Working on Weight Loss During Training

Jen - Awesome job :thumbsup2

Carrie - I can't wait to see you post you 2 in a row OP days :goodvibes

Kristi - That is such a tiny increase I'm sure it will be gone on your next WI :wizard:

Cam - I've been doing the sf ff pudding thing myself. The chocolate fudge or butterscotch is my current favorites.

I made it through another OP day :cool1: That is 4 in a row :banana: It's been eons since I have made it that far. It is a really good feeling. Better than eating the stupid donuts that keep being brought in this week or the cake sitting in the break room, ect, ect. I feel finally a little bit in control which is major for me :woohoo:

I have 2 major hurdles coming up though. My DF's father's birthday is this Saturday and my birthday is this Sunday so we'll be eating out twice. I will try to very hard to make good choices.

WISHing an OP day for everyone :wizard:
Minnie -- 4 days in a row is awesome! Congratulations! I KNOW you can resist the junkfood at work. You are so much in control now. Doesn't it feel great? Be sure to have some good stuff that you like for you to munch on. I am so into bananas right now. Very strange. :confused3
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
Gee CAm, don't know why you're so into bananas now. :teeth:

I love bananas. Pre-packaged, no prep, not washing, just grab & go.

Minnie - Way to go on 4 in a row!!!!! :cool1: :cheer2: That is awesome

Cam - You had a loss this week??? That is awesome!!! That's inconceivable to me even when I'm doing well. Way to go! :banana: That was a major part of my feeling sorry for myself downfall last week.

So far, so good. Ate my 9:30 banana just now (10:30). Hoping that will last me to lunch. That means I'm about 100 calories better than op. Lunch will be abit heavier, but that should fill me up and I won't need at least one afternoon snack. Yes, on a runnign day, I have lunh, a snack, and a snickers marathon before dinner. I am an eating machine. As long as I can keep it healthy, I'm good, though.
chimera said:
My pace funk has extended to food (I'm a strongly emotional eater). Anyone ever get to that point where you just want to throw in the towel and eat? I was looking for cookies, cakes, whatever last night, but fortunately, didn't find any. I walked past a carrot cake in the grocery store tonight and had visions of buying it and eating the whole thing. :sad2:

Okay, guys...kick my butt and snap me out of this!

Mel I am soooo with you!

I've been psycho-analyzing myself (something I tend to do a lot of when my eating is out of control). I think I may be purposely trying to sabotage Goofy because I'm scared I can't do it. Yeah, I know, real logical. But I've been horrible. And it's not the giving into tempation eating, its the eating stuff I don't want, don't enjoy and then feel horrible afterwards. I know for sure, if I continue in this madness, there's no way I can lug this body over two finish lines. I've also been stressing over DD. She's having such a hard time motivating herself to stay in school. She's a senior (a young one, just turned 17 this week) and she's ready to throw in the towel. We had an IEP meeting today to try to modify her schedule to keep her in school. She's made it 12 years... just 6 more months to go. The stress is definitely killing me. She has ADD but refused to take any meds (which now that I'm scared of meds, I agree with). I know it's harder for her than most students, but I also know some of it is she just would rather hang out with friends than be bored in school.

She had major issues in 2003 and I gained 65 lbs. I just can't let stress with her or any other stress overwhelm my health priorities. That's so easy to say.... and so hard to actually do.

Oh Sunny! Lots of good thoughts & prayers coming your way for you & your daughter! You are right, she's come 12 years, 6 months is nothing. At least to us adults, huh? ;) I hope you have a good meeting with her school today. :grouphug:

I totally understand where you are coming from with the stress-eating thing. I really think that's been my problem the last month or so. Chad's lsoing his job by year end (and the hours he has now are alot less than they normally would be), our best friends are getting divorced, Zack almost choking to death on a shrub this past weekend, etc, etc, etc.

And to top all this off, my sister called me in a panic this morning. My niece Molly had a lead test done since they got notices at school that some kids are testing positive for lead. Well, your level should be below a 10 - hers is 21! And since it causes neurological problems, I really think this is why she's developed tics in the past couple years! And thier town always votes down building a new school! :furious:

Sorry for the vent. I am doing well with core today. I did cave & get a croissant at work this morning. But it's 5 pts. and I will count them. And we are finally out of light ice cream!!! (I buy in bulk, so there's usualy extra in the basement freezer) I will not go buy more! :blush:
Kristi-- I'm so sorry to hear all that you are going through, the scare with Zach, and Chad's job and your poor niece. Is there anything they can do to reverse the lead level? That is terrifying.

I'm finally out of lite ice cream, too. Let's not buy anymore!!!!!

plutosmyfav said:
Kristi-- I'm so sorry to hear all that you are going through, the scare with Zach, and Chad's job and your poor niece. Is there anything they can do to reverse the lead level? That is terrifying.

I'm finally out of lite ice cream, too. Let's not buy anymore!!!!!


