"YARC" Post of the Week, Out of Control


I need an Adventure
Dec 28, 2006
There is so much weight hanging on us right now, prices of everything get higher and higher every day. Our big SUVs that were once a sign of how hard we worked and how we rewarded ourselves are now a liability, worth very little at trade time. There is so much danger out there right now. Are we going to lose our house, will we be homeless. There just doesn't seem to be any way out.

Do you ever feel like this. Like you are falling down a hole and everything is out of control?

Or you try and try to get into shape and nothing seems to be working. You try to eat better and you do some times, you really do. You want to exercise and you plan every day to start back training, but something always comes up.

Sound like someone you know?

Well everyone is in the same hole, so you have plenty of company right? So why not just do like most people do, complain and get more and more depressed. Works for others right?

This is a hard time to stay motivated since it's a long time before the races and it does seem like the news every day is worse and worse. When it's closer to the races it's easier to keep your self on track, but when it's this far out it's hard isn't it?

But have you ever noticed that some people who have less than you do don't seem to let things bother them. They always have a smile and some thing positive to say.

Maybe they have learned not to loose any sleep worrying about things they can't change and channel their energy into what they do have control over.

You can't control the price of gasoline or milk or anything else. But you have absolute control of everything you do and say from the moment you get up in the morning till the moment you fall asleep at night.

Since you don't control any thing but your self, isn't it time to take back control of you? Deside you are going to be that guy/gal that always has something positive to say.

Be that person that can resist the soda machine and keep filling their water bottle from the tap. (Since it's been proven that most bottled water is from the tap anyway).

Be that person that can order or make your food without the sauces and the high fat dressings. Be the person that can have a coffee for desert instead of a slice of cake or dish of icecream.

Be that person that can find a way to get your steps in every day. Even if it's a short walk during your breaks and lunch.

Be that person that is going to be a positive example for others even if they don't act like they care. The respect you will earn will be even better.

Most of all be the person who is living life not watching it go by. Anyone can stand there and complain about how bad life is and be miserable. But come Marathon weekend when you are in that corral waiting for the half or full to start, and you earned the right to be there, the feelings are priceless and no one can ever take that memory from you.

Be strong brothers and sisters, let the journey begin and let nothing stand in the way of your happiness and your destiny.

"YARC" Pandapirate:
...Do you ever feel like this. Like you are falling down a hole and everything is out of control?...Sound like someone you know?
[::yes:: ::yes:: Sometimes]
...But have you ever noticed that some people who have less than you do don't seem to let things bother them. They always have a smile and some thing positive to say. Maybe they have learned not to loose any sleep worrying about things they can't change and channel their energy into what they do have control over.

...But you have absolute control of everything you do and say from the moment you get up in the morning till the moment you fall asleep at night.

...Decide you are going to be that gal that always has something positive to say.

Be that person that can keep filling their water bottle from the tap.

Be that person that can find a way to get your steps in every day. Even if it's a short walk during your breaks and lunch.

Be that person that is going to be a positive example for others even if they don't act like they care. The respect you will earn will be even better.

Most of all be the person who is living life not watching it go by. Anyone can stand there and complain about how bad life is and be miserable. But come Marathon weekend when you are in that corral waiting for the half or full to start, and you earned the right to be there, the feelings are priceless and no one can ever take that memory from you.
::yes:: ::yes::

Be strong brothers and sisters, let the journey begin and let nothing stand in the way of your happiness and your destiny.

"YARC" Pandapirate:
Bravo and well said! I've got a friend who inspires me every day. She is in a wheel chair and shared her success with me in an email one day a long while ago. She said she was THRILLED that day when she fell out of her wheel chair. Thrilled because she was able to transfer back into that contraption. She made lemonade out of lemons and continues to do so every day.

I must say I am inspired by many who have come into my life (my friend as well as my DH and many WISH friends) and I try to be that person you have mentioned in this post because of their inspiration.

We CAN do this! It IS worth it!
Inspiration can be turned into perspiration which is turned into success. We are truly inspired to stay healthy here. We all have our battles to overcome but thru the inspiration and motivation that we find and sharedo we achieve our goals.

Well said Panda! Well said!:cheer2: :woohoo:

"YARC" Panda, Wonderful post! I believe in taking control of our own lives. Being a positive person affects everyone around you. I avoid negative people because they drag me down. I love being around positive people who look for the good around them instead of focusing on things that go wrong.
We all make decisions every day that affect our future. Realizing that we are responsible for our own lives can be very liberating. Life doesn't just happen, we make decisions that impact our lives on a daily basis.
Like I always say, "MAKE a great day", it's silly to just have one or let one happen without you!
windwalker said:
Be strong brothers and sisters, let the journey begin and let nothing stand in the way of your happiness and your destiny.
Thanks for the great reminder.:)

Steffwalks said:
Like I always say, "MAKE a great day", it's silly to just have one or let one happen without you!
I love this!
"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."
-Sir Roger Bannister, first runner to run a sub-4 minute mile

I do this for myself and my children. I do this to be a better person. I do this to keep my sanity. I strive to be "that person".
"We run, not because we think it is doing us good, but because we enjoy it and cannot help ourselves...The more restricted our society and work become, the more necessary it will be to find some outlet for this craving for freedom. No one can say, 'You must not run faster than this, or jump higher than that.' The human spirit is indomitable."
-Sir Roger Bannister, first runner to run a sub-4 minute mile

I do this for myself and my children. I do this to be a better person. I do this to keep my sanity. I strive to be "that person".

Lisa thank you for the quote.

YARC Pandapirate:
Thank you so much for posting this, Dave. You are such an inspiration and it is great to be reminded that we can be a positive force. :hug: It was just what I needed to hear today. :flower2:
Thank you so much for posting this, Dave. You are such an inspiration and it is great to be reminded that we can be a positive force. :hug: It was just what I needed to hear today. :flower2:

Cam, you are one of those people who always lead with a smile and a stead fast determination that you can do anything you set out to do. You have proven that many times. That's why we all love you.:hug:

YARC Panda:hippie:


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