! We are on the go a lot, standing in line a lot but enjoying the trip immensely. I went to bed happy and excited to go on a pirate ship in Puerto Vallarta. The girls have no idea about the pirate ship....the surprises are fun for all of us!!
I am so excited to read about your time on the Pirate Ship. We have this excursion booked for PV and I'm looking forward to a recent review!
Thanks for the updates! I really enjoy reading. And, yes, all too soon, the princess time is over. Enjoy it now!
Day 4 – Puerto Vallarta
We woke up to a gorgeous view of the harbor and mountain. We could see two pirate ships docked at the pier from our balcony. I thought it was beautiful and didn't really notice the Wal-mart until I looked closely. I pointed out the pirate ship to the girls and asked them if they wanted to go on it. YES they shouted excitedly. We had breakfast in the room. The round table was perfect for a light meal.

I did a ton of research for this trip but didn't really pay attention to when the shows would be. So like everyone else, I would look through the navigator the night before to determine our next day's activities. Last night when I received the navigator I knew I had a problem. We had 6pm Palo reservations but they were showing Toy Story The Musical. Since we had a long excursion and we were in port there wasn't a matinee show. We knew there was no way that the girls would be able to stay up for the 8:30 show if we went to dinner. So we canceled Palo. Now, I realize many of you are shaking your head in disbelief and some may even be shouting at the computer. However, it was an easy decision. This trip was about the little girls and that means seeing the fabulous kids show was much more important than dinner, no matter how good it is.