Thanks, Sunny! :goodvibes

From what I read online, Molly's lead level is a level III (of 1 thru 5). Not terribly good, not the worst. It seems stage III & up need medication. She has to get Molly to the hospital for further testing later today, so we'll see. I am not telling my sister the stuff I've read online. And her step daughter's doctor is not willing to see them until next week - & they won't just order the darn test in the meantime! :furious: Long story, but her StepDD has different doctor than Molly. I am taking Zack for his flu shot in a few minutes - he is going to get tested too! I am usually not paranoid, but it would make me feel better right now. Our house was built before 1978...

Do WW frozen snacks count as Lite ice cream? If so, I am in trouble... :blush: :tiptoe: ;) I have no more half gallons, just WW pops and cones, etc.
Kristi - I'd be more willing to be th elead for your niece came from home, not school. Just a guess, though, unless the paint is in really bad condition at school. If she's in an industrail or high traffic area, it coudl be in teh soil too. Too many options. I hope theu get it figured out and stop the source soon!!! :grouphug: I've been there o teh losing the job tby year end thing. It stinks. Sometimes I think it owuld have been easier to have just gotten laid off without notice. The stress is too much!

Sunny - :grouphug: Good luck with dd! I wish we coudl make kids see things through our eyes sometimes.

OK, I think day 2 is another win! :banana:
WOW, you guys are coping with so much. :grouphug:

Sunny -- If it helps you at all with DD, please feel free to share Jenn's story with her. I am sure you remember all we went through this past year. Remind her that a diploma is something that she will be so grateful to have a few years from now. Good luck, sweetie. I hope she appreciates that the school is trying to accommodate her schedule and that that is so rare. Sending you lots of pixiedust: and prayers. Please do not let this derail your efforts. You are doing so great. :thumbsup2

Kristi -- I am so sorry for all your family has been going through. I can definitely relate on the job stress stuff, since Howard has not worked since 6/05 except for about 6 weeks and now is doing an internship with a very small stipend besides going to school full-time. I know Chad is going to find a great position. And, OMG, I hadn't heard about Zach's scary adventure this weekend. Poor kid! Poor mom & Dad! :grouphug: I hope everything goes smoothly for your niece. Sending prayers.

Carrie -- Good job on your discipline today. I'd bet that feels really good, huh? I hope you have good stuff at home for when you get back from your run. I know I am seriously craving protein and may eat a can of tuna fish before I leave work -- I know. I'm bizarre. :rolleyes:
:grouphug: and pixiedust: to all of those who are struggling. Good luck in resolving these issues, and in not allowing your emotions to wreck your progress.

Wouldn't weight loss be so much easier if it weren't for real life??
Ok gang I hate to report this but I've had a melt down for the past 3 days. DH and I went to and we ate out for every meal. All that soaking in the pools makes you hungry.....back to the drawing board tomorrow. ;)
monica - If I can pull myself out of teh eating guter fro 2 straight days, you're sure to be on track soon!

Sorry to be a post-hog, but I nee this to keep going and I win't be able to check in tomorrow.

I did very well this afternnon and evening. I did not have my cglass of mile with dinner (had water) and so my evening treat was hot cocoa. (Milk, cocoa powder and Splenda). I love it with real cocoa. Gosh this feels good. Let's go for 3 and hope I can handle my weekend! I need a good base, as I head to TX next Friday for work for 5 days. Traveling is tough on me, especially with no one looking over my shoulder. If I'm on a good run, it will be easier.
wtpclc said:
Kristi - I'd be more willing to be th elead for your niece came from home, not school. Just a guess, though, unless the paint is in really bad condition at school. If she's in an industrail or high traffic area, it coudl be in teh soil too. Too many options. I hope theu get it figured out and stop the source soon!!!

Apparently, the lead is in the water at the elementary school. :furious: The school sent a letter home recently that said kids were testing positive for lead and that it was ok now since they now had filters on the water system. :furious: :furious: I really didn't think this sort of thing happened anymore. :sad2:

Anywho, back on topic: I was such a good little Weight Watcher...until I got home from work. I just cannot stay away from those 2pt. WW cones & pops. Ugh. Or McD's vanilla cones (3 pts.). However, I am still being much better than I was the past couple weeks!

Cam - I am going to try to make that fried rice this weekend - sounds yummy!
Wow Kristi-- it sounds like they should have a class-action suit. I agree with you, I didn't think such things happened anymore.

I did pretty good. Totally core and reasonable portions until I woke up at 2AM and ate a little halloween candy :rolleyes: But juts about 6 points, nothing horrendous. Actually, years and years ago I had a real problem of waking up and eating in the middle of the night. I don't anymore. The problem last night was that I fell asleep in DS's bed and his kicking and arm flinging finally woke me up at 2AM, which of course is a great time for a little something or two if you're a Pooh bear pooh:

Monte-- sitting in the pool really does increase your hunger! It decreases your core body temp, which tells your brain you need more food. Don't worry, you'll be back on track in no time and have wonderful memories of Pagosa Springs (I don't dare tell my parents you were there, they'd cry!)

