Yeeha - A fistful of Euros! Part 3a-Paris

A Small World

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Feb 22, 2007
Trip report part 3a- - Yeeha -A fistful of Euros!

Fri 21st March- Paris trip

Me - 5th time to DLP
DH - 5th time to DLP
DD (8) - 5th time to DLP
DS (21) - 1st time to DLP but has been to WDW 3 times but not for over 10 yrs

We had decided to do a day trip to Paris on Friday 21st (Good Friday) and had decided that the easiest way was to drive to DLP, park the car there and catch the train in. We planned to try and be at DLP by 10.00ish so we went to bed in reasonable time the night before. Unfortunately during the night it absolutely poured down and anyone who has been in a caravan in the rain knows how loud it sounds. It’s a lovely feeling being all snug and dry inside whilst hearing the noise outside but when you are trying to sleep its rather annoying after a while. DS mentioned the next morning that there was a large puddle outside his window and he could hear the rain all night splashing into the puddle.
Anyhow we set off only slightly later than intended and DH drove towards Soissons (the nearest large town). He then reached a roundabout and drove down the road towards Paris. We had driven from the campsite to DLP a few times so really should have known where we were going but it was only when we had been driving for about 40 minutes that we realised we had taken the wrong road. We knew exactly what we had done wrong (we shouldn’t have taken the road to Paris). We didn’t want to have to drive all the way back so pulled into a layby and looked at a map. We worked out which road we were on and which we should be on then I worked out which way we could go to avoid driving all the way back managing to direct DH – and they say women cant read maps!!!!
Eventually we joined the A4 and were back on a familiar road. We drove into New York and parked there. It was strange doing that knowing that we weren’t going into the parks (we couldn’t even be tempted as DSs pass couldn’t be used as it was day 3).

We made our way to the station and were hit by a massive queue to buy tickets. Why were all these people going to Paris? They should be in the parks!!! We left DD and DS in the queue whilst we went to investigate the machines. We managed to get tickets from the machines (had to do it in 2 gos though – once for full price tickets and once for childs reduced ticket). As soon as we got the tickets we realised our mistake – we had only got single tickets. We had wanted to buy mobilis tickets to be able to use on the metro as well. We did have another look at the machine options and couldn’t see a way of doing this so possible you cant get them from the machine. Never mind we at least had tickets to get there and the queue at the ticket booth had hardly moved.
We made our way down to the train and there was one there waiting. It soon set off and before we knew it we were in central Paris.

We know Paris really well and had a rough idea of where we wanted to go. We had also decided we would do a 2nd day in Paris so weren’t too bothered about seeing everything in one day. DS was especially pleased to be going into Paris as he was only 6 last time he went.

We had decided to get off the train at Charles de Gaulle Etoile then change lines to line 2 and go up to the Sacre Coeur and Montmatre first. As we didn’t come out of the station we were able to continue to use our ticket for this change. As you exit from the RER part of the station you need to put your ticket into the machine to get out so make sure you keep hold of your ticket for the whole journey.
We got off the metro at Anvers and walked up the hill towards the Sacre Coeur – you cant miss it- its right in front of you.

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It was really busy at the top of the road where the climb up the steps to the Sacre Coeur begins and there seemed to be a lot of people standing round as though watching something. We then realised because it was Good Friday there was a re-enactment going on. The main steps up to the Church were closed but the side steps were open. We climbed up (phew!!!! It’s a long way) There is a funicular lift you can get (1 metro ticket or you can use your mobilis ticket if you’ve been sensible enough to get one) however there was a queue so we walked, stopping a few times to watch what was going on (well that was my excuse for stopping and Im sticking to it).

By now it was lunch time and we imagined all the crowds descending on the restaurants so once at the top decided to go round to Montmatre/ Place des Tetres to find a restaurant. We have eaten in Montmatre before and considering it is a tourist place you can get some very good reasonable meals. We found a lovely restaurant and as it looked as though it was about to pour down decided to go in.
DD had the €10 menu – Salad, Chicken and fries, Crème Caramel.
The adults had the €19 menu. DS and I had Smoked salmon, Lamb chops with fries, I had Crème Caramel and DS had Tarte. DH had French Onion Soup, Steak with fries and Chocolate Mousse. It was delicious and exceptionally good value. We were glad we had chosen to go in when we did as we got a table really easily but it filled up very quickly afterwards. I think we had cider to drink and a coffee afterwards.

After lunch we wandered round Montmatre watching the artists. DS bought a few prints and DD a hand bag (She has got a thing about handbags and always makes a beeline for them).