We went to the theater about 5 minutes before the scheduled time as requested. Not surprising that half the group showed up after us but that was ok. We were then told it is illegal to take food, especially fruits, vegetables and dairy products into Mexico. DCL told us they fine us immediately if you are found with these items. So much for the advice to bring lunch with you to port to save money. About half the group had to throw away food on our way off the ship. Bottled water is fine. So we walk off the ship as a group and there are pirates waiting for us. They dressed up really well and your felt like they really were pirates. We were split into groups and assigned a private pirate. Our pirate was named “Fish”. On the walk over to the ship Fish offered to carry the bag for GM which was pretty heavy. We thought that was very considerate. He also took our lunch order. GM and I both chose the surf and turf which was beef and shrimp kabobs. The other choice was chicken cordon bleu. The kids chose chicken nuggets (I can't remember the other choice for kids). Fish took us to the pirate ship and showed us where our seats were on the ship. Each pirate had a section. Fortunately we were in the second group to board the pirate ship so our section was on the main deck under the tarp. It was nice to be in the shade. The first thing they did was take our picture next to a big treasure chest. It was really fast so you didn't have time to take it with your camera. This was intentional as after all the pictures were taken the big gold filled treasure chest disappeared and the pictures were sold for $20 each. No surprise that DD3 wasn't looking at the camera so I didn't buy the photo. Fish had a great costume including dreadlocks and pirate hat. He also had these big shell type necklaces that really added a lot to the costume. He is exactly what you would expect a pirate to look like. He is the one I would have picked off the dock so we were pleased to be in his group. We didn't realize they were serving breakfast so we ate on the ship. Breakfast was scrambled eggs and a slice of ham. There was a bowl of fresh fruit on the table and a bread bowl. The kids ate the apples and we had a little bit of pear. The table also had hot sauce and some green sauce which was fabulous on the eggs. I loved that green sauce and probably would have bought some if they sold it bottled. I kept eating the eggs even though I wasn't hungry just because the sauce was so addicting. They served fruit drinks to everyone – either virgin pina colada or strawberry slushy. They were both good. They also had plenty of water for everyone. We were able to wander the ship and could climb up to the front of the ship. They started the show by getting all the women up to dance in the aisle. It was really fun. DD3 was dancing her heart out while DD5 sat with GM. The dancing was fun then they had everyone sit down so they could start the show. The first thing they did was get two kid volunteers and their mom from the audience. It started out as a dance contest and then they blindfolded the kids and moms and had the kids feed the moms baby food. You could see one of the mom's gagging. The pirates were helping the kids flick the food at them and it was a hilarious big mess. So glad my girls were not of the age to volunteer. The pirates then did a show that was really good with sword fighting and having several of the pirates walk the plank. They just jumped right off the ship as we continued along. They had a speed boat that picked them up so they could get back on the ship to fight again. It was action packed and entertaining. Even the girls were engaged in the show. They then allowed the kids to sword fight with the pirates. Fish came over and got DD3 and she tried it. DD5 is timid and really doesn't like to try things like this so we didn't make her. The trip over was really fun and didn't feel like 2 hours. The beach was gorgeous. They tendered us onto the beach with those who wanted to snorkel staying on to go to another place. We would have liked to snorkel but the girls are too young. We gave the girls snorkel gear in the pool before we took the cruise and they couldn't do it. The girls loved playing on the beach and had a great time. GM built a sandcastle with another little girl. DD5 sat on a boogie board and floated out to have a wave crash over her before I could grab her to prevent it. My brave girl didn't cry but didn't want to do it again – smart girl. Both my girls are strong swimmers but it is always good to have a healthy appreciation of the potential dangers of strong currents in the ocean. DD3 didn't want to sit on the boogie board, not because of what happened to sister but just because she didn't want to. I took them both out into the water but they really didn't want to swim as much as they wanted to play in the sand or run in and out of the ankle deep water. They loved it. In addition to the boogie boards there were kayaks or you could ride their banana boat. I did the banana boat which was super fun. The girls didn't want to do this either. The pirates led a treasure hunt but the girls were happy playing. At the end of the treasure hunt the pirates handed out chocolate coins. I got a few for the girls and hid them over in the rocks where they were playing. The beach was next to a couple small hotels but it felt completely private. It looked like a jungle beyond the beach which added to the beauty. We really enjoyed the time on the beach. They had sodas and water at the beach but we were too busy having fun. The two hours we spent on the pristine beach seemed to fly by. GM brought 2 water jackets for us and she wore one but I decided that the water wasn't cold so I didn't need to wear one. Interesting how perspective changes based on your assumptions and thought process. GM wore the water jacket not because the water was cold but to avoid sun exposure. I never even thought about this. I did put on sunscreen but was afraid I had burned. I put a ton of sunscreen on the girls and fortunately none of us burned. It was a gorgeous day on a beautiful, pristine beach! We tendered back to the pirate ship and the pirates certainly earned their money doing this. They were super strong and worked really hard to get the tender close to the beach so we weren't in deep water while fighting the waves so we could easily get in. They did a great job and in no time we were back on the pirate ship. They had us wear life preservers on the tenders so we turned them in when we got back on the ship. They had showers but we didn't really spend the time to get the sand off us. Back on the ship we were immediately escorted by Fish downstairs to lunch. It was very tender beef and succulent shrimp on a skewer with spaghetti and a salad. The food was very good. They gave the kids a generous number of chicken nuggets. It was all you could drink, sodas water and alcohol on the way back and I had several Mai Tais. Again you could go up to the front of the ship, take pictures in their jail cell that they used in the show and relax. They did a music game on the way back where they would play a song and you had to guess what it was. Our family simply does not have this talent. I was clueless even when the Barney theme song came on and we LOVE Barney. Yes, I said LOVE and it wasn't sarcastic. It was a pleasant ride back which was a nice way to end the excursion. We loved this trip and were really glad we booked through DCL. I would highly recommend this. Footnote: I had my pediatrician write a scrip for Zophor for motion sickness for my girls. Fortunately, they didn't need it. There were kids that got sick on this trip so best to be prepared.

We were back on the Wonder in 8600 by 3:30. We didn't even leave the port area to go shopping or look around the town. Fish had set up a golf cart to take us back to the ship for GM. We tipped him well as he worked very hard and succeeded to make it a fabulous day. We loved this trip so much I think I would do it again if we went back to Puerto Vallarta. GM and the girls rested so I decided I would try the shower and sauna in the spa. The sauna was off which was a little disappointing but then again it may have zapped the little energy I had after a busy, fun day. The shower had good water pressure with more of a waterfall than a regular shower head. But I didn't like the spa shampoo and conditioner as well as the H2O products they provide in the room. The best part was finding an electric foot massage next to the relaxation loungers which I enjoyed. I relaxed for 10 -15 minutes as I didn't' have a lot of time and then headed back to the room. DD3 fell asleep and didn't' want to get up at 4:30 for the concierge reception. We were told to bring our camera as there would be a special guest so I got her up. The girls chose to wear their Tinkerbell t-shirts and purple skirts. I love that they match. They enjoy it as well. They do pretty well agreeing what to wear.

