Working on Weight Loss During Training--Wk of 11/19

How is everyone doing this bright, fresh Monday morning?

xpost from my journal today:
keenercam said:
Saturday night's lasagna-making experience was a lesson in indulgence and regret. I sampled all too many noodles dipped in the prepared ricotta and had such a stomach ache afterwards. I definitely got it out of my system, though. :guilty:

As for yesterday, I could focus on the "tastes" of m&m's and nuts I had, but I'd rather focus on the fact that I put out trays of veggies and fruit and olives & pickles and noshed on all of those and never touched the chips, cheese & crackers. Thank God. Because I was so tempted. But I knew eating even a taste of any of those things would start a craving and an avalanche. I made up a great concoction for myself for dinner. I sauteed chopped garlic in a bit of olive oil and put in a huge can of diced tomatoes w/italian seasoning. Then mixed it with whole wheat pasta and layered it in a pan with fat free ricotta, fat free mozzarella & soy parmesan cheese. It was a good substitute for the lasagna everyone else was eating. I didn't feel too deprived.

I really want to stay purely core this week in hopes of seeing the scale drop a pound or two before Christmas and New Year's.

Went to the gym this morning. Late, but I got there. Did 5 miles in 1:12:26 (overall pace 14:29)

Right now I am just drinking my decaf w/skim milk, but I'll be back later to come up with and post a food plan.
CAm - I think you made it through a bad situation with flying colors! Now you get a fresh start this morning. You can get those xtra sticks of butter off!!!

Jen - :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: I hope you took a break the rest of the weekend. SOmetimes our body calls fro it and sometimes our mnind does. Can you sqeeze in some you time? Maybe just an hour to call a good friend or visit one? That can work wonders. I'm so glad you dh is supportive and reminded you why you are doing this. You are almost there! All downhill after Saturday! Just hang in there for one more long one!!! Maybe iyt would help if you searched for one of your early posts to see how far you've come? :grouphug: :grouphug:

I did ok this weekend. Saturday I kind of went wild on teh bread because I skipped lunch (not on purpose). I only took a couple bites of potatoes though. This am I am back at even to where we startecd this, but I had not seen that until last week. Right now, I expect to be up. So, being up 1.5 is really pretty good for me, as I should be closer to 2 or 3. :banana: I really need to hang in there as teh scale goies up this week. ALso, I need to get my workouts in. I'm so afraid that my metablism's going to slow down as I try to heal.

Grrr... Just realized I forgot my yogurt, banana and V-8. :rolleyes:
Carrie -- Is there a deli near your office where you can grab some nutritious snacks? The coffee shops near my office have apples, oranges, pears & bananas. I persuade myself that those are the snacks I really want. Dont' worry about being up a little bit -- drink lots of water and it will even out again!

Okay, I just had shredded wheat w/skim milk and parts of an apple (too many soft spots) and am sitting here with my stomach growling. I am going to fill up my water but if I am still really hungry in 5 or 10 minutes, I'll probably eat a WW oatmeal.

For lunch I brought leftover salad (I have fat free feta here to add protein) and some of my baked whole wheat pasta dish. It's nice to look forward to the next meal.

Not sure about dinner. Maybe a ham steak. Am hoping to get to the mall, so I may ask DH to cook the ham for me and I'll dice it and eat it like finger food when I run home to get coupons before shopping.
CAm - I had rye toast adn PB this am, so I should eb ok w/o my extra snacks. Although there is a small delin in my building, fruit is not something they tend to carry. My office is in a downtown area, but let's just say it's in a rebuilding phase. Not much in the area as far as a place to get fresh fruit. :rotfl: I should eb fine, though. And I know if I keep drinking the water it will go down, I just have a horrible time getting thruogh this stage of "I'm being good, why is the scale going up?" I just have to hang in there, though.
Hi :wave: Am I still a member of this thread :blush: ;)

I'm sorry I have been MIA. I'm doing pretty good with my food. I have fallen away from core, but staying "pretty" close to where I should be counting points. Last week I was down 4 lbs, but it was dehydration from a stomach bug :confused3 I think I may be down one real pound.

It was someone's b-day yesterday and he brought in a HUGE bowl of fresh fruit. That's a first!!!

I did 70 minutes on the treadmill last night instead of the 8 miles I was supposed to. But at least it was something. Also, I haven't had soda in 2 days. Yah me. I know the soda thing won't last, but 2 days is a big step!

Sunny - Oh, I hope you are over the stomach bug now. My kids are sick and now I am a paranoid!!

Carrie - We don't have anything close to us for good snacks either. There is a dinner on the same block, but we are talking greasy spoon!!! I try really hard to bring my own things. I also bring in canned fruit because that lasts. It's kind of like "Break open in case of an emergency" food!!!

Cam - Your food choices sound so yummy!!! My DH and kids love home cooking food, which isn't always the healthiest. I do my best when cooking, but casseroles are really hard to make low fat. When I eat out, I get the yummy foods I rarely get at home.

OK, gotta run... I can't believe it is almost noon already!
Slinking back in......

I have been unbelievably bad ever since I left for my trip to Lido Beach. I'm so embarassed about what I've ate I can't even type it here :guilty:

Remember those loose jeans? Well they are gone away and the "sausage feeling" is back :sad2:

I'm starting back today though finally!

B - Diet Dew & yogurt
S - Kashi Bar
L - Salad or soup
S - Yogurt
D - Turkey roast
D - SF fudge bar
E - 30 minutes dreadmill

Hope everyone is having an OP day :thumbsup2
Sunny - Of course you're still a member here!! (You can't get off that easy) Glad you came back!

Jen - Woo hoo for healthy treats!

Minnie - One food item at a time. You can do this!

