WS New Country Rumor


May 28, 2000
Just read on another site (WDW Magic) that there is a rumor that Turkey will be added to WS. Personally I think it would be good. Having lived there for a year while in the Air Force 1976-1977, the nation has a rich history, good food, and a growing tourist business. I could see them doing St. Sophia's or the Blue Mosque, a mini Grand Bazaar would look cool. Just wondering what others think of this rumor. I really don't think it will happen due to the economic and political situation in the nation but just thought that I'd pass this on.
It is always great to hear that Disney may or may not expand. Adding another country to the WS would be great, whatever country it may be. I love walking around WS and really looking at each individual country just to get to know the culture more. Turkey would be a very nice addition to the existing countries, but just curious if they were to do this, where exactly would they put it?
i doubt it...a) there is no place to put it and b) turkey would be a REALLLLLLLLY random country to offense to turkey
a) there is no place to put it
b) turkey would be a REALLLLLLLLY random country to pick...

a) there are actually 7 open spaces for countries in the WS, they are just cleverly hidden

b) any more random that what is there right now?
^^^I agree. There's plenty of room, and I'd love it if we got a new WS pavilion!!
a) there are actually 7 open spaces for countries in the WS, they are just cleverly hidden

I thought someone showed a map recently where it was 5 spaces free

As for choice of countries, since Turkey is considered a Middle Eastern country, this may be as close as they can get to a "Middle Eastern" country without actually doing things like Saudi, Iraq, Kuwait, etc. Just my opinion
Turkey was never a serious contender, the last country to come anywhere near to seeing life in WS was Portugal not to long ago.
I would love to see India. Also, South Korea - just because we have adopted children from there :goodvibes.
[QUOTE=plutotek;36762873]Based on???

South Korea would be great, for the same reason you stated:thumbsup2[/QUOTE]

I the plans I have seen for Epcot and people I know. I assure you Turkey was never seriously considered.
No offense to Turkey but wouldnt the theming be alot like Morocco? Sorry if Im showing ignorance...

Now Egypt would be cool, theme it like a pyramid or spynix with a thrilling ride (ok a little like The Mummy at Universal BUT better b/c its WDW!!)
Don't expect anything for WS in the next 5 years. The next major project for Epcot is the JII overhaul which will occur within in the next 1-2 years.
my mom and I were is Epcot two nights ago and there was a spot with a lot of construction barriers up, we thought possibly a new country. I thought Egypt would be cool just based historically with the pyramids, but hey ya never know with Disney :goodvibes
I also think Turkey would be a very odd choice. Turkey has a great history and fab culture, and I don't mean to sound ignorant, but I just think that a lot of what would be in Turkey is similar to other countries, like Morocco with the style of buildings, the Agrabah Bazaar.

I love the WS and would really love if they added more countries that I could explore. Personally I would love to see Greece with the temples, etc and the Hercules characters as a meet and greet, Egypt would also be amazing and like other people have said India. Spain would be good too, with Flamenco dancers and really good food.

South Korea would be good, but I think since there are already 2 asian countries in the form of China and Japan, South Korea would be unlikely.

Also Scotland is a part of the United Kingdom and so is already represented by the UK pavillion. That's why it has a big tartan area, shortbread, football shirts, etc.


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