The concierge reception had a mini buffet with huge shrimp, mickey shaped cheddar cheese on the cheese platter, fruit, coconut shrimp, pigs in a blanket, Mickey shaped rice crispy treats – with and without chocolate, gorgeous fruit floral arrangements and more. It was open bar and I was happy to have a glass of champagne. We were very lucky to have Daisy as our special guest. The girls talked and danced with her and really got to spend quality time with her. We took pictures and they had a really nice time with Daisy. There were only a few kids at the concierge reception so it was quality time with Daisy.

We went to the lobby to see Mickey and Donald who were wearing sombreros since we were in Mexico. We went back to the Cadillac Lounge to meet Mike so we could get good seats for Toy Story. We ate enough at the concierge reception to be able to see the show instead of going to dinner. GM saved our seats while I took the girls to see Chip and Dale upstairs from the lobby. BTW, I taught DD5 how to tell the difference between Chip and Dale. (You know..... Chip has a brown nose...like a chocolate chip) It is really cute that she knows which she is talking to. She sweetly says their name so they know that she knows who is who :) There were two super sweet 14 year old girls who saved us a place in line to see Mickey who then saved us a place to see Pluto after they cut the Chip and Dale line behind us. The older girls loved seeing the characters as much as we did. I really appreciated them helping the girls to see Pluto. After seeing the characters, we went to the theater to see the show.

I had the girls watch Toy Story and Toy Story 2 before we went on the ship. They liked both movies and it was helpful to have seen the movies. Before the show, I asked DD3 who was her favorite character. She answered Buzz. All through the show, she would excitedly say “Buzz” and a few times she called out “Woody”. She wasn't yelling but her voice was loud with genuine excitement. She was so happy to see them in the show. The show was fabulous and was very similar to the first movie. The girls loved it and watched it intently. It was totally worth skipping dinner, Palo and Animator's Palatte which was the only time they did the show in the restaurant. I would choose seeing the show with the girls every time!!! We headed up to BBB for dinner and they had rotational buffet which meant they took dishes from all 3 rotational restaurants. I loved the caprese, prosciutto, peel and eat shrimp and the carved pork loin. There was nothing the girls would eat so I quickly ran over to Pluto's dog house for hot dogs, chicken strips and fries for the girls. We were all happy with the show and dinner. I am really glad we cancelled Palo to see the show with the girls. I would have liked to have a chocolate souffle at Palo but hopefully I have will an opportunity in the future.

After dinner we were all tired so we went back to the room. Then I went to do pin trading before coming back to the room to make my notes on the day. Taking daily notes has really helped me to do this trip report.
Thanks for the updates! I really enjoy reading. And, yes, all too soon, the princess time is over. Enjoy it now!

It makes me sad to think it will end before I am ready.....I am enjoying it to the fullest and so are my girls. Thanks.
I am so excited to read about your time on the Pirate Ship. We have this excursion booked for PV and I'm looking forward to a recent review!

We loved it! I tried to put extra details in for you. They also had a kid volunteer for the pirate show and it looked like he had fun. I would try to avoid having my kid volunteer us as it didn't seem worth the t-shirt they got. The one mom said it was really babyfood and totally gross. Hilarious to watch but glad it wasn't me. Hope this was helpful....Let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you for the excellent trip report! I'm looking forward to hearing more :)
*Subscribing to this thread*
Ok, I forgot to mention that we also saw Ariel after our amazing dinner at Triton's. Tiana had been on the navigator but she had another engagement. The girls were awake after dinner and enjoyed seeing her.

For some reason that I can't remember and isn't' important I went back downstairs to the lobby after GM and the girls were asleep. Ariel was standing outside the side door to Triton's and there was only one person in line. I didn't have my camera but I wanted to say hello to her. I waited my turn and then some kids ran up to her. I said I wanted to see her and so she told the kids I was next. I said it was ok that the kids could go first but I did want to see her. She gave me a big hug and said it was my turn. I told her the girls really loved her. She then asked me where the girls were by name! I couldn't believe she looked at me and remembered my girls names. I was totally floored. She then said she thought the girls were so sweet the way they talked to them and how Snow White thought it was so cute that they told Snow White about our bunny Sterling. I was ready to fall over that she knew my kids AND my pet's names. That was my magical moment!!! I still can't believe they cared so much about our little family to remember these details. I felt very special and loved. That is Disney for you!!!!
We loved it! I tried to put extra details in for you. They also had a kid volunteer for the pirate show and it looked like he had fun. I would try to avoid having my kid volunteer us as it didn't seem worth the t-shirt they got. The one mom said it was really babyfood and totally gross. Hilarious to watch but glad it wasn't me. Hope this was helpful....Let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks so much for your great report on this excursion. I'm really excited for this one--I think my boys (8 and 11) will love it. They are both total stage hogs, so I have no chance at getting them not to volunteer--I'll just have to hope they don't get picked. :lmao: I'd totally do it for them, if they did, though.

