Yea! 10 day to go!!!


DIS Veteran
Mar 22, 2006
I am so excited! Only 10 days to go and I got my tickets and information packet yesterday!!! I can' t wait!! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
How are you enduring the excitement? I am about to explode with anticipation myself :bounce: :bounce: We get there on the 9th :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cheer2:
We get there on the 9th too! Watch out AS sports here we come. I have driven my DH nuts for the last 3 months with the planning and talking about Disney. He even brought me out to eat last night with a friend of his who goes every year so that I would have someone other than him to talk too. :rotfl2:
We get there on the 9th also!

As far as how are we enduring the excitement? Well, I've had the suitcases out for about a week now and have slowly been starting to pack. It got unexpectedly warm here, so had to pull some shorts out, and now will need to re-wash and pack those.

Our work-weeks go by so fast, and this coming weekend we are having our will be two year olds birthday party. Then next Monday skating starts up again (I coach figure skating) so I'll have that for three hours each Mon. & Wed. night, the Thursday, I work half a day, daughter has a peds. appointment, and then we are outta here!!! We are staying over the night before we fly out so we don't have such a long drive to the airport.

We have plenty to keep us busy in the next week and a half!
10 days for us too! Arrival on the 9th! The wait is killing me! We have been planning this trip for about a year now, and it has gone fast but these last few weeks seem the longest. I know it will be here fast because my kids get out of school a week from today. They have lots of activities this last week of school, and I am helping with some of them. Also, my DS5 is graduating from kindergarten on Monday. ASMovies here we come!!! :Pinkbounc
We'll be there the 8th. Can't believe it's almost here! Anyone else go this time of year in the recent past? It's our first time in the summer--just wondering what we're in for... :goodvibes
Arrving on the 8th, but it doesn't feel like I've been waiting that long because we only booked last week! Looking forward to the Swan!

I've never been this time of year, but so far i have gotten all of the ADR's I've asked for (Chef Mickey's, Crystal Palace, Boma, Cape May Cafe, Garden Grill, and Le Cellier), so maybe that's a hint? I'm not really sure what to expect...


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