This morning was apples and oatmeal. Lunch will be peas and Core meatloaf. There's chicken and barely already to warm when I get home, so I should be all set for today :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

Kristi - how terrible to find out about lead at school. I hope everything works out.

Sunny - AWESOME for planning for the day. I planned also, but then I got here and it's someone's birthday.... UGHHHHH!!!

I did horrible yesterday. I didn't eat too much, but it's what I ate. Shame on me. I have a lot of stress on me lately. Way tooo much! But I weighed this morning and..........................................I'm down another pound. YIPPPEEEEE!!! I was so thrilled.

I got up this morning to run on the treadmill, but started getting dizzy. Probably from all the crap I ate yesterday. I managed 35 minutes, but a lot was fast walking.

Havea great OP weekend everyone. PLAN, PLAN, PLAN!!!!
Hi, everyone!
Carrie --congrats on getting through last night successfully!
Monica -- you'll get right back on track. We are here looking forward to sharing your success! The spa sounds wonderful!
Kristi -- it sounds like your dessert is very controlled. I don't think that is bad, as long as you plan for it and journal it,right? I mean, that's the whole purpose of those point-controlled desserts. Enjoy!
Sunny -- I am so glad you are doing well on core again. You have inspired me so much over the past year+ and I am so excited for you that with all the stress you are doing so great. Please give that little guy a hug for me. Is he not coming to WDW in January? Howard will miss hanging out with him on the boardwalk. Oh, and put that candy under lock and key (I'd be hiding ours on the back porch) so that if you aren't quite awake during the night, it might take some extra effort to find it. :teeth:

Last night I ate wayyy too much. The problem was being in the kitchen for 2 hours cooking and cleaning. I should have grabbed some cinnamon gum, but it didn't even occur to me. I also really had to clean out our freezer to make room for corbi's stuff, so I ended up cooking for longer than I expected. The good thing is that I only ate core foods and I did eventually rein myself in.

I ate 2 turkey burgers topped with A1 and melted FF cheese. :eek: Then I was tasting the chili I made for DH and DS and decided I needed more to eat, so I finished some whole wheat pasta I had in the fridge topped with the chili sauce (none of the ground beef, though). Interestingly, eating chips or pretzels or doritos or desserts never occurred to me. I am so weird.

So, I ended up grilling 8 turkey burgers and 12 small chicken breast pieces and won't have to cook protein over the next many days. I want to do 14 miles tomorrow, so I have to have some carbs tonight. I'll probably make more whole wheat pasta. I think I'll also cook some barley in FF beef broth to have that in the fridge for the weekend. I should be able to control most of my meals this weekend, except during a football game tomorrow (I'll try to pack something like I did 2 weeks ago).

I also promised DD I'd bake cookies and bring them to her for her dorm floor tomorrow. So, I have to get my butt in gear and do that tonight. UGH! Can I survive the temptation for round 2?

So, what's everyone eating today?
B: (bite of turkey burger -- was craving something when I woke up); fat free yogurt w/strawberries & sweet'nlow at 8:15.
L will be -- grilled chicken & steamed broccoli
snack will be a hard-boiled egg.
I am sure I will be eating a lot of cinnamon gum tonight while I bake cookies!
keenercam said:
Kristi -- it sounds like your dessert is very controlled. I don't think that is bad, as long as you plan for it and journal it,right? I mean, that's the whole purpose of those point-controlled desserts. Enjoy!

I think maybe, just maybe, that if you eat two WW cones, one WW popsicle...and then go thru the McDonald's drive through for a may be a bit much though!

And I hereby take a mini-hiatus from this thread. I will be having cake & ice cream galore today & tomorrow... :woohoo:
Back on track 150% on Sunday, I promise!
Hi there everyone!

No time for personals right now so just :cheer2: and :wizard: for all!!

I did okay again yesterday so I'm now on day 5 :thumbsup2

Lunch ended up being a grilled chicken salad from McD's
Snack peanut butter and ww crackers
Dinner turkey pot pie - too many carbs but didn't have dessert

Today's plan:
B - oatmeal w/ skim milk
L - out with a friend hoping to make a good choice :wizard:
D - out for DF's father's birthday :wizard:

This whole weekend is going to be tough:

Car shopping Saturday which is tough on my nerves :guilty:

Sunday is my birthday which normally means free for all but I'm going to try to be good :blush:

Then Monday is a work birthday lunch for me but I got to pick and selected something that will allow me to stay OP as long as no "goodies" come too :blush:

WISHing an OP day for everyone :wizard: :grouphug:
Minnie said:
Car shopping Saturday which is tough on my nerves :guilty:

Sunday is my birthday which normally means free for all but I'm going to try to be good :blush:

I am with you on the car shopping! I used to shoot those cheesy local 1/2 hour car commercials. I know more about how they take advantage of customers than I ever wanted to know!

:cake: :bday: Early Happy Birthday, my fellow Scorpio! :bday: :cake:


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