Thank you again for all the details--we're getting so excited to leave in two months!
Thanks so much for your great report on this excursion. I'm really excited for this one--I think my boys (8 and 11) will love it. They are both total stage hogs, so I have no chance at getting them not to volunteer--I'll just have to hope they don't get picked. :lmao: I'd totally do it for them, if they did, though.

Thank you again for all the details--we're getting so excited to leave in two months!

Well at least you know what to expect if you do get picked. Tell him to dump it more down the front of you so you don't have to eat it. The mom I talked to said her son was apologizing for getting it on her shirt but she said that it was better than eating it. They will love it!!! Have a great cruise. The disboards were great for us and I am happy to help.
Day 5 – Cabo San Lucas

I woke up early again – 6am. It was still dark. I had read lovely reports of people enjoying the sunrise that I decided this was a great opportunity since we are on the starboard side of the ship and heading north. The sunrise was gorgeous. It was beautiful watching the sun come up over the ocean. The colors were gorgeous and it kept getting better. Soon after I went outside GM and the girls were up so we all saw it. I loved wearing the super soft robe on the balcony. It was cozy warm and super luxurious. As soon as the sun peeked over the horizon it was very interesting to see the sun rays make a “line” - literally a straight line across the sun. You can see the line in the pictures and it wasn't a camera trick like you sometimes get with sunrise/sunset pictures. The pictures really capture the beauty of it. I enjoyed the balcony for this as well as the other times previously mentioned.

I had originally miscalculated when our character breakfast would be...it was the morning before pirate night as opposed to the morning after pirate night. Mike called and said we could still attend our scheduled character breakfast if we like. YES, we would love to go again! So we went to our second character breakfast at 8am. It was much better with food since the girls had something to do while waiting. DD5 wanted her “Minnie bow” as soon as we arrived. DD3 still refused to wear one. Since it was our first day in Cabo we decided to wear our matching neon yellow shirts that GM embroidered with Cinderella on the front and Ariel on the back. GM didn't like the neon shirts in the store but I promised they would look great and it would help us to not lose the girls in Mexico. The characters were wearing Hawaiian style shirts with yellow, orange, red and blue. It is really unbelievable how good our shirts look in the character pictures. They tell you to have your camera ready as the characters come up quickly. We talked to the people next to us and agreed that we would play photographer for each other. They ended up having 2 families at their table so they didn't need our help but they sure did a great job of taking pictures for us. The crew would take a picture or two for you but they were snapping away and we got a lot more pictures by working together. I highly recommend meeting your fellow travelers and working together. We loved the character breakfast and had a lot of fun. It lasts about an hour so it wasn't a big deal that we arrived in Cabo that morning.

The kids wanted to go to the club so we dropped them off. At the club they asked if I wanted the girls to eat lunch in the club. I said yes as I figured they may as well bring food for them and if we took them out early then the club would have extra food. Since the kids were in the club and happy, GM and I decided to go shopping in Cabo. We called our concierge, Mike, who picked us up and walked us right down to the next tender. Concierge service really is luxurious and we enjoyed it.

We wandered through the “flea market” and bought bracelets for the girls. Fortunately, there wasn't much we really wanted to buy. We felt so spoiled by our amazing FE gifts that we had a lot of nice souvineers. We walked to Diamonds International (DI) to get the charms and look at the jewelry. The guy at the DI right as we got off the tender tried to charge us $5 for the charms unless we could show him our bracelets. GM has bought a lot of jewelry at DI so we refused to pay. He gave them to us after she told him to look her purchase history up in the computer. We walked over to the main DI store and they gave us different charms than the pier without any problem. I am guessing the guy at the pier pockets the money if you are willing to pay for them.... There are a ton of vendors asking to take you on their boat as soon as you get through security. The average asking price was $10 per person. We didn't negotiate because we had our whale watching trip in the afternoon and were planning to take a boat the next day. It was interesting to walk around but there wasn't really much to do right there besides shop. Our shirts received the most attention. They all couldn't help but comment on how bright we were and how everyone on the ship could see us in port. One guy told us jokingly we had blinded him....it was very funny how they all went crazy over the shirts. It made it more fun.

