Would you? .. game


<font color=orange><b>-hugs tag-fairy-</b><br><fon
May 20, 2006
This is a simple enough game, and everybody can play it! :goodvibes. You just have to ask a question beginning with the words Would you.. or Would you rather.

OK. Question

Would you go help your ex if they had a flat tire and they had called you?
Would you go help your ex if they had a flat tire and they had called you?

Yes, I would. But that could just be because my ex is still one of my closest friends :goodvibes

Would you tell someone in a position of authority (ie. your boss or your teacher) if s/he had "boogies" in his/her nose?
Yes, I would. But that could just be because my ex is still one of my closest friends :goodvibes

Would you tell someone in a position of authority (ie. your boss or your teacher) if s/he had "boogies" in his/her nose?

Yes in the nicest way I could.

Would you go to disney world if it was infested with love bugs?
Fall off something

Would you like to be a dancing banana:banana: or a dancing smiley:dancer: ?

Would you cry for the rest of your life non-stop.. or lose a hand, arm, leg..
Lose a leg, can't they give me one of those artificial legs? I can still run with those, saw it on TV.

Would you rather carry a huge stuffed animal everywhere you went for the rest of your life or eat nothing but flies?
Purple crate

Would you rather have the old monorails in VMK or the remixed ones?
All the beta in VMK

Would you rather have flying carpet magic or make up your own kind of magic and get it made?
well computers make light
would u rather have your pants and underwear fall off or have your eye fall out
Eye fall out? Long time ago in girl scout camp there was this lady who showed us around and she had some kind of fake eye or something I don't remember but she put it back in. We were in second grade so I really don't know..

Would you rather quack like a duck for the rest of your life or have a tail?
tail, because I could hide it

No chance of VMK ever coming back or playing Toontown nonstop?
Playing toon town non stop, At least other people will have fun :goodvibes
Anyways I don't even go on VMK that much or other online games with school toughening up so my addictions will break.

Would you rather ski in a swimsuit or wear a ski outfit to the beach?
Swimsuit to ski in!
I just roll like that. =]

Would you rather live off of Cheez-Itz and McDonald's Sweet Tea or Cheese Nips and Unsweet Tea?
sweet tea? I have no idea what that is but i would rather live off cheese nips.

Would you rather pay to go to Hawaii or go to the Carribean islands for free?
Carribean islands for free
Would u rather not go on the computer for the rest of your life or lose all your fingers
Not go to the computer for the rest of my life..if the pioneers didn't have it and survived, well so could I =)
besides..you didn't mention iPod touch or other cellphones with internet..lol
only thing is my bill would be quite a biggie.

Would you rather have all the riches in the world and be the unhappiest or have a few, barely, or no riches and be in full of smiles the whole time?


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