Worst Ride Experience..I lost it on Mission Space

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Oh my, I'm sorry you had to go through that, I can sympathize with you! I don't like Mission Space AT ALL-either side. Don't be embarrassed! At least yours is a real "thrill" ride. Mine is REALLY embarrassing.

I can barely tolerate ITTBAB! I love going under the tree, seeing the posters, hearing the buzzing music-I think that's all great. I just get all freaked out at some of the 4D effects. My family of course thinks it's funny to see me squirm. One time I made sure I was in front of my family so I could lead the way down the row. I picked a row went all the way to the end and kept on walking-I exited with the group that was leaving from the previous show. By the time my family realized what I had done the doors were shut and I was "safe" on the outside. Now I only go on if we have a Disney first timer with us and my family is sure I don't have an escape route.

I get to suffer through this in September since we have a first timer with us. Yay...NOT!

I just spent the last 5 minutes laughing so hard at this :rotfl2: That was so clever of you. Thanks for sharing !
My husband is not a fan of rides. He will do Peter Pan, Toy Story, things like that. On our last trip I convinced him to ride Soarin'. He was terrified. We waited in line and got to the front. He was asking everyone if it was scary. The guy letting us on told him it was like sitting in a rocking chair. He said he would put us on the bottom row and if we liked it, he would let us ride on the top without waiting in line again. So, we get in and get seated and I tell my husband and daughter "You better like this and not mess with my chance to skip line and ride at the top!" Then the ride started and my husband flipped out! He was terrified. He looked at me and said "You lied, this is horrible". His freaking out caused my daughter to freak out. I look over and his eyes are clenched tight and my daughter is crying. Of course, I am laughing. The ride ends and the the guy comes back over and asks the husband how he liked it. My husband responds "well, obviously you are a liar!" (half jokingly) I didn't get to ride at the top and can scratch Soarin' off our list for March! :)
My husband is not a fan of rides. He will do Peter Pan, Toy Story, things like that. On our last trip I convinced him to ride Soarin'. He was terrified. We waited in line and got to the front. He was asking everyone if it was scary. The guy letting us on told him it was like sitting in a rocking chair. He said he would put us on the bottom row and if we liked it, he would let us ride on the top without waiting in line again. So, we get in and get seated and I tell my husband and daughter "You better like this and not mess with my chance to skip line and ride at the top!" Then the ride started and my husband flipped out! He was terrified. He looked at me and said "You lied, this is horrible". His freaking out caused my daughter to freak out. I look over and his eyes are clenched tight and my daughter is crying. Of course, I am laughing. The ride ends and the the guy comes back over and asks the husband how he liked it. My husband responds "well, obviously you are a liar!" (half jokingly) I didn't get to ride at the top and can scratch Soarin' off our list for March! :)
Yikes, don't know how Soarin' spooks some people, sorry
Soarin is my favorite ride, I love it. My husband rode it with me once and he never opened his eyes so obviously he will not be riding it again. I told him that the film will be changing to around the world instead of just California. He said he never even realized that the film was about California as he never saw any of it on his one and only time on Soarin.
Ok, this is embarrassing but here goes...last week we were in Epcot. DH and DS's love Mission Space. DD not so much. Her and I had not ridden it in years. This year she decided she wanted to give it another go. I remember not loving the experience (green) because tight spaces aren't my thing. While in line I kept hearing the warnings. DD now 11 was excited so I didn't give it too much thought. Until they shut the door on that tuna can :scared1::scared1:. What the heck was I thinking quickly enters my mind. DD is excitedly chirping away. 'Isn't this fun mom?' Oh yes I manage to eek out. Now my heart is racing and I can't catch my breath. That stupid air blowing in my face is not helping. :rotfl2:. I am in full blown panic attack, I can laugh now. I am on the end and gently rapping on the door. I am caught between not wanting to ruin DD's experience and not wanting an unsuspecting cast member to find my limp body at the end. When my knocks of terror went unnoticed I decided it best to clench my eyes shut, pray to the dear Lord for mercy and go to my happy place ( all the while answering my daughters million questions and hitting my button at the appropriate time). I'm proud to tell the tale- I lived through it and will never ride it again :rotfl: What was you're worst ride experience and why?

What a good mom you are!!!! That is the one ride I will never do, ever! Tuna can!!! I am laughing so hard right now...!!!
Mine is ToT (aka: The Slingshot to He!!). I don't do thrill rides at all. Ever. My husband is fully aware of this, but his definition of "not bad" and mine are worlds apart, and he was constantly trying to convince me to go on rides like at Six Flags and at the county fair. The first time we went to DHS he rode ToT while I waited on a bench (I don't mind doing this - my main enjoyment of WDW is the theming, ambiance, and people), and he came out swearing up and down that it wasn't bad at all, that it only bounced a little. I didn't buy it, but then a woman also exiting the ride promised me it really wasn't scary at all and told me she is also not a thrill ride fan but ToT was one of her favorites; to this day I remain convinced he paid her to say that. At any rate, they convinced me so on the ride I went. Everything was okay until the drops started; I don't actually remember anything other than sheer terror and a vague idea that the ups and downs were never going to end, but once the ride ended even my DH looked scared - he thought he might have actually killed me... said I made a sound he'd never heard out of a human throat then went silent and limp (I didn't actually pass out... more went briefly catatonic).