We spent a little over an hour wandering around and then went to tender back to the ship. There was one guy and the two of us on the tender so we were able to sit up by the driver. The driver pointed out the sea lions to us and how the people on the fishing boats had fish to feed them. He slowed down so we could see the sea lions jumping out of the water to get the fish. One sea lion even jumped on the back of a boat for the fish. Really fun to watch. He explained that the fishing boats have bait so the sea lions follow them to the pier. He was nice and offered to take our picture. We told him that we wanted a picture our picture with the ship in the background. He took the tender out of the way so that he could take our picture with the Wonder. It was really nice. We tipped him and told him we wanted to ride his tender every time. Really nice guy! He also told us he used to run a glass bottom boat but he gave us the general pricing his friends had given us. He recommended one of the operators so we made a note to use them tomorrow.

After the chicken with gravy yesterday we decided to let the girls eat lunch and play in the club while we had a nice lunch at Triton's. The girls wouldn't have liked the menu so we were glad they stayed in the club. Mom had an appetizer for lunch and I ordered the pasta appetizer and the seafood risotto. Both were excellent. We enjoyed a nice lunch together.

We picked the girls up from the club. DD5 was usually ready to go whereas I had to drag DD3 kicking and screaming out. DD3 really loved the club!! We took the girls up to deck 9 to get ice cream which was the only reason DD3 walked out of the club nicely. We spent a couple minutes relaxing in the room. We called Mike and he said it was no longer busy so we could go right down to the tenders. DCL rents tenders in Cabo whereas GM was used to Holland America using their lifeboats for tenders.

We met the group on the pier for whale watching. When we tried to book this excursion before we sailed it but only GM was able to get on. I was told it is a small boat that only holds 15 people which is why they were full so early. Concierge promised if they opened another boat then we would be placed on it. The day before we sailed Concierge called me and said they got us all on. Yeah!

So we arrived at the pier and there were a lot more than 15 people on the tour. I asked about this since concierge said the smaller boats were able to get much closer to the whales and had a better view. We walked over to a large boat and I have to admit that I was disappointed. I told the DCL person about this but at this point there was no changing it. Life is often about making the most of things so I adopted a positive attitude. They gave me a tequila sunrise when I boarded and this made me happier. We were higher up than the smaller boats but that was fine. Our large boat was more like a luxury yacht than the small boats which were more like fishing boats. They played music on the ride out to find the whales and the girls loved having tons of space to dance and play. DD3 once again enjoyed her fruity drink like mommy's – it looked the same as the tequila sunrise but didn't have the alcohol. DD5 didn't want anything but water. The yacht was virtually empty which was wonderful. They stopped by the arches so we could take pictures. DD3 was a bit antsy and not really wanting to have her picture taken. It was a huge blessing that we are on the yacht and not a small boat!! The girls wouldn't have had nearly the space that they desperately needed on this excursion. We saw at least 6 whales and were just as close as the smaller boats. GM said she was glad we weren't in the smaller boats as close as we were to the whales. I know the girls saw the whales and they really wanted a snack. I think they probably didn't eat a lot in the club and were hungry. They had chips and salsa on the yacht and the girls were happy to sit inside and have a snack. We saw one whale start to play and do a twist of their tale out of the water. The snack of chips and salsa was very tasty and the drinks were plentiful. I don't think they put a lot of alcohol in them as I had 3 of them and wasn't even feeling tipsy. They tasted great and that is what I care about. There was another little girl on the trip and she shared her binoculars with DD3 who loved looking through them. I didn't bring mine but had my hands full with watching the girls, the whales and enjoying the drinks. As we were leaving I hurried to the back of the boat since we were heading away from the whales and was treated to see a full breach by a humpback whale. It was very exciting. I am really glad the girls had this experience although I know it wasn't there favorite part of the trip. It was nice to all go together. GM and I enjoyed it enough for all of us. The trip back on the yacht was nice and relaxing. There were only DCL passengers on our yacht. It was a fun excursion and worked out perfectly for our family – much better than a small boat. It certainly was the whale watching trip we were meant to take. We talked to another family who hired a glass bottom boat to take them whale watching. They paid $100 plus tip. I would recommend booking whale watching through DCL. Our trip was a more expensive but we had drinks, snacks, music and plenty of room for the little girls to play. Given the opportunity to do it again I would not change anything.

