W's go West, TR Day 4 SF


Looking around
Nov 14, 2010
Day 4, our last day in San Francisco

We were awoken at 1:20am by the fire alarm going off! It stopped after a while, and we went back to sleep, at about 2:30am it went off again, Sy and Jane went round investigating things and I went back to sleep (I'm used to sleeping through Sy's snoring next to me so I can get back to sleep pretty easily) but it was soon going off again intermittently, I was kind of aware of it but I was so zonked still it didn't really wake me up completely, I'd already made the assumption that it was a low battery as this is what happened when we were in animal kingdom lodge. Jane and Sy dealt with it, luckily the owner came home from a night out and heard it (they lived downstairs) so she came running up with batteries and sorted it out. I had no idea she had been till the morning after.

After such a disturbed night's sleep, it was no surprise that we struggled come morning. No one was in the best of moods, not bad moods but you know, generally overtired. We had plans to get breakfast at Boudin's bakery in Fisherman's wharf so we got dressed and headed out in that direction. It was pretty cold this morning, the coldest so far and no sunshine to take the edge off.

We managed to park the car easily and started to walk towards Boudin's. Weirdly we came across the couple from our flight who were on their honeymoon, they were also looking for somewhere to have breakfast so I told them Boudin's was meant to be good and they decided to join us :)


I took aaaaaages to decide what to eat inside Boudin's. I finally settles on a sourdough waffle sandwich filled with bacon, cheese and scrambled egg with a blood orange san pellegrino. It was lush! We also got a roll each to take away (I ate some of mine right away, not because breakfast hadn't filled me but because I cannot leave fresh bread, its a weakness of mine!)

We chatted over breakfast with the couple from the plane and then made our way over to pier 39 to see the Sea Lions :D They didn't disappoint! I had been ill just before we came away and I'd lost my sense of smell (and most of my taste too) so I didn't notice that it reeked of fish down there, Sy eventually said we had to leave cause he couldn't stomach it any longer while I was none the wiser. I could have stayed there hours watching them play, I have a feeling it could have been mating season, there were quite a few getting frisky ;)



We started to walk back to the car before realising that we maybe didn't time it quite right and we were at risk of running late for our Alcatraz tour. Where we parked we weren't sure if it had a time limit so we wanted to get back to the car and move it, I was holding us back a bit as I was feeling dodgy so Sy went to grab the car and came back through to pick up us girls, we then went to park right opposite the Alcatraz dock. We had to queue up for a little bit before getting on the boat, it was very chilly down by the water! Before long we were on the boat on our way over. I dozed off on Sy's shoulder.

Alcatraz, I don't really know what to say about it. It wasn't somewhere that I would have probable visited if it hadn't been for Sy, but it was amazing to see. The guided tour was so interesting! It could have carried on for another hour and I wouldn't have been bored! Jane braved it into the cells, while I chickened out cause I'm a wimp lol.








The sun even started to come out from behind the clouds while we were on the island.


We couldn't hang about too long before getting the ferry back as we had only put 3 hours on the car parking meter. Sy went to visit the garden while Jane and I visited the ladies and then sat in the sunshine by the dock. The queue started to build so we got in line but watched out for Sy, then people started to board, and still no Sy. I was starting to worry as we didn't have time to wait for the next boat but as we neared the front we could see Sy in the distance, we managed to get his attention to say we were getting on so he joined the back of the queue and got on. We sat at the front of the boat this time with a beautiful view out in front of us.



We made it back to the car with a few minutes spare. Sy and Jane were hungry so we went in search of Ike's sandwich shop, it was along the last part of the 49 mile drive. Sy had found the place from watching a tv program and it was one place he really wanted to eat, he even knew what he wanted to order ;) I wasn't hungry so I sat in the car while they went inside. Jane decided to go for the same as Sy, the menage a trois. Chicken 3 ways on a Dutch crunch roll. I tried a bit of Sy's and OMG! I was regretting not getting anything, not cause I was hungry but it was just SO GOOD!!

Love the name on the outer wrapper ;)

We went on to do the last bit of the 49 mile drive, this was not a highlight. We had seen all the good stuff by now, this was the dodgy area and involved going past the Giants baseball stadium, where there was a game on. We could have skipped this last part but nooooo, Sy wanted to get a baseball cap for him and his friend, so we had to keep on going rather than turning around. And then when we got to any shops there of course was no where to park without a $40 parking charge. I went to sleep from the boredom. Jane went very quiet in the back too, Sy's name was mud... Not only did the drive take frigging AGES sat in traffic but it then meant we didn't really have time for a ride in a cable car!!!! Not a way to impressed the ladies Simon...

The only pic I took...

So tired and grumpy we head back to the condo to get freshened up for dinner. I had another nap (in my defence, I was still trying to get over the flu!) and then we headed out in search of some dinner.

We then couldn't decide where to go to eat. Sy mentioned a mexican and burger place but both were a bit fast food like, I suggested we try to somewhere a bit nicer for our last meal but after a looooooooooooot of driving round we ended up at the burger place anyway lol. Though I have to say, it may have been fast food like but damn it was gorgeous! Super Duper Burger by name and definitely super duper burger by nature ;) We all had great food. The garlic fries were amazing.

Outside we got back in the car and looked up to see this sight...


Turns out we were in the gay district, who knew?! Hehehehe We were only down the road from the bar we had earmarked to go to tonight, Martuni's gay piano bar. We drove round for ages trying to get parked, we found one space but there was loads of glass on the floor where a car has obviously been broken into so I wouldn't let Sy park there. Sy and Jane were getting annoyed with me cause it was in quite an iffy place so parking somewhere that didn't look dodgy was proving difficult. But after a bit more driving we happened to be driving past the bar again and there was a space to park right outside! Woohoo!

We headed inside and grabbed some drinks before heading into the room behind to watch the pianist. I didn't realise it was audience participation. After a few sing a longs with the guys on the table next to us (Part of your world from the Little Mermaid being a highlight!) I decided to put my name down :O I dunno what came over me, I think it was Jane in my ear saying 'when will you find yourself in SF again singing in a piano bar?!' It was probably quite misjudged considering I still had the left over of the flu (which turned into whooping cough!), I know from listening to Jane's recording that I sounded pretty ropey LOL but hey, I did it!! The downside was I totally missed Sy getting checked out like he was a piece of meat by a guy on his way back from the bar, he stood right next to him and looked him right up and down, Jane said he undressed Sy with his eyes PAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh how sad I am that I missed that! Sy said he was just offended that the only guy who checked him out was a guy who looked at least 55 years old, none of the young guys bothered hehehehe.

We called it a night around midnight and headed back to the condo. We still hadn't made it to the beautiful beach by the condo so we decided to hop out and put our feet in the sand, we tried to get a selfie but it didn't come out very well. Damn it was chilly on that beach, the sand was freezing!

Back at the condo we packed and then finally fell into bed at about 1am.

Time to say goodbye to the city I left my heart in <3
The bar sounds fun! Poor Sy! Hope his ego isn't knocked to much lol!
My parents visited Alcatraz a few years ago and really enjoyed the tour. I don't think they ventured into the gay district though ;)

You've certainly eaten at some fab places too in SF!

Claire :)


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