We then walked round to the front of the Sacre Coeur but didn’t go in. However we admired the view across Paris from the top and tried to pick out landmarks. I

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t was then down the hill (much easier than coming up) and back down to the metro at Anvers. We went one stop then changed onto line 4 where we got off at Cite as our next stop was Notre Dame.

We walked from the metro to Notre Dame (its signposted) and sat on the wall for a while admiring it and commenting on the Hidden Mickeys.

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We walked round the outside onto the other little island – Isle St Louis where there is a shop which sells wonderful icecream. I cant remember exactly what flavours we all had but they were delicious. We wandered back onto Ile de la Cite eating them and through a little park at the back of Notre Dame. I love the view of the back of Notre Dame- it is so different to the front which is very square and angular.

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td colspan="2"><embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="452" height="628" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A//" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:0px;background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="left"><img src=""><a target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td><td style="background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="right"><a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td></tr></table>

We then crossed the river onto the right bank and walked towards the Batobus stop.
We enjoy going on the Batobus which is literally a boat bus. There is no commentary on it like the Bateaux Mouches etc but you can get on and off as you want. The ticket you buy lasts all day. We got on at Notre Dame and the trip took us further up the river then back down the other side of Notre Dame towards the Louvre, passed Place de la Concorde towards the Eiffel Tower. It is nice to just sit there and sail down the river watching the hustle and bustle going on. I know people have queried before about whether its worth doing a river trip as you are quite low down so may not be able to see the buildings. My opinion is that it is definitely worth it. The architecture in Paris is wonderful. There are some beautiful buildings along the river and even the roofs are worth looking at.

We were going to stay on until we got back to Notre Dame again but we decided to get off at the Eiffel Tower. We got off but didn’t actually go to the Tower. Instead we walked across the river and up to Trocadero. I think this is the place where you get the best view of the Tower from.

<table style="border-collapse:collapse;"><tr><td colspan="2"><embed src="" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" width="452" height="628" wmode="transparent" flashvars="imgpath=http%3A//" name="rockyou" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage=" "></embed></td></tr><tr><td style="font-size:0px;background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="left"><img src=""><a target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td><td style="background-color:#fff; padding:1px;font-size:0px; filter:alpha(opacity=60);-moz-opacity:.60;opacity:.60;" align="right"><a style="padding-right:0px;" target="_BLANK" href=""><img style="border:0px;" src=""></a></td></tr></table>

We stayed in a hotel close by here a few years ago and the views from here at night when the Tower is lit up is wonderful.

We went for a drink in a café in Trocadero before getting on the metro back to Charles de Gaulle Etoile. We bought tickets from here back to Marne la Vallee and needed to go 3 stops on line 6 before changing onto the RER.
It was really busy on the way back as it was about 6.00 so people were still on their way home from work. We thought the train would get quieter as we reached the suburbs but it was busy until a couple of stops before.

We got off the train and decided to get a sandwich in the Village as we were a bit peckish. We went to the Sandwich place and DH had a ham and cheese baguette, DS and I had a hot dog all with fries and DD had a childrens meal – mini hot dog, fries, drink and cake with a toy. We had it as a takeout and were first going to sit on a wall in the Village to eat it then decided it would be nicer to sit by the lake so walked there and sat at one of the tables near the ice cream stall before you get to New York. It was dark and quite cold but still really enjoyable sitting there looking at the view.
We then had to drive back to the campsite to a caravan which was even colder than normal as there had been no heating on all day. What a wonderful day we’d had though. We love Paris – it is such a beautiful city and even though it is so busy it can still seem a very peaceful place.
How inspiring. When DD is a little older and we don't have to lug a pushchair around the metro, we'll do something like that.
Looks like you had a great day in Paris, I am really inspired to visit the city now, and I never was before!

As you seem to have spent some time in the village on your way back to base, I am wondering if our paths may have almost crossed again, since we would have been passing through there after the park closed that evening (7pm I think that was).
Beautiful pictures! Now I really can't wait...we've got 2 apartments near the Eiffel. Do you remember the name of the restaurant at Montmarte?
Looks like you had a great day in Paris, I am really inspired to visit the city now, and I never was before!

As you seem to have spent some time in the village on your way back to base, I am wondering if our paths may have almost crossed again, since we would have been passing through there after the park closed that evening (7pm I think that was).

