Working on Weight Loss During Training Wk of 11/5/06


DIS Veteran
Mar 8, 2002
I decided to start a new thread since the other was getting so long. This will keep it fresh!

I got back on track this weekend. I ran 4 miles on the treadmill on Saturday. Running on the treadmill stunk, so I am glad it was a cut back week!! Yesterday was a rest day.... yah. And this morning I got up early and did 45 minutes on the treadmill. Yah me!!! I am also concentrating on getting in my water, plus some!
Jen, I'm with you. Walking/running on the tm is so boring, but I have no other choice now that the snow is here to stay. How does one get over the boredom of a treadmill?
monte said:
Jen, I'm with you. Walking/running on the tm is so boring, but I have no other choice now that the snow is here to stay. How does one get over the boredom of a treadmill?

I did 14 miles on the TM Saturday while watching the first episodes of 24 season one. The time really did fly. I do almost all of my miles on the TM because I am a wimp and like climate controlled conditions. Also, since DH gets up so early for work he goes to bed early too - I usually walk/run after he has gone to bed, and the TM works nicely because I don't like leaving my girls (a golden and black lab) alone. They curl up on the couch and keep me company while I put in my miles. It can get boring, but at least I don't have any excuse (too hot, too cold, too wet, too dark, etc etc etc) for not getting it done because the TM is in the family room! I think I am going to need to invest in another season of 24 to get me through the 20 miler!!
I should invest in a small tv to mount on the wall. We have such a small space, I could see DH knocking into it, or slamming the door against it. What can I do with a big, goofy fly fisherman? lol :happytv: :love:
Hi everyone can I join in.

I am just back from a cruise and it is time to seriously get back on track.

Height 5'4"

Long Term Goal: I would like to lose 30 more pounds within 4 months then I will have 2 months to seriously train for the Minnie in May. If successful at that I would like to do the 1/2 or full in Jan 08.

Training for: The 2007 Minnie

Trying to Lose: I need to lose 30 pounds to get to 140. From there I will see if I can stop there or if I need to lose more. But I think 140 will be good for me.

Progress so far: I tipped the scales in Jan 2006 at 200 heaviest ever. I am now down to 170. But have not lost any weight since about May. I really wasn't trying. Summer BBQ's get me every time but I am back on the GET KIM HEALTHY band wagon again.

My struggles: Pepsi.....and chips. I also have high cholesterol and trigylcerides that I need to get in check. Much heart disease in my family both my parents died at age 67 and brother had a heart attack at 40. I have no willpower but I have tremendous support from my DH, DS and DD.

My Plan. Exercise, portion control and 90% of the time make good food choices. The minute you tell me I can't eat something I only want it more, so if I crave something then I will have a little and that seems to work for me. I will exercise 5 - 6 days per week but will walk every night even if just for a stroll to avoid sitting on the couch or at the computer. Exercise will include weights and my exercise bike.

Other things about me. I am 40 years old will be 41 in Feb. Have been married almost 20 years and have a 17 year old son and 14 year old daughter. My family is very supportive which I am very lucky to have.

My weight loss reward to myself will be a lower back tattoo which I have always wanted. My reward for doing the Minnie is a trip to New York......I can do this.

The good news is that when I exercise, I feel great, and get it done on pace. The bad news is I have only been exercising every other day. I've got to get back at it--It feels good, and it lifts my spirits.

Eating has been hit or miss--I do well, then eat candy. The weight has held steady, thank goodness. I am back on program today, and plan to continue to be OP.

It is pouring rain and cold here-I think I'll either be going to Curves or walking the mall tonight!
I went out for lunch today and I don't care. It's my wedding anniv. (8th) and the last 5 years we have celebrated it at WDW. Now that my DD started school, we can't go whenever we want. So we are home and missing WDW. So today I don't care, tomorrow is a new day!!!!
Kim - :welcome:

Jen - It's only one day, and a special one at that. Enjoy and get back on the wagon tomorrow.

Nancy - every other day isn't so bad. But do try to kick it back up if it makes you feel better.

I was doing so good with Core today. Well, until I hit Target & 90% of Halloween. And until I found a bag of those Hershey Kissables for $.27! :blush: If food is there in front of me - I eat it! :sad2: I should not have bought it in the first place. But it was so cheap!!! ;)
Kristi - At my WW meeting last night, they were collecting Halloween candy, so that we can get it out of our houses and lots of people were actually going shopping to buy discounted candy to put in the crate. WW then boxes it all up and sends it to our troops in Iraq. They do it at Christmas and Valentine's Day, too, and send they get back the most wonderful thank you letters and pictures from soldiers. Isn't that nice?

Well, my splurge on a double portion of whole wheat pasta AND homemade potato chips Monday night (a core no-no) showed up on the scale last night. I am not beating myself up over it, since it was a nighttime weigh in and it hadn't been a full week since my Thursday morning weigh in. I was disappointed, but I am not going to let it derail me. I also ate too much yesterday, all day and into the evening -- I think some of it was real hunger, some was emotional eating, and some was boredom. I know the kettle popcorn (even though it was 94% FF) last night while I watched the tape of "Heroes" was all about just wanting it.

I am back on track today. Food today will be all core:
B: WW oatmeal
S: fat free cottage cheese w/pineapple
L: couscous & mix of green beans, corn & chicken breast sauteed in olive oil
S: apple

Not sure yet about dinner. I definitely have to cook up some chicken breast to have in the fridge for quick dinners.