I was pretty good alst night. No time to eat too badly. Brought all my good snacks today. Good hting, because I'm starved!
Minnie said:
Remember those loose jeans? Well they are gone away and the "sausage feeling" is back :sad2:

I am feeling quite sausage-like today too. :sad2:

I have been much better with Core since last week, but today was not so good. Being too tired kills me every time - I eat to stay awake. Ugh. I hit the vending machine this morning while we were on the air, then had a bagel w/ lt. cream cheese. *slaps self on forehead*

I make no promises to the rest of today. I am on a mission to get certain autographs from a certain rock band. It is my last chance to get my running hat signed by Mike Malinin (ultra runner & drummer) for the Half. You know, there is only crappy food to eat while on the road, stalking...I mean, umm, waiting for a 'chance meeting'... :rotfl:

Carrie - I need all your good eating habits to rub off on me!
Crap I went into the office fridge and found all my yogurt to be expired so I had a Kashi bar instead. It is going to be a long morning with only that until lunch :sad2:
Last night was bad. I felt like crap and , therefore, felt justified to eat like crap. BAck to it today, though!

When I went on girls' weekend, I sent a text to Cam to tell her I was goign to be good. That really helped. If anyone needs something liek that to help them through tough times, let me know. Unfortunatly fro about the 3rd time in about 10 years, I left my cell at home in my workout bag yesterday. I am so sorry Cam! I hope you did ok!
Okay, so how did everyone else do yesterday? Carrie, I'm sorry it wasn't a stellar day for you.

I did SOOO well until last night. Breakfast was decaf coffee w/skim milk on the way to my seminar and then a banana right before I went in.
All day, I ate a couple of mints, lots of water, decaf coffee (with those little cups of 1/2 & 1/2 because no skim milk) and diet soda all afternoon.
For lunch, rather than going to TGIFriday's with everyone, I went to my car and returned phone calls and ate leftover core lasagna stuff & a green salad w/fat free dressing.
DD decided she couldn't take a break from studying for finals to go to dinner,so I brought McD's to her and her roommate and got myself ONLY a diet soda.
Then to WW meeting where I lost the 3 pounds I'd gained over the past few weeks, so that I am now at pre-Thanksgiving weight again.
Then shopping where I avoided the food court.
Then home to eat core dinner.
Good so far, right?
THEN -- I ate trail mix and 1/2 serving of leftover "real" lasagna and 4 or 5 mini pretzels. UGH!
I know exactly what I was doing. "Oh, I did so well at WI tonight and I have a whole week before the next one and I'll get back on track tomorrow." :rolleyes:

Here is today's plan:
B: 2 hard boiled egg whites; apple; decaf coffee w/skim milk.
S: WW oatmeal (this isnt' an approved core snack, but I need it and am not going to beat myself up about eating it)
L: diet coke chicken, broccoli
S: green salad; ff dressing

The rest of the evening is up in the air, but I'll be heading to the gym so I may end up eating a powerbar or sport beans.
But Cam, you resisted the cheese danish!!!! :banana: I am so bad with that kind of thing. I used to weigh in monthly fo rCurves. After a good WI, I'd figured I had a while month to make it up if I was bad. Ugh!

Ok, lets see....I didn't go to WW last night due to the weather, so I wasn't able to weigh-in. I worked out for 1.5 hrs. yesterday then went to Ruby Tuesday for their salad bar (love their salad bar), then had 2 ears of corn and crackers last night. I really wasn't hungry at all, but thought I should eat something.

I may take 2 classes in Jan. One is sort of like WW, except they add exercising with it, the 2nd class is an hour of core training 2x's per week. Since I work at the Rec. Center I get a nice discount for both classes, so I think it's worth considering.

Tonight DH is going to prepare smoked salmon and a salad, so it should be good. Just an F.Y.I. I'm not the cook in the family my husband is :stir: and thank heavens for that because I would end up burning everything. lol. I'm the cleaner upper.
So far this week I have been on-plan. I weighed this morning and am back down those 4 pounds. YAH... I hope to keep going. I know I will be horrible the weekend of Christmas, so I better be good now to make up for it. I had originally wanted to lose 10 pounds, and now have 6 left. I don't think that will happen, but at least I got those 4 back.

I have really cut back on my soda intake. Tho, with the excess stress the last couple of days, a soda would be nice. I have also cut out the evening eating (before bed). It has made a world of difference. I was using the "I'm running" excuse to eat more snacks. SHAME ON ME!!!

So far today:
2 HB eggs, 1 orange, water.
Jen - My favorite is "I ran 10 miles today adn I can eat whatever I want." Yup, found out the hard way that it didn't work last year.

monte - OMG! Thansk fro sayign that your dh cooks for you. DH got into the habit when I started going to CUrves. Now, we both burn things equally, but I always feel liek a schmuck because he usually cooks. I'm so glad I'm not the only one who does things that way.
I am still not 100% back on core, but trying.

I weighed in on Wednesday night - something which I have avoided for a month. I was so afraid of being over goal! And I was pleasantly surprised - I was down 1 lb. since last month! I was so happy - I thought I was going to be over & have to pay. I know it's only 1 lb., but I'll take it!

How is everyone else doing?
YAY, Kristi!!!! :banana: :cool1: :thumbsup2

I am so off base right now and feel so lousy with this cold that it is hard to convince myself that I should eat right.

I will try to get back on track. I have no food here for lunch so I'll have to be very disciplined when I go out to pick something up. :guilty:
keenercam said:
I am so off base right now and feel so lousy with this cold that it is hard to convince myself that I should eat right.

I will try to get back on track. I have no food here for lunch so I'll have to be very disciplined when I go out to pick something up. :guilty:

Do you have somewhere you could get soup? A non-creamy one is probably core (or close to it) & it would be great for your cold!

Feel better, Cam! :wizard:


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