Knowing it was pirate night we decided to go immediately back to the ship. An our way, there is a booth with a 1 month old baby tiger and two 3 month old baby lions. They are adorable!! The girls liked them and DD3 wanted to pet them. There was a big crowd and I wanted to try to bargain with them the next morning when there weren't as many people around.

Luck would have it that our favorite Cabo tender driver was waiting to take us back to the ship. This time the tender was full. He recognized us and immediately stepped aside so we could sit up top with him again. It was obvious which girls were ours with the matching neon shirts. He pointed out the sea lions to the girls and slowed down so they could see the fishing boats feed them. The girls loved it. We asked him to take our picture with the girls. Would you believe that with a tender full of people he took the tender out of the way to get good pictures of the 4 of us with the Wonder in the background. I was laughing with my mom that the other people in the tender probably thought he was lost and had no idea why they were getting this slow, wandering tender ride. We couldn't believe he was so nice to us. We tipped him again, of course. It was really a treat and we were thrilled.

The girls were happy to put on their pirate costumes. I love, love, love our matching pirate costumes!!! We looked fantastic. There was a ton of fun pirate FE stuff which added to the excitement. Ironically, the thing that really made our costumes were the hats that we found at the dollar store right before we left. They were an eight pack of paper hats that were perfect. The girls happily put them on. We weren't sure if DD3 would wear her costume because we never really know if she will be in the mood to cooperate or not. She was happy to get dressed and we hustled down to the lobby to see Captain Hook.

It was great to have our picture taken with Captain Hook in our pirate costumes. GM made the costumes, of course. She is an amazing seamstress and we found a pattern and great fabric for our costumes. They were extra special with a Minnie she embroidered on each shirt. We also added a pin to each collar from the ones I bought off ebay....who would have thought the pirate pins would add so much. It is really the small details that make the difference. The disboards were great for us to prepare for this trip and really know about these special events.

The girls had kept the streamer pompoms from the sail away party and decided they wanted to bring them to the pirate party. They were cute all excited for pirate night. And they looked adorable in their pirate costumes. Since a lot of people were spending the day in Cabo the lines to see the characters were super short. We saw Captain Hook, Pirate Mickey and Pirate Minnie. Captain Hook was the highlight. We didn't try to go see Captain Jack Sparrow as my girls really wouldn't know who he was and we were happy with the characters we saw. I'm sure someone appreciated less people in the line. We also took pictures with DCL's backdrop as no one was there.

Dinner was a Parrot Cay (thanks to the dining rotation I chose) which was perfect. That restaurant really added to our pirate experience so I was happy I had received my request. We took a few pictures when we went into the restaurant which were the prefect background. Actually it was my favorite background as it had parrots and lots of color. The food was really good tonight (crab cake, seafood pasta) while the pot sticker sauce was amazing! The girls have been very good every night at dinner. Elizabeth once again curled up in my lap and went to sleep. We went back to the room after dinner and the girls went to sleep in the bedroom. I left them in their pirate costumes as I planned to wake them up for the pirate party and fireworks. GM also went to bed – she always goes to bed early so this was not unusual for her.

I hung out in the room until 9:45 when the pirate party started then went upstairs to check out the party. The music was rocking and there were characters dancing on the stage and different areas around the deck. I was able to go dance next to Chip. I didn't stay long as I wanted to wake the girls up for the fireworks. Back in the room the girls were fast asleep and really didn't want to get up. I tried to wake GM up but asking her questions and her answering is not an indicator that she is really awake. I took the girls up to the deck and fortunately ran into Cari and Julie from our FE group. Cari was super sweet to pick up DD5 while I held DD3. We were on deck 10 to give us a better view of the fireworks. The girls were really tired but they enjoyed seeing Mickey zip line the funnel and they loved the fireworks. They were glad I woke them up but were ready to go to bed after the fireworks were over. GM was awake when we got back to the suite but she had just gotten up and missed the fireworks which was too bad. GM and the little girls went back to sleep quickly so I went back upstairs to check out the buffet. I wasn't really hungry which was good because there were long lines. I did find another FE friend and got in line with him for crepes, except he thought he was in line for turkey legs. They ran out of the turkey legs so we both had crepes which were good. I think I put a little too much chocolate and caramel on mine but it was still good.