I did wonder if we may see you that evening. I was looking for your hat. It was probably about 7-7.30 when we were there. Im sure we will meet eventually.
How was your trip and did you like staying at Sequioa Lodge? We are staying there in Summer and really looking forward to it
I did wonder if we may see you that evening. I was looking for your hat. It was probably about 7-7.30 when we were there. Im sure we will meet eventually.
How was your trip and did you like staying at Sequioa Lodge? We are staying there in Summer and really looking forward to it

For some reason (teens!) DD wouldn't let me wear my hat on this trip, but she did let me purchase a Toy Story Alien one to wear instead, but I didn't have it that first day anyway. If I remember right we left the park as it closed, then worked our way up through the village, calling at all the shops on the way. We had already eaten in Annette's earlier in the day.

We loved the Sequoia Lodge! Having stayed at the Cheyenne on a previous trip, I felt that the fact that it was a grade up showed. Little things, like being shown to a table for breakfast, instead of having to find one with a tray of food in your hands! Also, the ham wasn't rationed, and there were at least 4 types of cooked meat, unlike the Cheyenne. I think there was more of a selection generally too.

We also found ourselves upgraded to a Montana room, another bonus, would definitely stay there again! :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
What a wonderful day you had in Paris. It is nice to combine the parks with a visit into Paris. We did it for the first time last year summer and took in the sights and it was great. We also stayed at la croix du vieux ponte bernie riveria before driving down to disney, last year, and will definately be going back.:)

Your photos are really great:wizard:
Thanks for that post - we are going into Paris for one day during our trip next week - and that it very, very helpful.

Any idea why the ticket queue was so long ? Can you buy the tickets in advance (like for the following day) to save queueing ? How often do the trains run ... is there a timetable or something ?
Wonderful photos. It looks like you had a great day.
Beautiful pictures! Now I really can't wait...we've got 2 apartments near the Eiffel. Do you remember the name of the restaurant at Montmarte?

Just found the receipt and the restaurant was La Boheme du Tertre. It was on a corner of Place du Tertre behind Sacre Coeur.

We stayed in a hotel near the ET last year and found a wonderful restaurant on Rue des Commerces - It was called Cafe du Commerce or something like that. From the outside it didnt look anything spectacular but it was lovely. It was full of French people all eating Saturday lunch there - always a good recomendation I think if a restaurant has lots of French people in it. They would all greet each other when they came in so it seemed as though they were either locals or regulars. From the ET it was through Champs des Mars towards Ecole Militaire and out that way
Thanks for that post - we are going into Paris for one day during our trip next week - and that it very, very helpful.

Any idea why the ticket queue was so long ? Can you buy the tickets in advance (like for the following day) to save queueing ? How often do the trains run ... is there a timetable or something ?

We also did a 2nd trip into Paris as well when we did different things. That time we did buy the tickets the evening before no problem. There was a smaller queue but not too bad. Try to avoid going soon after the park closes though as people were buying tickets to head into Paris for the evening. We bought Mobilis tickets which allow you to use them for the whole day on the metro as well.
The trains run every few minutes. we never looked at a timetable just turned up. We knew we wouldnt miss the last one back either as we didnt intend to stay too late
...always a good recomendation I think if a restaurant has lots of French people in it. They would all greet each other when they came in so it seemed as though they were either locals or regulars. From the ET it was through Champs des Mars towards Ecole Militaire and out that way
Thanks for the info.! Just our kinds of places...we loved eating with the locals in small restaurants and we want our kids to have this experience there. Our apartments are this neighborhood also, between Eiffel and Invalides. Thanks again!
I agree Paris is the most beautiful of cities :goodvibes

Not sure our youngest would enjoy it otherwise we'd go for a day trip too.
Many thanks for sharing :)
Another great day. I agree with the architecture in Paris. When we went though it was the middle of summer & so hot. I want to go back but maybe in Spring or Autumn.
What a fabulous day. We are going to Notre Dame this summer so I will make a note of the ice cream place! :goodvibes
you managed to do a lot of things!

Notre Dames is on my must see list and I wasn't sure if I wanted to include Sacre Coeur but it does seem so tempting, also just strolling through Montmartre sounds wonderful. Didn't realize the difference between the boat services . . . hop on hop off sounds like a great way to get around.
you managed to do a lot of things!

Notre Dames is on my must see list and I wasn't sure if I wanted to include Sacre Coeur but it does seem so tempting, also just strolling through Montmartre sounds wonderful. Didn't realize the difference between the boat services . . . hop on hop off sounds like a great way to get around.

There was a massive queue to get into Notre Dame so we didnt bother (we have been in in the past) and you can also go up into the Towers as well but again there wa a large queue. make sure you walk round the outside of it though as it looks very different from the back.

Sacre Coeur is worth a visit as its so different and the views from up there are fabulous. It is also lovely strolling round Montmatre. Dont do what we did once though and try and find your way to another metro - Anvers is so easy - its uphill but straight ahead of you - it took us so long to find the other which we thought looked closer


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