"YARC" Post of the Week, Holiday Eating


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
Today is the 4th of July, a day that we americans hold near and dear to our hearts. As a retired military man love of country is a given. Sometime we forget that our nation is not the earth, the lakes and the trees of this land we call home but the people. We are blessed with a beautiful place to live and wonderfull neighbors in our Canadian friends. I hope that it's not to many years that we can have he same relationship with Mexico that we do with Canada.

Like people all around the world, when we celabrate a holiday we eat our traditional comfort foods. Unfortunately our comfort foods are usually the worst for us.

I live in Kentucky and traditional "down home cooking" is pretty much everything fried. On the holidays it's BBQed meat and lots of mayo laden side dishes like potato salad and cole slaw. One of the favorite drinks is "Sweet Tea" which is heavily sugared ice tea. I remember as a young warrior stationed in another country, day dreaming about deepfried pork chops.

We WISHers have chosen to lead a more healthy lifestyle in our eating habits and in doing regular exercise. One of the best things we can do for our fellow Americans is to show by example that we can be happy without the bad eating habits and that the rewards of regular exercise is worth the effort.

I know that a lot of WISHers are going to have celebrations with family and friends. Who is taking healthy stuff to the pot lucks or the BBQs? If you are please share what you are taking to give others some ideas.

Have a wonderfull holiday weekend dear friends.:flower3:

For the new WISHers, YARC stands for You Ain't Right Club. Our Queen is Judy:snooty: . I know most of you who lead a healthy lifestyle have been accused of having a screw loose, so this is your club.pirate:

YARC Panda:hippie:
Right on, my brutha. :thumbsup2

Mmmm... sweet tea!

Last weekend, we went to a Canada Day BBQ - we brought marinated chicken breasts and salmon kabobs. They weren't very popular compared to the ribs, sausages and hamburgers. Not much I can do about that, except to provide a healthier alternative :)
Today, we are going over to my parent's house. I have been trying to get my mom on more of a healthy eating lifestyle but she keeps doing just part of it. We are going to make sure that we have grilled chicken breasts today as well as some grilled turkey burgers, instead of the traditional hamburgers. Lower in fat and actually a healthier source of protein.

As far as the side dishes, we are supposed to have some broccolli and green beans. I just hope they are not covered in butter.:confused3
Today's BBQ consists of chicken breast(boneless and skinless), veggie kabobs, grilled corn on the cob, and fresh strawberries for dessert(with nothing on them).
I bought a ton of fish from my favorite Assistant Seafood Manager, Hope my DS GF.

We have Sea Bass, Swordfish, scallops, and shrimp for BBQ today. Still haven;t decided what to serve with it. Miranda wants green beans and rice so I might do that.

Miranda is making a WW pie but we do have some locally made golden oreo icecream - hey it's the 4th!

Along with all of that will be some Margarita's, Tom Collins and beer. I tried to do my miles today but had to cut it short - the bathroom was calling - will do better tomorrow. Enjoy your day and if you "fall off the Wish Wagon" tomorrow is a new day!

I was going to McDonalds for lunch:rolleyes1

Then DS wants Chinese Food for dinner followed by birthday cake.

I think I fail in the healthy food choices dept!!:scared1:

We celebrated Canada Day last weekend with all the same stuff, burgers, salad, potato, macaroni salad, beverages....yummmmmmm

Thanks Dave for those kind words!!!!!!! I cherish all my friends!!!!
I'm afraid that it's the bad stuff for us tonight at my friends house. However, my goal is to just not overeat. ;)

Hope everyone has a great a SAFE holiday weekend. :goodvibes
Not sure, but probably having some smoked turkey tonight at Scrubys. (it's a BBQ joint.) Our family boat ride was canceled do to my Niece coming home from school with a fever. :sad1:
Trying to make it as healthy as possible.
Well I have an unexpected evening off since the Mall closed at 6pm tonight. Erica was heading off to work as I was pulling in but I got a long hug before she left. (We put a lot of stock in hugging whenever possible, especially when we are going to be apart).

So dinner is microwave steamed Asian Veggies and three Morning Star Farms soy sasuages. A few Amber Bocks to wash it down with.

I get to spend the evening catching up with y'all. I haven't had to much time for that lately so it's kinda nice.

YARC Panda:hippie:


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