He spent the rest of the day buying cold treats for my still sore throat, and he has never, ever tried to get me on another thrill ride again.
Mine is ToT (aka: The Slingshot to He!!). - he thought he might have actually killed me... .

Sorry but that was funny right there!! My DW rode TOT once and won't do it again, I won't force her, I know better if I want to stay married. :flower3: I handled Mission Space orange pretty well, put me on the teacups and well let's just say it wouldn't be very pretty!:sick:
Yikes, don't know how Soarin' spooks some people, sorry

I'm one of those people! I can ride pretty much anything, but Soarin' put me in a near panic attack. I could hardly breathe, had to turn my head to the side and clench my eyes shut and I was holding on to the handle bars as tight as I could. When I got off the ride my legs were still shaking. I think it's because I have a terrible fear of heights and that ride just feels and looks so realistic. I kept feeling like I was going to fall out of my chair from thousands of feet in the air! I gladly sit that one out from now on!
Unlimited Mickey Bars you say...? Maybe I need to develop a sudden terror of thrill rides! :smickey:

It was almost worth it. Almost. lol

Sorry but that was funny right there!! My DW rode TOT once and won't do it again, I won't force her, I know better if I want to stay married. :flower3: I handled Mission Space orange pretty well, put me on the teacups and well let's just say it wouldn't be very pretty!:sick:

Smart spouse! Mission Space is on my do-not-ride list and so are the teacups - it wouldn't be pretty.
My worst was my first ride on Star Tours after the refurb. DH knew better so he stayed outside. MIL, BIL and I rode it. Unfortunately I sat in the last row, last seat. It was one of the longer videos and I thought...if this ride lasts five more seconds I will loose it. Luckily the ride stopped, but it took me to the edge. I had that plastered smile, wide eyed look when we exited. DH knew it was not good and teased me about it all day. This past May I rode it with my parents and told them under no circumstances was I sitting in the last row. We sat in the middle and I had a great time.

My worst ride though is HM. I can't stand it but love my DH more so I take one for the team and we ride it at least once every trip. That bride in the attic is the most horrible gut wrenching witch I know...I keep my eyes closed once we enter the attic and they stay shut well in to the cemetery. I loathe that experience....then there was the time the ride stopped for 15 minutes in front of her. I was beating the heck out of my husband in my mind while sitting there...him innoscently rambling on about how cool it was to see it all with the lights on. He survived the beating and every year when we get off that ride we look at my name at the bottom of the list of Gracie wives at the exit....Lucretia
Absolutely the Astro Orbiter for me.

Don't feel bad if you flipped out on Mission Space, at least you made it onto the ride. In June, someone beside me did toss their lunch at Mission Space...while watching the pre-ride show, getting the warnings about motion sickness, as we stood on our numbered dots. Fortunately there was no domino effect line of puking, and they sure moved (the rest of) us along quickly to board.
My worst was my first ride on Star Tours after the refurb. DH knew better so he stayed outside. MIL, BIL and I rode it. Unfortunately I sat in the last row, last seat. It was one of the longer videos and I thought...if this ride lasts five more seconds I will loose it. Luckily the ride stopped, but it took me to the edge. I had that plastered smile, wide eyed look when we exited. DH knew it was not good and teased me about it all day. This past May I rode it with my parents and told them under no circumstances was I sitting in the last row. We sat in the middle and I had a great time.

My worst ride though is HM. I can't stand it but love my DH more so I take one for the team and we ride it at least once every trip. That bride in the attic is the most horrible gut wrenching witch I know...I keep my eyes closed once we enter the attic and they stay shut well in to the cemetery. I loathe that experience....then there was the time the ride stopped for 15 minutes in front of her. I was beating the heck out of my husband in my mind while sitting there...him innoscently rambling on about how cool it was to see it all with the lights on. He survived the beating and every year when we get off that ride we look at my name at the bottom of the list of Gracie wives at the exit....Lucretia

Star Tours is fine with us, I don't think the mechanics of it have really changed from our experience. But we really don't like HM though
I can't ride Soarin without almost coming unglued. Went on 3 times and was fine. Fourth time I was placed on an end, and all I could do was look down and see how far up we were.:scared:

I tried to go on with my family after that, and spent the whole time clutching my nephew, and sitting as far back as I could on the seat, with my eyes closed the whole time. That is after almost freaking out when I locked my seatbelt, and knew I couldn't get off without causing a ride shut down. Nope, I'm done with Soarin. I will watch the new version when it hits Youtube.
I love thrill rides, but the most terrifying Disney ride anywhere is the swinging side of Mickey's Fun Wheel at CaliforniaAdventure!

My youngest has refused to ride it for a couple of years. We finally had her convinced this month and had her in line. We were about third in line when a man stepped out of a car covered in his own barf. Needless to say we took the chicken exit while the rest of the family got on.

Funny, that just belted the door of the man's car closed. Guess they were going to clean it later.
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