"YARC" Post of the Week, It's Today


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
We humans have some weird quirks. ( I know some of us more than others ) One of our quirks is not living for now. We say someday I'll do this, or I'm saving this for a special occassion. Well we have no way to know if we will have a someday or a special occassion. Of course we need to plan for our retirement, kids education and things like that, but it's the things we put off and never do that we regret later.

One of the wonderful things about the people on WISH is they seek out the fun and the adventure. We travel and see and do, we trade having more material things for building our memories.

My wish for all of you this week is that many years from now when you are to old to adventure anymore, you can look back on your long healthy, full life and be content with your memories.

If you have been putting something off you really want to do, start planning it today, we never know how many 'todays' we will have. I challange everyone to start planning something today that you and your partner have dreamed about doing or seeing. Then together figure out how to make it happen.

No matter what your dream is, doing a half, full or Goofy, a long cruise or going back to school to be something else. Think about it, what do you dream. How much will you regret not doing it?


This is so true. Back in my younger years that was me. Even though I did some travelling, I would usually say I'll do "this" later or save "that" for another time. Then my fiance died from complications from diabetes.

I decided at that time that I wasn't going to put things off anymore. If I wanted to do something I would. You never know when the end will arrive.
I've travelled, started a new run/walk regimine, started new hobbies, went back to school (although I'm taking this semester off to get some things in order).

Since you asked for us to dream, my big dream is to participate in the Hawaii Ironman. I first said I wanted to do it about 20 years ago after watching one of the tv broadcasts. Never got my butt in gear to start training. Now that I am in a somewhat regular training mode, I hope to build up the endurance and win a lottery slot for entrance (don't think I'll ever be fast enough to earn a slot through another race). I'd love to be able to do it for my 50th birthday (in 5 years). Sister Madonna Buder finished last year and she was 76, so I guess I have time.

People often kid me about my travels (especially me many Disney Trips). Once my car died. I had been saving money for a trip to Hawaii. So the dilemma was, get a car or go to Hawaii? It wasn't really a tough decision. I was on a plane to paradise. I could always get a beater or take the bus. But the memories of Maui will always be in my mind! :goodvibes

Wow Terri, sounds like you have your priorities straight. Thank you for sharing. It might be 2007, but you are a Pirate.pirate:

My goal is to spend our winters at WDW. We have built enough DVC points to do that. This allows us to live my saying"Live today, plan for tomorrow". A day at WDW is better than a day anywhere else.

I have done all of my challenges do runs. Did 50K, 50M, and attempted 100M. Bad achilles and finishing 100M is out but did everything else. My goal is to enjoy every race vs trying to stress about time. When everything is done, we are all finishers!
My goal is to spend our winters at WDW. We have built enough DVC points to do that. This allows us to live my saying"Live today, plan for tomorrow". A day at WDW is better than a day anywhere else.

I have done all of my challenges do runs. Did 50K, 50M, and attempted 100M. Bad achilles and finishing 100M is out but did everything else. My goal is to enjoy every race vs trying to stress about time. When everything is done, we are all finishers!

I love that, "live today, plan for tomorrow".

Brother walker we WILL be doing that first 100 miler together. If we can't bribe, nag or beg our ladies to do it with us they can crew. We will take them to WDW after.

Thanks for sharing.


I'm working on those DVC points, too. I hope to have enough points when I retire to spend a few months at WDW, too.

(Just did my first add-on :goodvibes )
My goal is to enjoy every race vs trying to stress about time. When everything is done, we are all finishers!

This weekend showed me that while I'm hoping to improve my fitness/speed I am really motivated by the social/experiential aspects of running. I didn't start the run happy but I was smiling and laughing with people along the way. You can do that way in the back of the pack! I finished an I'm happy with that!

I'm there with the DVC pack, too! Nothing else like it!:cloud9:



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