Worst Day Of My Life!

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Dristina ON VMK. Tag Fairy, may I have a Pink Tag?
Apr 14, 2007
So I woke up today as usual thinking that after class I would get to go to on the computer. PLAYING VMK! I got on the computer and saw that my Dad had put a password on all the computers! EVEN MINE! Thanks so much Dad! :lmao:. Nevermind that. I finally got on my Mum's computer which crashes, ALOT!

I had an idea :idea: to listen to Jordan Pruitt- Jump To The Rythm song so I went to ###. I had to wait for 30 MINUTES FOR THE SONG TO ACTUALLY LOAD! :headache:

I got bored and everyone was talking about the New Shoes and Furniture they were buying so I tried to log-on to VMK. After two hours of waiting I got this!


Shocker, huh?

Plus my brother is annoying me by playing with his nail clippers!

All I have on my luck list today is my Mum is so nice to me this week because I have broken my leg. BUT MY Dad! NO! HE DOES NOT EVEN CARE!

OKay, that's about it.


P.S: Yes, I still go to class with a broken leg. So do any of you guys want to share a worst day of my life story! :scared1:

Rant Over
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, there kiddo, but this will not be the worst day of your life! You will have many, many more that are far, far worse! Just learn to giggle at the days that frustrate you, and you'll do much better in life.

I doubt very seriously that your Dad doesn't care. Obviously, someone in the house under the age of 18 abused the privilege of the computer and that's why he's implemented passwords. I had to do the same thing when the 13 year old decided that looking at naughty pictures on the computer he shares with his 10 year old sister and 6 year old brother was a good idea.

Parents don't do these things to "ruin you life" as my daughter accuses me of daily. We do these things to protect you and because we love you.

Try to keep that in mind. Although the reasons may not be clear to you right now, someday they will make perfect sense.

Meanwhile, here's a big hug from me, and a "Cheer Up, It's Friday!"

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
But I never look at disgusting picture! Are you like a mother? But this is frustrating! REALLY!
But I never look at disgusting picture! Are you like a mother? But this is frustrating! REALLY!

Yes, I am a mommy, of four. Ages are 20, 13, 10, and 6.

Unfortunately, the younger ones have had to pay a price for the bad things the oldest one has done. I'm sure you haven't looked at anything you shouldn't have. But, if there are other children on that computer, maybe one of them did. Or, maybe your Dad was afraid that someone would do something they shouldn't.

Give him the benefit of the doubt. I'm sorry you have a broken leg. And I'm sorry you are frustrated. It will all be ok, ok? more hugs:hug: :hug:
There will be worse days than this. Trust me, there is a long list of things that are worse that what you experienced. Getting scammed out of gold ears is one thing. Being insulted is another. I know your dad is being tough on you and your computer is slow but think to yourself before you get angry, Is this really the worst day of my life?:goodvibes
you could have gotten hit by a car on your bike on the way home from a baseball game and ended up with a fractured skull and a concussion.

there are worse things in life then not being able to get on the computer

Let it go and read a book.
Calm down Lovela. It's friday. Just think of all the good things.

If vmk doesn't load in 10 minutes, refresh it. No bigge, vmk has problems sometimes. It is a website, with thousands of people on it. So yeah.. it will have problems sometimes.

Did you go to the doctor about your leg? Do you actually know it is broken? One time my toe was stollen for a week and I didn't go to the doctor. After that week, it was fine. I thought I had broken it, but didn't.

And no, I am not a mother. I am actually 13, just like you. Parents never are trying to ' ruin your life ' they just try to do the best to help.

Have a hug :) :grouphug: :hug: Do something else. there are other things than the computer.
This is the worst day of my life! I FEEL LIKE CRYING! I DON'T FEEL LIKE READING A BOOK! I'm sorry for my Mum though. She is really nice to every body. She has to work and do all the hard stuff. I wish I could help her. Yes, my feet is broken. I have seen the doctor and it was confirmed. I have never broken a leg before and I got nervous but now I am okay! ;) I'll try to cheer up and thanks for the advise. :grouphug:


Lovela :cutie:
thats nothing... today i accidfently gave away 25000 to a stranger in a quest... got a ticket while driving and was late for my finals in school! ah!
yes for the most messed up reason too... see i have a mustang...

i got my ticket for TINTED WINDOWS!!!!! ah!
Ha Ha. Lol! I have a car. My own ofcourse. But I have a driver! Mwuahahahah. Sorry, lol. Well getting a ticket isn't bad when you are log off VMK is bad! Really bad!
Ha Ha. Lol! I have a car. My own ofcourse. But I have a driver! Mwuahahahah. Sorry, lol. Well getting a ticket isn't bad when you are log off VMK is bad! Really bad!

How can you have a car if you birthday is January 20th, 1994?
Its my mums but I show- off and I say it my own :D
Ha Ha. Lol! I have a car. My own ofcourse. But I have a driver! Mwuahahahah. Sorry, lol. Well getting a ticket isn't bad when you are log off VMK is bad! Really bad!
Um... Try and keep yourself off VMK for just a week and then try to say being off is the worst thing ever. VMK SHOULD be just a hobby, no reason to get upset if you can't get on.
I did when my parents move from Malaysia to UK
Worst day of your life????

Sorry, but you have no idea what that is yet. :sad2:

You want to know what my worst days have been?

The day my Mom died is one.
Another day is when I found out that I had a 14 lbs ovarian cyst that was turning into cancer.
Then there's the day that my fiance came to me out of the blue and said "I can't marry you".
The next worst day of my life was when my Dad had a heart attack.

Then, there's the day that I can't even talk about here on the forums, but just know that it involved an ex-boyfriend.

I'm truly sorry you are having a bad day. But, that's all it is. Just a bad day. Nowhere near the worst.
Your parent's are just trying to do what's best for their kids. You will survive through this day and easily live until the next.
Ok I wish I good have those life problems. Lets see May has just been horrendous LOL

3 thursdays ago we got a call that my hubbies grandfather had a minor stroke that affected his eye sight and could no longer live alone so we had to figure out what to do. Since both of Glenn's parents are dead left it up to us. Ok was dealing with that.

Then next Thursday yes only one week later got a call at work that both my parents were in a car accident and in hospital. So spent the last week constantly visiting .

Then we think thinks come in 3 nope.

Last night (a thursday) Our car broke down on the way home right in the middle of our commute. 40 miles from home or 40 miles from work. We had to wait for a flat bed tow truck because our car is too small for regular tow truck. (It is a smart car) The fan belt broke. We waited 1 1/2 hours. By the time we got to the dealership to get the car fixed all the car rental places were closed. So could not get home last night.

And since I have MS the heat really affects me and makes walking bad so this did not help.

Of course that means no VMK for me last night either. :)

So I would say yup one of the worst months this year. But in my life no way. Each could have been so much worse.
Wow C and Belle I didn't know that. I'm sorry! BUT NOW VMK IS ACTING OVER AGAIN IT CRASHED AND WON'T COME LOGGING IN! :(
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