How is everyone else doing?
Happy Anniversary Jen :wizard: Sorry you couldn't be in WDW to celebrate, but at least you had a slice of cake. lol

Weigh in was last night and I lost another half pound...not much, but it's better than a gain. :yay:

Keep up the good work gang. :wave2:
Hey all, I am back on track today. The scale is up, but I think some is water retention! My back is really sore today and I think it is from the cross training I did yesterday. While I was doing it, I just had that feeling that I was putting too much strain on my back. I have a previous injury that aggrevates very easily.

Cam - That is really cool about the candy. Such a good idea too. My girls eat their candy slowly (because we don't allow them to gorge on it), so we still have their T&T candy sitting around.

Krisit - I have to remember to wish you Happy Anniv. tomorrow. I would have loved to been married at WDW, but we did honeymoon there... for 10 days!!! It was AWESOME and the start of our adult life addiction to the mouse. Now my girls are addicted, and at such a young age.

OK, tonight is taco night, because DD6 has gymnastics and we get home late. Should I just eat mine as a taco salad? Oh the temptation.
Cam - that is a really great idea that your WW sends candy to the troops!

Jen - This is both Chad & my second marriage. We each had those pesky 'starter marraiges' with whole nine yards. :rotfl: We had both spent a small fortune on those weddings. And I spent even more on my divorce lawyer. And what for? So, we decided this time, we were doing it right (for us). We weren't inviting a million people, co-workers, etc. Just those that mattered most. We ended up with just over 30 guests. And we were both Disney freaks before that, so where else would we go? :teeth: I'll have to see if we have a pic from the wedding on our computer ('99 was pre-digital for us) and try to post it from home later.

And to make all this wedding talk weight-related...I now back to weighing about the same as I did 7 years ago at our wedding. Back then I would have loved to drop 10 lbs. (or more), and I still would. So, onward & downward!

I am determined to make this a totally on plan Core week. Even with my, um, candy attack on Tuesday, I was down .2 last night!

I just would like to lose maybe 5 lbs. by the Half in January. Very doable, but knowing me... :rolleyes:

Well, I am doing OK this week. I have stuck with my training plan, even if I am totally exhausted. My weekday runs have been about 45 minutes with the warm up and cool down, and I should be at 50, but time gets in the way. I figure what I do get in is better than skipping it.

Question to all the Weight Watchers... I have been torn as to how to count my activity points for my run/walk. Do you count them as moderate or high intensity??
Jen117 said:
Question to all the Weight Watchers... I have been torn as to how to count my activity points for my run/walk. Do you count them as moderate or high intensity??

Jen -- I count the number of minutes I jog as jogging and then count the number of minutes I walk as either moderate or high intensity depending on the speed. I am thrilled that the new activity tracker on the website allows 1/2 points for activity points.

Well, everyone, we received the very sad news yesterday morning that my FIL passed away. We'll be gone from home for 2 days attending the funeral and I really have to get past the emotional eating I've been doing.

Last night, I ate doritos, a WW 2 point bar, a WW 1 pt mini bar, a hershey's dark chocolate piece and a wafer cookie. Even as I ate it all, I recognized what I was doing and tried to talk myself out of it, but those 35 WPA just seemed to give me license to soothe my sadness with food. I think I got it out of my system. Thank God my new WW week started yesterday. I'll just have to be very disciplined this weekend. I am not even sure how much damage I did, but I think it might have been about 16 of my WPA. :eek:

I'll be good today. I promise. ;)

Happy Anniversary Kristi & Chad!
Cam - :grouphug: I'm so sorry to hear about your DFIL.

Kristi - Happy anniversary!

I had to work til midnight last night, (at Starbucks), where we did the Christmas set up and boy did we sample the holiday snacks. I'm planning to hit the tm before I go to work this afternoon. I'll have to really watch my points the rest of the week. :smooth:
Just a quick drive by to say that I did manage to walk on my tm for 30 mins. & 15 on the total trainer, so now I'm ready for work tonight. I work at the Rec. Center tonight and I have a feeling that it will be slow. I work there again tomorrow, from 8am-2pm, and plan to hit the stationary bike afterwards. Each bike comes with it's own tv! SWEET! :happytv:
I did really well yesterday, sticking to Core.

Well, I did eat alot of flex pts., but I counted them. For whatever reason, I always eat a ton of f.p. on Thursdays. Weird.

Zack & I hit the mall last night. He had a kid's meal at BK for dinner. I usually will get something - even though I should not be eating. I get to work at 4am. So, breakfast is around 4:30-4:45am, "lunch" at 10am, then "dinner" at 1-2pm. I was going to get the hearty veggie soup at D'Angelos (core), but they weren't serving that last night. So, I actually had nothing. Then, since Zack was good at the mall & ate his cheeseburger & apple sauce at BK, we went to the McD drive-thru on the way home for a vanilla cone. AND, I did not get one for myself! As dumb as that sounds, it's a huge deal. I get one of those 3 pt. cones about every other day! :rolleyes1
Hi team...we're in the middle of a snow storm and all roads are closed, so I don't think I'll be going to WW tonight. I have a construction clean (in my bldg.), today, so I'll be cleaning all day, which is great exercise! Keep up the good work!
bad news/good news

well the bad news is that I have been eating everything in sight. Work is my downfall, there are always plenty of good things to eat...either it's someone's birthday (the birthday person brings in donuts), a special event, a food day, or a meeting with leftovers. Tomorrow we are having a T-day feast brought in! All this makes it extremely hard to avoid eating/overeating during the day.

The good news is that even with all this eating I haven't gained anything; I've been working hard on my training for the full and must be burning enough calories to stay even.


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