Yellowstone 1954


I'm fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing
Oct 19, 2006
A couple Kodachrome Slides I ran across the other day- Taken in 1954 in Yellowstone by my Grandfather with an Argus C4 which I still have. The car is a '54 Pontiac by the way- my dad was inside feeding the bears marshmallows. :rolleyes1


That's awesome! That bear is so skinny he actually looks like a guy in a bear suit :lmao:!
Absolutely positively NUTS. It's insane the things people used to do "back in the day".....

.....feeding the bears in Yellowstone.....running behind the neighborhood pesticide truck breathing in the fumes......eating raw hamburger!!! :scared1:
Cool that you still have the Argus. Even cooler if you still had the Pontiac.
It is fascinating how well the slides held up. If your grandfather is still around, I would quietly take down the pictures. If not PETA may be knocking at his door! LOL.

So photography goes back three generations in your family grasshopper?
Forget the marshmallows - this guy needs some french fries to fatten him up! :lmao:

Very cool photos.
We took a tour in Yosemite and the ranger told us that the park actually used to have a feeding area for the bears so tourists could come and see them. :sad2:

What happened overtime was that the bears ate so many sweets and stopped eating natural food, they developed cavities, and their teeth fell out, leaving them unable to eat, and many starved to death.

Then they were left with a generation of young bears who did not know how to find food naturally because they had been fed for so long, and their moms had died.

Nature finally took over again. Bears learned to forage.

No more feeding the bears.
These are awesome!!! Totally made my day. Both Sarah and I also thought these bears looked like people in bear suits. I wish we could feed today's bears. Unfortunately I think bears have become more ornery over time. Again, very very cool!
<snip?.....running behind the neighborhood pesticide truck breathing in the fumes......eating raw hamburger!!! :scared1:

You mean I am not the ONLY one that thought going into the fog behind the mosquito spraying truck was fun! :scared1::scared1::scared1: :banana::banana::banana:

The twitching stopped years ago! :laughing:

Love that old Kodachrome. Love that pinkish paint on the car! :)

When I was a kid my dad and I used to go camping in the mountains in NE GA. Back then you could get back on old logging roads as well as roads were people used to live back in the mountains. Saw several grave yards just off the "road" out in the middle of no where. Most of the coffins had collapsed since the ground had shrunk over the grave. In one graveyard the youngest marker was in the 1920s!

One trip we had some friends with us and as we crawled down this barely passable road two bear cubs ran down the mountain in front of us. My dads friend jumped out of the Jeep with his camera and took off after the cubs! :scared1: I knew better than to do that. :) I thought for sure momma bear was going to eat him but he made it back to the Jeep. No photos though.

The color and sharpness of those slides is amazing! I have all of my grandfathers old slides, dating back to the early 50s, and the older ones are quite faded.



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