I was super excited to learn before the cruise that DCL shows the new movies on the ship at the same time they come out in the theater. Lucky us as they were premiering Beauty and the Beast 3D. I decided to go to the 12:01 show which they said was the world premier of the movie. It started with Tangled Ever After which was a short on the wedding of Rapunzel and Flynn Rider. It was super funny and really well done. It was great to see the movie in the Walt Disney Theater on the huge screen. It was amazing. However the theater was freezing. I was wearing short sleeves, it was 1am and I didn't want to get sick as we had several more fun days ahead. So I left the movie early and went to bed. I loved seeing it and plan to watch it again with GM and the girls before we leave the ship.
Day 6 – Cabo San Lucas

Seems that pirate night did not keep us from waking up early. However we did sleep closer to 7am this morning. We ate breakfast at BBB and got ready to go into Cabo again. Our plan was to hire a glass bottom boat to take us on a 45 minute tour (that is what the guys on the dock promote) to see the sea lions, arch, feed the fish and then drop us off on lovers beach for about an hour.

As soon as we got off the tender, DD3 started saying “Baby Tiger”. So before the boat ride we went to see the baby lion and tiger. There really wasn't many people there but the guy would not negotiate from his $25 to hold one and $35 to hold both. That included a picture but we didn't want to wait for the picture and decided to pick it up after the boat ride. Until now I completely forgot about it, whoops. The tiger was pretty unhappy to be held and GM thought it was terrible. However, DD3 was not going to give up on the “Baby Tiger” idea. So I paid the $25 which the guy said was to feed the animals (yeah right). I held the baby tiger and the girls were afraid at first. I feel a healthy amount of caution is a good thing. DD3 after a few moments came and sat next to me and pet the tiger. The tiger was really soft and about the size of a small house cat. Mom took several pictures so we didn't really miss out on getting the pictures. After a lot of encouragement DD5 came and sat next to DD3 to be in the picture. The pictures are super cute and now that the trip is over DD3 gets very excited when she sees a picture of a tiger.

We found the friend of our favorite tender driver and he took the $15 for the tour and pick up from the beach. GM and I were thinking of para-sailing but his price was more than we wanted to spend. It was about 9am and the sun hadn't completely come out but it was perfect for a boat ride. We waited a little while to see if others would join us but business was still slow so off we went. Our boat driver pointed out pelican rock and as we looked at the water we could see thousands of small jellyfish. They were everywhere. There was no way you could put your hand in the water without getting stung. We moved a little further away and stopped to feed the fish tortillas. It was amazing that tropical fish came out of nowhere for the food. The water was a beautiful turquoise color but it was still a little hard to see the fish. There weren't jellyfish where he fed the fish but GM decided at that point she wasn't getting off the boat and going to the beach. We went closer to the sea lions and around the other side of the arch. As we were riding around we could see a couple of whales tales coming out of the water. For more money he would have taken us whale watching but we weren't interested since we had such a great tour yesterday. It was fun bonus to see the whales on this mini-trip.

It was warm enough for us to wear our neon yellow t-shirts again and the boat driver took our picture several times. The jellyfish continued to be everywhere on route to the beach and I agreed with GM that it wasn't worth going to the beach. We asked the driver to take us over to see the Wonder up close so off we went. We were able to see the front and back of the ship and get a few pictures. It was perfect! Much better than risking the beach. We all had a great time on the glass bottom boat trip. It was exactly what we wanted. The perfect little morning excursion on our own.

We tendered back to the ship. The girls wanted to swim so we were happy to take them to the jellyfish free Mickey pool. They swam and then we got them pizza (DD3) and a hot dog (DD5) to eat next to the pool. At 12;30 Chip and Dale came out for pictures so we toweled the girls off to see them. It was pretty cool so Chip and Dale hugged them as the CM said to the girls they were like big furry towels. Mom had a burger (one of her all time favorite meals) with the girls on the deck and watched the girls in the pool. So I took the opportunity to go down to Triton's for lunch by myself. Looking at the menu the only thing that appealed to me was the seafood appetizer. They had a bacon cheeseburger, meatloaf, etc but I just wanted the seafood so I ordered two appetizers. They were fabulous! Stone crab claw, huge jumbo shrimp and baby scallops. I loved the sauce they put over it which I also soaked up with the fresh, warm rolls. I was so good I ordered another one. They brought me another double order and I have to admit I ate all of it. Yum! I had a coke with it and enjoyed my quiet meal. I would have liked to have mom join me but someone needed to stay with the girls.

I was back at the deck by 1:30 to take the girls to see Minnie. GM didn't feel the need to see Minnie again so she went back to the room to work on her hand sewing. She is working on her DAR quilt entry but she hasn't had very much time to sew with all the running around we have been doing. The girls and I saw Minnie wearing her yellow dress with her fruit hat complete with a pineapple. It was a really fun costume for Minnie. The girls were cold by this point so we decided to go back to the room. Minnie was done so we rode the elevator with her. The girls were thrilled to be on the elevator with Minnie.

Back in the room we got dressed to go see the matinee of the show Dreams. We had wanted to watch for whales and dolphins as we left Cabo but we were meeting Mike to get seats for the show. We didn't need help to get good seats as the matinee shows are not very full so if you show up early you will get great seats. We like to sit in the center of the 3rd row. WOW is this show amazing!!! Before the show they told us that it had received the Emerald Award from the cruise industry for being the best show on any cruise ship. It was Disney greatness in all it's glory. An inspiring story of a girl learning to believe her dreams can come true, amazing costumes and sets, music and snippets from many of their fabulous movies – Peter Pan, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, the Little Mermaid, Lion King and more. It was a broadway caliber show and we all were amazed!! I can't say enough about how much we loved this show.

It was 4pm when the show let out which was the start time of our Disney Friends Tea Party. Concierge Mike met us to escort us to the Tea Party. He had us walk outside which saved time. Unfortunately, we still were some of the last to arrive so our table was in the far back corner. Ariel led the tea party giving the girls advice on how to place their napkin in their laps, pour the tea (which was apple juice) carefully and to savor the cookies by taking small bites. We were so hungry that our cookies were gone before this sage advice was given. :) The girls loved having tea pots to pour their drinks and were very careful. Ariel invited her friend Tiana to join us. She then invited everyone to come out to the stage to dance with them. It was very cute and the girls really enjoyed it. They had to pick partners and the girls unquestionably were partners. After the dancing we went back to our tables so Tiana and Ariel could have their pictures taken in the back of the room. We had worn our Belle dresses but decided to change into Ariel dresses since Belle wasn't there. Tiana was very good about showing the girls how to hold their dress fanned out. I love her New Orleans accent to fit her character. When we got up to Ariel the girls yelled surprise as she had seen them in the Belle dresses at the beginning of the tea party. Another CM member commented to GM that he had never seen anyone change that quickly. They all loved that the girls matched the princesses. By this time DD5 chatted with Ariel like they had been best friends forever. It was super nice. The girls each wanted a picture with Ariel so they took turns hugging her. Ariel was so kind to them. She didn't rush them at all and made them feel super special.

The girls danced around the room and enjoyed being with the kids at the Tea Party. We really enjoyed this event. It was small so there we were really close to the princesses and felt like we spent quality time with them. I highly recommend getting tickets to this for little girls.

On the way out we noticed a Golden Mickey statue so we had the girls pose for a picture. They made a friend at the Tea Party. This little girl came out of the theater with us and loved continuing to twirl with the girls. It was almost 5pm so it was time for us to get dresses for dinner – semi-formal night. I had planned for the girls to wear new dresses but they really wanted to wear their Ariel dresses. They were happy so I was happy. GM and I changed for dinner and went downstairs to see the characters. Minnie was wearing a gorgeous white sequined dress with feather trim. Minnie also had long white gloves and a feather headpiece. The girls turquoise dresses looked beautiful in the pictures and probably better than the dresses I brought. GM went upstairs to get in line for Mickey. We all had our pictures taken with Mickey in his black tuxedo. We finished in time to walk into Triton's for dinner. Tonight was lobster tail, yum! GM and I each ordered 2 tails. I was kind enough to help her finish her second. The show was good enough to go see again but once again the girls were ready for bed early. I went to pin trading and then back up to the room.


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